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Color Traiisparencv by Claire Noall
i'rontispittc: Tree Shadows, Chester, Utah
Photograph by Lucicn Bown
Co\ci Design bv Evan |cnscii
Qjiessings in the ilew year
A S a New Year approaches, in addition to silent resolutions one makes
for personal improvement during the coming year, it is also a time for
an expression of thankfulness and gratitude to the Lord for the innumer-
able blessings of the past year.
At the October General Relief Society Conference, the Brethren
who spoke were united in extolling the worth of Relief Society and the
need for all Latter-day Saint women to become members. To those who
are giving devoted service, there comes a realization that with the service
the greatest good comes to the sister for her personal advantage and
edification. Her faithful attendance at Relief Society meetings, week
after week, increases her understanding of gospel principles which she is
taught to apply in her own life and in the lives of her children. She
receives counsel which guides her in deciding where her duty lies in a
given situation.
The rearing of one's family assumes first importance to a Relief
Society mother, yet her endowments seem to expand so that she may
also give service to Relief Society. Her tender ministrations to the sick
and homebound enlarge her soul and bring feelings of personal satisfac-
tion, setting an invaluable example in loving, unselfish service to her
children. By fulfilling requests made of Relief Society by the Priesthood,
she trains herself in the rendering of obedience. In helping to raise funds
to maintain Relief Society as a self-sustaining unit, she is encouraged to be
industrious and thrifty. A member, through her training and association in
Relief Society, grows in her ability to be a better woman, wife, and mother.
As the days, weeks, and months of the New Year roll on, let thanks-
giving continually well up in the heart of every Relief Society member,
thanking the Lord for the glorious privilege of belonging to and serving
in the divinely inspired Relief Society.
The General Board extends love, respect, and gratitude, at the begin-
ning of 1961, to every Relief Society member in every country of the
world where they are found. The same spirit attends them in their meet-
ings, in their de\'Otions, and in their labors. The same blessings are visit-
ed upon the sisters of every land, as they minister according to the grand
key words of the Society, ''Said Jesus, Te shall do the work which ye see
me do.' " May every Relief Society member follow this admonition and
find increasing joy in the New Year.
QJrom I Lear and QJc
I have the privilege of working as stake
theology leader in Minidoka Stake. Each
year, in place of Christmas cards, I send
to family and friends a mimeographed sheet
containing some choice bits of literature.
This year, one of the best things I have
read is the very timely article in the Sep-
tember issue of The Relief Society Maga-
zine, ''Sleep When the Wind Blows," by
Mildred B. Eyring. Thanks so much for
the inspiration we have received from that
— Bertha Mae Hansen
Rupert, Idaho
We have so much enjoyed the copies
of The Relief Society Magazine given us
by the missionaries, and now my thirteen-
year-old daughter has finally persuaded us
that we need our own subscription. Our
whole family were baptized this month,
and we need all the inspiration and en-
couragement that come from reading
Church publications, all of which are
wonderful. We will be looking forward
to receiving our own copy of The Relief
Society Magazine.
— Mrs. Douglas Schlueter
Le Sueur, Minnesota
I would like to tell you how much I
enjoy The Relief Society Magazine kindly
gifted me from my cousin Mrs. Mary Eas-
ton Cutler, Glendale, California. I have
enjoyed all the writing in the Magazines
and the community of spirit expressed,
and of course, I was particularly pleased
with the cover of the September issue —
Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh, Scotland.
— Jean Watson
Falkirk, Scotland
I live several miles from the branch
where I have membership and seldom get
to Relief Society, but I keep up with the
lessons and enjoy them very much. I
have received inspiration and strength
from articles in the Magazine and I read
each issue many times. I especially enjoy
the beautiful covers, giving us scenes from
so many interesting places.
— Mrs. Irene Welch
Rockville, Missouri
I have enjoyed The Relief Society Mag-
azine so much. Many times I have used
the thoughts for Primary prayer meeting.
It is only through the Church that I
could find so much happiness with my
husband and six boys.
— Mrs. LaRae Robinson
We love to use the recipes published
in the Magazine. My Magazine is a great
comfort to me, especially to read in the
evening. I thank you for all the wonder-
ful stories and poems,
— L. Goddard
Roseville, California
The sisters receiving the gift subscrip-
tions of The Relief Society Magazine here
in the Norwegian Mission are overjoyed
at the kindness of our sisters in the States.
I have been a member of Relief Society
since I was fifteen years old, and through
the years have learned how wonderful the
work really is. I have enjoyed and re-
ceived much help from the Magazine
throughout the years.
— Zina R. Engebretsen
Kearns, Utah
Norwegian Mission
Relief Society
Oslo, Norway
Our Relief Society Magazine is the best
and most educational one published any-
where. Thanks for its help in trying to
live up to a better life. Your regular
reader and longtime subscriber,
— Mrs. Albert A. Bahr
Payette, Idaho
I am impressed with your selection of
photographs for The Relief Society Maga-
zine — they are excellent.
— Robert W. Mix
Salt Lake City, Utah
Page 2
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford --___. . President
Marianne C. Sharp _____ _ First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen _____ Second Counselor
Hulda Parker - _ _ _ _ Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Fanny S. Kienitz
Edith S. Elliott Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Elizabeth B. Winters
Florence J. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron LaRue H. Rosell
Leone G. Layton Charlotte A. Larsen Afton W. Hunt Jennie R. Scott
Blanche B. Stoddard Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Alice L. Wilkinson
Evon W. Peterson Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen LaPriel S. Bunker
Aleme M. Young Manwaring Elsa T. Peterson Marie C. Richards
Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Irene B. Woodford Irene W. Buehner
Editor _---------. - Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor __________ Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager --_-_____. Belle S. Spafford
VOL 48 JANUARY 1961 NO. 1
Blessings in the New Year General Presidency
Feminine Spirituality in the Home Mark E. Petersen
Award Winners — Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest
Song of Three Marys — First Prize Poem Sylvia Probst Young
Joseph the Prophet — Second Prize Poem Genevieve S+. Cyr Groen
Pilgrimage to Christmas — Third Prize Poem Dorothy J. Roberts
Award Winners — Annual Relief Society Short Story Contest
Grafted — First Prize Story Hope M. Williams
Temple Square in Salt Lake City ' — Part III Preston Nibley
Prevent Crippling Diseases Basil O'Connor
Love Is Enough — Chapter 1 Mabel Harmer
From Near and Far
Sixty Years Ago
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon
Editorial: And Tell of Time Vesta P. Crawford
Singing Mothers to Present Music at Dedication of Hyde Park Chapel in London
Notes to the Field: Relief Society Assigned Evening Meeting of Fast Sunday in March
Award Subscriptions Presented in April
Bound Volumes of 1960 Magazines
Hymn of the Month — Annual List
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker
Birthday Congratulations ."...'..... 72
Afterglow Nancy M. Armstrong 15
Julia Anderson Kirby Specializes in Hardanger Work 41
Fun to Make and Wear Shirley Thulin 42
Stretching Celia Larsen Luce 55
Theology — The Second Coming of Christ Roy W Doxey
Visiting Teacher Message — "Thou Shalt Not Speak Evil" Christine H. Robinson
Work Meeting — Feeding the Patient — Oral Medications — Local Application
of Heat and Cold Maria Johnson
Literature — Emerson, the Spokesman for His Age Briant S. Jacobs
Social Science — Growing ReUgious Values in the Home Blaine M. Porter
^, ^ ^ , POETRY
The Cup Once Filled LesHe Savage Clark
Thanks for Five Senses Irig w. Schow
Hidden Harmonies Maude O. Cook
S^^s -^-- Padda M. Speller
Have Courage Catherine B . Bowles
A Child Scys Grace Ethel Jacobson
Copyright 1960 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main. Salt Lake City 11. Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511:
bubscriptions 246 ; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign. $2.00 a year •
^Oc a copy ; payable m advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, givmg old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914. at the Post Office. Salt Lake City. Utah, under
tne Act Of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103. Act of October 8. 1917. authorized June 29. 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only,
ine Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Feminine Spirituality in the Home
Elder Mark E. Petersen
Of the Council of the Twelve
(Address Delivered at the Officers Meeting, Relief Society General Conference,
October 5, i960).
I am surely grateful, my sisters,
for the opportunity of being
with you. I am very glad to
welcome this chorus from Big Horn.
I was glad to see the wife of our
stake president from there present
with them, encouraging them with
their singing.
I was very thrilled with the report
given by Sister Spafford. I would
like you to know that we feel these
sisters who make up your General
Presidency and General Board are
very remarkable women, and we are
so grateful for their outstanding
I would like to express my deep
appreciation for the very splendid
message of our wonderful Presi-
dent of the Council of the Twelve.
I would like to talk along a similar
line to some extent and also give
support to Sister Spafford's great
Those who study trends in
America are alarmed at the rapid
disappearance of the traditional
family life that once was so much a
part of the American scene. Home
is fast losing its power. Once it was
the foundation stone of civilization,
the cradle of liberty, a source of true
faith in God. Once it produced
greatness of character in individuals,
which in turn made nations great.
While there are still strong homes
like this, guided by men and women
who regard their parental duties as
God-given opportunities, they are
becoming rare indeed.
Page 4
For many, home is now a mere
base of operations from which they
direct their outside activities. It
retains little of the permanency that
once it had. Outside interests are
making it impossible to do a ''heap
o'livin' " in our modern homes,
where formerly most of our living
centered in home and family. Now,
for so many people, nearly all activi-
ties are away from home and family.
Inevitably this brings about separa-
tions, and with them comes a loss
of home interests, the forming of
new and competitive attachments,
and a weakening of the influence
which made a house a home.
Our many outside interests often
drive a wedge between children and
parents. Youngsters have a new
feeling of independence from their
parents, involving an earlier cutting
of the apron strings, and with it
they sense less their obligation to
father and mother. This, in turn,
results in less obedience to parents,
less regard and respect for them,
and, when parents are old, very lit-
tle, if any, responsibility for their
Many mothers now go out to
work. This, again, leads to the for-
mation of new and separate ties
apart from home and family. It
forms new companionships also
which sometimes lead to illicit ro-
mance and a breaking up of mar-
The collapse of the home, as you
know, brings divorce, juvenile prob-
lems, an increase in the general
crime rate, and a widespread loss of
faith in God. It brings less and less
Church attendance, less and less
family worship, fewer and fewer
prayers, and an ever-shrinking de-
pendence upon the Lord. National-
ly, this has resulted in a near
spiritual bankruptcy for millions of
people. How long can any nation
withstand such a trend?
The report of the i960 White
House Conference for Children and
Youth casts a glaring spotlight on
these shortcomings. It points out
that among the principal contribut-
ing causes of crime and delinquency
in youth are faulty family relation-
ships and unwholesome home en-
vironments. The bad example of
adults is one of the worst contribut-
ing causes of drinking and dishon-
esty among youngsters. One state
survey, for instance, showed that
most of the high school students
who use alcoholic beverages had
their first drink in their own homes
or in the homes of relatives.
A NOTHER study in a midwest-
ern state, made among high
school students, revealed that, al-
though every child listed a church
preference on his personnel card,
many of them had never attended
any kind of church service, except
weddings and funerals, and knew
nothing whatever about Christian
The parents of these pupils
showed a similar history. It is from
this group that most of the children
with problems arise. They consti-
tute the delinquents of the com-
munity and the disciplinary
problems of the school.
A national survey was made
among young delinquents them-
selves — boys and girls who had
been arrested for one crime or
another. This survey revealed that
eighty per cent of these problem
children said their parents were too
busy with outside interests to give
them any guidance or counsel;
eighty per cent said that there was
no teamwork in the home and no
planned family activity of any kind;
seventy-five per cent said their par-
ents did not care whom they chose
for friends; eighty per cent reported
no religious training in the home.
The records in one sheriff's office
in a large western county indicated
that over a period of six months,
among Latter-day Saint juveniles
arrested, not one of them was active
in the Church. All had slipped
away. Lack of parental care at
home was the chief cause.
A survey taken among a cross-
section of the Latter-day Saint boys
who are not active in the Church,
indicated that in nearl}^ every case
the parents were not active either.
A similar study showed that eighty
per cent of the girls in a given area
who were not active in the Church
had parents who were not active in
the Church. On the contrary, it is
shown that nearly all of the children
in our Church who are active in their
wards have parents who are active.
Where there is a religious home,
the children learn to love religion.
Where there is an irreligious home,
the children tend to become irre-
ligious like their parents. From
religious homes few delinquents
come. From irreligious homes most
delinquents come. In religious
homes, the principles of honesty,
virtue, good citizenship, and good
character are taught. In irreligious
homes these teachings receive httle,
if any, emphasis.
Then, what do we need? We
need to restore rehgion to the home.
The gospel is the foundation stone
of good character and good citizen-
ship. It is the basis of a good home.
It is what gives parenthood its true
meaning. It is what makes father
and mother more than mere pro-
genitors. It is what makes them
partners with God, in rearing his
own children and theirs, to become
like him. Our great need is for the
restoration of a true home with all
it stands for in good family living.
Who in the home can best
achieve this objective? Manifestly,
it must come from the joint efforts
of father and mother, with the full
co-operation of the children.
Through a united effort from all
concerned, ideal conditions may ob-
But, even in that situation, there
stands out above all else the steady-
ing hand of one great individual who
nurtures every member of the fam-
ily, who comforts them in their
distress, who has them kneel at her
side as she teaches them to pray,
who teaches them faith in God from
the cradle onward, and who helps
to provide discipline when discipline
is needed.
With all that father does, the
very nature of his employment as
the breadwinner, takes him away
from the home to a point where
most of the child's care is left to
the mother, and in every good home
mother accepts the task. Even
where fathers do not live up to their
responsibility, mothers still carry on
if they catch the true vision of their
destiny. At times we have seen
children of the very best type come
from a home where the father has
been an alcoholic, but they had a
wonderful mother who had the
strength to show them what was
right, to teach them how to live,
and to help them on their way.
OTHER is the center of the
home. Generally speaking,
where she wants the family to serve
the Lord, the family, as a rule,
serves the Lord. Generally speaking,
where the mother wants family
prayer in the home, family prayer is
held. Generally speaking, where
mother wants the scriptures read in
the home, the scriptures are read.
Generally speaking, where she wants
observance of the Word of Wisdom,
the Word of Wisdom is kept, be-
cause she has taught it to the little
ones from infancy.
But mothers need help. They
need the strength of other good
women. They need to have their
sights raised from time to time.
They need a constant source of new
ideas, new hopes, new stimulation.
To inspire others to greater heights,
even mothers need inspiration. To
strengthen others against the evils
of the day, even mothers need more
strength. Where can they obtain
such help?
Mothers need the reassurance
which comes from the Priesthood in
the home, that is true, but there are
manv homes in which the Priest-
hood has been allowed to languish
in disuse. Mothers must come to
sacrament meetings with their fami-
lies, partake of the Lord's sacred
emblems, and rededicate them-
selves to his service. They need to
go to the temples to participate in
the sublime and sacred proceedings
of those sanctuaries.
But they need something else —
something strictly feminine — some-
thing especially for women, for good
women, for right thinking women,
something, if I may use this expres-
sion and not have you misunder-
stand me, something which is
femininely spiritual.
Having known my lovely convert
mother, having known my wife's
wonderful mother — also a convert
of remarkable strength — having
known my deeply spiritual wife, hav-
ing known my faithful sisters, I
have learned that there is a feminine
side to spirituality which we men
seldom, if ever, truly appreciate.
That feminine type of spirituality is
truly divine. It is what makes good
mothers great. It is what makes
them partners with God in a very
real and literal sense. It is what
makes them the queens of their
homes, the spiritual centers of their
To nurture this feminine factor
in spirituality, a woman needs a
woman's spiritual contact just as a
man for his masculine type of faith,
needs the power of the Priesthood
quorum. Women need to unite
with other women in the develop-
ment of their own spiritual natures.
They need to unite with other wom-
en of like faith and spirituality to
obtain the added strength to take
their place as the center of faith
and devotion among their children.
Knowing this, the Lord provided a
special women's organization for his
faithful daughters. It was estab-
lished by the Prophet Joseph Smith.
It is the Relief Society organization
of the Church.
As a man needs his Priesthood
quorums, so a woman needs her
Relief Society. As every home
needs spirituality, so every home
needs the help it can obtain from
both the Priesthood and the Relief
Society. There is a remarkable har-
mony and co-operation between the
Priesthood and the Relief Society.
This co-operation pertains not only
to care of the needy and the dis-
tressed — great as that co-operation
is — it also pertains to the develop-
ment of good homes, high spiritual-
ity, and stable children devoted to
the Lord.
nPHE threat to good homes arising
out of the many outside inter-
ests which beckon all family mem-
bers is so great and is taking such a
toll that we of today must arise to
meet it and defeat it. We must
protect our homes. We must protect
and preserve good family life.
That means, among other things,
that every mother must have all the
help possible to strengthen her for
the work at hand. She needs the
help of her sisters in the Church.
The need is universal. Every home
requires it. Every mother should
band together with every other Lat-
ter-day Saint mother to build the
needed spirituality to preserve the
Relief Society is a home builder,
a faith builder, a stabilizer in the
community, and since every wife
and mother needs the strength
which Relief Society can give, every
wife and mother should belong to
Relief Society.
But they don't. And why not?
Have we failed to tell them ^^'hat
Relief Society can do for them?
Have we neglected an opportunity
to tell our neighbors about this won-
derful organization? Do our neigh-
bors misunderstand the purpose of
Relief Society? Do they suppose
that it is strictly a relief organiza-
tion? Have they not learned of its
cultural and spiritual values, its
power to build better homes, great-
er faith, more solidarity in the fam-
How effective have we been in
our persuasion? Have we ever gone
into a home and sat down objective-
ly with the mother there and given
her an actual demonstration of what
Relief Society can do for her? Have
we taken our class leaders, for in-
stance, into a given home, there to
demonstrate what each class has to
offer, and thus convert our sisters
to joining the Relief Society? Or
have we been content with a mere
invitation to come out?
Invitations alone are not enough.
We must almost be like salesmen
in portraying the values and bene-
fits of our work. We must be mis-
sionaries seeking to convert these
women to the Relief Society way of
Since every woman needs what we
have, and since so many, as yet, have
not joined, are you willing to be
missionaries to bring them into our
Relief Society fold? Would you be
as willing to present Relief Society
work to nonmembers of the society
as missionaries are willing to carry
the gospel to nonmembers of the
Church? Would you be as willing
to prepare for this effort as the mis-
sionaries are to prepare for theirs?
Are you as willing to study your les-
son courses, the aims and objectives
of Relief Society, as the mission-
aries are willing to learn their lessons
in order to present them effectively?
We appeal to every active Relief
Society woman to be a Relief So-
ciety advocate, to teach her neigh-
bor the values of the society, and
convert her to joining it. They
need what we have to offer. Their
homes need it. With a united
effort on our part to bring all Latter-
day Saint women into Relief Society
as active participants, we can make a
significant contribution to the soli-
darity of family life in the Church.
We can help build more faith in
God and more understanding among
family members, with love and
peace in the home. Will you Kelp?
I hope and pray that it will not be
long until every wife and mother in
the Church is enrolled and active in
this great organization so that the
strength of the Church may become
even more effective in building
strong homes. For this I pray, in
the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
cJhe L^up y:ynce QJilled
Leslie Savage Clark
She whose cup once brimmed with love,
Although she now may dwell
In arid lands of drought and thirst.
Can bj-ave their lonely spell —
While the flagon of memory still is hers,
And the heart's deep well.
,yLvc>ard v(/inners
(bliza U\. Snow LPoem Lyontest
nr^UE Relief Society General Board
is pleased to announce the
names of the three winners in the
i960 Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest.
This contest was announced in the
May i960 issue of The Relief So-
ciety Magazine, and closed August
15, i960.
The first prize of forty dollars is
awarded to Sylvia Probst Young,
Midvale, Utah, for her poem "Song
of Three Marys." The second prize
of thirty dollars is awarded to Gene-
vieve St. Cyr Groen, Salt Lake City,
Utah, for her poem ''Joseph the
Prophet." The third prize of twenty
dollars is awarded to Dorothy J.
Roberts, Salt Lake City, for her
poem 'Tilgrimage to Christmas."
This poem contest has been con-
ducted annually by the Relief So-
ciety General Board since 1924, in
honor of Eliza R. Snow, second
General President of Relief Society,
a gifted poet and beloved leader.
The contest is open to all Latter-
day Saint women, and is designed to
encourage poetry writing, and to
increase appreciation for creative
waiting and the beauty and value of
Prize-winning poems are the prop-
erty of the General Board of Relief
Society, and may not be used for
publication by others except upon
written permission of the General
Board. The General Board also re-
serves the right to publish any of the
poems submitted, paying for them
at the time of publication at the
regular Magazine rate. A writer
who has recei\'ed the first prize for
two consecutive years must wait two
years before she is again eligible to
enter the contest.
Mrs. Young appears for the fourth
time as an aw^ard winner in the Eliza
R. Snow Poem Contest; Mrs. Groen
is a first-time winner; and i960
marks the fifth time that Mrs. Rob-
erts has placed in the contest.
There were 181 poems submitted
in the i960 contest. Entries were
received from twenty-two States of
the United States, and from Wash-
ington, D. C, with the largest num-
ber coming, in order, from Utah,
California, Idaho, Arizona, New
York, Washington, Texas, Nevada,
Wyoming, and Massachusetts. En-
tries were received also from Can-
ada, Hawaii, Samoa, Australia,
England, and New Zealand.
The General Board congratulates
the prize winners and expresses ap-
preciation to all entrants for their
interest in the contest. The General
Board wishes also to thank the
judges for their care and diligence in
selecting the prize-winning poems.
The services of the poetry commit-
tee of the General Board are very
much appreciated.
The prize-winning poems, togeth-
er with photographs and brief
highlights on the prize-winning
contestants, are herewith published
in this issue of the Magazine.
Page 9
[Prize ' vl/ inning Lroems
ibliza U\. Sno\K> [Poem (contest
First Prize Poem
Song of cJnree ii Largs
(A Sonnet Sequence)
Sylvia Probst Young
Mary, The Mother
And while a wonder star shone from above,
You watched beside the httle manger bed;
Your eyes aglow with tender mother love,
You marked the petal cheek — the wee, fair head. .
You were the first to guide his eager feet —
With quiet pride you watched as he would share
With any child that played along the street.
When day was done you knelt with him in prayer;
Page 10
You knew his world — each singing brook and flower;
His sudden laughter, and his quick embrace;
In work or play, you shared a golden hour
When boyhood's light was glowing in his face
Oh, tender Mary, never was another.
So heaven-blessed as you whom he called Mother.
Mary of Bethany
Within your gracious home the Lord found rest.
And quiet peace, away from pressing care —
With you he was an ever welcome guest,
And always you would bid him linger there.
While Martha, in her quick solicitude,
Looked to his comfort, but you wanted first
To hear his word, for you it was the food,
The drink, for which your hungering soul had thirst.
He was your teacher and your friend; you knew
His calm simplicity, his gentle ways;
How precious was the time he spent with you —
A crowning joy to brighten all your days.
You saw him raise young Lazarus' from the dead —
Your gift was spikenard — his, living bread.
Mary Magdalene
When morning light was breaking through the gloom,
When spring's new green had touched each bush and tree,
You came with those who loved him to the tomb,
With those who followed him to Calvary.
You who had known the dear Lord's healing hand,
The many, kindly ways his love was shown;
Bowed in your grief, how could you understand
The angel's word? — You tarried there alone.
Thinking the gardener talked to you, but when
Your name was softly spoken, your heart cried
With gladness, for you knew the Savior, then,
The resurrected Lord — the Sanctified.
Oh, Magdalene, the wonder of that dawn
Would light your life when earthly joys were gone.
sfc >;;>;; lit 5|: jje
Three Marys, highly favored of the Lord —
Who walked with him and gloried in his word.
Second Prize Poem
Joseph the [Prophet
Genevieve ^t. Cyr Groen
We set a fence of lilies where he stood
Dreaming the birds a song for April skies^
Though henna leaves were red as martyrs' blood.
Pleasant children play in a circled good.
Repeating the white dove, his gentle sighs.
We set a fence of lilies where he stood.
Page 12
Young, we were fabled in that sheltered mood
Of music and the day that never dies,
Though henna leaves were red as martyrs' blood.
His words lovely as manna for our food,
We heard no hunger in the wild hawks' cries.
We set a fence of lilies where he stood.
They came, the birds of prey, their shadowed hood
Hiding the hot intent deep in their eyes,
Though henna leaves were red as martyrs' blood.
Bird, song, and air broke in a fiery flood,
And turning to banish our grief's surprise,
We set a fence of lilies where he stood.
Though henna leaves were red as martyrs' blood.
Sylvia Piohst Young, Midvale, Utah, is well known to readers of The Relief Society
Magazine. Her stories and poems, several of them prize-winners, have appeared frequently
in the Magazine since 1947. She summarizes for us, her happy, busy life: "Everyone
needs some kind of creativity, whether it is painting a picture, baking a pie, or writing
a poem. I enjoy the latter, but because I am a busy housewife and schoolteacher, too,
I find time for writing in summer only, or unless I burn the midnight oil.
''Eliza R. Snow's life and writings are such a great inspiration to me that I con-
sider being a winner in this contest my greatest literary achievement. My thanks to
The Relict Society Magazine for its encouragement of writers.
"Elder Reid W. Young, Bishop of the Midvale Fourth Ward, is my husband, and
we have four wonderful boys. They are very active in the Priesthood and other Church
activities. I consider them our greatest blessing."
Genevieve St. Cyi Gioen appears for the first time as a winner in the Eliza R. Snow
Poem Contest, although readers of the Magazine are already acquainted with her poems
which have been published at intervals since 1953. Mrs. Croen summarizes for us her
family background and her literary work: "My childhood home was Minneapolis,
Minnesota. My college work was done in Wisconsin, Illinois, and New York City.
Although reared a de\'Out Catholic, I married a member of the Latter-day Saints Church,
Henry }. Groen, Salt Lake City artist, and when our first son Jay was two years old, in
1946, I was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church. A year later, when our
second child Jo-Rene was an infant, we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. We now
ha\e three more sons, Martin, David, and Meru. I have been active in the auxiliary
organizations of the Church, including theology class leader. Singing Mothers chorus,
and as a visiting teacher in Relief Society. At present I am working on the genealogy
of my family name, and this year learned that I am a direct descendant of the persons
known as Evangeline and Cabriel, portrayed by Longfellow in his poem on the Acadian
exiles. I am a member of the Utah Poetr}' Society, the League of Utah Writers, and
an annual member of the Writer's Conference, University of Utah.
Third Prize Poem
Lrilgr image to y^nnsttnas
Doiothy ]. Roheits
Peace is warmth and sound of pigeons, pining,
And silhouette of camels weaving by. . . .
I have fanned old ashes into ember
And overhead a star grows in the sky.
By rose or thorn the pilgrim paths return
And I will take the first, as once before,
Content to walk the dimly cloistered land
And lay no sole to sink beyond the shore.
For once, while he walked calmly, sea's horizon,
As Peter, sinking, I implored his name.
Reaching for help of parable and promise;
I could not walk the water till he came.
Upon that path I paced meridian.
The bitter thorn was doubt, a weapon then,
Yet as the nailed act of destruction, doubt
But crucified him into life again.
Page 14
Now I have welded weapon into plowshare,
That, grain he savored on a Sabbath meal,
Nourish the flesh of speech; I have known famine
More vast than earthly appetite can feel.
Treading the rose's path of faith and wonder,
I find his healing hand held out to save,
His robe trailing the crested mount forever,
His sandaled signature upon the wave.
DoTOthv J. Roberts' poems, many of them prize winners and frontispiece features,
have appeared frequently in the Magazine since 1941. In the following sketch, Mrs.
Roberts summarizes a number of experiences which have enriched her life: "One of my
most rewarding roles through the years has been that of neighborhood bard, composing
verses for family and social occasions. Often, it is a surprise and a joy to find that
words one has written open avenues of rewarding exchange with the lives and hearts of
others. In this way I have received wisdom, beauty, and compassion from both writers
and non writers.
"I feel honored to receive an award in this year's Eliza R, Snow Poem Contest —
a loved and looked-forward-to tradition and a highlight of the months. This summer
I received third place in the poetry division of the Utah State Fine Arts Contest, and
a sixth grandchild. These also brought proud and happy moments to my beloved
husband L. Paul Roberts and myself."
Nancy M. Armstrong
HE colorful pink afterglow sparkled like frosted jewels on the snowy
east mountains, left there by the last rays of the setting sun.
Many experiences in life leave just such a rich, warm afterglow: the
happiness of friendship, the bliss of achievement long worked for, a favor-
ite book many times reread, the memory of one much loved, though long
departed, days amid the awesome beauty of God's creations, moments of
real understanding shared with one's husband.
The deep, enduring values of life — love of home — love of family —
love of friends — love of God — cast a roseate afterglow that permeates
the whole of living.
J/i\s?ard Vi/i
xyinnual uielief Society Short Story (contest
'T'HE Relief Society General Board
is pleased to announce the
award winners in the Annual Relief
Society Short Story Contest, which
was announced in the May i960
issue of the Magazine, and which
closed August 15, i960.
The first prize of seventy-five dol-
lars is awarded to Hope M. Wil-
liams, Richfield, Utah, for her story
"Grafted." The second prize of
sixty dollars is awarded to Hazel K.
Todd, Brigham City, Utah, for her
story "The Happety Road." The
third prize of fifty dollars is awarded
to Kit J. Poole, Long Beach, Cali-
fornia, for her story "Stranger at the
Mrs. Williams is a first-time win-
ner in this contest; Mrs. Todd is a
winner for the second time; and
Mrs. Poole is a first-time winner.
The Annual Relief Society Short
Story Contest was first conducted
by the Relief Society General Board
in 1942, as a feature of the Relief
Society Centennial observance, and
was made an annual contest in 1943.
The contest is open only to Latter-
day Saint women who have had at
least one literary composition pub-
lished or accepted for publication in
a periodical of recognized merit.
The three prize-winning stories
will be published consecutively in
the first three issues of The Relief
Society Magazine for 1961. Fifty-
eight stories were entered in the
contest for i960.
The contest was initiated to en-
Poge 16
courage Latter-day Saint women to
express themselves in the field of
fiction. The General Board feels
that the response to this opportun-
ity continues to increase the literary
quality of The Rehef Society Maga-
zine, and will aid the women of the
Church in the development of their
gifts in creative wTiting. Women
who are interested in entering the
short story contest are reminded
that for several years past, and con-
tinuing until May 1958, a helpful
article on short story writing was
published in the May or June issue
of the Magazine.
Prize-winning stories are the
property of the Relief Society Gen-
eral Board, and may not be used for
publication by others except upon
written permission from the Gen-
eral Board. The General Board also
reserves the right to publish any of
the other stories submitted, paying
for them at the time of publication
at the regular Magazine rate.
A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must
wait for two years before she is again
eligible to enter the contest.
The General Board congratulates
the prize-winning contestants, and
expresses appreciation to all those
who submitted stories. Sincere
gratitude is extended to the judges
for their discernment and skill in
selecting the prize-winning stories.
The General Board also acknowl-
edges, with appreciation, the work
of the short story committee in
supervising the contest.
CJirst [Prize- vi/inmnq otori/
Jrinnual iKelief Society Short Story (contest
Hope M. Williams
4 4 T^ UT 'er here! It's gonna' be
m"^^ a homer! Home it!"
These cries reached Janet's
ears as she sat at her desk near the
window. She hfted her head from
her books to see her young nine-year-
old son, Ronnie, shde free into home
plate. A smile lingered on her face
as she watched the tickled way he
picked himself up, brushed off his
pants, and received the well-earned
pats on the back from the boys on
his team. His face was damp and
dusty, and one whole side of his
levis was solid dirt despite the dust-
ing routine, but the grin on his face
showed pure joy.
I'm glad I didn't have that lot
plowed for a garden, Janet thought,
although it would have helped with
the groceries. And Ronnie is so
happy to have the boys come here
to play. Besides, she confessed to
herself, a garden is just too hard for
me to take care of alone. She dis-
missed these thoughts from her
mind and went back to the clippings
and pictures before her.
Janet had been trying to get cour-
age enough to work on her ''Book
of Remembrance" for some time,
but could never quite get beyond the
starting process. Just seeing some
familiar thing of her husband's — a
letter or a picture — brought back
that painful tightness in her chest,
so the boxes of clippings would be
put away to await a braver day. This
seemed to be that day, for she had
finished several pages in the Ancestry
section, copying their family group
sheet again in black ink, remember-
ing to write the word, adopted, after
Ronnie's name, and to follow care-
fully the line across to record the
date of his sealing. She had even
been able to fill in the marriage and
endowment dates opposite her hus-
band's name, and, with a steady
hand, the date in the deceased col-
umn, 25 Nov. 1954.
How close David seems to me to-
day, Janet mused; almost as though
he were actually with us again. And
Page 17
that's the way it should be, she con-
cluded calmly, as she pasted in a
picture of herself and David beside
Ronnie's picture, marked, Age —
three years.
It had been nearly six years since
the terrible accident that had taken
David's life, and from which she and
Ronnie, both badly bruised and
broken, had miraculously survived.
They had had only eight years of
married life, and Ronnie had been
with them just four short years when
the tragedy occurred.
What a long time ago it seems,
she thought, when the Child Wel-
fare Department of the Relief So-
ciety called to tell us about our baby.
In her memory Janet was back again
with her husband on that never-to-
be-forgotten day when they had
brought Ronnie home. How sweet
he was and how precious! How his
little hands would fold about her
outstretched finger! Could any par-
ents have been more proud? Could
any parents have prayed more fer-
vently for their child than we did, I
wonder? Hm-m — here's a picture
of Ronnie when he sang, ''Doggie
in the Window," at that family re-
union. Was he really just two years
old? I'd better write that down —
that's quite unbelievable! She picked
up a picture showing Ronnie stand-
ing with an arm around each of
them. That's just the way he stood
in the car after he'd been sealed to
us, and that's when he said, ''Now
I am Daddy's and Mommy's boy
forever and ever!"
As she leafed through more pic-
tures and papers thinking of that
happy time, she noticed a poem that
she had clipped from a magazine at
a time when they had still been wait-
ing for their adopted child. The
poem was entitled, "To a Foster
Child." She read it through, think-
ing as she did so how accurately the
author had portrayed the emotion
she had so often felt but had been
unable to express. She read the last
lines aloud, enjoying the rhythm and
the poetry of the words:
.... The days have lengthened, listening
Toward your voice somewhere cr}'ing. . . .
The barren stalk seeks out its blossom,
Choice between wholeness and dying.
Let bone of bone, let flesh of flesh be part.
For stock, like seed, may fruit.
Love flowers fiercely in the heart
Grafted to heart by need.
( — Grace Maddock Miller, McCall's,
April 1941. Reprinted by permission from
"Grafted by need," she replied.
"That's a beautiful comparison!"
jDANG! The whole house shook
as Ronnie burst into the room,
and Janet's reverie was abruptly
"I'll never play with those kids
again! I hate 'em all!" The words
exploded from Ronnie as he bolted
through the sunny kitchen and
through the hall to his own bedroom
where he again slammed the door.
Silence followed; then Janet could
hear sounds of muffled sobbing.
Oh, dear, she thought, feeling that
familiar pain, and they were playing
so nicely together, too. I wonder
what went wrong. Silently she
prayed, "Don't let him be hurt too
much — not again; I can't bear it!"
"Ronnie?" Janet called softly.
No answer.
"Ronnie — what's the matter,
"Nuthin'," came the angry voice.
"Just go away and let me alone!""
Janet winced at the rebuff but
decided that it would be best to do well, you know what we both said —
as he said, so she picked up the that it was 'gainst the rule to cry
things from the table, the mood for about Daddy!"
reminiscing and working on books ''Oh? Were you crying about
having vanished when the storm Daddy?"
cloud in the form of a small boy ''Well, sort of. You see, we got
burst in. to talking about going on the Fa-
Half an hour had gone by when thers' and Sons' Outing. And then
Janet heard Ronnie's door open, and — the kids said that I couldn't go
the tear-stained face of her boy ap- 'cause I didn't have a father. And
peared. I told 'em I did, too, have a father
"Those kids gone yet?" he mum- but he was up in heaven! And then
bled as he started outside. " 'Cause Tommy said — that — how could
I sure don't want 'em around play- my father take me camping if he
ing cars with me!" And without was up in heaven? And then, I
waiting for an answer, he went out said, that maybe Mr. Owens would
to the familiar dirt pile where he take me like he did last year. And
had spent so many hours alone then Larry — you know Larry,
building roads and dugways and Mama — he said that my daddy up
playing with his beloved friends — in heaven wasn't my real daddy any-
the cars and trucks. way 'cause I was adopted. And so —
Janet let him play while she pre- and then — I just told those kids to
pared supper, purposefully keeping go home 'cause I was afraid I was
busy so that she could remain calm, about to cry!" And Ronnie's eyes
and when it began to grow dark she filled again at the remembered in-
was able to affect an almost cheer- justice,
ful quality in her tone as she called,
"Hey, Chum, your supper is ready ILIOW cruel children are, Janet
now, okay?" thought, as she sought for the
"Okay," he answered simply and right words to comfort him.
began picking up his playthings. "But, sweetheart, you already
During the meal Janet tried to knew you were adopted. I've told
make conversation, talking cheer- you about that — how your real
fully a^out small things and acting daddy and mother couldn't take
unconcerned, but Ronnie remained care of you, and how Daddy and I
silent. The dark anger was gone went to get you because we wanted
from his brown eyes now, and only you and needed you so very much."
the hurt and sadness remained. "Uh-huh, I know. But I didn't
Finally, Ronnie brought his eyes up stop to think about how I might
from the untouched food on his have a real daddy somewhere. . . ."
plate and began hesitantly, "Mom, Ronnie was silent, wondering,
do you know why I said for you to "I don't think the boys meant to
go away? To leave me alone?" be unkind, dear," said Janet, in the
"Oh,'" Janet smiled at him, "I silence. "You see, sometimes it
just thought it was because boys makes people feel important to be
want to be alone sometimes. Hmm?" able to brag about having something
"No— not 'specially. It was — others don't have. Each of those
boys has always had his daddy," she found herself doing small things
Janet was dangerously close to tears for his comfort, trying in some way
herself, ''and none of them can to make up to him for the hurt he
know how much we miss ours every had received.
single day — and most of all for As Ronnie climbed into bed and
special things like hunting, or on received his usual goodnight kiss,
Christmas, or for Fathers' and Sons' he opened the subject again, unex-
Outing . . ." her voice broke and pectedly.
she couldn't go on. ''But, Mom, how come? If I have
"Don't cry, Mommy. Remember, a real daddy somewhere, why
crying about Daddy is against the couldn't he be here with us?"
"Yes, I know," Janet wiped her JANET settled herself on the foot
eyes and smiled at her son, "but I ^ of his bed, smiled, and because
sort^ of break the rule sometimes, the answer had been given to her,
don't you?" said calmly, "Honey, you've been
"I sure do!" he replied. Then, taught in Primary and Sunday
thoughtfully, he added, "But I'm School about our first parents, and
still not gonna' like those kids — so you know that all living things
'specially Larry!" And with this have parents, don't you?"
parting remark he went to prepare ^'I know. But does everything,
for his bath and bed. Mommy? Even the trees and
Janet's eyes were wet as she flowers?"
picked up the dishes. It isn't fair "Yes, dear, every living thing has
to have him hurt like that! I can parents, but only two. And that's
stand it for myself but not for him. what I want to talk to you about.
Her thoughts went back to the Do you remember that apple tree
events of the afternoon — how hap- in Grandpa's orchard — the one that
py she had felt about everything, always has two different kinds of
And to have it end like this! Sud- apples on it?"
denly the words, "grafted by need" "You mean that pretty one? And
came so clearly to her mind that it one of its branches has pinker blos-
was almost as though someone had soms than the others?"
spoken them. Peace filled her heart, "That's the one."
and she smiled. "I always liked that tree. And
"Mom! Throw my jammies to the apples are real good, too." His
me! Please?" Ronnie called from brown eyes brightened thoughtfully,
the bathroom. "I forgot again!" and he went on to add, "But I
"All right. Pal, but how about always liked to climb that little short
remembering them yourself one of apple tree in the corner, 'cause its
these days, huh?" branches grow kinda' close to the
"Okay," came the familiar prom- ground and you can climb it real
ise. easy clear up past the place where
Janet turned down the covers on it was cut off and Grandpa painted
his bed; then she brought in a glass it, and then sit in the shady place
of milk, knowing that he would be where all the branches grow out to-
hungry for that, anyway. Always gether all thick."
Janef s face showed her pleasure
that Ronnie had mentioned the
other tree as she hastened to ex-
plain, 'Tm glad you like that tree,
honey, because it's part of the story,
'These two trees — the pretty one
with different blossoms, and the
little short one with thick branches
— are very special trees in Grand-
pa's orchard. Once, both of these
trees were having a very hard time
to grow. When the short tree was
young, a branch grew out from its
trunk too soon, and as the little
branch grew, it bent the trunk of
the tree so much that Grandpa was
sure the tree couldn't grow straight
if he let it keep growing that way;
it would be bent over because its
trunk wasn't strong enough yet to
bear a branch.
''Now, the tree with the different
kinds of blossoms on it, didn't
always have branches like it does
now, either. The branches it did
have were all growing on one side
of the tree, making it unbalanced,
and Grandpa knew that this tree
needed another strong branch so
that it would grow straight.
''Now, Grandpa is a good gar-
dener. He knew what to do for both
of those trees to make them grow
straight and strong, and blossom,
and bear fruit. So, he cut the one
sturdy branch from the little young
tree and grafted it into the empty
space on the other tree, making sure
that he sealed the bark around the
graft so that the sturdy little branch
would become as much a part of
that tree as if it had always grown
there. Then, when the little branch
was cut from the young tree, the
trunk of that tree straightened and
grew and developed so that when
new little branches started to grow,
it was strong enough to bear them;
and when the sturdy branch was
grafted on to the other tree, that
tree soon became even all around
and it straightened and developed
and bloomed like it does today."
"Gee, Mom, I think that's real
neat!" Ronnie was pleased at the
happy ending. ''Grandpa was such
a good gardener that he sa\'ed both
of the trees and the little branch,
too, huh?"
"Yes." Janet's voice reflected her
gratitude that her son had under-
stood the real meaning of her story,
and she added very tenderly, "Our
Heavenly Father is the very best
Gardener of all, and he grafted you
from the tree of the parents who
started your growth, right into the
empty place on our family tree just
like Grandpa did with that little
branch; and when we went to the
temple and had you sealed to us,
that's how our Heavenly Father
sealed the graft and made you our
very own little boy, and made us
your real parents."
npHE ball games went on as usual
as the days passed, and the boys
seemed to be the best of friends.
As Janet trimmed the edges of the
lawn, she could hear them talking,
and out of the corner of her eye she
saw Ronnie toss the ball noncha-
lantly into the air, catch it with one
hand, straighten his cap, and sav,
"You know what? Mr. Owens asked
me to go on the outing again. You
know, I call him 'Daddy Ken' all
the time — 'cause he doesn't have a
boy — and my Dad isn't here either,
so we just pretend. It's lots of fun.
When it's time to go to bed, 'Daddy
Ken' always says, 'Well, son, let's
hit the sack!' And I say, 'Okay/
Just like that. It's real neat, I
''But, Gee Whiz, Ronnie!" count-
ered Larry, ''that's just pretending!
We're all going with our own dads.
Don't you wish you wuz like us?"
Janet's throat tightened in appre-
hension as she listened for Ronnie's
"Not any more, I don't!" Ronnie
bragged. "You see, it's like this. I
was grafted from a apple tree, and
now my Daddy in heaven is my real
Daddy — and my Mom is my real
Mother — 'cause their tree needed
a branch more than the little tree
in the corner. It grew lots of
branches after I was cut off, so it
doesn't need me anymore, but my
Mom's tree sure does!"
Janet smiled as she saw the boys'
mystified looks, and as she picked
up her trimmers she heard Tommy
say, "Yeah, I guess your Mom does
need you now, Ronnie! 'Specially
since your Daddy isn't here. But,
c'mon, you guys, let's play ball!"
And as Janet opened the door to go
inside, she heard Larry's muttered
exclamation, "A apple tree! Good
After Ronnie was asleep, Janet
lay thinking of all that had hap-
pened, and she couldn't help but
smile as she remembered Ronnie's
mixed-up, but wise explanation.
Much later, still unable to sleep,
she got up and looked out of the
window at the peaceful, starlit sky.
"It's all right, David," she whis-
pered. "Our boy is growing strong
to our family tree. Now he under-
stands, also, darling, that 'love
flowers fiercely in the heart, grafted
to heart by need/ "
Hope Man waring Williams was born in Vernal, Utah, to Leona Goodrich and D.
Elmer Manwaring. Her parents now live in Salt Lake City and she has four sisters and
one brother. "My husband Grant G. Williams is Assistant Supervisor of the Fish
Lake National Forest at Richfield, Utah, and we are blessed with one son Nelson, a
student at Brigham Young University. I am a graduate of Alterra High School, Roose-
velt, Utah, and attended Utah State University at Logan. My early literary knowledge
was gained from the wonderful stories from scriptures, good books, and Church maga-
zines that were either read, told, or made available for my own reading by parents
whose appreciation for the finer things always inspired me. My teaching experience in
Church auxiliaries has been good training, and my years as theology and literature class
leader in Relief Society have been especially helpful. I am now serving as a counselor
in the Second Ward Relief Society, Sevier Stake. The story 'Grafted' was inspired
by true circumstances. This story and one published last year in the Deseret News
(The Christmas I Remember Best') are my only submitted manuscripts."
cJ hanks for Q/ive Senses
his W. Schow
I offer thanks for these today:
The fragrance of the pine and rose;
For the delight it brings to hear
The cadences of song and prose;
For taste of cranberry and grape;
The feel of children's curly hair;
And for the sight of chapel spires
Reaching heavenward to guide us there.
Temple Square in Salt Lake City
Part III
Preston NibJey
Assistant Church Historian
AS related in a previous article,
the cornerstones of the Salt
Lake Temple were laid on
April 6, 1853. Work on the foun-
dation of the great building began
almost immediately thereafter, and
continued until the summer of
1857 when, on account of the ap-
proach of Johnston's Army, all pub-
lic work of the Church in Salt Lake
Valley was temporarily discontinued,
as President Young did not know
what action the army might take
against the people of Utah. For-
tunately, no harmful action was
taken, and with the approach of the
Civil War, in the spring of 1861,
the soldiers peacefully departed for
the East and South, and the citi-
zens of Salt Lake City and Utah
resumed their customary activities.
Meantime, in order to protect
the Temple foundation, President
Young had had the excavation filled
with earth, and leveled to look like
an ordinary field. When the sol-
diers departed, work on the founda-
tion began again, and by this time
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
Photograph, taken about 1868, shows the granite blocks which were substituted
for the original foundation which was made of red sandstone. Old Tabernacle in back-
ground at left, and the new Tabernacle in the background at the right.
Paae 23
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
Photograph taken two years after the death of President Brigham Young, and
during the presidency of John Ta}lor, shows workmen, visitors, and hoisting machinery
used to hft the granite blocks.
the President had decided to build
the Temple with granite rock from
Little Cottonwood Canyon. He
therefore had all the old foundation
Tcmoved, and the work started anew.
It took ten years to put in the
great foundation of the Temple.
When it reached the level of the
ground, in 1871, it was sixteen feet
wide at the base and nine feet wide
at the top. Up to this time, all the
rock had been hauled from the can-
yon in wagons, but, in 1873, a nar-
row gauge railroad was constructed
to the quarry, and from that time on
the rock was shipped to the Temple
by rail.
As the years passed and as his age
advanced. President Young became
more and more anxious to have the
Temple completed. At the Octo-
ber Conference in 1876, he said to
the saints:
To the people of Weber County, Davis
County, Morgan and Summit Counties,
Salt Lake County, Tooele and Utah
Counties, with the people east and west,
I will say, Go to work and finish the
Temple in this city forthwith. Can you
accomplish the work, you Latter-day Saints
of these several counties? Yes! That is
a question I can answer readily. You are
perfectly able to do it. The question is,
ha\e you the necessary faith? Plave you
sufficient of the Spirit of God in your
hearts to say, yes, by the help of God our
father, we will erect this building to his
name. . . . Go to now with your might
and yonr means, and finish this Temple
[ContnhutoT 14:267).
Unfortunately, the great pioneer
President, Brigham Young, died on
August 31, 1877, ^^^^ ^^^^" ^ y^^^
after the above words were spoken.
The walls of the Temple were then
about twenty feet above the ground.
Personally, I have always regretted
that he did not live to see the
beautiful building completed, which
he had fostered from the beginning.
President John Taylor succeeded
Brigham Young as President of the
Church, and he pushed the build-
ing of the Temple forward with all
the vigor and determination of his
predecessor. By 1879 it had reached
the height shown on the previous
page. Four years later, in 1883, the
walls were up to the square, and, in
1887, the work on the towers was
well advanced.
Unfortunately again, it was during
this year that President John Taylor
died. Another notable person who
passed away, in 1887, was Truman
O. Angell, the Temple architect,
who had supervised the work from
the beginning.
It is also interesting to note at
this time that the superintendent of
construction was James Moyle,
grandfather of President Henrv D.
Moyle. He had worked on the
Temple Block as an expert stone
mason for many years.
HE Salt Lake Temple was com-
pleted, the capstone was laid,
and the dedicatory services were
held during the administration of
President Wilford Woodruff, who
had succeeded John Taylor as Presi-
dent of the Church, in 1887. For
an eye-witness account of these
events I shall quote from an article
written by James H. Anderson and
published in the Conthhutoi in
April 1893.
''The Temple was hastened to-
wards completion as fast as circum-
stances would allow, and so close
was this task to accomplishment,,
that April 6, 1892, was fixed as the
date for laying the capstone. . . .
As the sixth of April drew near, the
wave of joy which swept over the
hearts of the Saints was visible in
all their associations. It was to
them a day of triumph, for which
they had patiently toiled, many of
them the greater part of a life-
time. . . .
'The conference began on Sun-
day, April 3, 1892. The theme in
which a large share of interest was
taken at the meetings, was that of
temples, their object and uses. In
this connection, the fourth and
closing day April 6th, presented a
deeply impressive scene. At the
morning meeting in the Tabernacle,,
the spacious building was closely
packed with people. . . . Lorenzo
Snow, President of the Twelve
Apostles, instructed the people in
the 'hosanna shout,' the words be-
ing those introduced by the Proph-
et Joseph Smith at the Kirtland
Temple. It was a sacred shout,
used only on extraordinary occas-
ions. President Woodruff then
briefly addressed the congregation:
" 'If there is any scene on the face
of the earth,' he said, 'that will at-
tract the attention of the God of
Heaven and the heavenly host, it is
the one before us today — the as-
sembling of this people, the shout
of Hosanna, the laying of the top-
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
This was a sacred and memorable occasion which took place during the April
Annual General Conference of 1892, conducted by President Wilford Woodruff. Thou-
sands of saints assembled to view the magnificent granite edifice and to take part in
the "Hosanna Shout," the words of which were first used by the Prophet Joseph Smith
at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple.
stone of this Temple in honor to
our God.
'' 'My brethren and sisters, we
want to finish this Temple; we want
to dedicate it to God, as soon as we
can, so that the vast host who dwell
in this region of country, may go
into it and attend to the ordinances
for their living and their dead. . . .
The work before us is now a most
important event — the most im-
portant that we have upon our
hands'" (Contributor 14:271).
The meeting was dismissed and
the multitude of saints gathered
around the Temple as shown in the
picture at the top of this page.
''Just as the hour of noon was
reached, President Wilford Wood-
ruff stepped to the front of the
platform in full view of the as-
sembled multitude. ... A thrill
went through the hearts of the peo-
ple as he spoke:
'' 'Attention, all ye house of
Israel, and all ye nations of the
earth! We will now lay the top-
stone of the Temple of our God,
the foundation of which was laid
and dedicated, by the Prophet,
Seer and Revelator, Brigham
Young.' "
President Woodruff then pressed
an electric button, and the Temple
capstone moved into place.
'The scene that followed," re-
lates James H. Anderson, "was be-
yond the power of language to
describe. The venerable president
of the Twelve Apostles, Lorenzo
Snow, came forward and led forty
thousand Saints in shouting in con-
'' 'Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
to God and the Lamb. Amen, Amen,
'This shout was given three
times, and was accompanied by the
waving of handkerchiefs. The eyes
of thousands were moistened in
tears in the fulness of their joy. . . .
The ground seemed to tremble with
the volume of sound which sent
forth its echoes to the surrounding
hills. A grander or more imposing
spectacle than this ceremony of lay-
ing the Temple capstone is not re-
corded in history. The hosannas
had scarcely ceased when the vast
congregation burst forth in the
glorious inspirational hymn begin-
ning: The Spirit of God like a fire
is burning!' "
CHORTLY after the laying of the
capstone of the Salt Lake Tem-
ple, the First Presidency of the
Church, Wilford Woodruff, George
Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith,
issued a letter to the members of
the Church, of which the following
is a paragraph:
This Temple at Salt Lake City has long
been in process of erection. By the 6th
of April next, ( 1 89 3 ) forty years will have
elapsed since the laying of the foundation
stones. It seems proper then, that the
expiration of that period should witness
its dedication. We trust that no exer-
tions will be spared to accomplish this
end (Contributor 14:281).
Accordingly, the brethren en-
trusted with the task of finishing
the Temple, went to work with a
new will and determination, and at
the expiration of the allotted time,
they were proud to announce that
the great building was ready for
On April 6, 1893, twenty-five
hundred people were admitted to
the Temple auditorium, and Presi-
dent Wilford Woodruff, eighty-six
years of age, read the dedicatory
prayer. I shall quote a few para-
graphs from this beautiful prayer:
''We thank thee, our God, that
thou didst enable thy servant Joseph
Smith, to build two temples, in
which ordinances were administered
for the living and the dead; that
he also li\'ed to send the Gospel to
the nations of the earth, and to the
islands of the sea, and labored ex-
ceedingly until he was martyred for
the word of God and the testimony
of Jesus Christ.
''We also thank thee, our Father
in Heaven, that thou didst raise up
thy servant Brigham Young, who
held the keys of thy priesthood on
the earth for many years, and who
lead thy people to these valleys of
the mountains, and laid the corner
stone of this great Temple and
dedicated it unto thee, and who did
direct the building of three other
Temples in these Rocky Mountains,
which have been dedicated unto
thy holy name in which Temples
many thousands of the living have
been blessed and the dead re-
deemed. . . .
"O Lord, we regard with intense
and indescribable feelings the com-
pletion of this sacred house. Deign
to accept this fourth Temple, which
thy covenant children have been
assisted by thee in erecting in these
"In past ages thou didst inspire
with thy Holy Spirit, the Prophets,
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
This photograph, showmg the Assembly Hall (left), the Tabernacle (center), and
the Temple (right), was taken about 1895, some two years after the dedication of the
Temple (in 1893), and before the Brigham Young Monument (in the circle) was
moved to Main Street in 1897.
to speak of a time in the latter days
when the mountain of the Lord's
House should be establshed in the
top of the mountains and should
be exalted above the hills. We
thank thee that we have had the
glorious opportunity of contributing
to the fulfillment of these visions
of thine ancient seers and that thou
hast condescended to permit us to
take part in the great work. . . .
''We come before thee with joy
and thanksgiving, with spirits jubi-
lant and hearts filled with praise,
that thou hast permitted us to see
this day for which, during these
forty years, we have hoped, toiled
and prayed, when we can dedicate
unto thee this house, which we
have built to thy most glorious
name. . . . Today we dedicate the
whole unto thee, with all that per-
tains to it, that it may be holy in
thy sight; that it may be a home of
prayer, a house of praise and wor-
ship; that thy glory may rest upon
it; and that thy holy presence may
be continually in it; that it may be
the abode of thy well-beloved Son,
our Savior (Contiihutoi 14:294).
Thus was the Salt Lake Temple
dedicated, on April 6, 1893.
{To be continued)
Love Is Enough
Chapter i
Mabel Harmer
THE bus swung around a
corner and jerked to a sudden
stop. Geniel, looking idly
out of the windows, smiled at the
sight of a teen-age boy trying to
balance a stick on his chin. She
was waiting to see how long he
could balance it, when the driver
called, "Blayney! This is your stop,
She stood up and reached for her
hatbox on the shelf. As she made
her way to the door several of the
passengers, in the friendlv com-
raderie of bus travel, called, ''Good-
bye. Hope you enjoy your winter."
''Goodbye. Thank you," she
called back and was assisted down
from the high steps bv the driver.
He brought out her bags and was
on his way again in a couple of
minutes. She was the only pas-
senger for Blayney, Idaho, popula-
tion 2300.
She lugged her heavy bags over to
the store, which served as ticket and
loading office. The freckled-faced
boy watched her unconcernedly.
Geniel walked into the store and
waited until the owner had finished
with his single customer. "Could
you tell me how to find Mrs. Wil-
lett's boarding house?" she asked.
"It's just two blocks north. A
big two-story green house. You
can't miss it."
"But I have some bags. I can't
carry them."
"Bring them in here. I'll drop
them off on my way home from
work tonight."
"Thank you very much," said
Geniel hesitantly. It didn't seem
to be the best idea in the world,
but she had no choice. She brought
in the larger of the bags, intending
to carry the smaller one herself.
Then she had a better idea. "Could
I hire you to carry this bag down to
Mrs. Willett's house?" she asked
of the boy who was standing on the
sidewalk. "What is your name?"
"Yeah, I guess," he replied, taken
unawares. "My name is Fied''
He picked up the bag and started
down the street.
"I am Miss Whitworth," said
Geniel pleasantly. "I'm going to
teach school here this year."
"You won't like it," her compan-
ion promised with finality.
"Indeed! And why not?"
"Oh, I dunno. You just won t."
There seemed to be no point in
arguing the matter, so Geniel
turned her attention to the town.
They had passed the business dis-
trict, consisting of three stores, the
post office, and the ward chapel. On
the next corner was a huge red brick
house, the type that had been built
in the 90's and was usually referred
to as a mansion.
"My, but that's a big house!" she
exclaimed. "Does a family live
"No family. Just the Duchess."
"The Duchess?" asked Geniel in
mixed surprise and amusement.
"Her real name is Miss Blayney,"
Freckles explained. "But everyone
calls her the Duchess. Not to her
Page 29
face, of course. Her grandpa built
this town. He owned about all the
land. She runs the town. You
won't like her."
The long speech seemed to have
exhausted Fred, and he stopped to
shift the bag to the other hand.
"I won't like the town and I
won't like the Duchess," smiled Ge-
niel. 'Tell me, is there anything I
will like?"
"Oh, sure. There's good fishing
over there on Silver Creek. And I
guess there're some pretty good
dances. Anyway, you're sort of
'Thank you very much," replied
Geniel gravely. She supposed there
was some connection between her
being sort of pretty and having a
good time at the dances.
'This is it," was the boy's next
remark, turning in at a large two-
story, green frame house. He de-
posited the bag on the steps and
turned to leave.
"Here, wait!" called Geniel, open-
ing her handbag.
"Aw, that's all right." He waved
her off airily and sauntered back to
the walk.
"Well, thank you very much,
Fred," she called. "I enjoyed meet-
ing you."
/^ ENIEL walked up the steps and
rang the doorbell. It was an-
swered in a minute by a very plump,
very pleasant looking woman in her
fifties. "Oh, Miss Whitworth," she
called heartily, "do come in. I've
been expecting you."
"Thank you," Geniel smiled. She
reflected that Fred evidently hadn't
known Mrs. Willett. He couldn't
possibly have said, "You won't like
"Your room is in the northwest
corner upstairs," said Mrs. Willett.
"You may go right up, if you like,
and lay off your things. I'm busy
getting dinner, but come down and
sit in the kitchen now — or any
time. Is that all you brought?"
"The man at the store is bringing
my large bag this evening. Fred
carried this one over for me."
She climbed the stairs and entered
the room. It was large and cheerful
looking, with fluffy white curtains at
the windows. Number two on the
credit side, Fred, she said to her-
self. I'm going to like this room.
She set her bag on a chair and
walked over to the west wiadow. A
few houses lined the street on the
opposite side and beyond were
fields, brown now, after relinquish-
ing their harvest, and rimmed in
the distance by the purple moun-
She turned, removed her hat and
light coat, and began to unpack her
bag. The toilet articles she placed
on the dresser along with two (photo-
graphs, one of her family, the other
of a young man. You'd be on Fred's
side, she remarked mentally to the
man in the photo. You wouldn't
care much for this town. There
doesn't seem to be enough enter-
prise. But it's very pretty, and Fm
going to like it — I think.
There was nothing more she
could do in her room, and it was
slightly chilly so she decided to go
downstairs. On one side of the long
hallway she had glimpsed a living
room and she decided to go there
instead of accepting Mrs. Willett's
invitation to the kitchen. She was
pleased to find another of the board-
ers already there — a tall, rather
slender woman, probably in her
early forties. She was saved from
being rather plain by a pair of deep
blue, sparkling eyes and a quick,
pleasant smile.
''Hello/' she said, rising and hold-
ing out her hand. 'Tm Christine
Lacy. We are fellow teachers, as
well as boarders, so we'll be seeing
a lot of each other."
''How nice," said Geniel, return-
ing the smile and the warm hand-
They both sat down in front of
the large fireplace where a single
burning log gave more of an illusion
of warmth than anything very real.
"I do hope you're going to like it
here," said Christine earnestly.
"Oh, I'm sure that I shall," re-
plied Geniel, "although I was
warned very definitely that I
wouldn't by a freckled-faced boy,
Fred, who carried my bag here."
"That would be Freddy Mitchell,
and there's only one like him, thank
goodness. I've been here for four-
teen years and like it well enough
to stay on — or else I'm in a dread-
ful rut. Is this your first year of
"No. I taught in the Denver
schools for two years."
"That's interesting. I mean, it's
rather unusual for anyone to leave a
large city to come out to a small
town like this. Evidently you like
a change."
"Yes," Geniel agreed simply.
There were much stronger reasons
for the move than merely liking a
change, but she wasn't going to
explain them. Not at the moment,
anyway. "How many boarders are
there?" she asked.
"Just three, including yourself.
The other one is Marva Eberhart,
another teacher. She's still in Cali-
fornia on her vacation, but she
should be back tomorrow. You'll
like her."
T^HE call to dinner stopped any
further discussion. The food
was already on the table, and Mrs.
Willett sat down comfortably with
them. "It sure is nice to have one
more in the family," she comment-
ed. "It's been pretty lonesome this
summer with just the two of us
"I can soon take care of that,"
said a voice in the doorway, and
Geniel turned to see a tall, bronzed
young man in plaid shirt and levis.
"Oh, come on in, Jeff," said Mrs.
Willett. "I'll get you a plate. I
suppose you're hungry."
"You suppose correctly, Madam,"
he replied, giving her cheek a kiss in
passing. "And my timing is per-
fect, as usual."
He had put a chair up to the table
and sat down before Christine had
a chance to say, "This hungry young
man is Jeffry Burrows, Mrs. Will-
ett's nephew. Miss Whitworth,
"Hi," responded Jeff, briefly but
warmly. "Are you a schoolteacher,
"Yes, you can always tell, can't
you?" smiled Geniel.
"No, not at all. Now, Miss Lacy
here, upon a casual meeting I would
take her to be a lion tamer in a
circus. And Aunt Allie here, I
would most certainly spot as being
a lady cop. Actually, I was hoping
that you were a veterinarian. Our
only one has left for greener fields,
and I've been praying that one
would come and settle down in our
"Jeff is a rancher," explained his
aunt. ''Only all of his cattle and
horses are fancy breeds with fancy
''And fancv sicknesses/' added
Jeff. "Right now half of my sum-
mer's profits are tied up in a heifer
that I would swear is a hypochon-
driac. I can't find a blamed thing
the matter with her, but, if I didn't
humor her every day, she'd lie down
and die."
"And the more temperamental
they act, the better you like it/' said
Mrs. Willett. "It makes you all the
more sure that they aren't like ordi-
nary animals."
"It's what they cost that makes
me sure of that/' he said. "But why
worry about that when I have all
this elegant beef stroganoff, topped
by gooseberry pie — I hope?"
"Apple, tonight," Mrs. Willett
corrected him.
Shortly after he had eaten and
left, a voice from the porch called,
"Hey, tell that teacher I brought
her baggage!"
Geniel jumped up from the table
and hurried to the door. "Thank
you so much/' she said. "If you'll
wait just a minute I'll run upstairs
and get my purse."
"Oh, that's okay." The store-
keeper waved aside her offer. "Don't
bother. I just dropped it off on my
way home from work."
He walked off almost before she
could thank him, and Geniel lugged
the heavy bag inside. She was won-
dering how she could manage to get
it up the stairs when Christine
came out. "Let me help you," she
offered. "I believe that between
the two of us we can get it up."
They each took hold and strug-
gled up the rather narrow stairway
and down to the room.
"Sit down and rest while I un-
pack," Geniel suggested. "That
is, unless you have something else
you'd rather do."
"No, there's nothing," answered
Christine, and Geniel could tell that
she was pleased at the invitation.
"That's a nice looking young man
on the dresser," she said, indicating
the photo. "Is he yours?"
"Well, yes and no," answered
Geniel with a smile. "I've been
going with him for a long time —
years in fact, and there has been
sort of an understanding between
us, if you know what I mean. But
there isn't a definite engagement.
Actually, that's the real reason I
came out here. Fm not at all sure
that I love him enough for marriage
— even if he sets a date — or asks
me at all, although I'm rather sure
that he will in time. The trouble
with him is that he wants to get
what he calls a start in life. He is
part owner now of a shoe store and
is doing well, but it isn't enough to
suit him. I thought it might help
both of us to make up our minds if
I left for a year — so you see. . . ."
r^HRISTINE looked thoughtful
for a moment. "Yes, I suppose
I do," she answered. "But believe
me, love isn't everything."
"No, I suppose not," agreed Ge-
niel. "But it is awfully important."
"Yes, it is important, but I think
that sometimes a young girl can
attach too much importance to ro-
mance. I did. And that's why I'm
out here in the sticks teaching
school instead of rearing a family.
It was a terrible mistake."
Geniel stopped to shake the
wrinkles out of a printed silk dress
before putting it on a hanger.
*'Would you care to tell me?" she
asked. '1 honestly have been doing
a lot of thinking and praying about
it. I don't want to make any mis-
take. It means too much."
'It means everything/' agreed
Christine. "And I will tell you my
story, although I never have be-
fore." She looked out at the grow-
ing darkness, fingering a silver link
*'I was going with a young man
back home — I grew up in a town
in Southern Utah — and he wanted
to marry me. But I didn't think I
loved him enough. He had every
quality, almost, that any girl would
want in a husband. That is, he was
active in Church work, had no bad
habits, and had a pretty good job.
But I never could get excited about
him. I didn't care whether he
called me up or not. If we went
out with another couple I didn't
have much fun. I decided it just
wasn't enough."
''And rightly, I would say," Ge-
niel broke in emphatically.
'That's what I thought at the
time, so I turned him down. He
married another girl, and they had
five children — rather close to-
gether. A lot of people were sorry
for her, but I wasn't one of them.
I would have given my life any time
to have been able to claim them for
mine. I had to get away. I couldn't
bear to see them grow up and realize
what I had missed."
"And that's why you came up
here?" Geniel asked sympathetically.
"Yes, but I haven't been able to
get away,, eally. I've kept track of
all of them. Two of the boys have
been on missions and have achieved
outstanding success. The girls are
lovely. I could have gloried in all
of their successes. Instead, I gave
it up because some of the thrills of
romance were missing. If you have
a chance to marry a good man I
hope you'll take it."
/^ENIEL sat down on the bed.
"You may be right," she said
thoughtfully, "to some extent, I'm
sure you are. But I can't help think-
ing how wonderful it would be to
feel so much love for a man that
you figured you couldn't live with-
out him. I remember my sister
Marcie on her wedding day. She
was simply radiant with joy. I want
that, too."
"Of course you do. It's what
every girl wants, just as every girl
would like to be pretty and popular.
But some are very plain. Life is like
that. It's up to us to make the best
of it."
"I know," Geniel agreed, "and
that's what I hope to do. Thanks
so much for telling me your story."
She went over to the dresser and
picked up the picture. "You know
Ernest Wood is really very earnest.
And the entire decision isn't on my
side. Maybe he needs to make up
his mind about me, too. Anyway,
I think being apart this year will
help a lot. We might have gone
drifting on for the next ten, other-
wise. I honestly do want to get
married — and I want to marry a
good man."
"I'm sure you do. Every normal,
sensible girl does. Well, I'll leave
you alone now. I'm sure you must
want some rest after that long bus
"Oh, but I'm really not tired at
all!" Geniel protested.
"Then I'm sure that you must be
[Continued on page 71)
(bixti/ LJears Ji^go
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, January i, and January 15, 1901
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
OF All Nations"
THE GREAT AND GOOD QUEEN VICTORIA: The death of Queen Victoria
has caused not only sincere sorrow and deep and heartfelt mourning in^Great Britain,
but there is a universal feehng in all the civilized world that the greatest sovereign of
her time has departed. In fact she is spoken of as the greatest without making com-
parisons .... Her life reads like a fable almost, so grand have been her virtues and so
numerous the honors that have come to her unsought by herself. . . .
— Editorial
When in the dim, gray East shall rise,
The morning of thy birth —
When thy first dawn steps from the skies
Upon the hills of earth —
Shall waiting nations breathless stand
Oppressed with haunting fears,
Of what thou boldest in thy hand,
Thou coming Hundred Years?
— Jennie Betts Hartswick
AN ALLEGORY: I stand on the narrow strip of land called The Present,
between the great Ocean of the Past and the mighty Sea of the Future. Behind me
the circling waves stretch backward into the fading distance of the unknown. Before
me the ripples break at my feet, casting here and there a pebble or a sparkling shell from
the Eternal Shores. There are great ships on the ocean behind me, all sailing into my
port of The Present; some bear the name of Science, some of Learning and some of
Art; in most there is the sound of pleasure and the incense of selfish thought. How
few there be that fly the pennon of peace, and fewer still that carry at their mast-head
the Figure on the Cross. . . .
— Susa Young Gates
The meeting was held in the new society hall, the principal object being the dedication
of the building to the purpose for which it was erected, President Isabel Martindale
presiding. , . . President Martindale felt pleased that the hall had been so far com-
pleted that we could have it dedicated, and knew that the Lord had blessed the society
in the endeavor to build a comfortable place to meet in. . , . Stake President Louisa
Haight was glad in meeting with the sisters, and that they had been blessed so much
that they had been able to build so beautiful a hall, and that it was so nearly out of
debt. . . .
— ^J. N. Price, Sec. pro tern.
HONORS FOR AN AUTHOR: Mrs. Julia Ward Howe was an honored guest
at the banquet of the Daughters of Vermont on the last night of the old year, and was
introduced by the president of the club, Mrs. Sallie Joy White, as one of Massachusetts',
America's and the world's loved daughters.
— News Note
Page 34
Woman's Sphere
Raniona W. Cannon
jyjRS. GOLDA MEIR, the Is-
raeh Foreign Minister, and del-
egate to the United Nations, is a
respected leader in her own country,
and is achieving much appreciation
among world leaders for her efforts
in behalf of peace. She has advised
the heads of state of the newly in-
dependent African nations to forget
the bitter experiences of the past
and to build anew without the il-
lusion that political independence
will provide an 'automatic solution
to all problems/'
Latter-day Saint wife and
mother, of Superior, Arizona, has
been re-elected by the Superior
Business and Professional Women,
as Woman of the Year. For many
years an officer in the organization,
Mrs. Pomeroy has been active in
many community and Church or-
ganizations, and works as secretary
in her husband's law, real estate,
and insurance office.
^ARA NELSOVA, one of the
world's greatest cellists, made
her debut at the age of eleven, with
the London Symphony Orchestra.
One of her most acclaimed selec-
tions is Ernest Bloch's ''Schelomo."
The composer recently requested
Nelsova to play this composition at
a London festival in his honor.
HTAY THOMAS, wife of Lowell
Thomas, Jr., explorer and com-
mentator, has written an interesting
account of the adventures of the
Thomas family, Lowell, Sr., Lowell,
Jr., herself, and two-year-old daugh-
ter, Anne, while exploring Ameri-
ca's last frontier and forty-ninth
State, Alaska. Her book Follow
the North Star is published by
Doubleday and Company, Inc.,
Garden City, New York.
T^HE Society of Women Engi-
neers reports that 1,035 women
are now enrolled in undergraduate
engineering in accredited univer-
sities in the United States. Deans
of several schools of engineering
have expressed a belief that there
are many engineering opportunities
within the capabilities of women.
garded as an authority in the
field of American anthropology and
Indian studies, has been giving a
most interesting series of programs
on American Indians on National
Educational Television. She dem-
onstrated the customs, costumes,
and living conditions of Indians in
various parts of America. Dr. Ruth
Prins is another anthropologist de-
voted to studying Indians. She tells
stories for children and young peo-
ple about Indians all over the world.
Page 35
VOL 48
NO. 1
Kytfid cJeii of cJune
To every thing there is a season, and to every purpose under the heaven
to keep silence, and a time to speak (Eccles. 3:1, 7).
. . a time
'T^HE scriptures tell us that every
season and every year have
specific purposes, and to their inter-
vals are assigned such activities as
the planting and the harvesting. Into
the span of our lives come sorrow
and rejoicing, birth and growth and
death. If there is an acceptance of
time in its eternal continuity, and of
the gifts it provides for our develop-
ment and ultimate perfection, then
we can rejoice in the full seasons, in
the festive holidays, in^ the winter
months, and in the year's turning.
That which is beautiful, which is
beneficial and uplifting, comes to us
as blessings on our heads, life divi-
dends, for which gratitude should
be daily expressed in prayers and
thankfulness. Always we should
think of time as a supreme gift.
Each interval of time which has
been particularly rewarding and
radiant is a legacy of lasting worth,
a time to be cherished over again,
''like the golden haze of remem-
bered days over a woman's eyes" —
never to be lost.
But what shall we say of those
days and years, perhaps, when an
interval of time may be clouded for
us, when disappointment, discour-
agement, sorrow may have become a
part of our allotted time? The earth
itself, and the people of earth help
us to find surcease of sorrow. In
those times when one must wait for
Page 36
healing, and the interval of time
seems long, there are many paths
that will take us at least into partial
sunlight, and into a place where the
lattice work of shadows may turn
again to full sunlight.
Usually, it is activity that brings
us to a rewarding use of our time —
which, at best, will be brief upon
the earth. Many women find de-
light in their gardens, in the rose
and in the lily, in the velvety faces
of pansies and the cupped petals of
columbine. Even the feel of the
soil is good, and the turning of the
loam and the tending of plants pro-
vide immeasurable delight. Some
women, when troubled, can erase
more than dust upon the windows
by giving the glass a polish, and at
the same time polishing away some
of the temporary concerns of a pass-
ing day. There is quiet comfort in
watching a winter sparrow or a
springtime lark in melody of move-
ment on a tracery of boughs. Always
available to us are the scriptures,
with their ancient and eternal wis-
dom, their shining words of faith
and courage.
We can gain strength by bending
down and lifting the burdens of
others— enter any door in any neigh-
borhood and find a need. Even a
small offering taken to a home
where there is illness or loss, may
illuminate a segment of time for
someone else. A small potted plant, is much a new apron can do by way
a single blossom, a lunch for the of encouragement in a gray interval
homebound at noon, these may of time.
brighten time and companion it We are of those spirits who once
with shared blessings. One woman, accepted with rejoicing the gift of
whenever she heard of the illness time, the opportunity of life upon
of a neighbor, would quickly stitch the earth. We are among those
up a gay-colored apron, and would spirits who have been given direc-
take it to the homebound woman, tion by precept and by command to
saying, ''Hurry up and get well. This use well the gift of time, which is
apron needs some wear." And there life, here and hereafter. —V. P. C.
Singing fHothers to U^resent IlLusic at Ujedication
of uiy^ae Lrark (chapel in JLonaon
A T the invitation of the First Presidency, two hundred and fifty Relief
Society Singing Mothers, under the direction of Dr. Florence Jepperson
Madsen, will present music for the dedication of the Hyde Park Chapel
in London in February i960. Two hundred of these Singing Mothers will
represent the British Mission, the North British Mission, and the Man-
chester Stake. The remaining fifty Singing Mothers will come from
America to join their British sisters at the dedication. Dr. Frank W.
Asper will accompany the Singing Mothers on the new 2,535 pipe organ,
one of the finest and most flexible organs in London. President Belle S.
Spafford will officially represent Relief Society. Following the dedication
of the chapel, the Singing Mothers, accompanied by Dr. Asper, will appear
in concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, the Free Trade Hall in
Manchester, and will present concerts in Scotland and Wales. Among the
featured soloists will be Annette Richardson Dinwoodey, formerly of Salt
Lake City, now living in London, and Jean Taverner, a noted English lyric
The chapel, located in the cultural center of London, will be eighty-
seven feet tall, surmounted by a gold spire reaching another thirty-six feet.
In the center of the tower will be a lovely stained glass window forty feet
high. An invitation to the thousands of passersby to hear the gospel
message is provided near the entrance to the chapel where a button can
be pressed which releases a loud speaker that presents in brief and beautiful
words the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
It will indeed be joyful tidings to Relief Society women throughout
the world to know that their voices and their ideals will be represented
by their sisters on the occasion of the dedication of the lovely chapel in
the heart of this world-famous city. It will be a time of rejoicing for the
world-wide sisterhood.
uielief Society ^ytssigned Evening // lee ting of
cfast Sunday in ii larch
T^HE Sunday night meeting to be held on Fast Day, March 5, 1961, has
again been assigned by the First Presidency for use by the Rehef
Society. A suggestive program for this meeting has been sent to the stakes
in pamphlet form. It is suggested that ward Relief Society presidents
confer with their bishops immediately to arrange for this meeting. It is
suggested that the ward Relief Society chorister and organist confer with
the ward president and carefully select from the ward music library the
songs for this occasion which seem to be the most appropriate and the
most inspirational.
tytwam Subscriptions [Presented m fyiprii
HE award subscriptions presented to Magazine representatives for hav-
ing obtained 75 per cent or more subscriptions to the Magazine in re-
lation to their enrolled Relief Society members, are not awarded until
after the stake Magazine representatives' annual reports have been audited.
Award cards for these subscriptions for the year i960 will be mailed to
ward and stake Magazine representatives about April 1, 1961.
[Bound Volume of ig6o iHaga
jD ELIEF Society officers and members who wish to have their i960 issues
of The Reliei Society Magazine bound may do so through The
Deseret News Press, 31 Richards Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. (See
advertisement in this issue of the Magazine.) The cost for binding the
twelve issues in a permanent cloth binding is $2.75, leather $4.20, includ-
ing the index. A limited number of the 1959 Magazines are available at
the offices of the General Board of Relief Society, 76 North Main Street,
Salt Lake City 11, Utah, for $2 for twelve issues. It is recommended that
wards and stakes have one volume of the i960 Magazines bound for pres-
ervation in ward and stake Relief Society libraries.
Page 38
crliimn Of the liionth — Annual JList
January to December 1961
npHE Church-wide congregational hymn singing project, inaugurated by
the Church Music Committee, will be continued during the coming
year, and all auxiliary organizations have been invited to participate. The
purpose of this project is to increase the hymn repertoire of the Church
members and to place emphasis on the message of the hymns. Stake
Relief Society choristers and organists are requested to give assistance at
leadership meetings to ward choristers and organists in carrying out this
Come, Let Us Anew
Charles Wesley - James Lucas
Choose the Right
James L. Townsend - Henry A. Tuckett
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Bernard of Clairvaux - John B. Dykes
148 (Easter)
We Are Sowing
H. A. Tuckett
There Is Beauty All Around (Love at Home)
0 God, The Eternal Father
William W. Phelps -
Felix Mendelssohn
Sweet Is the Work, My God, My King
James Crystal - Frank W. Asper
Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words
Joseph L. Tow^nsend -
Ebenezer Beesley
Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee
Joseph L. Townsend - Williaai Clayson
Lead Kindly Light
John Henry Newman
John B. Dykes
Have I Done Any Good?
Will L. Thompson -
Will L. Thompson
More Holiness Give Me
Philip Paul Bliss -
Philip Paul Bliss
Page 39
LPre\)ent L^rippung LOiseases
Basil O'Connor
President, The National Foundation
T^HE National Foundation, parent organization of the New March of
Dimes, has not only kept pace with the great strides made in medical
research towards the solution of health problems, but, in many areas, has
also assumed a leadership role in the effort to improve health standards
in the Nation.
'Trevent Crippling Diseases" is the theme of the 1961 New March
of Dimes. This is the purpose for the dimes and dollars which will come
from every corner of the Nation ... to protect human life through scien-
tific research ... to help educate young health workers so desperately
needed by the entire Nation ... to give dignity to lives shattered by para-
lytic polio, by certain birth defects, by rheumatoid arthritis.
The New March of Dimes is on its way ... on its way to solving
two other great medical problems with the same skills that were brought
to bear against polio and produced the Salk vaccine ... on its way to do
the job that needs doing against birth defects and arthritis.
Over the years. National Foundation research has been unique in the
voluntary health field because it has not been oriented to a single disease.
Instead, it has concentrated on the whole field of virus research and thus
the findings have had a bearing on the whole field of disease and disa-
Today, viruses are valuable tools for National Foundation-supported
scientists engaged in basic research on human cells. This work promises
to have an important bearing both on genetics and cancer research. Some
March-of-Dimes-supported scientists are particularly concerned with the
possible relationship between viruses and birth defects.
Prevent crippling diseases. Please say YES to the NEW MARCH
1 ♦ I
uLiaaen uiarmonies
Maude O. Cook
Have you ever heard the day break.
Or the shades of evening fall?
Have you listened to the music of the spheres?
Have you caught the silken rustle
of the seasons as they pass?
Have you hearkened to the tramp of marching years?
Are there whispers in the twilight
Speaking solace to the heart,
Bringing peace and comfort to dispel the fears?
Is the air about us vibrant —
Filled with hidden harmonies —
Tones too subtle to be heard by mortal ears?
Page 40
y^ulia ^ytnderson Jvirh^ Specializes in uiardanger vl/ork
JULIA Anderson Kirby, Logan, Utah, is a specialist in the exacting art of Hardanger,
a type of handwork which is ver\' beautiful and decorative, though practically un-
known in many areas today. Hardanger handwork, named from a district in Norway,
consists of intricate and \arious designs of drawnwork in squares and diamonds and other
patterns. Recently Mrs. Kirby presented a lovely Hardanger cloth to the Logan
An enthusiastic artist at other tvpes of handwork, Mrs. Kirby crochets, knits,
embroiders, makes many useful articles with applique designs, and is an expert at
ceramics. Her children, grandchildren, and friends have been given many exquisite
articles of her handwork.
^^^idowed in young \^•omanhood, with three children to rear, she learned
industry and responsibility. She was converted to the Church in 1923, and later
married John J. Kirby. She has served faithfully in the women's auxiliaries of the
Church and has been a visiting teacher and a member of the work meeting committee
in Relief Society. Her family now includes twelve grandchildren and eighteen great-
Padda M. Speller
Rayleigh, Essex, England
To say 'T love thee" costs me naught,
Mere words and nothing more,
But the obedience I have wrought
Proclaims ''Thee I adore."
Page 41'
CJun to 1 1 lake and Vi/ear
Shiiley Thulin
A/rAKE these two attractive out-
fits for schooldays. They are
easy to make and a joy to wear.
Reminiscent of Grandma's patch-
work quilt, is this patchwork skirt.
The teenager in your home will
love wearing it to classes. She may
even want to make it herself. It is
simple to make and is a good way
to use leftover cotton prints from
former sewing projects.
The '7^% Jumper'' also, is simple
to make and fun to wear, and it is
Patch wo rl: Skirt
For the patchwork skirt you will
need: 18 yards of rickrack, a 7-inch
zipper, and five different colored
cotton prints, 3/4 of a yard of each.
These directions are for a 27 to 28
inch long skirt. You can lengthen
or shorten it, as needed, by cutting
the squares a little smaller or larger.
To cut fabric:
1. Cut from each separate print, 4 rec-
tangles 10 inches wide and 11 inches long.
2. Cut only one waistband from one
print to your waist measure, plus two
To make patchwork:
1. First tier — seam together patches on
the 10-inch sides, using one of each print.
Then repeat in the same order, having 10
patches in one tier. Press all the seams
open flat.
2. Second tier — repeat the entire first
tier, starting with second print. Be sure to
press all the seams.
3. Third tier — seam together patches on
11 -inch side as above, starting with the
third print.
4. Join the tiers together horizontally,
Page 42
being sure that no two identical patches
are next to each other. Press seams open.
5. Stitch rickrack over the vertical
seams, then over the horizontal seams.
To complete the skirt:
1. Seam the ends together, making the
seam be the back of the skirt. Leave
opening for the zipper. Stitch rickrack
over this seam and the front edge of the
opening. Insert the zipper.
2. Fold the waistband in half and seam
the ends with the right sides together.
3. Gather the upper edge of the skirt to
fit the waistband, leaving 1 inch free for
the overlap.
Trimmed With Rickrack
Page 43
4. Attach the waistband, first stitching
the inner side of the band to the wrong
side of the skirt, then folding to the right
side of the skirt and top stitching over
the seam.
5. Stitch rickrack over the waistband
6. Hem the lower edge with Vi inch
first fold and 2 Vi inch depth.
]ifiY Jumper
Now for the '7^% Jumper." This
jumper answers the everyday prob-
lem of how to keep the little girl
attractively groomed and yet free
for good hard play. It is a jumper
that snaps up the sides and at the
shoulders, allowing endless changes
simply by sewing and by stitching
a variety of fronts in different
prints, stripes, and polka dots.
The jumper is perfect for play-
time — Indian head washability
sees to that, and with the right
blouse, it becomes a crisp, colorful
school dress.
The back of the jumper is made
in basic color. Different fronts can
be made, utilizing Indian head
Showing fasteners on both sides
prints; snaps on both sides permit
quick changes. All you need do is
remove the solid front, throw it in
the washer, and snap on the alter-
nate change.
This makes for easy ironing, too.
The simplicity of the styling makes
the jiffy jumper practical and pret-
ty for mother, too. \\^ith the
jumper silhouette an accepted fash-
ion, you can make your own style
to your own pattern in very little
Just follow your favorite jumper
pattern, placing snaps along the
side seams instead of stitching them
together. For a second jiffy jumper,
you might try using large colorful
buttons in place of the snaps.
Still another variation to this
idea, which permits dozens of mix-
match combinations, would be to
make the back of the jumper from
corduroy or gabardine, and make
the fronts from colorful matching
and contrasting cottons.
General Secretary-Treasurer Hulda Parker
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal of
material for ''Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Relief Society HandbooJ: of Instructions.
Photograph submitted by Mildred Himes
FLORENCE J. MADSEN, May 19, i960
Front row, left to right: Anna Jean Skidmore, director, Logan Twentieth Ward
Singing Mothers; Florence J. Madsen, member, General Board of ReHef Society; Carol
Peterson; Shirley Hanson; Gloria Anderson; Lulla Ve Davis; June Merrell; Annabel
Spencer; Joyce Child; Maxine Cameron (seated), accompanist.
Second row, left to right: Ruth Payne, President, Logan Twentieth Ward Relief
Society; Amy Gasser; Joan Meldrum; Chloe Bundy; Margaret Richards; Lorraine Jacob-
sen; Marjorie Johnson; Jeanine Larscn; Jo Ann Horlacher; Nellie Horlacher.
Third row, left to right: Bonnie Parson; Carma Karren; Nereecc Herd; Jackee
Haslam; \^onda Whitlock; Marjorie Bowen; Ruth Stayner; Winifred Hailes.
Mildred Himes, President, East Cache Stake Relief Society, reports: 'Tlorence J.
Madsen, member. General Board of Relief Society, and well-known musician, was hon-
ored at a concert and reception in the Logan Twentieth Ward, May 19, i960. The
concert was presented by the ward's Singing Mothers. The program included two
compositions by Sister Madsen, and she was guest conductor during the second
composition, "Come, Ye Blessed of My Father."
Page 44
"Two lionorary doctorates for outstanding contributions to music have been con-
ferred upon Sister Madsen. She studied in Boston, New York, and Chicago, and has
been recognized as one of the West's outstanding contraltos. For thirty-seven years
she was a member of the Brigham Young University faculty, where her students included
Anna Jean Skidmore and her mother. Since Sister Madsen became a member of the
General Board of ReHef Society in 1941, she has been in charge of the music for the
organization, including the Singing Mothers. She reported that more than 45,000
women participate in Singing Mothers groups throughout the world. 'Harmony,
rhythm, and melody make up music, and make up the human being,' Sister Madsen
said in her brief remarks during the concert. She added that singing is part of religion,
and that there are 1,325 references to music in the Bible.
"Other guests at the concert and reception included the East Cache Stake Relief
Society officers, Singing Mothers groups, and presidencies from other wards in the
Photograph submitted by Paula G. Wilson
Paula G. W^ilson, President, Taylorsville Stake Relief Societj^ reports: 'Tn the
parade which marked the beginning of the annual Taylorsville Stake Fourth of July
celebration, this float, entered by the stake Relief Society, was awarded first place.
It was designed by Counselors Martha Oakeson and Verna Burke. All board members
assisted with the uork. Each ward Relief Society was represented by the chorister and
a few Singing Mothers, who sang during the parade under the direction of chorister
Nellie Bennion (back to the camera), assisted by Carol Rowberry with accordion. The
entire float was white satin with gold edging. All letters were gold edged with blue.
The theme 'Song of the Heart' was on a large heart at the rear, and 'Singing Mothers'
was on each side of the float."
Photograph submitted by Anna O. Smith
Standing at the back of the room, left to right, stake officers: Cleta Hanson, social
science class leader; Chloe Stewart, theology class leader; Lila Jones, organist; Ona Bar-
low, visiting teacher message leader; Ella O. Davis, Secretary-Treasurer; Ella H. Rinderc-
knecht, First Counselor; Emily Larson, Second Counselor; Anna O. Smith, President.
Seated at the table at the right, on the right side, in the rear: members of the stake
presidency, Asa L. Beecher and Preston Alder; High Councilman Eyre Turner, advisor
to Relief Society. William Jones, stake clerk, is seated at the left rear, of the table
on the right.
Sister Smith reports: "Since the organization of Mount Logan Stake, we have held
an annual Strawberry Festival, honoring all ward officers and class leaders in our stake,
with the stake presidency, high council, and adviser to Relief Society, and their wives as
special guests. Our board members enjoy the event, and our ward people look forward
to this annual affair."
Photograph submitted by Marian Bennett
RELIEF SOCIETY "convention, May 17, i960
Front row, standing (in dark dresses), left to right: Helen Johns, former organist;
Marian Bennett, President, Long Beach Stake Relief Society; Luella Barnes, chorister;
Theodora Johnson, organist.
Second row, twelfth from the left: Mildred Moon, Secretary.
Back row, twelfth from the left: Erma Halls, Second Counselor.
Absent when the picture was taken were Maude Rowan, First Counselor, and
about twenty other members of the chorus.
Sister Bennett reports: 'This outstanding chorus has provided music for three
stake quarter!)' conferences, as well as for many special occasions, including Relief So-
ciety Convention, May 17, i960."
Photograph submitted by Frances J. Monson
Frances J. Monson, President, Canadian Mission Relief Society, reports: ''The
photograph pictures the Singing Mothers chorus at the formation of the Toronto Stake.
During the conference sessions at the stake organization, there assembled at the Odeon-
Carlton Theater in Toronto, the largest gathering of Latter-day Saints ever to convene
in the province of Ontario.
"Under the direction of Irene Palmer, the Singing Mothers of the Kitchener,
Hamilton, and Toconto Districts of the Canadian Mission, which, incidentally, became
the area comprising the Toronto Stake, presented the beautiful selections 'There Is
Beauty All Around,' and 'Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words.' In addition to the Singing
Mothers from the area mentioned above, a number of Singing Mothers from the
branches in other parts of the mission also participated in the event.
"The date of the Toronto Stake organization, Sunday, August 14, i960, will be long
remembered as a day of inspiration as the 300th stake in the Church came into being.
Elder Mark E. Petersen and Elder Alma Sonne were the General Authorities under
whose dirction the organization took place.
"The saints of the mission continue to comment relative to the benefits of sub-
scribing to The Relief Society Magazine. The colored covers are delightful, and the in-
formation attractively presented in every issue."
■ ♦ ■
diave C(
ave ^^ourage
Catherine B. Bowles
When the heart is weary.
Dark storm clouds dim the sky,
Lift your eyes to heaven,
Just know that God is nigh.
He lightens every burden;
He knows the cross you bear.
Look up to the heavens,
God will be watching there.
cJheologyi — The Doctrine and Covenants
Lesson 31— The Second Coming of Christ
Elder Roy W. Doxey
(Text: The Doctrine and Covenants, Sections 43:8-35; 45:43-75)
For Tuesday, April 4, 1961
Objective: To learn of events associated with the second coming of Christ.
Preliminary Events
/^UR attention is directed in this
lesson to the need of becoming
more fully acquainted with what the
revelations of the Lord say regard-
ing the times in which we live; and
also of events which are prophesied
to occur near the time of the Sav-
ior's return to the earth and of his
Section 43
Last year, Lesson 18 {The Relief
Society Magazine, August 1959) in-
cluded as a text, the first seven
verses of Section 43 of The Doctrine
and Covenants in setting forth the
important principle that there is
only one man on the earth at a time
who has the right by ordination and
calling to receive revelation for The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints. In exercising this right, the
President of the Church not only
directs his message to the saints but
to the world, if necessary. Joseph
Smith was the mouthpiece of the
Page 48
Lord in the opening of this dispen-
sation of the gospel. (See D & C
21:4-6.) The Lord introduced his
volume of scripture. The Doctrine
and Covenants, by stating that his
message was to go to all the world
as ''the voice of warning" unto all
people. His servants were to pro-
claim this message and, in time, all
would hear that message. (See
D & C 1:1-7.) ^" preparation for
preaching the gospel, the Lord gave
pertinent advice to elders or to the
members of the Church. They were
. . . when ye are assembled together ye
shall instruct and edify each other, that
ye may know how to act and direct my
church, how to act upon the points of my
law and commandments, which I have
given (D & C 43:8).
By giving words of edification
arising out* of their understanding
of the gospel, the elders were to be-
come ''. . . sanctified by that which
ye have received, and ye shall bind
yourselves to act in all holiness be-
fore me" (D & C 43:9). As the
result of being so instructed in meet-
ings, and making of the command-
ments a part of daily living '\ . .
glory shall be added to the kingdom
[Church] which ye have re-
ceived . . /' but negligence in these
matters would result in a loss of
the blessings which it was the right
of the faithful to obtain.
(Read the word of the Lord in
verses 11-12.)
Joseph Smith Prophesies
The saints have always been ad-
monished to uphold the prophet of
the Lord for therein lies safety. How
closely do we follow the revelations
which have come through the
Prophet Joseph Smith? For example,
do we, as Latter-day Saints, uphold
him in what he has given us? Here
are some of his prophecies:
I will prophesy that the signs of the
coming of the Son of Man are already
commenced. One pestilence will desolate
after another. We shall soon have war
and bloodshed. The moon will be turned
into blood. I testify of these things, and
that the coming of the Son of Man is
nigh, even at your doors. If our souls
and our bodies are not looking forth for
the coming of the Son of Man; and after
we are dead, if we are not looking forth,
we shall be among those who are calling
for the rocks to fall upon them (D. H. C.
The coming of the Son of Man never
will be — never can be till the judgments
spoken of for this hour are poured out:
which judgments are commenced (D. H,
The hour spoken of in the last
prophecy was predicted by John the
Revelator as ''. . . the hour of his
[God's] judgment . . /' (Revela-
tion 14:7).
''Give As I Have Spoken"
As the Lord continued to instruct
the elders who would studv and take
the message of the dispensation to
the world in preparation for the
Lord's coming, he charged them
that they were sent forth to teach
the children of men and not to be
taught. He had given them infor-
mation of things to come — of
''judgments which are on the land'"
(D & C 88:79)— and by the power
of his Spirit they were to teach.
Since their instructions came from
the Giver of truth, who knows all
things, they were to sanctify them-
selves and '\ . . ye shall be endowed
with power, that ye may give even
as I have spoken." (See D & G
But what has the Lord spoken?
What has he given which is to be
carried by the elders? (Read verses
In continuing his message, the
Lord emphasized the need for mis-
sionary work to be done among the
nations that all who would respond
to his call might repent. The mis-
sionaries were to accept the call to
service lest they be found among
those who were negligent in their
responsibilities. (See D & G 43:
19-20.) In fact, this dispensation
is the last time when the Lord's
servants are to call upon the inhabi-
tants of the earth. (See D & G
43:28.) As one reads this revela-
tion, he discovers that the people of
the Lord are to make preparations
for the great day of the Lord (D &
C 43:20-22).
The Great Day of the Lord Is Nigh
In the first paragraph of the in-
formative explanation of verse 17
from the Doctrine and Covenants
Commentary (see page 246), the
great day of the Lord is indicated
as the day when the Lord comes to
reign upon the earth. Joseph Smith
was informed in many revelations
that this was the message of the
Lord for this dispensation.
When the inhabitants of the
earth do not accept the call of the
missionaries to repent, the Lord will,
as this revelation points out, an-
swer his own question — ''What
will ye say when the day cometh
when the thunders shall utter their
voices from the ends of the earth?"
The Lord's Message
Literal or Figurative?
The Lord's message is to be taken
It is predicted that calamity and destruc-
tion await the inhabitants of the earth if
they continue to reject the Gospel and
fill the cup of their iniquity. This punish-
ment will come when "the wrath of God
shall be poured out upon the wicked with-
out measure." (D & C 1:9.) It will
come after the elders of Israel have de-
clared their message to all the world. Then
will come the testimony of wrath and
indignation; the testimony of earthquakes,
the voice of thunders and lightnings and
tempests and the waves heaving them-
selves beyond their bounds. (D & G
88:88-91.) {Doctiine and Covenants
Commentary, page 246.)
The Lord Shall Utter His Voice
When the judgments of the Lord
come as warnings, how will he
If we understand this prophecy [Sec-
tion 43:23], correctly, it means that after
the warning voices of the thunders and
lightnings and world wars, God will again
speak to the children of men. In other
words, the gospel sound will be heard.
The Lord will explain to men, through
His servants, why the calamities have come,
viz., to cause men to repent and be saved
(v. 24-27) {Doctrine and Covenants Com-
mentary, page 247).
Section 45 — Review and Prelude
The purpose of last month's les-
son was to give us an insight into
some of the signs of the times as
those events were foreseen by the
Master and told to his disciples in
the meridian of times, and then to
relate the events of our own dis-
pensation. (See D & C 45:1-42.)
From Section 45, beginning with
verses 15 through 24, Jesus told his
disciples of events to be expected
during their own dispensation or
generation. From verses 25 through
38 the Lord gave his disciples some
signs by which they might know
that in the final dispensation of the
gospel the ''times of the Gentiles"
were about to be finished.
Should Latter-day Saints look for-
ward to these signs of the times?
Hear the word of the Lord:
And it shall come to pass that he that
feareth me shall be looking forth for the
great day of the Lord to come, even for
the signs of the coming of the Son of
Man (D & G 45:39).
This prophecy would suggest that
as the Lord's coming nears, there
will be some devout souls who will
be impressed with the doctrine of
the second coming and the millen-
nium, but, in general, the people of
the world will not give heed to these
Biblical teachings. These devout
. . . shall see signs and wonders, for
they shall be shown forth in the heavens
above, and in the earth beneath.
And they shall behold blood, and fire,
and vapors of smoke (D & G 45:40-41).
Sign of the Son of Man
Among these signs to precede the
Lord's coming, is one event which
was mentioned by Jesus to his dis-
ciples in the meridian of time (Mt.
24:30; Luke 21:25-27), and spoken
of again in this dispensation as "a
great sign in heaven, and all people
shall see it together" (D&C 88:93).
What is this sign? Because all peo-
ple shall see it, does it follow that
it will be recognized by the world
as a sign indicating that the Lord's
coming is near, or will it be ex-
plained as another natural phe-
nomenon? Inasmuch as wickedness
and unbelief will, in general, reign
on the earth near the Lord's com-
ing, the world will not accept this
great sign for what it is. Among
faithful Latter-day Saints, however,
who are looking forward to these
signs and to the leadership of the
Church for guidance in such mat-
ters, they shall know what the sign
is and of its meaning.
Jiidah must return, Jerusalem must be
rebuilt, and the temple, and water come
out from under the temple, and the waters
of the Dead Sea be healed. It will take
some time to rebuild the walls of the city
and the temple, &c.; and all this must be
done before the Son of Man will make
His appearance. There will be wars and
rumors of wars, signs in the heavens above
and on the earth beneath, the sun turned
into darkness and the moon to blood,
earthquakes in divers places, the seas heav-
ing beyond their bounds; then will appear
one grand sign of the Son of Man in
heaven. But what will the world do?
They will say it is a planet, a comet, &c.
But the Son of Man will come as the
sign of the coming of the Son of Man,
which will be as the light of the morning
Cometh out of the east (D. H. C. V:337).
A Bow in the Heavens?
(Not One But Many Signs)
It is well to keep in mind that
there is no one sign or event which
signalizes the nearness of the Lord's
second coming. Included among
these signs are those which are re-
ferred to about the sun, moon, and
the stars. (See D&C 45:42.) But
there is one sign referred to by the
Prophet Joseph Smith, which, by
the absence of a natural phenome-
non, has considerable importance.
Here are the words of the Prophet:
I have asked of the Lord concerning
His coming; and while asking the Lord,
He gave a sign and said, "In the days of
Noah I set a bow in the heavens as a
sign and token that in any year that
the bow should be seen the Lord would
not come; but there should be seed time
and harvest during that year: but when-
ever you see the bow withdrawn, it shall
be a token that there shall be famine,
pestilence, and great distress among the
nations, and that the coming of the Mes-
siah is not far distant (D. H. C. VI:
First Appearance— to the Saints
The Lord's first appearance as
part of the second coming will be
to his saints. Of such an appear-
ance the Old Testament prophet
spoke when he referred to the Lord's
suddenly coming to his temple in
the day when it could be appro-
priately asked: ''But who may abide
the day of his coming? and who
shall stand when he appeareth? for
he is like a refiner's fire, and like
fullers' soap" (Malachi 3:2). Mo-
roni quoted part of this chapter to
Joseph Smith when he visited him
in 1823. (See Pearl of Great Price,
Joseph Smith 2:36.)
It may be concluded that this ap-
pearance to the saints may not be
generally known, except as the
world is informed of it by the saints.
As partial fulfillment of this proph-
ecy was the appearance of the Sav-
ior in the Kirtland Temple in 1836.
(See D&C 110:1-4.) That the
complete fulfillment has reference
to the temple in the New Jerusalem,
yet to be erected in Jackson Coun-
ty, Missouri, is indicated by reason
of the offering to be made by the
sons of Levi. (See Malachi 3:3;
D & C 84:21-34; Teachings oi the
Prophet Joseph Smith, pp. 171-173.)
President Brigham Young said that:
When Jesus makes his next appearance
upon the earth, but few of this Church
and kingdom will be prepared to receive
him and see him face to face and converse
with him; but he will come to his temple
{Journal of Discourses 7:142).
In the General Conference of
April 1898, President Wilford
Woodruff told of his first meeting
the Prophet Joseph Smith and of
the Priesthood assemblage of 1833
when the Prophet prophesied that
the saints would be settled in the
Rocky Mountains.
. . . When they [the brethren present]
got through the Prophet said, ''Brethren I
have been very much edified and instruct-
ed in your testimonies here tonight, but
I want to say to you before the Lord,
that you know no more concerning the
destinies of this Church and kingdom
than a babe upon its mother's lap. You
don't comprehend it." I was rather sur-
prised. He said "It is only a little hand-
ful [sic] of Priesthood you see here to-
night, but this Church will fill North and
South America — it will fill the world."
Among other things he said, "it will fill
the Rocky Mountains. There will be tens
of thousands of Latter-day Saints who will
be gathered in the Rocky Mountains, and
there they will open the door for the
establishing of the Gospel among the
Lamanites, who will receive the Gospel
and their endowments and the blessings
of God. This people will go into the
Rocky Mountains; they will there build
temples to the Most High. They will
raise up a posterity there, and the Latter-
day Saints who dwell in these mountains
will stand in the flesh until the coming
of the Son of Man. The Son of Man
will come to them while in the Rocky
I name these things because I want to
bear testimony before God, angels and
men that mine eyes behold the day, and
have beheld for the last fifty years of my
life, the fulfillment of that prophecy . , .
(Conference Report, Sixty-eighth Annual
Conference, April 1898, page 57).
Some of the saints by appoint-
ment will attend the great council
at Adam-ondi-Ahman spoken of by
the Prophet Joseph Smith. At that
time Adam will deliver lap his
stewardship to Christ preparatory to
the ''coming of the Son of Man"
in glory. (See Teachings oi the
Prophet Joseph Smith, page 157.)
Another Appearance— to the Jews
Another great appearance of the
Master will be at a time when the
Jews are gathered to the Holy Land.
When this happens the nations will
be at war with the Jews, who since
1948 have had their own govern-
ment in Israel (Palestine), to which
the Jews are now gathering. The
Prophet declares that when sorely
besieged and part of Jerusalem is
taken (Zechariah 14:1-2), two
prophets or witnesses ''raised up to
the Jewish nation in the last days"
will be killed and their dead bodies
shall lie in the streets three days
and a half. Life will re-enter their
bodies, which will ascend into heav-
en. A great earthquake will cause
the Mount of Olives to divide and
the earth will tremble. (See Reve-
lation 11:1-13; D & C 77:15.) The
Lord will then fight their battle.
(See Zechariah 14:3-9.) As the text
of our lesson states:
And then shall the Jews look upon me
and say: What are these wounds in thine
hands and in thy feet?
Then shall they know that I am the
Lord; for I will say unto them: These
wounds are the wounds with which I
was wounded in the house of my friends.
I am he who was hfted up. I am Jesus
that was crueified. I am the Son of God.
And then shall they weep because of
their iniquities; then shall they lament be-
cause they persecuted their king (D & C
45:51-53). (See also, Zechariah 13:6;
12:8-14; 13:1.)
And thus Judah shall be re-
deemed by acceptance of their Sav-
ior Jesus Christ. In order for salva-
tion to be received by any people
it will be through baptism by im-
mersion for the remission of sins
and the bestowal of the Holy Ghost.
Third Appearance—
in Power to the World
There follows the great and glori-
ous coming of Jesus Christ, who sub-
dues all enemies under his feet, ''and
the Lord shall be king over all the
earth." This is the coming for
which the righteous have prayed,
that wickedness might be removed
from the earth. His coming in
power is described in the modern
revelations as ''an entire separation
of the righteous and the wicked"
with the wicked being consumed
(D & C 63:54; 101:23-24; 133:63-
64). Our lesson text reveals that
the nations of the earth will be
For when the Lord shall appear he
shall be terrible unto them, that fear may
seize upon them, and they shall stand
afar off and tremble.
And all nations shall be afraid because
of the terror of the Lord, and the power
of his might. Even so. Amen (D & C
The New Jerusalem
One of the best descriptions of
the center place of Zion in the last
days when the judgments of the
Lord are poured out upon the wick-
ed is found in our text D & C
The Lord has set forth in ancient
and modern times that there would
be two gathering places in the last
days — Palestine (Israel) and
America. (See Micah 4:1-2; D & C
Other Events
When the Savior comes, as indi-
cated, a general resurrection will
occur, the heathen nations shall be
redeemed, and Satan is to be bound
as a part of the great millennial
reign of Christ. (See D & C 45:54;
Be Prepared
During his mortal ministry, the
Lord spoke concerning the prepared-
ness of believers in the last days.
The parable of the ten virgins, five
of whom were prepared to meet the
bridegroom while the remaining five
were unprepared and rejected from
entrance to the marriage feast, is
closed with this application: ". . .
Verily I say unto you, I know you
not. Watch therefore, for ye know
neither the day nor the hour where-
in the Son of man cometh (Mt.
Does this parable applv to the
Latter-day Saints? Definitely so.
Read the words of the Lord to the
Prophet Joseph Smith as given in
D & C 45:56-59.
No one else upon the face of the
earth meets the description given in
these verses better than do the Lat-
ter-dav Saints, for ". . . thev have
received the truth, and have taken
the Holy Spirit for their guide, and
have not been deceived ..." (D & C
Questions for Discussion
1. What do you believe one of the
greatest responsibihties of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to the
2. The Lord instructed the saints to
uphold the Prophet Joseph Smith in his
day. What obligation, if any, does the
member of the Church have in sustaining
the present prophet?
3. What evidence supports the truth
that the judgments spoken of for the last
days are literal and not figurative?
4. In view of the great events yet to
happen before the second coming of
Christ, what need do you think there is
for Latter-day Saints to follow the leader-
ship of the Church?
5. Discuss the different phases of the
second coming of Christ: (a) to the
saints; (b) to the Jews; (c) to the world.
6. Discuss the parable of the ten vir-
gins and its lesson for Latter-day Saints.
Visiting cJeacher t/ Lessages —
Truths to Live By From The Doctrine and Covenants
Message 31— '"Thou Shalt Not Speak Evil of Thy Neighbor, Nor Do
Him Any Harm'' (D & C 42:27)
Chiistine H. Robinson
For Tuesday, April 4, 1961
Objective: We must guard constantly against idle or evil words which might harm
or undermine another's character.
'T^HIS wise counsel comes from
the section of The Doctrine
and Covenants which was described
by Joseph Smith as embracing the
law of the Church. To avoid speak-
ing evil of one's neighbor and to
make sure that we do him no harm,
is a fundamental law of intelligent
human behavior. If, in our personal
contacts with others, we want to
spread love, friendship, understand-
ing, and good will, we must practice
this law.
The story is told of a man who
had circulated slanderous gossip
about a neighbor only to find the
story was not true. Conscience
stricken, the man sought the advice
of a friend to see what could be
done to retrieve the evil words he
had spoken. His wise friend told
him to take a bag filled with goose
feathers and to drop a handful of
feathers at each door in the village.
The man followed this advice and
returned to his friend for further
instructions. ''Now take your bag
to each house once more," replied
the friend, ''and gather up each
goose feather you have dropped.""
The man sadly shook his head and
said, "That I cannot do for the
wind has scattered them over the
Like these scattered feathers, gos-
sip and unkind words are almost
impossible to retrieve. Regardless
of how we may try to take them
back and, even if we sincerely re-
pent, it may be impossible to undo
the harm that has been inflicted.
This is true of any type of slander-
ous or misrepresented statements.
Each of us has two words in her
vocabulary which can be easily and
lightly spoken to spread rumor or a
bit of gossip. These two words are
''they say/' These are such inno-
cent words rarely deliberately spoken
to do harm, but, when they preface
even the most casual remark which
might misrepresent or undermine
the character of another, they can
do damage which may never be fully
Down through the ages, the Lord
has been concerned about the hu-
man tendency to speak ill of others.
Through his prophet Solomon, we
are reminded that five of the seven
things which the Lord hates are
actions associated with speaking evil
and doing harm to our neighbors.
The five are:
... a lying tongue. . . .
An heart that deviseth wicked imagina-
tions, feet that be swift in running to
A false witness that speaketh lies, and
he that soweth discord among brethren
(Proverbs 6:17-19),
Jesus added force to this warning
when he said:
. . . every idle word that men shall
speak, they shall give account thereof in
the day of judgment.
For by thy words thou shalt be justi-
fied, and by thy words thou shalt be con-
demned (Mt. 12:36-37).
He also gave us the key to our
personal responsibility in this re-
spect when he said:
. . . how canst thou say to thy brother,
Brother, let me pull out the mote that
is in thine eye, when thou thyself be-
holdest not the beam that is in thine
own eye . . . (Luke 6:42).
One of our Latter-day Saint
hymns also advises us:
Should you feel inclined to censure
Faults you may in others view,
Ask your own heart, ere you venture.
If that has not failings, too.
("Should You Feel IncHned to Cen-
sure," Hymns, page 159)
A much loved woman was once
asked how she was able to attract
and hold so many true friends. She
replied, "I have made it a practice
never to speak ill of another. When
I see someone make a mistake, I
try always to say to myself, had I
faced similar circumstances I might
have done worse."
The Prophet Joseph Smith in
talking to the Relief Society said:
. . . don't be limited in your views with
regard to your neighbor's virtue . . . you
must enlarge your souls towards each
other . . . you must be long-suffering, and
bear with the faults and errors of man-
kind ... be liberal in your feelings . . .
let kindness, charity and \o\e crown your
works . . . (D. H. C. IV, pp. 606-607,
April 28, 1842) .
Let us heed this commandment
given in The Doctrine and Cove-
nants. Rather than speaking ill, let
us oft speak kind words of, and to
each other, for ''Kind words are
sweet tones of the heart."
Celia Larsen Luce
IKE a tree, the way we stretch is the way we grow. The tree stretches toward the
' light. What am I stretching toward?
Work TTLeeting— Caring for the Sick in the Home
(A Course Expected to Be Used by Wards and Branehes at Work Meeting)
Lesson 7 — Feeding the Patient — Oral Medications — Local
Application of Heat and Cold
Maria Johnson
For Tuesday, April ii, 1961
A. To give a few hints that will help in one's efforts to stimulate the sick patient
to take the nourishment she needs.
B. To stress the serious responsibility in giving medication and learn some im-
portant safety measures in handling drugs and giving them by mouth.
C. To consider some effects of heat and cold on the body and also measures for
their safe application.
A. Feeding the Patient
Tj^EEDING the sick patient is always an important part of medical treat-
ment. The doctor will tell you if there is to be any modification of
the regular diet, or if the patient is to have a restricted special diet. It is
then up to you to see that the patient takes the nourishment prescribed.
The patient often has no appetite, or at times is just too tired to make
the effort to eat. Here are a few hints that will encourage him to eat:
\v \
When possible, sit down to
feed the patient
Before serving the tray, tidy up the room, clear the bedside table or overbed table
ready for the tray. Make the patient comfortable, offer bedpan (or urinal), wash
her hands. If she can sit up in bed, support her back with pillows and place the
overbed table over her lap, or she may prefer a pillow on her lap to support the
tray. If she cannot sit up turn her on her left side and arrange the bedside table
within easy reach.
The tray cloth and napkin should be clean.
The sight, aroma, and taste of food will each play an important part in encouraging
the patient to eat.
The tray should be inviting with attractive color combinations of food.
Small servings encourage the patient to attempt eating.
Hot dishes should be served hot and cold dishes cold.
Page 56
7. Do not ask the patient what she would hke for dinner but learn her likes and
dislikes and give them consideration in planning the meal.
8. Use a positive approach — do not say "Would you hke a glass of juice?" but rather
"Here is a glass of juice for you."
9. An element of surprise such as a flower on the tray, or a favor on a special holiday
will add interest.
When the patient cannot feed herself:
1. Wash your hands.
2. Allow plenty of time. Never appear in a hurry. If possible, sit down to feed the
patient. Give the patient your full attention. Do not carry on a conversation
with another person unless the patient is included.
3. It is usually best to place the tray in front of the patient you are feeding.
4. Place food carefully in her mouth so that it does not spill. Give small amounts and
wait until the patient swallows before feeding more. Offer different food and
liquids as the patient wishes.
5. If the patient cannot raise her head, liquids may be served from a small cream
pitcher or a drinking tube. Flexible drinking straws are especially good. If a
drinking tube or straw is used, steady it for the patient and do not fill the glass
more than half full. It will help if you can turn her head a little to one side,
or you can place your hand under the pillow and raise the head a little as the
patient drinks from a partly filled cup or through the drinking tube.
B. Oral Medications:
The giving of medications is an exacting and serious assignment.
Drugs given to a patient may be very beneficial, or they can be very harm-
ful if not given in the correct amount and proper way. It is therefore
essential for every mother or person caring for the sick in the home to
know and follow the necessary safeguards. One first rule might well be —
never give a medication that has not been ordered by a physician.
Self-medication is one of the most serious health problems of today.
Remember a symptom is not a disease. It is the cause and not the
symptom that needs a solution. Treating symptoms gives only temporary
relief. The cause or trouble back of the symptom is still there. Do not
attempt to diagnose your own ills or those of your neighbor, and do not
pass pills you have on hand on to your neighbor. Because her symptoms
appear to be very much like those you have had, does not mean the cause
or diagnosis is the same. Women who are taking tranquilizers or so-called
''happy pills," unless ordered by the doctor, are doing themselves great
harm. These medications do not cure and should be used only for tempo-
rary relief. The same symptoms thus treated will return again and again
unless the cause is found and corrected.
Safety rules and hints for giving drugs by mouth:
1. Keep all drugs out of the reach of children.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Give only those drugs ordered by the physician and follow his instructions as to
the amount and time to be given. His orders should be written.
4. Give exact amount and on time. Measurements must be accurate. Read the
label for the directions. Never give more than is ordered.
5. Pour from the side opposite the label so it will not become soiled.
6. Read the order each time you give a medication.
7. Read the label three times — when you pick up the container, when you pour
the medication — and when you return the box or bottle to the shelf.
8. Never give a medication from an unlabeled container or from one whose label
cannot be clearly read.
9. Never put a liquid medication back in the bottle — discard it if not used.
10. Do not handle pills or tablets with your fingers. Turn them into a small glass or
paper container. This assures cleanliness and makes it easy for the patient to
get them back on his tongue to swallow,
11. Most drugs are concentrated and should be taken with water. Most liquids should
be diluted and followed with a glass of water. An exception is a cough syrup
because you want it to soothe the throat.
Getting children to take a medicine is not always easy. Here are a few hints or
tricks that often help:
1. Be positive — slip the medication into the child's mouth in a matter-of-fact way,
as if it had not occurred to you that he would not take it. Do not say, "Do you
want your medicine?" He may say, "'No," then the trouble begins.
2. Try talking about something else when you put the spoon in his mouth. Most
children open their mouths automatically like little birds.
3. Always be kind, even in a tussle.
4. If the taste of the medicine is unpleasant, it sometimes helps to disguise it with
a food, but you must be careful that he doesn't associate the food with the
a. If given in a juice choose one that the child does not take regularly, i.e.
grape juice or prune juice. If you give a queer taste to his milk or orange
juice it may make him suspicious for months.
b. Tablets that do not dissolve can be crushed to a fine powder and mixed in a
good tasting food. Use a very small amount of food as he may decide he
doesn't want very much.
c. Tablets and capsules hard to swallow may be put in something lumpy and
sticky, such as banana. Follow the teaspoon quickly with a drink of some-
thing he likes.
d. Bitter pills can be put in honey, syrup, jam, or applesauce.
The older child will, in many cases, enjoy co-operating with you by watching the
time and ringing the bell or giving you the signal when it is time for her medicine. She
will also like to cross off the time on the chart after she has taken the medicine. This
gives the child something to do and keeps her interested.
Always keep a record of the medication given, the amount, and the time. Make
a simple chart for the day. List the medication and when it is to be given, for
example: Pink pill three times a day at 9 a.m., 1 p.m., 5 p.m. Then draw a line
through the time after you give it.
Teach a child that the doctor is his best friend, and never use the doctor as a
threat to a child.
C. Local Application oi Heat and Cold:
Applications of heat and cold have been used through the ages, and
are still widely used in the treatment of diseases and to relieve pain.
In applying heat great care must be taken to prevent burns.
1. Remember, some people burn more easily than others. For them use lower
temperatures and watch more closely. Infants, elderly people, diabetics, persons
in shock, and those \^ ith fair skin are good examples of those who burn easily.
2. The ner\es of the skin are numbed by continued heat or repeated applications of
heat so the patient may not realize she is being burned. She needs close watching.
3. A patient may be burned because of carelessness or neglect in testing the tempera-
4. Never fill a hot water bottle from a tap. Put the water in a pitcher and test with
a bath thermometer or your clenched fist. The water should be between 120°
— 130° F., depending upon the patient's condition. It should be bearable to
your fist.
5. Always co\'er a hot water bottle — never put rubber next to the skin. Outing
flannel makes the best cover.
To Fill a Hot Water Bottle:
1. Pour hot water in a pitcher and test.
2. Rinse bag with hot water to preheat it.
3. Fill bag not more than half full.
4. Lay bag on flat surface (table top by sink is a good place) and allow water to fill
neck, screw in stopper before lifting the bag. This will exclude the air. The bag
will be lighter, more comfortable, and will conform to the contour of the body.
5. Wipe the bag dry and turn upside down to check for leaks.
6. Put in a flannel or cotton bag or wrap in a towel.
7. Never put stopper or hard end next to the patient.
Good substitutes for a hot water bag are: a brick, a bag of sand, or a bag of salt
heated in the oven.
Electric Heating Pads:
There is more danger of burn from an electric pad than from a hot water bottle.
The hot water bottle gradually cools, while heat in an electric pad remains constant.
The heating pad must be checked frequently. Many hospitals today ha\e discontinued
the use of electric pads.
Never use an electric pad on a moist dressing unless the pad is rubber covered.
Application of Cold:
Pack the ice cap with crushed or chipped ice.
Do not fill it more than half full.
Flatten the ice cap on a flat surface and push down on it to expel the air.
Wipe dry.
Always put a flannel cover on an ice bag.
Long applications of cold should be discontinued at frequent intervals to prexent
tissue damage.
A good substitute for an ice bag is a plastic bag. Put ice in bag — twist and
fold the open end and fasten with an elastic band. Cover with a bag or towel.
JLiteratare — America's Literature Comes of Age
Lesson 23 — Emerson, the Spokesman for His Age
Elder Biiant S. Jacobs
(Textbook: America's Literature, by James D. Hart and Clarence Gohdes,
Dryden Press, New York, pp. 250-303)
For Tuesday, April 18, 1961
Objective: To relate Emerson's philosophy to the basic ideas his art expresses.
VY^FIEN early in his career Emer-
son was first called a Tran-
scendentalist, it irked him; later on
the term amused him, that is, when
he thought of it, as it came from
the mouths of his critics. As his
fame increased, so did the use of
the term, by those both friendly
and fierce. In his Journa], ''my
savings bank," Emerson recorded
the cultured Mrs. B's comment
with a lofty wave of her hand, that
'Transcendentalism means a little
beyond." Nathaniel Hawthorne, his
friend and Concord neighbor, v/as
scarcely so debonair. Seeing reality
as somber mystery, Hawthorne re-
sented Emerson's ''perpetual smile,"
feeling he ought to "wait for some-
thing to smile at."
What, then, was Transcendental-
ism, other than Emerson's definition
of it as "Idealism as it appears in
Emerson spoke truth in calling it
"a silent revolution of thought." He
was its acknowledged leader and
spokesman. Basically an American
movement, both in spirit and prin-
ciple, transcendentalism was a near-
spontaneous reaction against the
staid, conservative, tradition-bound
New England culture which to
Emerson seemed but an empty husk
behind which a vigorous new de-
Page 60
mocracy was hiding from its own
destiny. It was the complete antith-
esis of Calvanistic doctrines of
man's depravity and election. (See
text, pp. 173-176: "Pioneers of
Freedom" and "Religious Faith
Emphasizing, as never before,
that "The kingdom of God is with-
in you," Transcendentalism quick-
ened each man to "live in the
Eternal Now," guided by his own
reason or intuitive inner light.
The central impetus of the move-
ment was moral and spiritual. In
these realms it promised to every
man what Calvinism had reserved
only for the chosen few; it "gave its
adherents a new hope, a greater
trust in the nature and resources of
man, than the laws or popular opin-
ion will allow," a doctrine restated
in one of Emerson's poems written
as early as 1831:
If thou canst bear
Strong meat of simple truth,
If thou durst my words compare
With what thou thinkest in the soul's
free youth,
Then take this fact unto thy soul —
God dwells in thee. . . .
Clouded and shrouded there doth sit
The Infinite
Embosomed in a man;
And thou art stranger to thy guest,
And knowst not what thou dost in-
vest. . . .
Then bear thyself, O man!
A Perry Picture
Up to the scale and compass of thy guest;
Soul of th}' soul.
Be great as doth beseem
The ambassador who bears
The royal presence where he goes. . . .
Among other reasons, Transcen-
dentalism was too intense to be
warmed-over romanticism, Ameri-
can version. Instead of casting an
air of venerable mystery about
ancient ruins and legends, Emer-
son repudiated the past by annihi-
lating time. His emphasis was to
understand the miracle of the com-
mon, the low, the everyday; to
master present reality that' one
might really hVe and thus make
present history. ''Only so much do
I Jciiow as I have lived," and living
must be now. Further, it must be
nobly unselfish, dedicated to the
ultimate good of all through ven-
erating nature and trusting one's
reason (or intuition). Believing
that reality is spiritual rather than
material, Transcendentalism vigor-
ously opposed whatever belief or in-
stitution kept man from full self-
realization. Commercialism, trade,
politics, slavery, education, religion,
reform, literature — those in their
present forms were opposed by
Transcendentalism, if they seemed,
in any way, to inhibit man from
striving toward fulfillment of the
American dream. Thus Transcen-
dentalism was the strongest liberat-
ing force in American literature pre-
ceding the Civil War.
Unity in Nature
Believing that 'To seek unity is a
necessity of the mind/' Emerson
believed everything is held har-
moniously together by the Over-
Soul, the great spiritual force of the
universe, symbolized and dynamic
both in man and nature. 'There
is never a beginning, there is never
an end, to the inexphcable continu-
ity of this web of God, but always
circular power returning into it-
self." And for Emerson, prime ac-
cess to this timeless unity lay
through nature, but a nature which
was a living, growing, constantly
changing organism:
Nothing is fixed in nature. The uni-
verse is fluid and volatile. Permanence is
but a word of degrees. Our globe seen by
God is a transparent law, not a mass of
Nature, being fluid and organic,
decrees that all things be made and
allowed to grow from within their
own nature and in harmony with
This concept of organic form is
one of Emerson's greatest contribu-
tions to American literature and art.
He believed that all art should be
allowed to create itself from within,
rather than being confined to any
existing form dictated by past usage.
Of supreme importance is the word
used to express an idea. Not only
is it impossible to separate an idea
from its expression, but ''style is
thought itself." And style achieves
its greatest power in communicating
truth through poetry.
Emeison, the Poet
The greatest source of Emer-
son's power is his poetic quality,
whether in the spoken eloquence of
his essays or in his poems. Emerson
loved lecturing because he loved to
move audiences with his sparkling,
condensed sentences filled with the
colloquial, common figures which
expressed the essential Emerson. He
believed eloquence to be ''the power
to translate a truth into language
perfectly intelligible to the person
to whom you speak," that it arises
out of heat, which comes only from
sincerity. Therefore, "speak what
you know and believe, and are per-
sonally in it; and are answerable for
every word." That he did so with
complete honesty is proved by his
sustained success. When he said,
"This writing is blood-warm," he
not only defined his own style but
exemplified it also. In his Essays
Emerson's great power lies in the
sentence. Emerson's major pur-
pose was to inspire his countrymen
to live and believe and speak as if
no one had ever done so before, but
it is the poet whom he entrusts with
the liberating thrill of "new-nam-
ing" all animals, flowers, essences
in this virgin land. Before he mar-
ried Lydia Jackson he wrote her that
"I am a born poet, of a low class
without doubt, yet a poet, in the
sense of the perceiver and dear lover
of the harmonies that are in the
soul and in matter." Probably he
defined his own talents as being so
low because he defined the destiny
of the poet so grandly. To him the
poet is the sovereign who perceives
all truth, "new-names" it, and af-
firms it to all enlightened spirits.
In his essay "The Poet," he defines
him as "the complete man, the com-
plete mind, the beholder of ideas";
he is "representative of man, in vir-
tue of being the largest power to
receive and to impart."
It is the more finely attuned poet
who hears poetry's tones and shapes
them into words. Who are poets?
"Every man is so far a poet as to
be susceptible of these enchant-
ments of nature. • . ."
And who loves nature? .... Is it only
poets . . . ? No; but also hunters, farm-
ers, grooms, and butchers, though they
express their affection in their choice of
hfe and not in their choice of words. . . .
The people fancy they hate poetry, and
they are all poets and mystics. . . .
But it is not nature herself which
all worship but ''nature the symbol,
nature certifying the supernatural
body overflowed by life" which com-
municates to each beholder the uni-
fying, inexplicable beauty which is
the hallmark of poetry.
Art as Symbolism
Second in importance only to his
concept of organic form is Emer-
son's doctrine that the greatest art
is symbolic. He believed that
''every thought is a prison"; there-
fore we love the poet who, through
use of the key symbol, "yields to us
a new thought, unlocks our chains
and admits us to a new scene."
Since "we are all symbols, and in-
habit symbols," the use of symbols
has a certain power of emancipation
and exhilaration for all men;
through symbols "the poet turns
the world to glass" and we see where
before we were blind.
The Practicing Poet
On every hand Emerson prac-
ticed what he preached. As glove
to hand, pit to peach, his words fit
the idea; not only that, they create
the idea, nor can the two ever be
separated. Describe, if you can, in
other words equally "true" his Aunt
Mary Moody. Emerson "whittled
his wit." And wit he has; "I can
breathe at any time, but I can only
whistle when the right pucker
comes." And wisdom: "We are
never tired, so long as we can see
far enough." And the lyrical com-
mon touch: "I have no hostility to
nature, but a child's love to it. I
expand and live in the warm day
like corn and melons. Let us speak
her fair. I do not wish to fling stones
at my beautiful mother, nor soil my
gentle nest." And lyrical: "If the
stars should appear one night in a
thousand years, how would men be-
lieve and adore; and preserve for
many generations the remembrance
of the city of God which had been
shown!" In each of these quotes
the form is contrast. To prove it,
try casting the identical thought in
another form. The following quota-
tions are memorable:
Self Reliance
What I must do, is all that concerns me,
not what the people think.
It is easy in the woiM to live after the
world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to
live after our own; but the great man is
he ^^■ho in the midst of the crowd keeps
with perfect sweetness the independence
of soHtude,
To be great is to be misunderstood.
Discontent is the want of self-reliance:
it is infirmity of will.
The soul created the arts wherever they
have flourished.
No greater men are now than ever
Nothing can bring you peace but your-
There is a time in every man's educa-
tion when he arrives at the conviction
that envy is ignorance. . . .
Can such things be, and overcome us
like a summer's cloud, without our special
The Over-Soul
The soul is the perceiver and revealer
of truth.
The Young Ameiican
The main enterprise of the world for
splendor, for extent, is the upbuilding of
a man.
A man cannot speak but he judges
Every opinion reacts on him who utters
A great man is always willing to be
Ever}^ man in his lifetime needs to thank
his faults.
The Amencan Schohi
Man is surprised to find that things
near are not less beautiful and wondrous
than things remote.
The day is always his who works in it
with serenity and great aims.
Inaction is cowardice, but there can be
no scholar without the heroic mind.
Spiritual Laws
There is a soul at the centre of nature,
and over the will of every man, so that
none of us can wrong the universe.
Our intellectual and active powers in-
crease with our affection.
A friend is a person with whom I may
be sincere.
The only way to have* a friend is to
be one.
The essence of friendship is entireness,
a total magnanimity and trust.
Life wastes itself whilst we are pre-
paring to live.
Self trust is the essence of heroism.
The key to every man is his thought.
He in whom the love of truth pre-
dominates will keep himself aloof from all
moorings and afloat.
To /. W.
Life is too short to waste.
The Rhodora
Beauty is its own excuse for being.
Talents differ: all is well and wisely put;
If I cannot carry forests on my back,
Neither can you crack a nut.
In ''Merlin" (text, page 298),
Emerson states his poetic creed, in-
cluding his great trust in the ele-
ment of surprise as a source of
poetic power:
Great is the art.
Great be the manners of the bard.
He shall not his brain encumber
With the coil of rhythm and number;
But, leaving rule and pale forethought.
He shall aye climb
For his rhyme.
'Tass in, pass in," the angels say,
"In to the upper doors,
Nor count compartments of the floors.
But mount to paradise
By the stairway of surprise."
When the form fits the content
and tone, Emerson uses a conven-
ional stanza:
By the rude bridge that arched the flood.
Their flag to April's breeze unfurled.
Here once the embattled farmers stood.
And fired the shot heard round the
This stanza is dignified, compact,
symbolically memorable, and apt.
But note how, in the first stanza
of ''Hamatreya" (see text, page
300), he ignores all pattern, shifting
from the first realistic, symbolic
words to a new rhythm and tone —
all because he believed the poem
should be allowed to grow according
to the laws of its own nature:
Bulkeley, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Mar-
iam, Flint
Possessed the land which rendered to their
Hay, corn, roots, hemp, flax, apples, wool
and wood.
Each of these landlords walked amidst
his farm.
Saying, '"Tis mine, my children's and my
How sweet the west wind sounds in my
own trees!
I fancy these pure waters and the flags
Know me, as does my dog: we sympathize;
And, I affirm, my actions smack of the
This abrupt contrast between his
initial vigor and the sentiment of
security-in-possession is vital if the
foolishness of land-lust is to achieve
the desired symbolic power. Only
then are we ready for the quiet, liq-
uid tones of ''Hamatreya/' the earth-
goddess, as she taunts ''her boastful
boys" for being owned by ''their
Mine and yours;
Mine, not yours.
Earth endures;
Stars abide —
Shine down in the old sea;
Old are the shores;
But where are old men?
I who have seen much,
Such have I never seen. . . .
They called me theirs
Who so controlled me;
Yet every one
Wished to stay, and is gone.
How am I theirs.
If they cannot hold me,
But I hold them?
When I heard the Earth-song,
I was no longer brave;
My a\'arice cooled
Like lust in the chill of the grave.
Probably Emerson's best-known
poem is his "Days/' an expanded
metaphor in which everything rep-
resents something else. Few poems
exemplify more aptly the ability of
symbols to convey inner reality,
communicable by no other means.
Written by Emerson in swift spon-
taneity, the poem is brilliantly com-
pact, containing not a wasted stroke.
Its total experience is central to
Emerson's belief: Though days at
first appraisal might seem to serve
liberated man, actually time scorns
those craven souls who, enabled to
ask of life whatsoever they desire,
forget the high ideals and definition
of self-destiny which was their birth-
right in youth, and take trivia. This
they do because they can be content
with mediocrity and because their
supposed servant. Time, refuses to
remind them before it is too late
of the fatal pettiness of their aspira-
tions. And once the choice is made,
no second chances are given, but
only withering scorn:
Daughters of Time, the hypocritic Days,
Muffled and dumb like barefoot dervishes,
And marching single in an endless file,
Bring diadems and fagots in their hands.
To each they offer gifts after his will.
Bread, kingdoms, stars, and sky that holds
them all.
I, in my pleached garden, watched the
Forgot my morning wishes, hastily
Took a few herbs and apples, and the Day
Turned and departed silent. I, too late,
Under her solemn fillet saw the scorn.
Emerson found American tem-
perament and literature imitative,
boisterously eager, and shaky and
unfocused; he gave to his times a
positive assertion, a maturity, a fu-
ture; he gave to succeeding genera-
tions an insight into his own inner
self through words which have be-
come memorable.
For those who find life to be end-
less strivings tow^ard a high potential
ideal, Emerson serves as stimulant Thoughts ioi Discussion
and spokesman; for those who would
know the mind and the heart of i. Why was mid-nineteenth century-
nineteenth century America, he America so compatible a time and place
serves as symbol and shaper; for all for the growth of Transcendentalism?
who acknowledge mortal reality to (See text, pp. 175-176.)
be governed by unseen essence, he 2. Contrast the role of nature in the
serves as seer and as friend. poets Bryant and Emerson.
Social Science — Spiritual Living
in the Nuclear Age
Lesson 13 — Growing Religious Values in the Home
Eider Blaine M. Porter
For Tuesday, April 25, 1961
Objective: To explore the processes by which religious values may be grown and
developed within the framework of the home and family.
Introduction of security is threatened, where life
"LTERE is a child, another, and still seems tenuous, where fears and anx-
another, all centuries old in iety seem to permeate the air.
biological inheritance, all breath- This child needs to be fortified
takingly new in social inheritance, with an inner strength that enables
How shall we treat this child, and him to meet the challenges of his
this one, and this one? Shall we world with all the resources within
assume he has no interest, no needs, him. He needs to be acutely aware
save those we prescribe for him? Or of himself and his relationship with
shall we study what his individual others. He needs, desperately,
uniqueness is, see him as a person emotional education if he is to
in his own right, listen when he achieve religious maturity. Fortunate
speaks that we may hear his needs, is the child whose family provides
his hopes, his fears, his worries, his the emotional vitamins of love, affec-
plans? Shall we reward him tion, patient understanding, and,
extrinsically when his struggles car- especially, recognition of his unique
ry him past our goals, and punish individuality, neither expecting what
him if he rebels, is indifferent, or he is not capable of nor depriving
is unable to reach the prizes we him of what he individually needs
offer? Or shall we let him grow, to become a healthy personality,
sometimes stumble, regain his foot- Just as we attempt to provide the
ing, and, by guidance, help him to- right kind of food, experiences, and
ward greater maturity in family, care for the child's physical body to
peer, and other adult relations? If grow properly, so must we provide
the child is young, he is standing on the kind of experiences which will
the threshold of life. He is in the allow his mind to grow and develop,
midst of a complex and baffling and encourage him to grow religious
civilization where everyone's feeling values.
Family As a Character-
Forming Agent
The family is almost as old as
man himself and is the fountainhead
of the personality and character of
every individual. What the family
is today and v^dll be tomorrow de-
termines, more than anything else,
what life is like for us and what it
will be like for our descendants.
And, in addition to its many other
functions, the family has the great-
est influence upon the development
of values within its family members.
The family is important because it
shapes u«. More than any other
force, it determines the kind of peo-
ple we are and the kind of people
tomorrow's citizens will be. There
are other factors at work, but the
family has been, is, and will be the
most powerful influence in the de-
velopment of people's personality
and character.
The child learns his earliest and
probably most fundamental lessons
in ethical behavior in the family set-
ting. Children search constantly for
meanings, purposes, standards, val-
ues. They can act only if they make
decisions, and they can make deci-
sions only if they have some grounds
upon which to make them. They
must, therefore, find patterns, de-
velop concepts, grow values. Starting
from scratch they must build their
concepts from the experiences of
their lives. It makes a great differ-
ence whether these experiences are
planned systematically or occur hap-
hazardly. Thoughtful parents can
do much to see that these concepts
are healthy and desirable, and that
the values are sound.
The Family s Responsihility
in Growing Values
Clearly the responsibility of par-
ents in teaching children religious
concepts in the home is not to close
minds, but to open them. Our task
is to provide children with the kinds
of teachings and experiences which
will enable them to develop mature
beliefs and concepts of religion and
to make their religious decisions in-
telligently and in the light of avail-
able evidence.
We frequently make the mistake
of trying to communicate by moral-
izing only. We urge our children to
strive for success, but what picture
do we give them of success? The
cynic suggests that American stand-
ards are materialistic, that our sym-
bols of success are dollars and
chrome trim and country club mem-
berships. Robert Louis Stevenson
suggested some values which we
might incorporate in our concept of
success in the following statement:
That man is a success who has lived well,
laughed often, and loved much: who has
gained the respect of intelligent men and
a love of children; who has filled his niche
and accomplished his task; who leaves the
world better than he found it, whether by
an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a
rescued soul; who never lacked apprecia-
tion of earth's beauty or failed to express
it; who looked for the best in others and
gave the best he had.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer was asked
the question, ''What in your opinion
are the 'fundamentals for today's
children'?" In a personal letter to
Mr. Keith Osbourne of The Merrill-
Palmer School in Detroit, Michigan,
he said:
The great experience through which we
truly become human beings is being filled
with the secret of being and life, and the
realization that in our life we feel other
life, its suffering, its longing for happiness,
its fear of destruction. And that this feel-
ing and being kind to all living beings is
our natural, spiritual attitude toward our-
selves and the world. Already the chil-
dren should become reflective to them-
selves and their relationships to others and
should gain the insight that reverence for
life is the basic principle of the good.
The children should not just take over the
Good as something which is passed on that
they are being taught, but through reflec-
tion they should discover it in themselves
and possess it for their entire lives as some-
thing which is part of their personality.
Out of our own childhood, many
of us would testify that the feeling
of being spiritually sustained comes
to the child first and most compel-
lingly in the intimacy and warmth
of family life, perhaps in the prayer
that he has learned. If it comes at
all, it usually has its roots in the
quality of the faith that he has seen
lived by those he knows and loves,
for in the family there is the often
unconscious treasuring of those
uniquely valuable experiences and
interests and delights which have be-
come a family possession deeply
shared. This in itself is a religious
experience which is often more mov-
ing than that provided by church,
sermon, or ritual.
If we are to be effective in de-
veloping religious values in our
children, we must find a kind and
quality of faith that is intellectually
and spiritually satisfying to each of
us. It must be real to us or we will
not be successful in growing these
values in our children. Children are
too alert and sensitive to be fooled
by pretense. We must develop a
faith that is strong, truths that are
basic in our lives, and values which
are significant to us — values which
are integrated in our personality and
implemented in our behavior. We
will be much more likely to achieve
success, then, in helping our chil-
dren grow the values which we feel
are important for them. We must
not attempt to impose values upon
our children, but provide the kind
of atmosphere which encourages
growth and development and the
kind of example with which they
can identify.
No one can ghbly recite the meanings
of Jesus' ethics to another; those meanings
have to be thought through; they have to
he experienced in some degree before their
majestic power to move the human heart
and mind is felt and understood (Lam-
bert, A. C: Foundations oi Religious
Life, Brigham Young University, 1938,
page 167).
The Fundamentals
For man to live free of fear, of
hate, of anxiety, he must not only
be a man of confidence but a healthy
personality. He should believe in
himself while learning to be more
worthy of that belief. He should
believe in his fellow man and con-
tinue to believe in him until he, too,
is worthy. He should believe in his
family and strengthen it. He should
believe in God and live that belief.
The moral, then, is plain. To do
good we must first know good, to
speak the truth we must first know
the truth, to possess values which
enhance the development of the in-
dividual, we must grow values
through experience.
Can w^e provide the kind of ex-
periences in childhood which will
produce people who have the ability
to love, to form relationships that
are both healthy and productive?
Can we bring up children in such a
way that sound personality and cre-
ative interpersonal relationships are
promoted? To bring up a child ''in
the way he should go," with simple
realism regarding all areas and
aspects of existence, to help him
equip himself for living in his own
time and yet be mindful of the
priceless heritage that comes down
to him from the past, this is a haz-
ardous but challenging undertaking.
We live in an era when external in-
fluences, as a rule, are of little aid
to the maintenance of sound charac-
ter structure. We are also living in
a time of rapid advance when those
able to avail themselves of each and
every opportunity for self-fulfillment
may go further toward life's goal
than have members of any previous
generation. A religious attitude to-
ward life and a truly religious in-
tegration of all vital personality-
producing factors may do more to
make possible such fulfillment than
any other force or influence of which
we are aware. Religion is a realiza-
tion of human potentialities on an
ever-ascending scale and in such
ways as to benefit everyone.
Developing Broad Horizons
and Flexibility
The scientific spirit demands a
willingness to change and to see pos-
sibilities beyond those that have
already been tried. Living in the
scientific age requires the ability to
innovate, to adapt to new situations,
and to live creatively in a dynamic
world of rapid change.
Young people who grow up with
a strong inner-core of confidence in
themselves, in others, in their world,
have faith in their ability to keep on
growing and developing real com-
petence as persons. Both adults and
children need to learn new ways of
relating themselves emotionally with
others. As parents and teachers, we
need to learn to give children love
coupled with discipline. We need
to develop the expectancy that we
can trust one another rather than
the expectancy that we're going to
be taken advantage of or cheated or
harmed. Adults and children alike
need to learn how to connect what
is basically good in themselves with
what is basically good in others. It
is important that children and youth
be led to feel that progress is needed
in the realm of ethical living fully as
much as in the physical sciences.
The basic, universal truths, of
course, will not change, but perhaps
the manner in which we mav imple-
ment them in our lives and nurture
their growth in our children may
become more effective through dili-
gent effort.
History records the tragedies
which have usually occurred when
the ability of man to manage his
social life has lagged far behind the
power which he has developed in
the physical sciences. Today, more
than ever before, it is essential that
we rear a generation of individuals
who have learned to trust other peo-
ple, to discover their individual
abilities, and to believe in their own
works. Sure of themselves, they can
then go forth in the world unafraid,,
willing to learn and willing to re-
spect other people's thinking and
ways of living. We must have a
generation whose focus upon life
involves wide horizons and includes
all people. We must have a gen-
eration of people who are sufficient-
ly flexible to adjust to the many
rapid changes which will surely
come in their lifetime.
We have frequently heard the
statement that modern families are
adrift because they have no values
and have become engrossed in ma-
terial things and meaningless activi-
We have not lost our xalues —
the belief in the worth of the indi-
vidiial personality, the conviction of girl who said her usual bedtime
the importance of human dignity — prayer for herself and each member
but we need to restate them in ways of her family, and then added, ''Dear
that apply to our lives today. It is God, please take care of yourself, for
the unique function of the family to if anything happens to you, we are
recognize and foster individuality, all sunk."
not self-defeating and anti-social in- The family is important because
dividualism; to give children and it shapes us and provides the soil in
adolescents and adults a feeling of which our values grow. More than
personal worth and dignity. any other force, it determines the
What does an understanding of kind of people we are, the kind of
value development and growing val- people tomorrow's citizens will be.
ues mean for parents? The parent We fail our children tragically if we
who only moralizes about values is do not concern ourselves and them
not teaching them as he may believe with basic inquiries into our own
he is. It is difficult to understand nature and that of our world, for
how one can teach about moral and while convictions about a few great
spiritual values without recognition ultimates will not solve all our daily
of the fact that values are ever pres- or perennial problems, such intel-
ent in our behavior with children, lectual and ethical objectives and
When a parent stands in front of moral values will help to keep the
the mirror in the morning rather lesser items in proper and manage-
than asking if his tie is straight or able perspective. So equipped and
his hair combed neatly, he might so taught, our sons and daughters
ask, ''Are my real values showing?" will not fear to face the future.
The answer is, "Of course." Will we let chance determine the
Our values become identified with values our children adopt, or will we
our total personality structure. We do our consistent best to see that
display a combination of widely our children's values have meanings
diversified values. We need to pro- which will bring them strength and
vide an example and some direction satisfaction in the years ahead?
which will help children living in a There can be only one answer —
complex world resolve the con- our children need sound values,
flicts between values which they in-
evitably will encounter. And we Thoughts for Discussion
need to instill in them a supreme ^ Give illustrations of how the family
belief m God which can provide the is a character-forming agent.
basic foundation of security which 2. List specific illustrations of how the
is essential at any time, but par- family can grow values.
ticularly important for living in this , 3- What external influences are a threat
T. T 1 A rr-.! n r ,1 • • to thc dcveloDment or sound values?
Nuclear Age. The value of this is ^^ what are some of the most effective
dramatized in the story of the little means of "growing" values?
(Continued from page 33)
wanting to drop notes to that fine
looking family and handsome gent-
leman in the photos, and tell them
that you have arrived safely," said
'Tes, perhaps I should/' agreed
Geniel. Then she added with a
smile, '1 think that you must be
pulling for Ernest."
"I rather think I am," admitted
Christine with a smile.
After she had left, Geniel brought
out her writing paper. 'I've been in
Blayney for six hours and twenty-
five minutes," she wrote, ''and like
it better by the minute. Of course,
the real test will come when school
starts next week. There will be
three of us here at the boarding
house when the other teacher, Mar-
va Eberhart, arrives. Christine Lacy
is about forty and has been here for
several years. I doubt very much if
I will like it that much. Mrs. Wil-
lett, the landlady, is a motherly soul
and an excellent cook. A nephew
put in an appearance at dinner time
looking, allegedly, for a veterinarian,
but seemed perfectly satisfied to
take on beef stroganoff and apple
pie instead."
She finished the letters and made
ready for bed. With the lights out,
she stood at the window looking at
the distant mountains faintly out-
lined in the moonlight. It was
peaceful beyond anything she had
ever remembered. "A good place
to find one's soul," she reflected.
"But rather a cold one." She shiv-
ered as she climbed into bed.
{To he continued)
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^yx L^hild Says i^race
Ethel Jacobson
She offers thanks
That God is near,
Thanks for all
That's good and dear,
All that makes
Life lovelier.
I add, "Amen,"
And, "Thanks for her."
Vi/eaR ibchoes
Dianne Dihh
When echoes crash on canyon walls.
The mountain is not crumbled;
No tree is uprooted.
And no mighty peak is humbled.
Why then must we shrink with fear.
At hollow gossip talk?
Ideals are rooted in the soul.
And truth is as the rock.
uJirthday ^congratulations
Mrs. Sophia Harsch
Nauvoo, Illinois
Mrs. Anna Eliza Allen Coombs
Centerville, Utah
Mrs. Clara Fisher Samuels
San Lorenzo, California
Mrs. Caroline Bollschwiler
Logan, Utah
Mrs. Cora Smiff Hgan
San Diego, California
Mrs. Mary Hendershot Davis
Buck Valley, Pennsylvania
Mrs. Catherine Rogers Wood
Holden, Utah
Mrs. Olive Pace Schoettlin
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Grace McKay McFarland
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Katie Holladay Cragun
Smithfield, Utah
Mrs. Martha Heap Hanson
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Katie Fail Fullmer Sevy
Orangeville, Utah
Mrs. Olive Loretta Sanders Pritchett
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary A. Ropp
Salt Lake City, Utah
Page 72
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LeJa Foster Morris
How many silver moons of long ago,
Lie sleeping under drifts of vanished snow,
Since you, a seed, tossed by the storms that pass.
Nestled and clung to earth among the grass?
And now, a tower of majesty and grace.
You stand upon this upland flowering place;
You know rose-tinted dawn, twilight, and dark.
You hear the mating song of wren and lark;
Whispered wind songs in your branches fair.
Scatter incense on cool waves of air.
Your deep green garments house small helpless things,
A nest of bluebirds with uncertain wings.
Perhaps on that long journey to the West,
Staunch pioneers stopped in your cool shade to rest;
A haven, then, a refuge, gracious tree.
Emblem of peace, shelter, security.
Serene you stand, fashioned by hand divine.
Mystic, ancient, and primeval pine;
Deep-rooted, firm in rock-strewn sod.
Looking, I know that I am close to God.
The Cover: Kilauea Crater, Mauna Loa, Hawaii
Color Transparency by Camera Hawaii
Free Lance Photographers Guild, Inc.
Frontispiece: San Bernardino Mountains, California
Luoma Studios
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
CJrom I Lear and c/c
May I express my appreciation for The
Relief Society Magazine. This little but
mighty Magazine has been a great inspira-
tion and help to me sinee the passing of
my dear husband and helpmate. It has
given me hope and helped to point the
way to a better and happier life. It stands
apart from other magazines of today, with
its messages from the Bible and the Proph-
et Joseph Smith. The stories are brim-
ming over with good, homey subjects, full
of reader identifieation.
— Dorothy R. Graeber
Salt Lake City, Utah
I am surely enjoying the November
i960 issue of The Relief Society Maga-
zine, especially the literature lesson on
William Cullen Bryant. How often as
schoolgirls we quoted "Thanatopsis." The
lesson brings back fond memories.
— Frances S. Hahn
Tucson, Arizona
I take only three magazines, as I am
not a reader of fiction magazines, but I
like The Relief Society Magazine because
of the information that it supplies. My
lump of curiosity about people isn't large,
but about ideas it is tremendous.
— Mrs. R. }. Owens
Bolinas, California
We feel that the worth of the Maga-
zine is beyond compare. We love the
beautiful co\'ers, the stories, and poetry,
the marvelous lessons, and the excellent
articles by our own Relief Society leaders,
as well as those by members of the Priest-
—Claire D. Ord
Union Stake Relief Society
Baker, Oregon
There is nothing like our Relief Society
Magazine — so small, but so full of won-
derful things to make our days brighter.
Thanks from a convert to this wonderful
— D. V. Shafer
Salinas, California
Today I needed a lift, and it came —
my December Relief Society Magazine.
It is a most welcome caller, as it is
always bursting at the seams with won-
derful heartwarming stories, lovelv poetry,
and grand recipes. As soon as the Maga-
zine arrives, I read it from the beautiful
cover to the wonderful advertisements.
May I say a special thanks to Sister
Christine H. Robinson for the beautiful
thoughts which she puts into the visiting
teacher messages. I think each month
she must be writing the messages espe-
cially for m\' benefit. And to Dorothy J.
Roberts for her poem "Lombardv Pop-
lars" in the September issue. I would
love to see again the rows of poplar trees
at home and \\'alk down the street, kick-
ing through their wonderful, crunchy
leaves. Thanks, also, to Frances C. Yost
for her story "Grandma's Surprise Pack-
ages" (in December). It was verv beau-
— Kathryn Frischknecht
Cor\allis, Oregon
I must pause long enough in the rush
of this happy season to thank you for the
"life-saving" little Magazine, which has
been my fa\orite since a young girl, and
I used to read eagerly every part of my
mother's Magazine. The Relief Society
Magazine improves with age. The truths
are the same, but progress gives color, and
when placed by each succeeding genera-
tion, as our stalwart pioneers and chosen
present-day Church members record their
thoughts and experiences on the pages
of this periodical. The Magazine brings
me comfort and inspiration in mv work
out here on the prairie away from my
mountain home.
— Esther W. Easter
Rosemary, Canada
I do enjov the Magazine vez)^ much and
have read it since junior high school days.
The literature in it is far above any other
women's magazine on the market, and the
editorials are always so timelv. They seem
to fit my exact need each month.
—Mrs. Lillie C. Clay
Nashville, Tennessee
Page 74
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford _-_-.- - President
Marianne C. Sharp _ _ _ _ - - First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen _ - _ - - Second Counselor
Hulda Parker _ _ - - - Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Fanny S. Kienitz
Edith S. Elliott Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young EUzabeth B. Winters
Florence J. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron LaRue H. Resell
Leone G, Layton Charlotte A. Larsen Alton W. Hunt Jennie R. Scott
Blanche B. Stoddard Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Alice L. Wilkinson
Evon W. Peterson Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen LaPriel S. Bunker
Aleine M. Young Manwaring Elsa T. Peterson Marie C. Richards
Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Irene B. Woodford Irene W. Buehner
Editor ------..--_ - Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor -__-_-_.-- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ____-_-._-- Belle S. Spafford
VOL 48
NO. 2
The Rewards of Welfare Service Marion G. Romney 76
Temple Square in Salt Lake City — Part IV Preston Nibley 88
The Happety Road — Second Prize Story Hazel K. Todd 82
My Own Stove, My Own Table Sarah O. Moss 100
Love Is Enough — Chapter 2 Mabel Harmer 108
From Near and Far 74
Sixty Years Ago 92
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 93
Editorial: ". . . In Her Tongue Is the Law of Kindness" Marianne C. Sharp 94
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 114
Birthday Congratulations 144
Beauty in the Shade Eva Willes Wangsgaard 96
The Old Fireplace Bertha M. Walton 104
Recipes for Winter Evenings Emma A. Hanks 106
Albertha Nielson Hatch Makes Quilts for the Needy 107
Enchantment Marion Ellison 107
New Stockings From Old Ones Shirley Thulin 143
Theology — The Gifts of the Holy Ghost Roy W. Doxey 120
Visiting Teacher Message — "For Inasmuch As Ye Do It Unto the Least of These,
Ye Do It Unto Me" Christine H. Robinson 125
Work Meeting — The Chronically 111 and the Aged Maria Johnson 126
Literature — Nathaniel Hawthorne, Haunted Autobiographer Briant S. Jacobs 130
Social Science — Abundant Living for Our Day Blaine M. Porter 137
To a Tall Pine — Frontispiece Lela Foster Morris 73
Blacksmith Ida Elaine James 81
Homecoming Leslie Savage Clark 91
Idyll Moment Marie Call Webb 91
Sunday Street Dorothy J. Roberts 95
Time of Frost ... Christie Lund Coles 99
Note to a Loved One Mabel Jones Gabbott 143
Mountain Child Shirley N. Howard 144
Winter Garden in My Cabin Maude Rubin 144
Copyright 1960 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
Subscriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
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Ine Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 75
The Rewards of Welfare Service
Marion G. Romney
Of the Council of the Twelve
1 would like to say to Sister
Spafford and the General Board,
her counselors, and to the Relief
Society workers throughout the
Church that I deem it a high privi-
lege to be requested to participate in
your program. I thank you for the
I love the Relief Society work and
the workers throughout the Church.
They give inspiration and spirit and
refinement, it seems to me, to every-
thing they touch. One of the great
joys that has come to me in my wel-
fare service over the last quarter of
a century or more, is my association
with the General Presidency of the
Relief Society. I am sure they stand
high among the most elect daugh-
ters of our Father in heaven. They
are all able and accomplished wom-
en. They have the spirit of the gos-
pel in their souls and this spirit has
clothed them with faith, hope, and
Not only do I love the Relief So-
ciety workers but I love their assign-
ment, particularly that part of it
which distinguishes Relief Society's
role from the roles of other auxiliary
organizations in the Church. This
role, said the Prophet, is for them to
look after ''the relief of the poor, the
destitute, the widow and the or-
phan, and for the exercise of all be-
nevolent purposes." For, he said,
'The best measure or principle to
bring the poor to repentance is to
administer to their wants. The
Ladies' Relief Society is not only to
relieve the poor but to save souls.'*
Page 16
To accomplish this, the Relief So-
ciety sisters "will pour in oil and
wine to the wounded heart of the
distressed; they will dry up the tears
of the orphan and make the widow's
heart to rejoice."
Carrying out this assignment has
always been a major part of Relief
Society's activities. I think Jack
Dempsey, in his writing about his
family in Manassa, gave the ward
teachers credit for what the Relief
Society had done. He said:
We were never hungry. Mormons are
never hungry. They keep close check on
one another through the visits of Mormon
"teachers." A "teacher" can be a doctor,
a lawyer or a candlestick maker. Even a
teacher. He drops in, casually, and asks
how things are going. Polite and easy,
without prying.
He reports back to the bishops on what
he hears and sees. And if he has seen or
sensed a bare cupboard it's filled before
nightfall. Without comment.
If the poverty is because of a lazy father
the man is summoned for a most thorough,
frank dressing down. Whatever the effect
of the lecture upon the father, neither he
nor his family are ever without food. And
The Dempseys ate many a meal by grace
of this silent, almost-but-not-quite-painless
charity. And they ate and stayed warm
that way in many a town long after Ma-
nassa was behind us.
I'm proud to be a Mormon [he says] and
ashamed to be the Jack Mormon I am
(Dempsey by the Man Himself, pp.
Now, in addition to the state-
ments of the Prophet Joseph Smith,
which we have just quoted, we have
another great fundamental principle
to guide us in our Church welfare
work. It was made by President
Grant just twenty-four years ago, I
think, today. It was in the October
Conference in which he said:
Our primary purpose [that is, in setting
up the Welfare Program] was to set up,
in so far as it might be possible, a system
under which the curse of idleness would
be done away with, the evils of a dole
abolished, and independence, industry,
thrift and self respect be once more estab-
lished amongst our people. The aim of
the Church is to help the people to help
themselves. Work is to be re-enthroncd
as the ruling principle of the lives of our
Church membership (Conference Report,
October 1936, page 3).
Tj^ROM this statement and those
quoted from the Prophet, it is
clear that the two great fundamental
principles of Church Welfare in
action are ( 1 ) to provide our needy
brethren and sisters with the neces-
sities of life; and (2) to give them
opportunity to earn what they get.
This has always been the Lord's way.
Reading the Old Testament re-
cently to find out what it has to say
about welfare, I was interested to
discover that the Lord gave ancient
Israel a welfare program soon after
they came out of Egypt. It was a
very simple program, for at that time
their civilization was very simple.
They had just recently been deliv-
ered from slavery. But simple as
was the program, it had in it these
two fundamental principles, and this
is the way the program was stated:
And when ye reap the harvest of your
land, thou shalt not wholly reap the
corners of thy field, neither shalt thou
gather the gleanings of thy harvest.
And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard,
neither shalt thou gather e\'ery grape of
thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for
the poor and stranger . . . (Leviticus
When thou beatest thine olive tree, thou
shalt not go o\er the boughs again . . .
(Deuteronomy 24:20).
. . . Thou shalt open thine hand wide
unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy
needy . . , (Deuteronomy 15:11),
Ruth was working pursuant to
this Old Testament welfare pro-
gram when she gathered grain in the
fields of Boaz. Of course, because
of her appeal to Boaz, her beautiful
character and other things attracti\e,
she didn't ha\e to work as hard as
the others because Boaz instructed
his men to leave it in handfuls. But
in this simple program of leaving
part of the harvest in the field, vou
have those who had, giving, and vou
have those who needed help work-
ing for what they got.
Now, in administering relief to
the poor, we must never forget these
two fundamentals. At the same
time, we must be careful to perform
our labors in the spirit enjoined by
the Prophet when he said we must
''pour in oil and wine to the wound-
ed heart of the distressed" in such
manner as to ''dry up the tears of
the orphan and make the widow's
heart to rejoice." This rejoicing
will be increased in the heart of the
widow who has been permitted to
earn what she receives.
Effective administration of relief
to the poor is an art, and it is an art
which every dedicated Relief Society
worker will seek to perfect in her-
self. One of the things we could^
with profit, impro\e upon at the
present time is the abilitv to make a
thorough analysis of family needs.
It is our duty to do so. For want of
such analysis, help given is some-
times not the help most needed nor
the help ealculated to do the most
good. Frequently, the need is not
for food and clothing alone, but for
instruction in management of the
resources the family already has.
It would also be helpful if Relief
Society presidents would inform
themsehes of community facilities
for handling welfare problems. This
would permit referral of those non-
members who seek our help, as well
as those not worthy to receive our
help, to these facilities.
Another point which should be
kept in mind in determining what
help to give is that wherever possible
needed assistance should be drawn
from program-produced stocks in
bishops' storehouses. This will free
for other needs such cash as the
recipients have. Too frequently the
easy method of indiscriminately
drawing upon fast offerings is
adopted. The percentage of assis-
tance given in cash as compared to
that given in help drawn from the
bishops' storehouses is too large. It
must be carefully scrutinized and
pERHAPS the phase of our wel-
fare work, however, in which
improvement is most urgently
needed is in finding proper employ-
ment for those receiving welfare
help. Relief Society workers should
al\\ays have on hand work oppor-
tunities for women and girls, both in
gainful employment and in the
bishops' welfare program. This will
make it possible to help these wom-
en and girls assist their needy fami-
lies by earning cash or by working
in the program.
While it is not our purpose to
put to work away from home moth-
ers who should be home caring for
their children, other women and
girls who should be and are willing
to accept employment should have
the best opportunities available from
which to select.
Mothers of children and the
homebound have been and should
be given something to do in the
home. They should be given work
right through the year. They will
feel happier with a full-time job and
they will then be in fact self-sustain-
Now, I have many illustrations
that I could give you but the time
will not permit. Suffice it to say
that the opportunities for employ-
ment are limitless. The ingenuity
of the Relief Society sisters, if ap-
plied with all their hearts, will find
a solution to every need, for the
Lord will add his inspiration. One
indirect way to furnish needed em-
ployment is to increase the distribu-
tion of welfare blankets.
Your Relief Society Presidency
has recently written you a letter in
regard to this matter and in that
letter, with other things, they said:
. . . the Deseret Industries . . . has
been given an assignment by the General
Church Welfare Committee to produce
blankets for welfare purposes which re-
lieves the Relief Societies of making quilts
for families in need. In order to operate
the plant successfully, a minimum number
of blankets must be produced daily, which
number is in excess of the amount pres-
ently needed for \\'elfare. The excess
blankets are being made a\ailable for sale.
Relief Society has been asked to lend its
support in selling this margin of blankets.
And then under date of August
23 of this year, they wrote you an-
other letter expressing their appre-
ciation for the response you had
given to this request and in it they
. . . this service has assisted the mills to
remain in operation to provide ( i ) work
for the handicapped, (2) blankets for the
welfare program, and (3) blankets for
emergency use in disaster areas. . . .
Recently we sent 2500 of those
blankets to Chile in connection with
the disaster there. We had quite a
time getting them down there be-
cause of the difficulty in transporta-
tion. Finally, we received a letter
from President Sharp who said that
they had recently arrived. And he
said they had been in the 'wet'' so
that the cartons in which they were
packed were all gone, but, fortunate-
ly, because of the way they had been
packed, the blankets were all dry,
and he said the welfare workers, the
Red Cross workers, in Chile, were
amazed at the condition in which
these blankets had arrived.
Now, I would like to add my
appreciation to that of the General
Presidency of Relief Society for
what you have done in this matter,
and I want to emphasize the fact
that eighty-six per cent of the work
that is done in the Deseret Indus-
tries is done by handicapped people,
people incompetent to hold jobs in
gainful employment. If each ward
and independent branch (will you
make note of this) will dispose of
six blankets a year, a major contribu-
tion to the employment program
will thereby be made.
"M'OW, the third and last sugges-
tion for specific improvements
that I will take time to mention is
the hope that the know-how of you
stake and ward workers in home
planning and in home storage of
necessities will be taught to all of
the women of the ward, giving en-
couragement and promoting interest
in this important phase of the wel-
fare program. Impending trouble
ahead makes this a most urgent
Now, as you will suppose from
what has been said, the saving of
souls through Church welfare activi-
ties demands diligence, endurance,
patience, and that charity which is
''the pure love of Christ." It means
painstakingly and laboriously teach-
ing the elementary principles of
cleanliness, the simplest principles
of hygiene, of sewing, of cooking,
and of other arts of homemaking,
and above all, it requires conversion.
First, it requires conversion of the
Relief Societv workers and then the
conversion of those whom you are
seeking to save.
Does it sound like drudgery?
Well, there will be a lot of drudgery
in it so long as what is done is done
only because of the assignment —
"for the letter killeth, but the spirit
giveth life." I am persuaded that in
some of our welfare work there is
too much drudgery and not enough
joy. I remember hearing of the old
story of three men working with a
building crew and they w^ere each
doing the same work. One of them
was asked, "What are you doing?"
and he said, "I am carrying brick."
And the other one was asked,
"What are you doing?" and he said,
'1 am working for eight dollars a
day"; and the third when asked the
same question said, "I, sir, am build-
ing a temple."
Service performed in the spirit of
the one who was building a temple
brings joy. That performed in the
spirit of the first two is drudgery.
It will, of course, enable us to fill
our reports out and it may, to an
extent, relieve us of the uncomfort-
able feeling of having something
hanging over us undone. But the
true joy of service in the Master's
cause it will not bring. To partici-
pate in that joy is to taste of ''the
love of God, which sheddeth itself
abroad in the hearts of the children
of men," which Nephi described as
''the most desirable above all
things," to which the angel respond-
ed, "Yea, and the most joyous to
the soul."
In the wisdom of him who know-
eth all things, such joys are reserved
for those who have qualified them-
selves to receive the joy, by entering
into the work with full purpose of
heart and rendering service above
and beyond the call of duty. These
joys are of divine origin. They are
priceless. They are not the fruits of
a superficial, hurried, spare-time per-
formance. The Master said if one
would really find his life, he must
lose it in the service of others, and
that he who sought his own life in
serving his own self-centered inter-
ests would lose that life.
Yes, my beloved co-workers, the
real joys of welfare service begin to
be revealed to us when we have
completely surrendered ourselves to
the spirit of the work; when in serv-
ice to others we have forgotten the
great sacrifices we think we are mak-
ing; when we cease to begrudge the
loss of pleasures we might have re-
ceived in other activities. They are
revealed to us when, partly as a re-
sult of our own labors, we see the
rejuvenated life in one who was
lonely, restored to the company of
understanding, sympathetic friends;
or in one discouraged, taking heart
again; or in one who has fallen, ris-
ing again by her own strength; or in
one who had quit, trying again; or
in one who was bitter and rebellious,
beginning to soften under the
benign influence of the spirit of the
gospel of Jesus Christ. Herein lies
happiness akin to divine joy, because
it arises from that divine service
which promotes the Lord's great
objective "to bring to pass the im-
mortality and eternal life of man"
(Moses 1:39).
l^OW, in conclusion, I will get to
the topic that the presidency
suggested to me. They said in their
letter, inviting me to make these
remarks, that I might say something
about how welfare work develops
character. Perhaps all that need be
said on this point is to name a few
of our leaders who have been closely
associated with the welfare program,
Presidents Heber }. Grant, J. Reu-
ben Clark, Jr., and David O.
McKay, for example. These great
characters constituted the First
Presidency at the time the welfare
program of today was inaugurated.
Others are Elders Harold B. Lee
and Henry D. Moyle, who, under
the First Presidency, have carried
the burden of Church welfare for
the last twenty-five years.
Your own illustrious President,
Sister Spafford, a stateswoman with-
out a peer, is recognized and
honored locally, nationally, and
internationally for her leadership in
welfare work.
That the Prophet Joseph died
with welfare principles on his mind
is evidenced by the fact that as he
approached martyrdom in Carthage
Jail, he had John Taylor repeat his the distressed develops Christ-like
singing of his favorite hymn ''A character.
Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief." I Jesus, himself, even as he hung on
wish I had time to read all of those the cross, taught a great welfare les-
fourteen verses to you, because son. Looking down and seeing his
through each one of them runs our mother and John, his beloved,
welfare theme as they emphasize in ''standing by ... he saith unto his
one great crescendo three great mother, Woman, behold thy son!
truths. Then saith he to the disciple, Be-
First, that administering to the hold thy mother." Neither John
distressed is administering to Jesus nor Mary missed that lesson, for the
himself. In several places in the record concludes, 'Trom that hour
scriptures the Lord said that if we that disciple took her unto his own
would administer to him, we must home" (John 19:26-27). He didn't
administer to his poor, for he said send her unto another,
that ''Inasmuch as ye have done it May each of us experience the
unto one of the least of these my character development and the joy
brethren, ye have done it unto me." to be gained through administering
And the second truth is that ad- relief to the poor and the humble,
ministering to the distressed brings I humbly pray in the name of Jesus
joy; and the third, administering to Christ, Amen.
Ida Elaine James
He is the one whose steady friend is flame.
Bringing to form his visions nnmberless.
Black coals burst red, a mass without name
Conforms to beauty, shape, and usefulness.
He shapes a purpose living in his brain —
A crippled horse befriended — each to his need
W^recked wagonwheels' lost web restored again,
And \\hat was static he has changed to speed.
Wielding the power of metamorphosis,
Conquering iron, cold, then malleable,
Thence to creation's mold — achieving this
Blackness to light, he rounds the cycle full.
The blacksmith and his anvil, hammer-chimes.
Repeat an old, old pattern countless times.
Second [Prize Q>tory[
^yinnuai uielief Society Snort Story (contest
cJne uiappety uioaa
Hazel K. Todd*
4 4 T need to go down the Happety
I Road, " the httle girl said,
gazing earnestly up into Mary
Ellen's wrinkled face, ''cause Ginger
was scared of Joe and squatched my
She held up the injured appen-
dage with only the faintest red mark
across its tiny tip.
''Sure enough you do," Mary El-
len said with her tongue in her
She picked the little girl up and
carried her to the old rocking chair
before the great fireplace. As she
went, she was conscious of Joe stand-
ing silently against the wall by the
open door, but she made no sign
that she knew he was there. The little girl slid from her knees
*For a biographical sketch of Mrs. Todd, see page 105.
Page 82
"You shouldn't hold that old
cat," she said.
Then, sitting down, she placed
the child securely upon her two
knees so that she could look into
her face. And, holding to her two
small hands, she joggled her knees
up and down as she rocked, and sang
in a firm voice, a product of long
years of practice,
It's wonderful to travel the Happety Road,
High up on a rock-a-bye knee.
For all whom you meet are singing a song.
And are happy as happy can be.
She winked at the child and
loosened one finger to tap the small
round nose,
There's a round jolly elf with a curly-cue
And bells on his twinkling toes,
And he tickles his ribs with his flappety
And laughs wherever he goes.
There are ducks who giggle as they waddle
And beetles and mermaids and toads. . . .
She rocked the little girl, now
laughing merrily, on through the
remainder of the jingle to the last,
But the best of it all is the Make-it-well
Who kisses the hurts all away. . . .
Mary Ellen raised the tiny
scratched finger to her lips and
kissed it, and finished the song.
So now you jump down from the top of
the knee,
And forget where you hurt, and go
play. . . .
and ran happily out the door to the
other children.
Mary Ellen sat for a minute with
her eyes on the empty door where
Lindy had disappeared. Two round
tears rolled down her wrinkled
cheeks and she dabbed at them with
the corner of her apron.
"Silly old goose/' she muttered to
herself, ''crying because you've
grown too old to play nonsense
games with the orphans any more."
She stood up determinedly and
straightened her apron as she
walked to the window.
''But it's Joe that makes it so dif-
ficult/' she said, looking out into
the garden.
She could see him now under the
sprawling old crab apple tree. He
was sitting there against the trunk
while he dug, without looking, in
the dirt with a stick.
\\/^HAT would Joe do without
her! With the years she had
always known there would come a
time when she could no longer
serve as matron of the orphanage.
Thirty years, this time had been
edging nearer. But Joe. . . .
Her thoughts flew back over the
seven years to the night Joe came.
It was autumn, a windy night with
leaves whirling through the trees.
Everyone else was in bed, and Mary
Ellen was sitting reading by the fire-
place when the knock came at the
door. As she opened it, a gust of
wind nearly blew the small bov into
her arms. She would always remem-
ber his frightened little face as he
shoved the note into her hands.
The note was a torn piece of
wrapping paper with a few words
scrawled across it: "His name is Joe.
Take care of him."
That's all there was. Mary Ellen
looked behind him, down the row
of dark trees that bordered the dri\e-
way. It was empty except for the
leaves that fluttered like phantoms
across the bare space. Anyone could
be hidden in the shrubs and trees.
But what did it matter! She looked
down at the pitiful little figure, at
his thin patched coat, and his bare
feet. He dropped his eyes and she
saw that he was crying without
making any sound. In that mo-
ment there was born in her a close-
ness to him that she knew would
always be \^■ith her.
She reached out and took his
hand. "How old are you, Joe?" she
asked kindly.
But he did not say. Instead, she
felt him shaking.
Maybe fi\e or six, she thought.
She tried once more. "Who
brought you?"
"Nick," he said so low she could
barely hear.
Nick could be anybody. Father?
Brother? The milkman? No, not
the milkman. He had probably
never tasted milk. Marv Ellen
never in all the years knew who
Nick was.
Joe was not like other children.
Mostlv he played alone, if he was
not with her. He followed her, if
not with his person, then, with his
eyes. If she ever wanted someone
to run an errand, it was Joe who
heard her request first.
The "Happety Road" song seemed
important to Joe, from the first. It
was a jingle that had grown in
snatches and bits through the vears
as she comforted the children with
their \'arious hurts and grievances,
until it became a tradition. So that
all the children clamored for the
song down the "Happety Road,"
with anything that went wrong,
whether it was real or made up.
Its first introduction to Joe was
only a few days after his arrival.
Billie had fallen from trying to climb
the crab apple tree and made his
nose bleed. So Mary Ellen was
soothing him with the song. She
saw Joe watching her intently from
behind the big chair where he had
secluded himself.
After Billie, Susan came with a
bumped head, and then Jill with
her severed tooth on the end
of a string. Joe came timidly to her
from his corner. He was too fright-
ened to say anything, but he mo-
tioned to her knee. And Mary
Ellen lifted him up to the cherished
spot while she struggled to keep
back the tears as she sang.
HEN she leaned down and
kissed the top of his head
for the Make-it-well Fairy, he slid
down and ran behind the chair and
stayed the remainder of the day. He
never again asked or accepted an
invitation down the ''Happety
Road." But whenever she sang it
to any of the other children, she
learned that he would be watching
from some hiding place.
Through the years he had lost
some of his fear. Sometimes he
laughed and played with the others.
But there were times when he sat
morosely by himself in some corner.
The talk now of Mary Ellen's leav-
ing soon, seemed to have driven him
completely into his shell.
Only once had anyone ever want-
ed to adopt Joe. Alwavs the ones
who came seeking for children
would pay little attention to him.
Perhaps some remark, like ''Doesn't
he get along?" or ''Such a plain lit-
tle fellow."
But there was an older couple a
month ago, barely within the age
limit for adopting children. "A little
girl," the lady said, "maybe three or
four years old."
Joe was standing away from the
others under the crab apple tree.
He always went some place away
from the others when there was
someone to see the children.
The slightly plump little lady had
a sweet face with big, childish blue
eyes. She saw Joe standing under
the tree.
"Who is he?" she asked. "He
looks lonesome. May we talk to
Mary Ellen looked at her quickly.
"Why, of course," she said, and
called to him.
But he didn't come.
Then she called again and he
came hesitantly.
"These are the Watsons, Joe," she
Joe didn't say anything.
"Jim," the woman said, turning to
her husband, "I wonder if it
wouldn't be better, at our age, to
have an older child?"
Mary Ellen started a little. It was
difficult at best to place an older
child. She had never expected any-
one to adopt Joe. She looked at
the woman who was smiling in such
a pleasant sort of way.
"But, Molly, you always wanted a
little girl," her husband said. He
was a pleasant little man with a
round, boyish face. It was very
plain that he adored his wife.
"But he looks so lonesome. And
he must be just the age of the John-
son boy next door. They could be
Mr. Watson looked at her fondly.
"The boy is fine with me," he said.
Mary Ellen's eyes were on Joe,
wondering what he would do. He
stood a moment, the color draining
from his face. Then he looked be-
seechingly at Mary Ellen. ''No,
thank you/' he said, ''I want to stay
"Oh, Fm so sorry," Mrs. Watson
said, ''the moment I saw you I was
sure you were the one we wanted."
She reached out her hand to touch
his arm, but he moved away.
Everything inside Mary Ellen
seemed to be churning. "J^^'" ^^^^
said, "I locked Ginger in his pen.
Would you turn him out?"
He turned quickly to do as she
A FTER he had gone she faced
the Watsons apologetically.
"I'm sorry. You see Joe is different
from the other children. I'm sure
he didn't mean to be rude."
"Oh, that's quite all right." Mrs.
Watson smiled sweetly. "We can
wait a few days until he gets used
to the idea, couldn't we, Jim?"
"Perhaps I can talk to him," Mary
Ellen said, "we like our children to
go willingly."
But she was wondering what she
could say.
She found him on the garden
bench staring into the crab apple
He made no sign to acknowledge
her presence.
Mary Ellen sat beside him, ignor-
ing his silence. "Someone always
coming and someone always go-
ing," she mused. "Remember Sue
with her golden curls?"
She glanced at him, but he paid
no heed.
"Before you came there was little
lame Peter and the twins that we
couldn't tell apart."
She paused again, but he just sat
looking into the apple tree.
"They couldn't all stay with us,
Joe. Look at the people in the
homes, besides us in the orphanage,
that they made happy."
Suddenly he burst out, "It's not
happy out there!"
"Why, Joe, many of them have
come back to tell me."
"No!" he said, excitedly. "It's
mean and ugly and. . . ." He broke
off suddenly.
Mary Ellen stared at him. It was
the first time, but he must be refer-
ring to those dark years before he
came to the orphanage.
"Believe me, Joe," she said ten-
derly with her arm around him, "it
isn't all that way."
She could feel him trembling.
"Remember the 'Happety Road,'
He turned and looked at her
sadly. "It's only here that you pre-
tend there are round jolly elves and
beetles that laugh."
"Joe!" she said.
"What do you have to go for?" he
demanded suddenly.
She hesitated and then answered
thoughtfully. "Things change, Joe.
It's life. We grow from one thing
to another. Neither of us is the
same as we were yesterday or last
year. Mrs. Bradley will take my
place. And then sometime some-
body will take hers."
He said nothing.
"You will come and see me?
We'll do lots of things."
He smiled a forlorn half smile
that she was sure meant nothing.
TOE remained in his shell. Twice
the Watsons called, but Mary
Ellen could only suggest that they
wait a little longer.
And then it was the last night,
and the orphanage was having a
party for her. They were gathered
on the big green lawn, all the chil-
dren dressed in their finest clothes,
with fancy hats that Mrs. Bradley
had helped them make.
'^Silly old thmg," Mary Ellen
scolded herself, as she dabbed at
her eyes with her handkerchief, "do
you want all these children to see
you crying?"
With a determined swallow she
cleared the lump from her throat.
She winked at Jimmie, seated nearbv,
who grinned shyly and covered his
face with his arm to hide an em-
barrassed giggle. Then, parading
sprightly around the circle, she
patted a head or lifted a chin or
tweaked a nose, stopping here and
there with some gay remark.
''Now, Lula, don't ever let me
hear of your sliding down the ban-
ister and bumping your knees. It's
a long way for me to come hurrying
back to take you down the 'Hap-
pety Road.'
"Benny, no more climbing the
crab apple tree. After all, you aren't
a monkey because you haven't a
"Jerry, be sure you wash vour
freckles, all of them. No skipping
the two under your chin."
So she went around the circle.
And then she stopped and looked
back around it again. "Where is
Joe?" she asked.
Mrs. Bradley looked around con-
cernedly. "He must not be far
away. You know Joe."
"He went down the driveway. I
looked at him," Lindy said.
A feeling of uneasiness spread
over Mary Ellen. She quickly put
it out of her mind. Joe often walked
down the driveway. "I'll catch him
watching from behind the crab
apple tree," she said to herself.
But all through the party she
watched in \ain for some indica-
tion that he was near. Nor was he
to be found after the party. Every-
one was searching now, all through
the garden and the orchard, in the
house and the tool shed, and in
every possible crack in the play-
ground, but Joe w^as gone.
Mary Ellen sat down on the
garden bench with a great heaviness
hanging over her. In all her years
at the orphanage no child had ever
run away. No child had e\^er want-
ed to, that she knew of. Outside of
the ordinary problems, the children
were happv here.
Poor little Joe! Would the police
be able to find him? Certainly she
would never leave until he was
13 Y the fourth day Mary Ellen was
''Maybe old Reddy Fox put him
in his bag and carried him away like
the little Red Hen," Lindy said
with wide eves.
Mary Ellen smiled faintlv at the
little girl. "The old fox couldn't
get out of the storybook, Lindv,"
she said, patting the shiny head.
But the suggestion sent a chill
through her. Joe could have met
with foul plav. He had never before
been away from the orphanage, ex-
cept wath other children under strict
supervision. He would not know
the dangers of untrustworthy per-
And then he came back. It was
the fifth night. Mary Ellen was sit-
ting on the garden bench utterly de-
jected. It was getting dusk. A
stiff breeze had come up, moaning
softly in the crab apple tree. Here
and there a leaf or petal from a
flower went sailing down the drive-
way. Mary Ellen thought of the
night Joe had come, with the leaves
blowing and of his frightened little
face. Perhaps if she had tried hard-
er to find what lay behind that night
at the orphanage door with the
meager note, perhaps she could
have helped him more.
Then, suddenly, she saw him
watching her through the branches
of the tree.
''Joe!" she cried, getting to her
feet. '7^^' where did you come
from? Where have you been?"
His clothes were soiled, and his
slim face even thinner.
'Tm sorry," he said, lowering his
eyes, "but I had to go."
'Tou had to go? What do you
''I had to go out there some-
where." He looked briefly toward
the driveway.
''But why?" she asked, bewildered.
"I had to find out."
"Find out? What — what did you
find?" she asked, wonderingly, and
pulled him gently down beside her.
He smiled. "I found a man with
a banana cart. He whistled as he
went along. And he gave me a
banana. I was very hungry."
Mary Ellen wiped the tear quick-
ly from her eye and thanked the
banana man silently in her heart.
"What else did you find, Joe?"
"A — a baby in a buggy in the
park by the bushes where I slept. It
had a bonnet with a ruffly ribbon.
Its mother sat by me on the park
bench. And she asked me to watch
the baby a minute while she went
to get her little boy from the wad-
ing pool. The baby laughed when
I looked into its face."
Mary Ellen wiped her eyes again
and whispered a little prayer for
"I found some boys playing ball.
They needed another player, and
they told me to play because I was
standing by the fence watching. It
was fun."
Mary Ellen could no longer stop
the tears from streaming down her
cheeks. She was glad it was quite
dark now. She could only tighten
her arm around his shoulder.
But, presently, she said, 'Tm so
glad you went, Joe."
"Do you think those Watson peo-
ple would still like to adopt me?"
he asked then.
Mary Ellen's heart pounded joy-
fully. 'Tm so sure they would.
Only today they called."
She started to rise, but he hesi-
"Mary Ellen. . . ." He paused.
"Once a long time ago I asked you
to sing to me like the other chil-
dren. But the things I had known
were so — so bad, I didn't want to
any more. I just always wished it
could be true for me like the oth-
ers." He turned to her and his eyes
were shining in the moonlight.
"Could you please just sing me the
'Happety Song?' "
"Better than I have ever sung it
before, Joe."
Then, with her arm around his
shoulder she began in her firm,
sweet voice,
It's ^^•onderful to tra\'el the Happety Road,
High up on a rock-a-bye knee. . . .
When she came to the Make-it-
well Fairy she kissed the top of his
head soundly.
And then they looked at each
other and laughed.
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
Temple Square in Salt Lake City
Brief History of Its Growth and Development
Preston Nibley
Assistant Church Historian
PERHAPS the oldest exhibit
on the Temple Square, ex-
cept for certain articles in the
museum, is the small one-room log
house, which stands under an
attractive canopy in the southeast
We are told that this little cabin
was constructed in September 1847,
by Osmyn M. Deuel, who came with
the pioneers during the first year
that a settlement was formed in this
valley. It was originally a part of
Page 88
the Old Fort, which stood on the
block just east of the present Rio
Grande depot, where the first
houses were erected, but during the
113 years of its existence, it had
been moved from place to place in
the city, until, finally, it reached its
present location, on Temple Square.
Once it was a home for which the
pioneer Deuel family was, no doubt,
very thankful. There they found
protection from the heat of summer
and the cold of winter. I have
heard my father say that when his
family reached Wellsville, in Cache
County, in the fall of i860, after
their long journey from Scotland
and erected a crude pioneer log
cabin, partly a ''dugout/' on a hill-
side, his mother often remarked that
*'No queen who ever entered her
palace was ever happier or prouder
of shelter, and the blessings of the
Lord, than she was when she entered
that completed dugout/' Yes, it is
a true saying: ''Be it ever so humble
there's no place like home/'
T^EAR the Pioneer House are life-
size statues of the Prophet
Joseph Smith and his faithful
brother Hyrum, done in bronze, by
the gifted Utah sculptor, Mahonri
Young. Of these distinguished men
the historian Brigham H. Roberts
once said:
"On the Temple Square, we have
the bronze statue of Joseph, the
Prophet of the great, new dispensa-
tion of the Gospel; and the same
also of his faithful brother Hyrum
Smith, standing upon granite ped-
estals, properly inscribed, declaring
their mission and their achieve-
ments in the world, so far as those
achievements can be briefly stated,
saying, doubtless, in the inscription,
what the Prophet Joseph would like
to say if he could meet face to face
the tens and hundreds of thousands
of people who read the burning
words of truth which God gave him
to speak to this generation.
"These utterances are recorded
upon the bronze tablets, and the
Courtesy Church Histurian's Office
Prophet is thus voicing forth his
message to the world, and though
dead, yet speaketh in this memorial
of bronze and stone, that loving
hands have erected upon this square"
(B. H. Roberts, Conference Ad-
dress, Oct. 4, 1913).
A few yards to the east of the
statues of Joseph and Hyrum Smith
is a monument that was dedicated on
April 2, 1927, to honor the Three
Witnesses of The Book of Mormon,
Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer,
and Martin Harris. The dedicatory
prayer was offered by President
Heber J. Grant, after which Presi-
dent A. W. Ivins, First Counselor to
President Grant, spoke as follows:
''He testified that eleven persons
saw the plates. Reading the testi-
mony of the Three Witnesses, he
told how those testimonies were
sustained until the death of the wit-
nesses, in spite of the fact that all
three of them, at one time, left the
Church. However he said that the
contents of the Book of Mormon,
and not the testimonies of the wit-
nesses, is the greatest evidence of its
divine authorship."
President Grant said he was proud
of the fact that a Utah man, Avard
Fairbanks, was the sculptor of the
CTANDING near the south gate
of Temple Square is the Seagull
Monument, the only monument I
have ever seen erected to honor the
heroism of birds. The story of the
manner in which these graceful and
determined little creatures saved the
crops of the first settlers in Salt
Lake Valley — by destroying the
myriads of crickets which were
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
swarming over and devouring the
gardens and fields of the pioneers,
consuming every green and growing
plant, perhaps to leave the people
in this isolated valley without sus-
tenance—is a story that will ne\'er
die. Mahonri Young was the sculp-
tor of this monument.
The historian Brigham H. Rob-
erts, once said of the Seagull Monu-
''I rejoice with my whole heart,
not only in the beauty of that great
offering, as a memorial to God for
his goodness to our fathers, not only
in perfections as a work of art, but
I look beyond all that to the thing
that it represents — our recognition
of God's great goodness in deli\er-
ing his people from threatened de-
struction—It will stand, I believe,
through many generations, one of
the most beautiful, or to memorial-
ize one of the most beautiful inci-
dents in the wonderful experiences
of the Latter-day Saints. For indeed the Lord no doubt felt himself
Israel was so situated in the summer bound to work out the deliverance
of 1848, that if God had not which that combination of bronze
wrought out a deliverance for them, and stone, stands to memorialize."
then there was nothing but starva- (Sermon of B. H. Roberts in the
tion for the people, and reproach to Salt Lake Tabernacle, October 4,
the God of Israel who had brought 1913).
them to this land. For this reason (To be continued)
Leslie Savage Chrk
With what glad tenderness the heart
Turns toward home to trace
Each dear familiar landmark
Of that beloved place.
So, surely, when the spirit mounts
Some vast celestial stair
It, too, will find love's welcoming
And homeland there.
Sddyll llioment
Marie Call Webb
To my side has come my love
With all the blossoms his hand can hold;
The last of the roses and cosmos,
Snapdragons and marigold.
To my side has come my love,
Most carefully and slowly came,
His flowers spilling from his hand.
He touched my hand and said my name.
It is not strange when lovers
Bring to lovers flowers.
And surely these are fitting
To tell of love like ours.
For often has my lover come
With flowers as his gift for me —
I am his wife of years and years,
And my love is eighty-three.
(bixty LJears ^yigo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, February i, and February 15, igoi
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
OF All Nations"
HOME AND IDEALS: Whether built of logs or marble, be the surroundings
picturesque or desolate, a spot marked by squalor or opulence, the four walls of home
close in and nurse the best there is in man. , . . The birds on the garden shrubs unfold
their secrets to the growing child, from birds, blossoms, fruit seed, over and again he
learns his first lessons of his relation to God and nature. If art reigns in the home
there will grow out of it beautiful parks, streets, thoroughfares and cities. ... A life
consumed by following society's unprofitable and foolish fashions has a parallel in that
of a woman who never takes a moment for study and self-impro\ement but makes her-
self a very slave to her home. The home must be kept sweet and clean but the brain
is as prone to get cobwebby as the best room.
— Alice Merrill Home
OUR PRINCIPAL MISSION: We are told that our principal mission on this
earth is to save souls. Not alone to be saved, but to save others. Saviors upon Mount
Zion! It is a term of solemn import. No trifling, no carelessness of purpose nor act
should be found in the mature Latter-day Saint. Souls to save! Either by love and
service to the living, or by service and love for the dead! Is not that our mission?
— Susa Young Gates
visit a friend who lives eighty miles from the railroad, we were cut off from all
sociability, only within ourselves. The wild natural beauty and the spicy breath of
pine woods and mountains. . . . Friendship induced me to come to this romantic
spot. ... I would I had the gifts to describe the beautiful sunsets, the elevation is S.^oo
feet. . . . The house is picturesque, large and roomy, built of logs. Situated aloft on
the very summit of a mountain range, yet nestling in the shelter of pine-coxered
heights, sweeping into circles around it. . . . The little pine gulches put me in mind of
"The Deserted Trail":
"And half way up there stands all slim and white,
A grove of quaking asps,
And often there when morn the mountain clasps,
I've stood in mute delight.
Between each sihery stem you catch a glance
Of ranges far and blue.
And one great peak that leaps so straight and true,
A mighty ice-tipped lance. ..."
— Luella M. Rhodes
the Nottingham Relief Society held their annual party on Boxing Day, December 26,
igoo. A hearty invitation was extended to all. A committee of young ladies was
appointed to decorate the room with Christmas decorations, the tables being also taste-
fully arranged and decorated with flowers and ferns. . . . About sixty persons sat down
and took a hearty meal ... a short program was rendered, consisting of an opening
address . . . songs, duets, etc. . . . The rest of the evening was devoted to games and
various amusements were indulged in to make the evening a success. . . . Refreshments
were also on hand for those who required them, the proceeds of which were to be
given to . . . the poor.
— Edith Cable, Sec.
Page 92
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
(Democrat), a fifty-three-year-
old former school teacher, was elect-
ed at the United States November
elections, in Oregon, as a Senator, to
serve the six-year term, beginning
January 1961. She also completed
the unexpired term of her late hus-
band. Senator Richard Neuberger
who died suddenly in March i960.
She is the third woman to be elected
to a full six-vear term in the Senate,
Mrs. Hattie Caraway, of Arkansas,
being the second, and Mrs. Mar-
garet Chase Smith, of Maine, (Re-
publican) the first. Mrs. Smith had
served in the House of Representa-
tives from 1940 to 1948, the year of
her election to the Senate. In i960,
she opposed a Democrat, Miss
Lucia Cormier. This was the first
woman-versus-woman senatorial con-
test in United States history.
Vy^OMEN elected to the United
States House of Representa-
tives are: Democrats: Mrs. Edith
Green, Oregon; Mrs. Gracie Pfost,
Idaho; Mrs. Iris F. Blitch, Georgia;
Mrs. Kathryn E. Granahan, Penn-
sylvania; Mrs. Martha W. Griffiths,
Michigan; Mrs. Elizabeth Kee,
West Virginia; Mrs. Edna F. Kelly,
New York; Mrs. Julia B. Hansen,
Washington; Mrs. Lenor Kretzer
Sullivan, Missouri; Republicans:
Mrs. Katharine St. George, New
York; Mrs. Frances P. Bolton, Ohio;
Mrs. Marguerite Stitt Church, Illi-
nois; Mrs. Florence Dwyer, New
Jersey; Mrs. Catherine May, Wash-
ington; Mrs. Jessica M. Weis, New
■niRGITTA and DESIREE, royal
princesses of Sweden, twenty-
three and twenty-two years of age,
visited the United States in Novem-
ber. Both are practical, Birgitta
being a gymnastics teacher and De-
siree a kindergarten teacher.
lyiARY BUNTING, President of
Radcliffe College, a noted
microbiologist, and mother of four
children, has recently organized
within the Radcliffe curriculum the
''Institute for Independent Study,''
planned to meet the needs of older
women whose academic careers w^ere
interrupted by marriage and the
rearing of families. Mrs. Bunting
feels that these scholarly minded
women have much to give in serv-
ice, leadership, and inspiration in
their communities and in women's
work in the world.
ARAGON, a young Spanish
noblewoman who writes fairv tales
for children, became the bride of
King Baudoin of Belgium on De-
cember fifteenth.
Page 93
VOL 48
NO. 2
...o/ai uter cJongue 0/5 the JLas^ of Jxindness
(Proverbs 31:26)
/^NE is not able to see an aura
of a woman's personality as one
may detect a delightful fragrance
she wears or hear her singing, never-
theless on meeting a loved one or a
dear friend, her personality seems to
reach out and warm one. In con-
trast, when one sees some acquaint-
ances, one may instinctively wish to
turn aside to avoid meeting them
because their personalities are dis-
pleasing. One most appealing and
valued character attribute to possess
is the quality of kindness; its ab-
sence repels others.
Kindness may have its origin in
an understanding heart, in a sensi-
tiveness to another's feelings, and a
habit of putting oneself in the oth-
er's place, in not judging actions but
abiding by the warning of the Lord,
"Judge not, that ye be not judged"
(Mt. 7:1).
Kindness, however, does not con-
sist merely in speaking kind words,
when one is in a position of respon-
sibility toward another. The soft
word is not always the kind word,
although the spirit in which the
words are spoken should always be
one of loving kindness. A mother
who spoils her children and allows
them to become disobedient, is not
being kind to them. An employer
was kind to her employee when she
spoke in plain words of indiscretions
she was committing. When she
corrected the fault, the employee
Page 94
expressed great appreciation to her
employer for the kindly spirit in
which she had been corrected and
the resultant blessing she received
through heeding the reprimand.
One of the requisites for exercis-
ing the Priesthood is kindness, as
the Lord declares,
No power or influence can or ought to
be maintained by virtue of the priesthood,
only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by
gentleness and meekness, and by love un-
By kindness and pure knowledge, which
shall greatly enlarge the soul without
hypocrisy, and without guile. . . .
The Prophet Joseph told the
Relief Society sisters ''to put a
double watch over the tongue"
(D. H. C. V:2o). In Proverbs we
read of the virtuous woman and "in
her tongue is the law of kindness."
To such a woman it brings inward
pain to hear others criticized, to hear
another's reputation torn down, or
to see someone flush with embar-
rassment as the result of an unkind,
jibing word. It is a kind and under-
standing mother who takes her child
aside to give needed correction and
does not give it before the other fam-
ily members. Correction given in
a spirit of loving kindness is much
more readily accepted. When a
family gathers around the piano for
a song, it is well to sing often "Let
us oft speak kind words to each
other. . . . Kind words are sweet
tones of the heart"; and also, ''Nay,
speak no ill; a kindly word can never
leave a sting behind." If these
songs are thoughtfully learned when
young, and the parents live accord-
ing to their teachings, the children,
in all likelihood, will emulate that
training throughout life.
President }. Reuben Clark, Jr.
has questioned congregations of
saints, asking them that if they were
told that Christ was a short distance
away, how many would feel worthy
to make the journey to be with him.
This causes a woman to search her
heart. Will the law of kindness in
one's tongue be a requisite? We are
admonished ''Be ye therefore per-
fect, even as your Father which is
in heaven is perfect" (Mt. 5:48).
In the 133d Section of The Doc-
trine and Covenants the Lord would
seem to answer this question in the
affirmative, for he declared, "And
now the year of my redeemed is
come; and they shall mention the
loving kindness of their Lord, and
all that he has bestowed upon them
according to his goodness, and ac-
cording to his loving kindness, for-
ever and ever" (D & C 133:52).
-M. C. S.
Sunday Street
Doiothy ]. Roberts
Tonight a radiance fills the street;
Light emanates from earth and air.
Each tree is lined with luminance;
New snow has fallen everj'where.
The steeple of the tiny church
Lifts high an alabaster crown,
And patterned on the crimson walls
Are gabled windows lined with down.
A flawless hush quilts every lawn;
The air is steeped in sapphire dye.
A swirling fleece of cloud un\eils
The bright moon lanterned in the sky.
A common street is glorified;
Breath is a trailing plume of white.
Leaving my hymn of gratitude
Written on the winter night.
Ujeauty in the Shade
Eva. Willes Wangsgaard
ONE of the most rewarding
plots in your garden can be
the begonia bed. These lush,
exotic plants are generous with
exquisite bloom in a wonderful array
of color, type, and form.
The uninitiated gardener is likely
to say, ''But begonias are so diffi-
cult to grow." That is not neces-
sarily so. Their culture is different
from common patterns of gardening,
but, once a bed is created, there is
little difficulty. The plants are not
prone to many diseases nor preyed
upon by many pests. The blossoms
are as varied and as beautiful as
roses, but without the thorns. They
never scratch the hand that culti-
vates them, and for this I love them.
Locating the planting bed in rela-
tion to the sun is most important.
Begonias will not perform satisfac-
torily in too dense shade, having a
tendency to concentrate on foliage
and running light on bloom if so
placed. They will not do well in
bright sunlight, because the leaves
burn and dehydration is too much
drain on plant strength.
Select a secluded area in fil-
tered shade. If such a spot is in-
complete, add to its shade by erect-
ing a slatted canopy or a lattice wall
where the sunlight is too hot and
strong. An ideal place is the north
side of a garage, house, or any per-
manent building. If the plants are
set near the foundation of a house,
a planter well should be provided to
protect the foundation and base-
ment of the house from the conse-
quences of heavy watering. The
garage location is better from that
Page 96
standpoint, because one never needs
to be concerned about water damage
We built a redwood canopy ex-
tending six feet beyond and the full
width of the garage as a barrier to
the midday sun. It was composed
of redwood slats running north and
south so that the shade moved with
the sun, letting some sunlight
through, but never too much nor for
too long a time. Vetch ivy grow-
ing over the wall creates the leafy,
tropical conditions favorable to a
begonia bed.
Preparing the soil is the first con-
sideration after the location is chos-
en. Experienced growers prefer a
coarse leaf mold as a planting med-
ium, or an organic substitute which
will not pack nor become soggy, ex-
cluding air. Because peat moss
when saturated holds ninety per
cent of its weight in water, it is not
recommended as a starting medium
for dormant tubers.
To start the tubers before bed-
ding time, put a generous layer of
leaf mold into a flat. Lay the dor-
mant tubers on this, spacing them
evenl}^, allowing plenty of area for
heavy root development which may
be considered the most important
factor in the ultimate growth of
fancy begonias. Bury the tubers,
covering with one-half inch of leaf
mold. This is a very necessary step.
To omit it is to rob the plant of full
root development on base, sides, and
top, which is nature's intention.
Watering should be done carefully,
maintaining even moisture and
avoiding sogginess. Flats should be
placed in strong light but out of
reach of direct sun rays. A warm
temperature, sixty-five degrees to
seventy-five degrees, will encourage
growth. If too little light reaches
the growing sprouts, they will be-
come spindly, unproductive, and
unattractive plants.
Plants are transplanted into pots
or into permanent beds, if the
weather is favorable, when the first
two leaves have reached equal de-
velopment. Favorable weather for
outdoor planting is usually near the
end of spring. At the two-leaf stage,
the roots are in prime condition to
adjust to bedding conditions.
COME greenhouse proprietors will
start your begonia bulbs for
you, if arrangements are made ahead
of time and the bulbs are delivered
to the hothouse when they arrive.
Begonias never root deeply.
Therefore, shallow, broad pots are
preferable to narrow deep ones, if
plants are to remain in pots. A
standard potting or bedding mixture
consists of two-thirds partly rotted
oak-leaf mold and one-third sand.
Remove plants from flat carefully.
Mix one handful of fish meal with
enough potting mixture to fill the
bottom two-thirds of the pot. Fill
in around the root mass. Firm and
finish by covering the top of the
root mass lightly with one-quarter
inch of potting soil. Water care-
The prime soil requisite for out-
door bedding is good drainage. A
mixture of one-third leaf mold, one-
third sand, and one-third sandy loam
is adequate. The addition of one-
half sand to ordinary garden soil
will usually assure good drainage.
If rotted barnyard humus is added
to the bed, it should be mixed in
thoroughly a month in advance of
planting time and watered several
times. In planting in open beds,
put a handful of fish meal under the
root mass and barely cover the bulb
and roots with soil. Avoid letting
any soil come in contact with the
stems. The points of all leaves
should face the front of the bed,
else you will find yourself looking
at the rear of the plants with the
blossoms facing the wall.
After transplanting, careful water-
ing is still essential, especially until
new roots form and growth is firm-
ly established. After that keep
plants damp but not wet.
\ /'ERY effective beds and satisfac-
tory blooms are assured if seed-
lings are ordered instead of bulbs.
They are less expensive than bulbs
and equally profuse. Both are or-
dered in the autumn from the cata-
logues while stocks are complete and
delivery assured. The nursery will
air mail them to customers at the
proper time for planting in their
area, if the buyer so orders. These
seedling plants take hold quickly
and grow most miraculously, so that
half way through the summer one
can hardly tell which plants came
from seedlings and which from
bulbs. They do not make large
bulbs the first year, however, and
so are precarious to store as they
dehydrate easily.
Hanging basket begonias are avail-
able in double and single blossom
varieties. They require a location
where winds never stray, as they are
easily wind-damaged. They add
lush beauty to bare walls and patio
plant stands.
Most nursery and garden centers
carry abundant stocks of begonia
plants already started from bulbs.
They are sold at a nominal price,
and while a great number run into
considerable outlay, a few plants
fall within the limits of small bud-
gets. They are usually sold by color
and form alone, so that one must
wait till the plant blooms to find
what it is going to look like. Cata-
logue buying is recommended for
the gardener who likes to plan
meticulously, but some very beauti-
ful surprises come out of potluek
buying from the garden centers.
Fibrous begonias, pink, white, and
red make gorgeous borders, giving
beds a lush, finished look. Most
visitors are more delighted with the
borders than with the beds, if you
can judge by exclamations.
Storage of bulbs at the end of
summer requires care, but is neither
heavy nor difficult work. Plants
should be left in the earth until
November, if the weather is not too
severe. Don't be in a hurry to take
them up. Let them become fully
matured. They w^ill keep better at
that stage. As soon as the first kill-
ing frost has inactivated the tops,
the bulbs can be dug, washed, dried
in the sun, and stored. A cool dry
place is required. Too dry and hot
an atmosphere will wither them.
Too damp a spot will encourage rot.
Bulbs can be reset in February
so the storage time is not overlong
(as is the time for cannas, gladioli,
and dahlias). Make sure that all
stalks are cut back clean, as decay-
ing stalks can cause damage to the
Take care as vou go, and you will
enjoy the most delightfully varied,
profuse, and exotic blooms your
garden has e\er grown. Shady nooks
become twice as inviting when lush
with exquisite form and magnificent
Rell G. Francis
cJinie of CJiost
Cbnstie Lund Coles
Now, that the white season is upon us
And the cycle w ears a shm mustache of frost,
When the sky is as gray as a speckled mare,
And the tremulo of spring's song is lost;
Now, when the sleigh's almost forgotten bell
Chimes diamond-clear against the crystal air,
\\'hen bladed skates engraxe the hea\v ice.
And trees are regal in the pearls they wear;
I think of winter davs we knew together
Running across the crisp, protesting white,
Our breath a plume before us, and our cheeks
Red as the apples that we ate that night.
Outside, the icicles hang out — glass-clear.
And children sleigh and skate in warm attire.
The way we did once in that s\\ eet-ago.
Though now we are content here b\ the fire.
Page 99
My Own Stove, My Own Table
SaraJi O. Moss
THE day was young. Martha
Fields looked at the kitchen
table with satisfaction, for it
was filled with bottles of freshly
canned peaches. She began count-
ing her yield, when suddenly the
jam on the stove boiled over. The
room immediatelv became filled
with smoke. Martha pulled the
kettle off and quickly began wiping
up the smoking syrup.
"What happened?" asked Edith,
her daughter, hurriedly coming into
the room, her arms filled with
asters. ''Oh, Mother!" she ex-
claimed, with a note of impatience
in her voice. ''What a mess!"
"You can't turn your back a
minute on Heavenly Hash," said
Martha, with some embarrassment.
She was always a little uneasy
around Edith's efficient ways of
Both women mopped at the sug-
ary fruit, Martha getting down on
her knees to clean the floor and part
of the wall.
"If you'll finish, Mother," said
Edith, "I'll start the cake. Or didn't
I tell you that Grace is coming out
todav? She's bringing her brood,
all three children, pre-school." Edith
laughed wryly.
"No, you didn't say," said Mar-
tha, tiredly. "What time?"
"Oh, for lunch," said Edith. "It
keeps the youngsters occupied."
Martha finished her task, then
rose. Her back ached. Her knees
creaked. Something inside pulled
at her with rebellion. She looked
around. The breakfast dishes stared
up at her. The floor was stained
Page 100
and sticky from yesterday's can-
ning. A bushel of pears stood in
the service hall, ready for the bot-
tles. For the first time since her
husband had died a year ago, Mar-
tha wanted her own home to
herself. She longed for those few
years just before Burt died. The
household had been small, just the
two of them, going and coming as
they pleased. They ate out often.
They had friends in when they felt
like it. Marketing and cooking
were kept at a minimum. There
had been time for many things —
enjoyable things. But now. . . .
Martha heard the whirr of the
beaters as Edith put in the various
ingredients of the cake. She hardly
heard her daughter's talk about the
frosting, the arrangement of the
asters, and the plans for the prep-
aration of the noon meal, when the
three lively youngsters would invade
all privacy of the big house — Mar-
tha's house.
"It would be a lot worse if my
two were home, but, luckily, school
is in session. By three-thirty Grace
will probably be gone." Edith
checked the oven, then put the cake
in to bake.
Martha did the breakfast dishes,
as Edith arranged the asters in
"I think I'll run down to the
store," said Martha suddenly. "I
need some jars for the jam. The
old ones are chipped." She finished
the dishes, then hurried into her
room, and changed into the new
wool jersey dress. She picked up
the big black bag that held almost
everything, and taking the short
black coat from the hall closet,
Martha knew she was ready for
more than just a trip to the store.
''I think I'll stop in and see
Louise/' she said. "I haven't seen
her for months."
'That ought to be good for you/'
smiled Edith. ''Louise always did
inspire vou. And believe me, vou
look sharp in that new jersey,
Martha smiled back as she hur-
ried out to her car.
TTOW fresh the air felt! The
smell of apples and flowers was
in each breath. A soft waving
breeze rocked the trees gently, as
she sped along. She didn't want the
invigorating jaunt to end, but all
too soon, there she was at her
friend's house. But after ringing the
bell several times, Martha knew
that Louise w^as not at home.
At the wheel again, Martha kept
on toward the south. She didn't
want to go home — not just now.
She tried to restrain her speed, that
she might hold onto the bracing
moments. On she went, not know-
ing or caring. She onlv knew that
a sudden wanderlust had seized her.
She didn't want to go back to the
noise and chaos that usually lasted
long into the evening.
It wasn't that she resented Edith,
Charles, and the children who had
come to li\'e with her. She knew
they had come out of sympathy in
her aloneness. Thev had filled the
emptiness of her life many times
over. But there were times when
she wanted to be alone. She wanted
her own friends again, in the priv-
acy of her o^^■n home. She often
wished she could be left to read bv
herself, sew by herself. She wanted
to prepare a small repast and talk
with a friend. In short, Martha once
more wanted her own stove and her
own table. And then she shuddered,
when she thought of the big house
with no one in it but herself.
Suddenly she realized how far she
had come. She had passed the point
of the mountain. But she drove on.
Lehi, American Fork, then Provo.
She couldn't get enough of the brac-
ing air and the smell of the harvest
all around her. Why not keep driv-
ing and go on to Manti and see
Florence, her niece? It had been
a vear since she had seen her sister's
child. With five children, Florence
stayed pretty much at home.
Martha called Edith from a pay
phone. It was with some embarrass-
ment that she tried to persuade her
daughter that she was doing a
rational thing. Was Mother upset
over Grace's coming? Did the chil-
dren make her nervous? Edith
wanted to know.
"It's just wanderlust, dear. I just
felt that I had to get out in this
wonderful weather. Tell Grace
hello, and I'll be back in a couple
of days. I promise."
"All right. Mom," answered
Edith uncertainlv, "but we'll miss
„ ■>■>
Martha felt a little guilty at that.
"Better bottle that jam, dear," she
spoke with practicality. "Goodbye
for now."
IV/fORE of the long, beautiful
stretches. More of the lush
valleys, deep meadows with cows
and horses grazing. And then she
was there, at Florence's.
Martha walked around the side
door. She heard voices. Not stop-
ping to knock, she opened the door.
''Surprise!" she exclaimed.
''Aunt Martha!" Dean had been
pouring cereal into some bowls. He
dropped the package on the table
and came hurrying toward Martha.
"Am I glad to see you?" he said, as
he embraced her. The older chil-
dren left their seats at the table and
hovered around. The two smaller
girls, tucked in high chairs, stared
as Martha put a hand on their heads.
"Where's Florence?"
Dean grinned. "Now isn't that a
foolish question, Aunt Martha?"
"You mean she's in the hospital?
Another baby?"
Dean nodded. "Sure thing. Num-
ber six. And she's a cute little one.
Looks like her mother. Floss is wild
over her. You'd think it was her
Martha asked the usual questions.
How was Florence? What about
Dean looked puzzled. "I thought
I had the situation under control,"
he answered. "I had Mrs. Anderson
engaged and she came until noon,
and then she got sick. Gallstones
attack, I think. I had to leave work
until I could get somebody, unless.
Aunt Martha, you'll take over." He
smiled broadly as he put a strong
arm around her, knowing full well
that she wouldn't let him down.
Martha took off her coat. "Hurry
up and eat," she said. "Get back to
your job. I'll take over."
So here she was. Her joyous ride
had ended. Like a faithful horse,
she was back in the harness again.
She took a quick inventory. Work!
Work! Work! There was washing
and ironing, cooking and cleaning.
There was fruit to be canned. There
were babies to tend. Martha knew
she would be here for two weeks at
least, instead of two days. She
laughed. It served her right. She
had no business running away from
her comfortable home.
Edith was stunned when Martha
told her of this sudden turn of
"Mother! All that work! What
about your clothes? You left with-
out anything."
"I'll get myself a house dress or
two," said Martha, with small con-
cern. "Don't worry and I'll see you
all soon." She hung up, a feeling
of homesickness overtaking her.
Time flew by. Martha worked
through the long days which fol-
lowed, and with Florence home
after the fifth day, there was twice
as much to be done, such wash-
ings! Such big meals! Home
would be a restful place. There was
work there, too, but not like this.
As the days added up to two
weeks, Martha felt she could now
leave. Florence had much of her
strength back, and the routine
would not o\'ertax her too much.
She saw the gratitude in the young
couple's faces.
"All our lives Dean and I will
remember this," said Florence.
"We can't ever repay you enough
for what vou have done," said Dean
holding the youngest child, wrapped
in a blanket.
Martha looked at her young
niece, so beautiful in her mother-
hood, as the five children stood
around her. "It wasn't anything,"
said Martha, then she was oft, wav-
ing a last goodbye as she headed for
the highway.
nnHE wanderlust had left her. Her
spirit was quiet again. Now she
could hardly wait until she could
get home. Rain was falling and it
shortly turned to sleet. Visibility
was poor, but hour by hour,
brought her nearer to her destina-
tion. At last, after several hours,
she was in her own driveway.
It was Saturday, so Edith,
Charles, and the boys were home.
They all ran out to meet her, help-
ing her, guiding her into the house.
How good it felt to have loved ones
who wanted her — who waited for
her return with love in their hearts.
They went in through the usual
side door. But Martha was aware
that something was different. The
large dining table had been replaced
by the small dropleaf that had been
stored. Martha stared! Why this
wasn't a dining room at all! It was
a living room, the big comfortable
chairs and the sofa arranged taste-
fully. Pictures, lamps, and old
treasures displayed with an artist's
touch. Martha hastened to the
real living room, but it was now a
bedroom. There was her beautiful
bedroom set, her desk, and her old-
fashioned rocker. A fire burned in
the grate. Everything in these
rooms belonged to her. None of
her daughter's furnishings were
there. And the kitchen, too, was
part of the arranagement.
Martha turned startled eyes to
the happy onlookers. ''It's my
apartment," she said. ''It's what I
always had in mind. It's what I've
wanted since your father died."
Edith smiled. "I know. Mother.
We've worked every minute since
you arrived at Florence's. Charles
and I knew you were running away.
We knew you should have your own
private rooms, and we didn't get
through any too soon."
"But what about you?" asked
They all laughed. "We ha\en't
started ours yet," said Charles, "but,
with your permission, I'll make a
real neat apartment out of the other
side. Come on, I'll show you."
Martha could see it was going
to make a "neat" apartment. The
big bedroom, would be a living
room, the utilitv room was to be a
modern kitchen, the back porch
would work into bathrooms and
clothes closets, and with bedrooms
upstairs, Charles and Edith and
the boys could stay as long as they
Martha walked back into her own
comfortable apartment. Three large
rooms with private bath. "It's like a
fairy tale," she said. "My wish has
come true — alone, yet not alone.
And now," she said with a broad
smile, "can I invite you all to ha\'e
dinner with me?"
She took the basket that Dean
had tucked in her car and took out
the contents — a baked chicken, a
piece of ham, green corn, and green
beans from Dean's late garden.
There was a loaf of orange bread
that Florence had made, and a gal-
lon of milk.
Martha raised the drop leaves of
the small table. She hurried to her
dresser and took out her daintiest
linen cloth. "My own sto\e and
my own table. It's what every
woman wants," she said with under-
standing as she smoothed the linen
before she went to her cupboard for
her best china.
cJhe K^yld cfirep/ace
Bertha M. Walton
THUMBING through an old
book of mine while confined
to my bed during a recent
illness, I came across a short article
I had written some years before.
What memories stirred within me
as I read. My mind traveled back
to the old home in faraway Eng-
land. I saw again the sturdy brick
house, built on the last street in a
small village in Kent, England,
where the hop fields are. A few
minutes walk from our home would
bring us to the beautiful English
In memory I traveled again
down ''Muddy Lane" (appropriate-
ly named because it was usually
muddy), then on through Lovers'
Lane — so-called because of the
sweet-scented hedges that grew on
each side, making it like a private
pathway, ideal for lovers, then up
''Constitution Hill" — (another
nickname we liked because Father
always told us it was good for our
constitution to climb to the top),
then into the broad lands known
as the hop fields.
What a wonderful view could be
seen from the top of the hill, look-
ing down over the colorful English
countryside. Winding lanes, blos-
soming hedges, the green and ver-
dant land, and the many flowers
lending splashes of color to the
scene, for there were several flower-
ing gardens attached to the old-
fashioned thatched cottages of
which there were only a few scat-
tered throughout Kent.
These were beautiful things to
remember, but dear to my heart
Page 104
was the old-fashioned fireplace in
the kitchen of the old home. W'hat
glorious times were spent around
its glowing hearth during long win-
ter evenings, how delicious roasted
chestnuts tasted after having been
spread out in long rows on the grate
in front of the firebox; how tasty
and crisp the toasted bread, better
than any we ate anywhere else.
The fireplace was large and spa-
cious with a built-in oven on either
side of the firebox, with a large hook
descending from the blackness of
the chimney above (a relic of the
old days of our ancestors ) . Mother
sometimes used the hook, suspend-
ing a big pot over the red-hot coals.
I can still remember the delicious
smells that came from that giant
On either side of the hob that
Mother kept shining and bright was
a built-in ledge, large enough for
two people to sit comfortably. I
used to imagine that maybe, in days
long ago, a person had hidden there
and been out of sight. I wonder if
any one ever did?
It was no trouble at all when we
were small children to believe that
Father Christmas (as we called
Santa Claus in England then) came
down the chimney, for hadn't we
seen the chimney sweep go up —
and seen his brush come out of the
chimney pot on the roof? Of course
we had! So we just knew on Christ-
mas Eve that Father Christmas
would come down the chimney
bearing gifts for one and all.
On either side of the fireplace
Mother kept two big comfort-
able leather chairs, one for her, and in' Through the Rye/' 'Te Banks
one for Dad, while we children, and Braes" were but a few of the
nine in all (three had died), spread old songs we sang, with no other
out on the floor. Mother had some light in the room but the flickering
long-handled gadgets, relics of firelight. We usually ended with a
grandma's day, that we used to make well-loved hymn. ''O My Father"
golden-brown toast and spread with is one of Mother's favorites, and
yellow butter and Mother's home- ''Come, Come, Ye Saints," "We
made jam. We relished each yum- Thank Thee, O God, for a Proph-
my bite, the feast of kings it was to et," and others as well loved were
us. sung many times. I learned to love
After the evening feast we played our hymns with a deep, abiding
games and talked. What plans love. After the singing we would
were made, and what dreams were kneel in prayer, then off to bed with
dreamed by the flickering firelight, faces and hearts aglow,
some of them coming true in later Years have come and gone since
years, especially the one about com- then, and the children who gathered
ing to Canada. around the old fireplace have long
Although Dad was laid to rest since grown up and married, with
some years ago, and Mother's dear children of their own; and one
face is wrinkled and her dark hair brother laid to rest amid the white
turning gray, still I remember the crosses in faraway France. But when
homely bits of philosophy and the memory comes knocking at the door
stories retold many times around of my heart, I see again the big old-
the old fireplace. How dear the fashioned fireplace with Mother,
hymns and old songs sounded. Dad, and the children gathered
Mother had a good voice, and as around — safe and serene from win-
Dad would say he could carry a try winds outside, happy in the
tune. They would start a song knowledge that love and peace shone
and we would all join in. ''Silver forth like the glowing coals of the
Threads Among the Gold," "Com- fireplace.
HazeJ K. Todd, Brigham City, Utah, has been represented in the Magazine at
intervals since 1948. Her three-part story "Special for Redheads" appeared in 1953, and
her serial "The New Day" was featured in 1959 and i960. Mrs. Todd summarizes
her varied activities and interests: 'Tor fourteen years I have been sandwiching writing
with Church positions, schoolteaching, and rearing a family. Besides The Relief Society
Magazine, I have sold stories to national publications. I was the 1946 winner of the
Deseret News Christmas Story Contest. At present I am enrolled in two writing
classes, and am a member of the National Penwomen. I am the Relief Society litera-
ture class leader in my stake, and teach the teachers training class in Sunday School.
My husband is Francis S. Todd, a civil engineer, and we have five children and five
grandchildren. I should hke to dedicate my story The Happety Road' to David A.
Mann of Bountiful, Utah, who has encouraged me so kindly in my writing."
uiecipes for Vi/inter ibventngs
Emma A. Hanks
Old-Fashioned Chile
2 lbs. ground meat i tsp. salt
2 No. 2 cans tomatoes Yi tsp. black pepper
2 cans kidney beans i tsp. chili powder
1 large-sized onion, chopped fine Vi tsp. cayenne pepper
Crumble meat as fine as possible and braise slightly. Pour into kettle and add
tomatoes, beans, onion, black pepper, salt, chili powder, and cayenne pepper. If needed,
add a little more water. Cook for one hour.
Serve with crackers or French bread spread with a garlic spread.
Chicken Gumbo
1 hen cut up for frying salt and pepper to taste
2 c. chopped onions Yz c. raux (see below) flour
2 c. chopped celery dash of file (powdered sassafras) into
2 c. chopped okra each serving
Yz tsp. finely chopped garlic 2 qts. water
Brown chicken in small amount of fat and add onions, celery, garlic, salt, and
pepper. Then add water and boil until chicken is tender, adding additional water as
needed. When the chicken is tender add the raux and mix well, and then add the
okra and cook until okra is tender and until desired thickness is obtained. Add small
amount of file just before you serve the gumbo over the rice. To make the raux:
Y2 c. flour small amount of fat
Brown flour in fat or use a patent brand.
Texas Hash
2 large-size onions, sliced 2 green peppers, chopped fine
3 tbsp. shortening 1 lb. ground beef
2 c. canned tomatoes Yz c. uncooked rice
1 tsp. chili powder 1 tsp. salt
!4 tsp. pepper
Cook onions and pepper in shortening until golden brown and add the meat and
cook until it separates. Add the rest of the ingredients and bake in greased baking dish
for forty-five minutes at 350°. Makes six to eight servings.
Texas Cream Pie
2 c. scalded milk 4 tbsp. cornstarch
Yi c. sugar 1 tsp. \anilla
2 eggs separated 1 c. whipping cream
baked pie shell
Mix beaten egg yolks and cornstarch. Add milk and sugar to this mixture and cook
until thick enough to coat spoon. Add the stiffly beaten egg whites to mixture
while still hot. Add vanilla and let cool. Pour into baked pie shell, cover with
whipped cream, and grate a little chocolate over the top. Chill before serving.
Page 106
KyLlbertha I iielson aiatch 11 Lakes Guilts
for the tleeai/
A LBERTHA Nielson Hatch, Rixerton, Wyoming, finds joy and satisfaction in making
■^*' quilts of many different patterns and designs. She belongs to a group of sewers
who make quilts for the needy. Mrs. Hatch also makes quilts as gifts for her family
and her neighbors. She is an expert with the crochet hook and loves to see a ball of
crocheting thread turn into a beautiful doily. Each season Mrs. Hatch, who is now
ninety-two, raises a garden — vegetables and flowers for herself and for her friends and
Mrs. Hatch has reared her own ten children and three grandchildren. She has
thirty-six grandchildren, ninety great-grandchildren, and twelve great-great grandchildren.
Always active in the Church organizations, she has set an attendance record that is an
inspiration to all \\'ho know of her faithfulness. She has served many years as a Relief
Society visiting teacher.
Marion Ellison
OHE held her breath. Not a sound was heard. Even the soft breeze that had been
^ talking to the trees uas stilled. The dew looked like a tiny baby's tear, and then,
in all its splendor, the flower gently unfolded, and its soft petals glistened and shone
as a golden sun. She breathed a sigh and the spell was broken. But still, today,
although she has grown bent with age and the flower has long been gone, she knows
the most beautiful flower in all the world is a jellow rose.
Page 107
Love Is Enough
Chapter 2
Mabel Harmer
Synopsis: Geniel Whitworth, a school-
teacher, arrives in Blayney, Idaho, from
Denver, Colorado. She has a room in
Mrs. Willett's boarding house and meets
Christine Lacy, another schoolteacher.
Geniel tells Christine about Ernest Wood,
her friend in Denver. She also meets
Mrs. Willett's nephew, Jeff Burrows, a
THERE was an all-day institute
on Monday before the begin-
ning of school the following
day. Marva, the third school teach-
er at the boarding house, had arrived
Saturday afternoon. She was a year
or two younger than Geniel, full of
life and enthusiasm for everything
from kittens to sunsets. Christine
confided that, contrary to appear-
ances, she was an excellent teacher
and the youngsters of the second
grade loved her.
The other teachers, including Mr.
Layton, the principal, all lived in
Blayney. Geniel was the only new-
comer to the group, and they wel-
comed her most cordially. She was
assigned to the third grade.
On Tuesday, just after she re-
turned home from school, she
found her first letter from Ernest.
It was a gray day with a light drizzle
of rain, and she had felt a definite
twinge of homesickness. She opened
the letter and read it eagerly. He
had missed her but was very busy
with the fall trade. He had picked
up an excellent new salesman and
the business was going very well
indeed. She was so glad to get the
letter that she would have answered
Page 108
right away, if Mrs. Willett hadn't
put in a call for help.
"Something is wrong with the
furnace, and with this rain we're
going to need some heat. Fm right
in the middle of peeling a bushel of
peaches. Would you mind stepping
over next door to the Linfords and
asking Johnny to come and fix it?"
''Not at all," Geniel answered.
''Fll be glad to go."
She slipped on her raincoat and
a scarf and went over to the house
next door. It was a small, rather
shabby place, with a momentary
glory created by scores of zinnias
in a profusion of bloom. When she
rang the bell she was somewhat sur-
prised to have the door opened by
a tall, extremely handsome young
man. His dark wavy hair was a bit
unruly at the moment and his skin
was deeply tanned. He was obvious-
ly an outdoor man.
' "Hello, Miss Whitworth," he
smiled. "Do come in."
"Oh, I can't!" she exclaimed, a
bit nonplused at his use of her
name. "I'm here on an errand for
Mrs. Willett. She wants Johnny
Linford to come over and fix the
"Well, since I'm the only one
here who answers to that name, I
had better give it a try," he an-
swered cheerfully. "I'll pick up my
tools and be right over."
"Thanks." Geniel turned and
hurried back to the house. "He
said he'd come right over," she told
Mrs. Willett, who was putting the
first of the peaches into bottles.
''Does this boy mend furnaces all
the time — I mean, is that his regu-
lar work?" she asked.
''Johnny? Oh, no. He's just
handy with tools. He's always fixed
everything since he was knee high
to a cricket. He's been working in
the forestry service this summer. He
just got back from the station yes-
^'TF he just got back yesterday
how did he know my name?"
asked Geniel.
Before Mrs. Willett could an-
swer, Johnny came through the back
door without the formality of knock-
ing. "Hi, Allie," he greeted Mrs.
Willett. "What have you been try-
ing to do with your furnace to get
it out of order?"
"I tried making a fire by remote
control. Anyway, I knew you'd
take care of it."
"Okay. But I'm charging union
wages these days and double for
He opened the basement door and
went down the stairs. A moment
later he called back, "I need some-
one to hold a flashlight. Anyone
just sitting around up there who
could give me a hand?"
"He couldn't possibly mean me,
I guess," said Geniel. "But maybe
I'd best volunteer, anyway, if we
want heat tonight."
"That's right. And make him
pay you union wages," advised Mrs.
Geniel climbed gingerly down the
rather steep steps and took the flash-
light. "I'll charge double if you
get any soot on me," she warned.
"Maybe it would be worth it," he
decided. "How was the third grade
"Lovely. They're perfect dears."
Then, almost without thinking, she
asked, "How did you know that I
was teaching the third grade?"
"I just read it in the newspaper.
They publish a list every fall,
although it rarely changes from year
to year. I went to school under four
of the current teachers."
"Oh, well, that wasn't so long
ago," said Geniel, and could have
bitten her tongue, rememberhig that
no man likes to be told he looks
Apparently Johnny didn't notice
the slip. "It was long enough. But
I'm awfully anxious to get back into
a school room again."
"Do you plan on going away to
school sometime — or will vou stay
with the forestry service?"
"I sure hope to get away — and
that pretty soon," replied Johnny
earnestlv. "This forestrv business is
just a stopgap, although a mighty
welcome one. I want to get a de-
gree in mechanical engineering and
then build bridges and dams and
super-highways. The only drawback
is money — of which I have prac-
tically none. Fm taking a few cor-
respondence courses and slowly
building a savings account."
"Good! I hope you make it. Fm
sure that you will some day. I'll
look for your name on a big dam
about ten years from now."
"Twenty will be more like it,"
Johnny corrected her. "And Fm
twenty-two now. I need to get go-
Twenty-two, Geniel noted. That
was just two vears \ounger than she.
Then slie wondered what difference
it could possibly make whether he
was two or forty-two years younger.
What a ridiculous idea.
"I think that should do now," he
decided, giving a bolt a final tap.
"We'll draw cuts to see who builds
the fire." Solemnly he picked up a
splinter and broke it in halves. "The
short one gets the job."
Gcniel studied them carefully and
made her choice.
"You won," said Johnny, tossing
them both aside. "Til bet you don't
know how to build a fire anyway.
I can let you off now."
She was at the top of the stairs
when he added, "And thanks very
CHE sat down in the kitchen again
to wait until the rest of the
house would have a chance to warm
up. "That is one of the nicest lads
I ever met," she said, just after he
had left.
"He sure is," agreed Mrs. Willett.
"There just isn't anyone quite like
Johnny. No one could help lov-
ing him."
"He seems very ambitious, too.
It's too bad he can't get away to
finish school."
"Yes, but he'll make it some day,"
Mrs. Willett agreed easily. "His
father died last spring, and that
means he has to take care of his
mother. Otherwise, he could work
his own way through. She has a
little money coming from the estate
of a brother, once it gets settled, and
that may take care of the matter."
"I surely hope so. Does he have
a girl?"
"Not any special one. Although,
as I said, everyone loves Johnny,
from me to three-year-old Kathy on
the corner."
Mrs. Willett filled the last of
the bottles, reserving a bowl full
of the choicest fruit to be eaten
fresh. She had just started to
pound the dinner steaks when Jeffry
Burrows came walking in. "Hi,
Auntie dear," he called from the
doorway. "I just came in for some
supplies and thought I'd better
bring you a few. Where shall I
leave this bag of spuds?"
"Down in the storeroom, if you
can lug them that much farther."
"If I can't, I'll just roll them
When he returned to the kitchen,
Mrs. Willett asked, "How about
staying for dinner? I can have these
steaks ready in less than half an
"Thanks, but the Evans Merc,
would be closed by then and I have
some things to pick up. I could
manage a bowl of those peaches,
however, if the lady who is sitting
there doing nothing would care to
peel them for me."
"I'll have you know that the lady
just finished repairing the furnace,"
said Geniel indignantly, as she stood
up and picked out the largest of the
"What do you know! I must say
that Aunt Allie has marvelous luck
when it comes to boarders. She
certainly draws the best."
"We both thank you," said Ge-
niel, as she set the peaches in front
of him. She couldn't help think-
ing how nice and homey it all was
— not in the least like an ordinary
boarding house. It had driven out
her wave of homesickness complete-
At the dinner table Christine
passed out some large, square enve-
lopes. "I seem to remember this
from last year," observed Marva. "It
must be another Command Per-
formance from the Duchess."
Geniel opened hers and read an
invitation to dinner from Miss
Blayney for the coming Saturday
night. 'This must be very special/'
she said.
"It is, indeed/' Marva rephed.
*'Once each fall the lady opens
Blayney Manor for the schoolteach-
ers and the board of education. It's
supposed to be a gracious gesture of
hospitality, but I doubt that any
of us would last the school year out,
if we didn't pass muster."
''Oh, surely she can't have that
much influence!" protested Geniel.
"Maybe not. But just let me
warn you to be on your best be-
havior. Repress any arguments or
contradictions. Actually, you'll be
the honored guest this year because
you are the only newcomer to the
"Actually, to do the lady justice,"
said Christine, "she just figures that
this is her town and she wants it
run right."
"And she must do all the running
in order to make sure that it is,"
added Marva.
Geniel was not greatly concerned.
After dinner she looked over her
dresses and decided that the green
velveteen with the gold costume
jewelry would be about right for the
occasion. It would be rather excit-
ing, she thought, to see the inside
of Blayney Manor and to meet the
great lady herself.
On the way home from school
on Friday, she was a bit surprised to
find Johnny waiting for her outside
his gate. "Are you the lady who
mends furnaces, fences, and . . .?"
"Just my own fences," inter-
rupted Geniel.
"Well, I have another little job
in which you might be interested,"
he continued. "I have to go up to
the ranger's station tomorrow to put
shutters on the place against the
coming winter blizzards. I was
wondering if you would care to take
the job over — under my supervi-
sion, of course."
"Oh, putting shutters on forest
ranger stations is absolutely the very
best thing I do," declared Geniel.
"What time would we have to
"It's only a thirty mile drive, and
if you work fast you can be through
in two or three hours. So I think
that ten a.m. would do nicely."
"Good. I'll be ready. Shall I
pack a lunch, or do you furnish that
for your hired help?"
"I furnish one meal only," said
Johnny in his most businesslike
tones. "But if Mrs. Willett has any
chocolate cake on hand, you might
bring enough for four."
"You have additional help going?"
Geniel's spirits suffered an unac-
countable letdown.
"Oh, no. But bring enough for
four anyway. I can manage to take
care of that much — with some ad-
ditional help from you."
"I'll guarantee the cake."
CHE went on home and quickly
changed to a cotton dress. Then
she hurried down to the kitchen.
"I'm going up to the ranger's station
with Johnny to close up for the
winter," she told Mrs. Willett, "and
he has ordered a chocolate cake.
Do you mind if I make one?"
"Not at all," was the cheerful
reply. "Go right ahead. I'd do it
myself, if I had the time."
"Thanks, but I'd really like to
make it." She brought out a mix-
ing bowl and went to work. She
loved baking, and it had been a long
time since she had had the fun of
stirring up a cake. When it was
finished she put on a thick icing and
some chopped walnuts.
When Johnny called for her at
ten the next morning he looked her
over critically. ''How are your
heels? You'll have to do some
climbing. Did you bring a warm
sweater? How about putting that
scarf on your head?"
'Tes, sir/' answered Geniel meek-
ly. ''And how about a compass
and. . . ?"
"Who wants a compass!" retorted
Johnny. "You could qualify in a
jiffy as the girl Fd like to get lost
T^HEY swung down the road at a
moderate pace, for which she was
more than pleased. It was much
too nice a day to be spoiled by rush-
ing about. Late September had
turned much of the foliage on the
hills to a Persian carpet of red, gold,
and bronze. The sagebrush had a
purple haze that was as beautiful
as anything she had ever seen.
Altogether, it was a day to be en-
joyed to the utmost.
After they had left the main high-
way, the road was rough and nar-
row. "This is shown as a jeep road
on the map," he explained, "and
they're not kidding. But we'll make
it. At least, I always have before."
With this bit of consolation,
Geniel clung to the side of the car
and held her breath over the worst
of the bumps and dugways. She
breathed a sigh of relief when they
finally arrived at the station. "Now
all we have to do is go down again,"
she consoled herself.
"You can get out and keep the
bears away while I get things start-
ed," said Johnny, opening the door
on her side.
"Thanks. All I have to do is shoo
them, I suppose?"
"Oh, sure. There's a nice view
thataway," said Johnny, pointing to
the north trail, "and good hunting."
Geniel walked up the trail to a
point where she could see an entire-
ly new vista. She sat down on a log
to enjoy the tangy mountain air and
the glory of the autumn day. It was
so lovely and peaceful that she felt
as if she could sit there for hours.
When she finally decided to walk
down again, she found Johnny put-
ting on the last of the shutters.
"Piker," he called. "I didn't say
you could stay all morning. Now
I've gone and done most of your
work. You may redeem yourself by
setting the lunch out on that table
over there by the pine tree. The
lunch is in that hamper."
"Thanks, Mister. I'll do my
best." She took the basket and
carried it over to the table. There
was a red checkered cloth which she
spread over the table and then put
on the lunch. It was quite simple —
sandwiches of homemade bread, to-
matoes, pickles, a potato salad, some
apples, and her chocolate cake.
As she worked she couldn't help
wondering why it was that Johnny
made her feel as if she were years
younger than he — when actually
she was two years older. She won-
dered, too, why it was that every
minute she spent with him was fun.
Never could she remember having so
much fun with anyone else. Per-
haps it was because she could be
perfectly natural. She didn't have
to put on a front. Whatever it was,
she liked it, and she liked him. She
was grateful for this lovely, earefree
'T^HEY were joined for lunch by a
couple of squirrels whom John-
ny called Kate and Tim and
declared to be old acquaintances.
He cut up an apple for them, but
drew the line at giving them anv
cake. ''It's much too good for any-
one your size/' he commented,
adding to Geniel, 'when you can
bake a cake like that Til. . . ." The
twinkle in her e3^es stopped him,
and he asked quickly, "You didn't
really, did you?"
"Cross my heart," smiled Geniel.
"It's my chief talent, outside of
knitting washcloths. School teach-
ing is just a sideline."
"Well, I predict you'll go far," he
said seriously. "And, speaking of
going far, I'd best pack up the stuff
I have to take down so that we can
be on our way."
Geniel walked off on another trail
and returned just as he was putting
the last of his load in the car. A
couple of miles down the road they
were waved to a stop by a little girl.
"What is it, Hilda?" he called.
"Mom saw you go past this
morning. She wants you to send
the doctor up to see Mickey. He
has a real bad stomach ache," she
replied quickly.
"We'll come in and see just how
bad he is," said Johnny.
They followed Hilda up to a small
house, almost surrounded bv fruit
trees. "Hello, there, Mrs. Ramp-
ton," he greeted the woman who
came to the door. "This is Miss
Whitworth, one of the schoolteach-
ers. I hear that Mickev has been
eating too many green apples."
"I sure hope that's all it is," she
answered. "It came on sort of sud-
den, but he's in awful pain. We
don't have a telephone, so I was
wondering if you would send the
doctor up when you get back to
town. Jim is out on the range
after his cattle."
"Let's have a look at the boy,"
said Johnny.
"He's right in here on the couch."
Thev found the nine-year-old boy
doubled up with pain. "This could
be appendicitis, you know," said
Johnny. "And if it is, he ought to
go down to the hospital, such as it
is. I think I'd better take you and
the boy down with me."
"But I can't leave the other chil-
dren here alone," said Mrs. Ramp-
ton, half in tears.
"I can stay," offered Geniel.
"Johnny can come back and get me
Mrs. Rampton looked doubtful.
"Oh, I can't impose on you like
Mickey broke into tears, along
with his pain. "I don't want to
go alone," he cried.
"Of course you don't," soothed
Johnny. "Mother will go with you,
just as the nice ladv said."
Quickly they prepared to leave,
and half an hour later Geniel found
herself there in a strange house with
three children, the youngest a baby
less than a year. She was prepar-
ing some supper for them when it
struck her that in less than fifteen
minutes she was due at a formal
dinner where she was to have been
the guest of honor.
(J!o be coniimitd)
General Secretary-Treasurer Hulda Parker
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations go\erning the submittal of
material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Relief Society Handhook oi Instructions.
Photograph submitted by Ada S. Sharp
Front row, seated, left to right: Harriet L. Rigby, theology class leader; Anita M.
Schvvendiman, First Counselor; Mary G. Shirley, President; Norma N. Peterson, Sec-
ond Counselor; Fern P. Ladle, Secretary-Treasurer.
Back row, standing, left to right: Bianca J. Allen, visiting teacher message leader;
Ethel K. Archibald, Magazine representative; Merle A. Luke, literature class leader;
Phoebe N. Williams, work meeting leader; Janet R. Mortensen, organist; Geneva B.
Thomas, social science class leader; Mary R. Thomas, chorister.
Ada S. Sharp, the new president of North Rexburg Stake Relief Society, reports
the* faithfulness and devotion of the retiring officers: 'Taithful and diligent service has
been the aim of these sisters. Sister Rigby was the first president, appointed when the
North Rexburg Stake was organized in November 1945, serving as president until
1951, and as theologv class leader since 1954. Two sisters, Mary G. Shirley and Janet
R, Mortensen, ha\e served continuously on the board, each in three different capa-
cities, since the stake \\as organized, and Fern P. Ladle has served as secretary-treasurer
continuously since 1945."
Page 114
Photograph submitted by Edith W. Hubbard
Seated, center front: Geraldine T. Forbush, director; at left of Sister Forbush:
Shirley Hubbard, stake organist; at right: Edsel Prescott, who assisted with accompani-
Edith W. Hubbard, President, Bannock Stake Rehef Society, reports that fifty-
seven mothers participated in the chorus and presented the following numbers: "Such
Lovely Things"; "Come, Ye Blessed of Mv Father"; "O Divine Redeemer"; and
"Let there Be Music."
Ph(jt(>Ki'aph submitted by Wilma F. Turley
Wilma F. Turley, President, Southwest Indian Mission Relief Societv, reports
that these sisters lose to sing together in the Navajo language. They presented the
music for two mission conferences. Sister Millet, a missionary who directs the chorus,
stands at the right in the back row.
Sister Turley reports that the work of Relief Society is progressing in her mission,
and the sisters are learning many skills. At Shiprock, New Mexico, the Relief Society
women have made several quilts, and at Ramah, they held a successful bazaar in No-
vember 1960.
Phott!tri aph submitted b\ I
Left to right: Gertrude Collard, a member of Idaho Falls Stake Relief Society
Board, representing a pioneer woman; Elder Rheim M. Jones, representing a trapper;
Marcja Collard, daughter of Gertrude Collard.
Leone T. Homer, President, Idaho Falls Stake Relief Society, reports: "The
pageant was a real success. We had over 500 people out to see it, and judging by the
comments, telephone calls, and notes, it must have been enjoyed by e\eryone. It has
been a tremendous task to do the research and writing, but we feel that it has been
\ery worthw'hile.
"The first stake organization of Relief Society in Idaho Falls was perfected in
18915. Prior to that time there were seventeen scattered wards and branches over an
area of one hundred miles. This first organization was commemorated bv our pageant.
The town of Idaho Falls was first incorporated in 1900, so the pageant tied in town
and Relief Society history.
"Elder Rheim M. Jones, representing a trapper, told of the earlv beginnings in
this part of the State — from i860 to 1880, recalling the first ferry across the mighty
Snake Rixer, the first bridge, the gold hunters, and the constant fight with the
hostile elements.
"Representing a pioneer grandmother and granddaughter, Gertrude Collard and
her daughter Marcia told of the coming of the Latter-day Saints to Idaho, their strug-
gles, hardships, and joys, up to 189:;, when this huge area was divided into two stakes,
and the Idaho Falls Stake Relief Society was organized.
"The tweU'e women who ser\ed as presidents o\er these years (or their repre-
sentatives) were then presented. The history of the town, its mayors, and important
events in its development were woven into the narrati\'e of the years of service of those
women. This was given by readers, as the women were spothghted in large picture frames.
"The pageant was interspersed with lovely music from a sixty-fi\e voice Singing
Mothers chorus directed by Edna Johnson, and interpretive background music was
played on the organ by Grace Karstad.
"The research and composition of the pageant were done by Leone T. Homer and
Ann J. Staker, the staging by Elveda Smith, with special lighting effects by Gareth
B. Homer.
"The pageant \\as presented as the Sunday evening service of stake conference.
"The women who have ser\ed as stake presidents are as follows: Emma J. Bennett
(1895-1903), deceased; Elvira Steele (1903-1917), deceased; Mayme Laird (1917-1926),
deceased; Clara Brunt (1926-1932); Martha Telford (1932-1939), deceased; Cora M.
Christensen (1939-1944); Idetta E. Merrill (1944-1946); Eleanora B. Allen (1946-
(thrce months, di\ision of stake); Loveda Petersen (1946-1947); Venna H. Croft
(1947-1951); Mabel Hansen (1951-1953); Nannah C. Stokes (1953-1957); Leone T.
Homer ( 1957 - ) .
"All of the \\omen present at the pageant who had e\er ser\ed on the Idaho Falls
Stake Rehef Society Board were presented with a souvenir booklet of the pageant."
^ <», S « e» <-.' W it <l
Photograph submitted by Lila A. Arave
Front row, seated, left to right: Joyce Salmon; Pearl McCaskill; Clara Rolfson;
Da Naze Steele; Pat Depew; Marilyn Albiston; Corrinne Attwood; Louise Jensen;
Maureen \\^oolf; Eva Mae Humphrevs; Rose Harvey.
Back row, standing, left to right: Claudia Gimlich; Grace North; Colleen May;
Lynne Home; Glenda Benson; Shirley Brundsdale; Dora Cook; Mary Sustrik; Carolyn
Lila A. Arave, President, Western Canadian Mission Relief Society, reports:
"There were twent\'-four babies born in the Edmonton Fourth Branch of the Western
Canadian Mission since it was organized just one year ago. This picture was taken at
ithe Relief Societv closing social, where twenty of them were present. There were
over seventv-fi\e children in attendance at that time, which accounts, in part, for the
extensive Church building program underway in Edmonton.
"As \ou can see, we are growing. We are particularly encouraged in the \isiting
teaching that is being done."
Photograph submitted by Rowena J. Warr
Left to right: Matilda Bell (age 84); Sarah Adams (82); Mary Stowers (83);
Emma Harper (83).
Rowena J. Warr, President, Cassia Stake Relief Society, reports that these sisters
were honored at a visiting teachers convention, for their many years of devoted service,
their combined years of service in this capacity totaling ig- years. Each was presented
a beautiful corsage. They are all still active in Relief Society, and all of them, as
Singing Mothers, participated in Relief Societ}^ convention.
Photograph submitted by Naomi F. Jensen
Standing at the right, in the first row: Ruby Fjeldsted, stake organist; second from
the right: Wilma Despain, conductor; fifth from the right: Martha Bartholomew, stake
Third from the right, in the back row: Naomi F. Jensen, President, Gunnison
Stake Relief Society,
Sister Jensen reports: "These sisters are the first chorus that we haxe had for
several years as a stake group. Our wards present the Singing Mothers in the March
and November Sunday evening programs. This stake group furnished songs for our
stake convention in August, and for our stake quarterly conference September 4, i960.
We all enjoyed this service very much. We are happy to report that we are enjoying
our work as a stake board and appreciate the help the General Board offers us always."
Photograph submitted by Fern T. Hartvigsen
Front row, seated, left to right: Rebecca H. Nelson (1916-29); Rebecca W. Howe
(1929-36); Loya M. Woodland (1936-38).
Back row, standing, left to right: Mabel B. Hatch (1938-47); Almeda H. Smith
(1951-58); Winafred S. Henderson (1947-49); 01i\e H. \V"oodland (1958 - );
Coral M. Fackrell (1945-51).
Fern T. Hart\igsen, President, Portneuf Stake Relief Societv', reports that the
presidents of Arimo Ward Relief Society, from the presidency of Rebecca Nelson to the
present time, under the leadership of 01i\'e H. Woodland, were honored at a social in
August i960, and were congratulated and commended for their many years of de\'oted
service to Relief Society.
For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the
hills shall break forth before you into singing. . . . Instead of the thorn shall come up
the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree. . . . And if thou draw-
out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in
obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday (Isaiah 55:12-13; 58:10).
cJheologyi — The Doctrine and Covenants
Lesson 32— The Gifts of the Holy Ghost
Elder Roy W. Doxey
(Text: The Doctrine and Covenants, Section 46)
For Tuesday, May 2, 1961
Objective: To understand what the gifts of the Holy Ghost are and why they
are given.
'T^HE revelation for study in this
lesson was received in the spring
of 1831, the day following Section
45, which was received to sustain
the members of the Church as a
result of many foolish stories which
were circulated about them. Sec-
tion 46 was given by the Lord to
correct some false ideas which were
entertained bv members of the
Church. At this period, according
to the Church Historian, John
Whitmer, there were some of the
number who believed that nonmem-
bers should not be admitted to the
sacrament meeting. Some members
felt this practice was contrary to the
instructions of the resurrected Lord
to the Nephites as stated in The
Book of Mormon:
And behold, ye shall meet together oft;
and ye shall not forbid any man from
coming unto you when ye shall meet
together, but suffer them that they may
come unto you and forbid them not;
But ye shall pray for them, and shall
Page 120
not cast them out; and if it so be that
they come unto you oft ye shall pray for
them unto the Father, in my name (3
Nephi 18:22-23) .
In the first seven verses of Section
46 the Lord gives sufficient infor-
mation to the Church in this dis-
pensation to clarify this problem,
and also gives the Lord's will about
the meetings of the Church. First,
for the profit and learning of the
elders they are '\ . . to conduct all
meetings as they are directed and
guided by the Holy Spirit" (D & C
46:2). Then follows the command-
ment about which there was some
disputation, ''Nevertheless ye are
commanded never to cast any one
out from your public meetings,
which are held before the world"
(D & C 46:3). In further clarifi-
cation of this instruction, the sacra-
ment meeting is indicated as a
public meeting:
And again I say unto you, ye shall not
cast any out of your sacrament meetings
who are earnestly seeking the kingdom —
I speak this concerning those who are not
of the church (D & C 46:5).
This same commandment is given
regarding the ''confirmation meet-
tings." (See D & C 46:6.) This
meeting is our Fast Meeting or the
baptismal when the Holy Ghost is
I conferred upon the newly baptized
person. There are meetings of the
Church which are to be considered
as private because they are special
meetings to which only certain
members of the Church are invited
to attend, such as auxiliary prayer
or officers' and teachers' meetings.
There are in this revelation in-
structions regarding the member of
the Church and the sacrament meet-
ing. Church members are welcome
to this meeting, but they are coun-
seled to make reconciliation with
their fellow man against whom they
have sinned before they partake of
the sacrament. (See D & C 46:4.)
"Walking Uprightly Before Me"
One of the most important items
of counsel given by the Lord ap-
pears in this revelation. It is as fol-
But ye are commanded in all things to
ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that
which the Spirit testifies unto you even
so I would that ye should do in all holi-
ness of heart, walking uprightly before
me, considering the end of your salva-
tion, doing all things with prayer and
thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced
by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or
the commandments of men; for some are
of men, and others of devils (D & C
What is there in this scripture
which makes it of such great im-
portance? Notice the several prin-
ciples that are basic to the obtaining
of eternal life: (a) Pray to him who
giveth liberally; (b) Obtain the
Spirit and accept its promptings in
humility; (c) Walk uprightly before
the Lord — keep the command-
ments; (d) Always remember that
the purpose of existence is to ''work
out your salvation"; (e) In the spirit
of prayer be grateful for blessings
received. What is the promised
blessing for those who practice this
counsel? They shall neither be de-
ceived by the ideas of men nor by
the doctrines of devils.
Importance of Obtaining the Spiiit
Learning the necessity of receiv-
ing the Spirit is of great importance
to the members of the Church. The
operation of the Holy Ghost in the
lives of the prophets during the Old
Testament period, as well as at the
time of the apostles of Jesus, is
generally known to the membership
of the Church in this dispensation.
Directed by that same Spirit, the
leaders of the Church have coun-
seled the Church membership
throughout this dispensation of the
need to have the Holy Ghost.
Joseph Smith and
Martin Van Bnren
On November 29, 1839, the
Prophet Joseph Smith and Elias
Higbee, in seeking redress for crimes
committed against the saints in
Missouri, visited President Van Bur-
en in Washington, D. C, as a part
of this mission. In that interview,
the President of the United States
asked the Prophet wherein the Lat-
ter-day Saints differed from other
religions of that day. His reply was
that '\ . . we differed in the mode
of baptism, and the gift of the Holy
Ghost bv the laving on of hands"
{D.H.C. IV:42).
What did the Prophet mean by
this statement? It is apparent from
his teachings given upon other oc-
casions that the possession of the
gift of the Holy Ghost is received
only by those who submit to water
baptism and the laying on of hands
by one who is authorized of the
Lord to officiate for him. As this
lesson continues, this principle is in
evidence, but here is a positive state-
ment which establishes the prin-
ciple as given by Joseph Smith:
The sign of Peter was to repent and
be baptized for the remission of sins, with
the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost;
and in no other way is the gift of the
Holy Ghost obtained (D. H. C. IV:555).
Baptism is a holy ordinance preparatory
to the reception of the Holy Ghost; it is
the channel and key by which the Holy
Ghost will be administered.
The Gift of the Holy Ghost by the lay-
ing on of hands, cannot be received
through the medium of any other prin-
ciple than the principle of righteousness,
for if the proposals are not complied with,
it is of no use, but withdraws (D. H. C.
It was a characteristic of The
Church of Jesus Christ in the meri-
dian of time that the gift of the
Holy Ghost was received only by
the convert to the Church (Acts
2:37-38; 8:12-23; 19:1-7). But what
about the gifts of the Holy Ghost?
Are these gifts, as enumerated in
the scriptures, received by the wor-
thy member of the Church? The
answer is yes. The loss of the spirit-
ual gifts following the death of the
apostles is an evidence of the great
apostasy. The absence of these
spiritual gifts is admitted by many
authorities on ecclesiastical history.
(See the testimony of John Wesley,
founder of Methodism, as quoted
by Elder James E. Talmage in The
Articles of Faith on page 495.)
Purpose of the Gifts
For what purpose does the Lord
bestow his gifts upon his true fol-
lowers? Because in the world there
are influences that are contrarv to
the plan of life and salvation. How
will the gifts of the Spirit help one
on the road to perfection?
Wherefore, beware lest ye are decei\'ed;
and that ye may not be deceived seek ye
earnestly the best gifts, always remember-
ing for what they are given;
For verily I say unto you, they are givtii
for the benefit of those who love me and
keep all my commandments, and him that
seeketh so to do; that all may be benefited
that seek or that ask of me, that ask and
not for a sign that they may consume it
upon their lusts (D & C 46:8-9). (Italics
by author.)
The words in italics give definite
information upon the question just
posed. Notice that the gifts are a
part of the gospel of Jesus Christ
that thev might be of benefit to
those who love the Lord and thus
keep all of his commandments. But
who are these? They are the mem-
bers of his Church, for they have
complied with the ordinances of
baptism and the laying on of hands
to receive the Holy Ghost. But the
member of the Church may not be
keeping all of the commandments,
so, what of him? The revelation
states, ''and him that seeketh so to
do." The Lord does not condone
sin, but that member of the king-
dom who will earnestly strive to
overcome the barriers to his salva-
tion, by sincerely endeavoring to
perfect himself through the prin-
ciple of repentance, will receive the
help necessary to aid him. (See
D&C 1:31-33.)
The Gifts of the Holy Ghost
What are these gifts of the Holy
Ghost which are imparted to the
members of the Church? Paul pro-
vided a list of these gifts for the
saints at Corinth. (See I Cor.
In closing the Nephite record,
Moroni also indicated some of these
gifts of the Spirit. (See Moroni
The saints of today are counseled
that they should '\ . . always remem-
ber, and always retain in your
[their] minds what those gifts are,
that are gi\en unto the church"
(D & C 46:10). These gifts, how-
ever, are not given promiscuously,
'Tor all have not every gift given
unto them; for there are many gifts,
and to everv man is given a gift by
the Spirit of God" (D & C 46:11).
A summary of the gifts revealed
in this revelation is provided in the
Doctrine and Covenants Commen-
tary, as follows: "(1) knowledge;
(2) faith; (3) administration; (4)
recognition of the operations of the
Spirit; (5) wisdom; (6) gift to in-
struct; (7) faith to be healed; (8)
faith to heal; (9) power to work
other miracles; (10) gift of proph-
esy; (11) gift to discern spirits; (12)
gift of tongues; (13) gift of inter-
pretation; (14) gift to discern all
these gifts."
An explanation of the gifts is to
be found on pp. 274-276 in the
Doctiine and Covenants Commen-
To have all the gifts of the Spirit
is a privilege that may come to the
Prophet, Seer, and Revelator as the
"head of the Church." (See D & C
46:29, 107:92.)
Gifts of the Holy Ghost and
the Laying on of Hands
In an article written by the Proph-
et Joseph Smith, June 15, 1842, on
the gift of the Holy Ghost, it is
pointed out that sometimes people
expect that at the time the Holy
Ghost is conferred following bap-
tism by immersion, some miraculous
manifestation will result. Excerpts
from that article indicate an answer
to this notion:
. . . more frequently there is no mani-
festation at all; that is visible to the sur-
rounding multitude. . . .
. . . suppose the gifts of the Spirit were
immediately, upon the imposition of
hands, enjoyed by all, in all their fullness
and power; the skeptic would still be as
far from receiving any testimony except
upon a mere casualty as before, for all the
gifts of the Spirit are not visible to the
natural vision, or understanding of man;
indeed very few of them are. . . .
The word of wisdom, and the word of
knowledge, are as much gifts as any other,
yet if a person possessed both of these
gifts, or received them by the imposition
of hands, who would know it? Another
might receive the gift of faith, and they
would be as ignorant of it. Or suppose
a man had the gift of healing or power
to work miracles, that would not then be
known; it would require time and circum-
stances to call these gifts into operation.
Suppose a man had the discerning of
spirits, who would be the wiser for it?
Or if he had the interpretation of tongues,
unless someone spoke in an unknown
tongue, he of course would have to be
silent; there are only two gifts that could
be made visible — the gift of tongues
and the gift of prophecy. These are
things that are the most talked about . . .
(D. H. C. V:28-3o).
The Holy Ghost and the
Lords Spirit
At a later time, it is expected that
more study will be devoted to the
subject of the Spirit of the Lord
("Light of Christ'') than is desir-
able in this lesson. Suffice it to
say, however, that there is a differ-
ence between that Spirit which
comes from God to fill all space —
sometimes called the Holy Spirit,
Spirit of God and Light of Christ
— and the Holy Ghost and the gift
of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of
the Lord is given to all people
(D & C 84:43-48; 88:6-13), but the
gift of the Holy Ghost is received
by the members of The Church of
Jesus Christ — those who obey the
commandments. (See Acts 5:32.)
The following brief statement from
President Joseph F. Smith is perti-
nent to these ideas:
The question is often asked, Is there
any difference between the Spirit of the
Lord and the Holy Ghost? The terms
are frequently used synonymously. We
often say the Spirit of God when we
mean the Holy Ghost; we likewise say the
Holy Ghost when we mean the Spirit of
God. The Holy Ghost is a personage in
the Godhead, and is not that which
lighteth every man that cometh into the
world. It is the Spirit of God which pro-
ceeds through Christ to the world, that
enlightens every man that comes into the
world, and that strives with the children
of men, and will continue to strive with
them, until it brings them to a knowledge
of the truth and the possession of the
greater light and testimony of the Holy
Ghost. If, however, he receive that
greater light, and then sin against it, the
Spirit of God will cease to strive with
him, and the Holy Ghost will wholly de-
part from him (GospeJ Doctrine, pp.
How to Obtain the Giits
As pointed out in this revelation,
the gifts of the Holy Ghost are for
those who keep all the command-
ments or seek to do so. (See D & C
46:9.) But the member of the
Church must seek by asking in ac-
cordance with these divine instruc-
And it shall come to pass that he that
asketh in Spirit shall receive in Spirit. . . .
He that asketh in the Spirit asketh
according to the will of God; wherefore
it is done even as he asketh.
And again, I say unto you, all things
must be done in the name of Christ,
whatsoever you do in the Spirit;
And ye must give thanks unto God
in the Spirit for whatsoever blessing ye
are blessed with.
And ye must practice virtue and holi-
ness before me continually. Even so.
Amen (D & C 46:28, 30-33).
Questions for Discussion
1. Give reasons why you believe verse 7
of Section 46 contains information es-
sential to the obtaining of eternal life.
2. According to this revelation (Sec-
tion 46 ) , why would you believe that the
gifts of the Holv Ghost are to be con-
sidered as special gifts?
3. What is the principal purpose of the
gifts of the Holy Ghost? other purposes?
4. To whom are the gifts of the Holy
Ghost given?
5. What does Section 46 reveal is neces-
sary to obtain the gifts of the Holy Ghost?
ViSitifig cJeacher f I iessages —
Truths to Live By From The Doctrine and Covenants
Message 32— "For Inasmuch As Ye Do It Unto the Least of These,
Ye Do It Unto Me" (D & C 42:38)
Chiistine H. Robinson
For Tuesday, May 2, 1961
Objective: If we would do the work of the Lord, we must be actively engaged
in helping others.
pROBABLY no other scripture
has a more direct apphcation
to Relief Society work and to the
work of visiting teachers than does
this quotation from The Doctrine
and Covenants. The grand key
words of Relief Society are, ''Said
Jesus, 'Ye shall do the work which
ye see me do.' "
What was the work Jesus did?
The scriptures testify that from the
beginning to the end of his ministry
he ". . . went about doing good . . ."
(Acts 10:38). The gospel teaches
its members to visit the sick, to
comfort those who mourn, to en-
courage the downcast, and to help
the poor.
The doctrine of service to others,
as contained in this Doctrine and
Covenants' quotation, was formerly
given by the Savior when he taught
his disciples on the Mount of Olives.
There he described the events of
the last days and said that when
the Son of man would come in his
glory, he would judge his people.
To the righteous he would say:
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me
meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink:
I was a stranger, and ye took me in. . . .
I was sick, and ye visited me (Mt.
Then the righteous would be puz-
zled and would wonder when they
had done all these things for the
Lord. And the Lord would answer
them saying:
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one
of the least of these my brethren, ye
have done it unto me (Mt. 25:40; see
Mt. 25:35-40).
In addition to being fundamental
to Relief Society work, this doctrine
of service to our fellow men has
permeated deeply into all religious
and literary thought. Benjamin
Franklin once said, 'The most ac-
ceptable service to God is doing good
to man." The great Book of Slor-
mon king and prophet Benjamin
expressed the thought beautifully
when he said, "... when ye are in
the service of vour fellow beings ve
are only in the service of your God"
(Mosiah 2:17).
In the well-known storv of "The
Vision of Sir Launfal" are these im-
pressive words:
He gives only the worthless gold
Who gi\es from a sense of dut\';
But he who gives but a slender mite.
And gi\'es to that which is out of
sight. . . .
The hand cannot clasp the u'hole of his
The heart outstretches its eager palms ....
Not what we give, but what we share.
For the gift without the giver is bare;
Who gives himself with his alms feeds
three —
Himself, his hungering neighbor, and me.
(James Russell Lowell)
Page 125
Although our Father in heaven is
all-powerful and can do all things,
^•et he follows the divine plan where-
bv his good works must be done
through us, his children. It is fine
to pray for the welfare of the sick
and afflicted, but they are empty
words unless they are accompanied
bv personal actions which help and
comfort those in need. We can
wish our neighbors well, but this is
'\ . . as sounding brass, or a tinkling
cymbal" (I Cor. 13:1), unless we
do something which improves their
The Lord's divine plan requires
that we go about doing good. If
kindness is to prevail upon the earth,
it cannot come about solely by wish-
ing and praying for it. It will come
only if we practice kindness and do
good even '\ . . unto one of the
least of these mv brethren."
A wise Book of Mormon prophet
emphasized this fact when he said:
... I would that ye should impart of
your substance to the poor, every man
according to that which he hath, such as
feeding the hungry, clothing the naked,
visiting the sick and administering to their
relief, both spiritually and temporally, ac-
cording to their wants (Mosiah 4:26).
This is the substance of pure re-
ligion. This is what the Lord meant
when he said: ''For inasmuch as
ye do it unto the least of these, ye
do it unto me" (D & C 42:38).
Work JJleeting— Caring for the Sick in the Home
(A Course Expected to Be Used by Wards and Branches at Work Meeting)
Lesson 8 — The Chronically III and the Aged
Maria Johnson
For Tuesday May 9, 1961
Objective: To point out the special needs of chronically ill and aged patients and
to consider how we can help meet their needs.
Problems oi Chionic Illness
npHE increased number of elderlv persons todav is focusing our attention
as never before on the problems of chronic illness. It has been esti-
mated that over 50% of persons 65 years of age or older have some form
of chronic illness or disability, which requires long continued treatment and
nursing care. Chronic illness, however, is not limited to elderly persons.
An acute illness can leave a patient, young or old, with a chronic illness.
Many young men return to civilian life from active service in our armed
forces with chronic disabilities. The incidence of mental illness is also
on the increase. Heart disease and cancer rank high as causes of death.
To these diseases we might add tuberculosis, arthritis, nephritis, strokes,
diabetes, and others.
For many years bed rest and inactivity were the treatment, only to
find that the patient's disabilities multiplied as complications developed.
For example, the heart condition might improve, but other disorders
presented themselves. More recent years have brought about radical changes
in treatment. This new treatment calls for activity in order to maintain
normal functioning of all parts of the body. Even heart cases spend little
time in bed compared with the old treatment.
Rehabihtatfon and Sufticient Exercise
Rehabilitation, which means care which aids the patient to maintain
or restore her best capacities and make her self-sufficient, has become the
watchword for the chronicallv ill, both young and old. Exercise is a must
for each patient. She should be encouraged to do as much for herself as
she is able to do. The doctor will tell you her limitations. You will assist
her to do what she cannot do for herself. The nurse, the patient,
and family must understand the goal that is set and must work together
in carrying out the plan. The patient who does not understand the plan
may feel neglected and that you are not interested in her welfare because
you do not do everything for her. Often it is less time consuming to do
something for the patient than it would be to help her do it for herself.
This, however, is not good nursing care. We all know a muscle not used
becomes weak and useless, a joint not exercised will become stiff. The
patient in bed can develop limited motion in her shoulder and be unable
to comb her hair, if the joint is not exercised. Foot drop and contractures
can develop when pillows are used incorrectly, and the position of the
patient is not changed frequently.
Meeting the Emotiond Needs oi the Patient
The emotional needs of the patient are often the most difficult to
meet. The chronically ill patient needs protection from loneliness; she
needs companionship, she needs to share in the family interests, plans,
and, in so far as possible, the activities. If her condition permits, have her
join the family at mealtime, even though it mav be more trouble to get
her to the table than to carry the tray to her. If she must ha\e a trav, a
member of the family can be served a tray with her, or a friend might be
invited in to eat with her occasionallv. Bring outside interests to her;
tell her of your experience for the day, something you have read, done, or
planned; read aloud, play games, etc. Your librarian can help you with
things to do and things to read.
Keep a basket of things to do within reach of the patient, and an
overbed table large enough to work on. It is easv to become discouraged
and depressed. Think how bored you could become if you were the
patient without companions or interests outside the sick room. See that
the patient has a bell, mouth organ, whistle or other device for calling vou.
It gives the patient a feeling of security and saves you many steps. Pin
a paper bag on the bed within easy reach for the patient's scraps of paper,
tissue, etc.
Fnmily Planning for Care for the Chronically lU
Caring for the chronically ill in the home can be a real burden, if a
plan is not worked out so that the patient and all members of the family
understand and co-operate. One person should be in charge, but should
not be expected to carry the full load. When there is a visiting nurse
ser\'ice or a public health nurse in the community, a nurse will help you
plan and show you how to give the treatments ordered by the phvsician,
and how to improvise equipment that will better meet the needs of the
patient and conserve your energy.
If the patient is to have care in bed, you will want to raise the bed to
a height that will save you back strain and fatigue. One good way is to
cut the top from four large cans; fill them about half full of sand or gravel;
drop the lid you cut out on top of the sand and place the cans under the
legs of the bed. (See illustration.) Wooden blocks or cinder bricks may
be used to raise the bed. If wooden blocks are used, a depression should
be cut in the top of 6-inch square blocks of wood in which to place the
legs of the bed or casters to prevent the bed from falling. If the patient
is heavy, you may be able to rent a bed with a frame and cross bar over
which a strap can be suspended. The patient can grasp the strap and raise
herself when linen is changed, when the bedpan is needed, and when she
changes positions. The bed rope is another device helpful to many patients.
It can be made by tieing a stout rope to the foot of the bed with a loop for
the patient to grasp at the other end. Back rests, foot supports, and pil-
lows were discussed in Lesson 4.
Feeding the Aged and ChwnicaUy 111
The chronically ill patient must be encouraged to eat a balanced diet
or the special diet prescribed by the physician. The diet for the elderly
patient must be planned as carefully as for the growing child.
Pressure Sores and Incontinence
Pressure sores and incontinence (lack of control of urine or the bowels)
present special problems in the care of the aged. Many studies have shown
that the patient who has lost her desire to live is much more prone to
incontinence. She simply gives up and makes no effort. Stimulating the
patient to co-operate and giving her the bedpan at frequent intervals have
proved very rewarding. The prevention of pressure sores is worth any
effort it may take. They are frequently called bedsores because they are
most often found in patients who remain in bed a long time. Elderly or
helpless patients are especially susceptible to bedsores. They develop
most frequently over parts of the body which are subject to pressure —
the end of the spine, shoulder blades, heels, elbows, or hip bones. Preven-
tion is the best treatment.
Turn the patient frequently.
Keep the patient clean and dry.
Keep the bed dry and free from wrinkles or crumbs.
Cushion the reddened area with a soft pad such as sponge rubber or pieces of
lamb's wool pelt or a cotton pad. The soft pad provides evenly distributed pres-
sure and, today, is replacing the round rings, called doughnuts, popular at one
Do not let the patient lie on the reddened area.
Give gentle massage around the reddened area.
When giving the bedpan, hold your hand over the part of the pan that will
support the buttocks, as you gently slip the pan under the patient.
Special care will be necessary for the incontinent patient, the one who is unable
to control her bladder or bowels, as she develops bedsores very readily. Always
remove all discharge promptly, wash the soiled areas immediatelv, rinse well, pat
dry, and lighty dust with talcum powder. Keep a waterproof pad under the
patient. This may be made of several thicknesses of newspaper covered with a
clean cloth. When soiled, the papers can be easily removed and replaced with a
clean pad. The cloth cover can be washed. Keep a stock on hand. Remember,
changing the pad will not take the place of washing and dr^'ing the patient's skin.
The Tub Bath
Many accidents occur in getting in and out of bathtubs. For this
reason the patient should not be put in the tub until she is able, with a
little support, to get in and out herself. A rubber mat in the tub helps
prevent slipping. Bathtub rails and seats that can be adjusted to fit old
and modern type tubs are now available. These give the patient support
and make a tub bath possible for many who could not otherwise have one.
(See illustrations.)
The Stroke Patient
The patient with a stroke will need special care. She can become a
helpless, bedridden patient, or she can, in many instances, be helped to
become self-reliant in getting about and caring for herself. If a physio-
therapist is available, ask your doctor about having her teach you the
exercises needed. If this trained person is not available, your doctor or
the public health nurse will help you.
Today we have a new medical specialty ''Geriatrics'' dealing with the
problems of the aged. The research and studies being made in this field
are changing our attitudes and proving that later years of life can be
challenging, interesting, and satisfying.
JLiterature — America's Literature Comes of Age
Lesson 24 — Nathaniel Hawthorne, Haunted Autobiographer
Elder Briant S. Jacobs
(Textbook: America's Literature, by James D. Hart and Clarence Gohdes,
Dryden Press, New York, pp. 304-349)
For Tuesday, May 16, 1961
Objective: To reconsider the dual nature of mortality, as exemplified in Haw-
thorne's short stories.
T TLTIMATELY the concern of all anyone can thus liberate us from
great literature is with the na- ourselves beyond the bounds of
ture of reality. To experience night time, he becomes indispensable, and
and dawn on the desert; to wander therefore immortal. These ''lib-
alone even for one afternoon amid erators" see and feel more deeply
September pme and aspen-these than do most of us; through mastery
relatively smiple realities can fill us ^^ ^j^^-^ communicating tool -
with an awe we cannot tell. Yet i ^i • i j i i i • 1
11 .1.1 J n i-i rhythmic body, brush, chisel, voice
who knows that he can define them -'. /' ' ,
exactly for a city dweller so that the «/ instrument or pen - they come
inner realities of the two people are through to us to tell that which
the same, enabling the one to escape otherwise cannot be told; hence
from his individual surroundings they give justification once more for
and experiences? the old, wise saying that "Art is
Once it becomes known that long and time is fleeting."
A Perry Picture
Hawthorne, Pioneer Artist
Sharing honors with Edgar Allen
Poe, Hawthorne is the acknowl-
edged father of great American
fictional art. Preparing himself
from vouth for a writmg career,
Hawthorne early respected the great
power of words skillfully combined.
He mastered his craft by perfecting
a style which spoke to his readers
precisely what he wanted it to speak.
Paralleling in the short story Emer-
son's accomplishment in poetry, he
learned the secret of permitting
each composition to grow from with-
in its own nature, finally to achieve
expression through form perfectly
fitted to its content or theme-idea.
Most important, he probed into the
human soul to a depth rarely be-
fore attained, finding within his own
dark, unacknowledged, unexplored
caverns some definitions of reality as
startlingly new to his own time as
today they are basic to the modern
awareness of man's complex iden-
He realized early that his clois-
tered \\orld, removed from the
ordinary life, the subject-areas out of
which he must create literature, was
extremely limited. He pro\ed his
genius by capitalizing on those very
limitations. He wrote, not of what
man sees and does outwardh', but
rather of what man knows or of
which he is vaguely aware within
himself, but of which he never
speaks or cannot speak. In his
greatest writings Hawthorne is ever
concerned with the nexer-ending
conflict between good and evil,
fighting on the battlefield which is
the human heart. This subject and
his approach to it are in violent con-
trast to the domestic sentimentality
and ad\enture tales which dominat-
ed contemporary fiction.
Yet e\en while writing these
somber tales which his natural gen-
ius dictated, Hawthorne longed to
achieve popularity by writing sun-
nv, happy, everyday sketches \\'hich
he publiclv scorned. Thus we are
forced to recognize the huge gap
which separated Hawthorne, the
artist, from Hawthorne, the man,
throughout his life.
Hawthorne's Outward Liie
Nathaniel was born July 4, 1804,
in Salem, Massachusetts, home port
of the fast American ships which
traded with exotic people round the
world. His staunch Puritan ances-
tors arrived in Massachusetts Bay in
1630. Thev were permitted to write
''Mr." before their name \\hen this
term reallv meant something. Some
were captains, some local justices,
one ancestor sat with Samuel Sewall
and one other to condemn nineteen
to their deaths during the Salem
witchcraft trials of 1692-93. His own
father, Captain Nathaniel Haw-
thorne, described as "the sternest
man that ever trod a deck/' died at
Surinam, Dutch Guiana, when Na-
thaniel was four. Impoverished and
proud, Mrs. Hawthorne returned
\\ith her three children to her own
people, the Mannings, who gave her
sustenance and sent her one son to
Bowdoin College in Maine. The
Manning home in Salem was cheer-
less and strictly plain. The widow
and her children ate in their room
to economize, and later, when the
children had separate rooms, the
mother lived and ate in hers, send-
ing out written notes to members
of the family when she wished to
meet with them. A most handsome
child with long, dark eyelashes, it is
understandable that voung Nathan-
iel, the only nephew living in a
household of four unmarried aunts
and four unmarried uncles, was
pampered. He went often to Maine,
where his uncles owned property,
roaming freely in the summer
woods, however, an injury to his
foot, when he was nine, confined
him to the house for almost three
At Bowdoin College discipline
was so strict that Hawthorne was
fined for walking unnecessarily on
the Sabbath; a friend was fined for
sitting in an improper posture dur-
ing chapel. As a student, Haw-
thorne excelled in composition and
in his own leisure reading. He made
three lifelong friends at college,
Longfellow, Horatio Bridge, and
Franklin Pierce, for whom Haw-
thorne later wrote a campaign bi-
ography in support of his successful
race for the Presidency of the Unit-
ed States.
Hawthorne returned to Salem for
twelve years following his gradua-
tion, again submitting himself to
the family pattern of seclusion and
withdrawal. At the same time he
read almost every book in the local
library and worked diligently at per-
fecting his own writing skills. His
only small success, publication of
Twice-Told Tales, seemed insuffi-
cient to justify marriage, so he and
Sophia Peabody were engaged for
four years before their marriage in
1842, when she was thirty-four and
Hawthorne was thirty-eight. Because
she was an invalid and had been
''prepared'' by her mother not to
expect the joys of motherhood,
Sophia worshipped her handsome
husband and her role as wife and
mother of their three children. Dur-
ing their prolonged courtship they
exchanged over a hundred ardent
love letters. So completely did each
find fulfillment in the other that
their love approaches the stature of
that attained by Elizabeth Barrett
and Robert Browning. A thoroughly
educated, beautiful and sensitive
woman with genuine skill in paint-
ing, Sophia concealed little of her
romantic intensity in her letters, be-
fore and after marriage. After one
of their first meetings she wrote to
her sister of Hawthorne:
You know in "Annie's Ramble" he says
that if there is anything he prides him-
self upon, it is on having a smile that
children love. I should think they would,
indeed. He has a celestial expression. It
is a manifestation of the divine in human.
Soon after marriage she wrote her
mother, who watched with wonder
the emergence of an entirely new
Do not fear that I shall be too subject
to my Adam, my crown of Perfection. . . .
He is completely under the dominion of
his intellect and sentiments. Oh, who
ever saw such a union of power and gentle-
ness, softness and spirit, passion and divine
reason! The heavenly host may come and
pitch their tents round about us as in
the first Eden and easily mistake my hus-
band for one of their hierarchy. I think
it must be partly smiles of angels that
makes the air so pleasant here. I think
seraphs love as he lo\es me — ardent, rapt,
tender, devout and holy.
Nine years later, during Haw-
thorne's absence, each kept a daily
journal for the other. Sophia wrote
her mother that she could not eat,
''sitting opposite his empty chair at
table, and I lost several pounds of
flesh." Nothing changed, for at his
death in 1864, after twenty-eight
years of marriage, she wrote:
To me — even to me who was himself
in unity — he was to the last the holy
of holies behind the cherubim. ... A
person of more uniform majesty never
wore mortal form. In the most retired
privacy it was the same as in the presence
of men. The sacred veil of his eyelids
he scarcely lifted to himself — such an
unviolated sanctuary was his nature —
I, his inmost wife, never conceived nor
knew. . . .
Hawthorne reciprocated without
reservation for during their engage-
ment he wrote her:
We are but shadows, we are not en-
dowed with real life, and all that seems
most real about us is but the thinnest
substance of a dream — till the heart be
touched. That touch creates us — then
we begin to be — therebv we are beings
of reality and inheritors of eternity. . . .
Thou keepest my heart pure, and elevatest
me abo\e the world. Thou enablest me
to interpret the riddle of life, and fillest
me with a faith in the unseen and better
land, because thou leadest me thither con-
tinually. . . . God ga\e you to me to be
the salvation of my soul.
During the winter of 1856 Haw-
thorne remained in Liverpool as
American Consul while Sophia and
the children spent the winter in
Lisbon. He confessed in his Journal
''the bitterness of exile" caused by
her absence: "I have no pleasure
in anything and I feel my tread to
be heavier and my physical move-
ment more sluggish than in happier
times; a weight is always upon me.
Mv appetite is not good. I sleep
He wrote Sophia:
Thou never again shalt go away any-
where without me. . . . Oh dearest, dear-
est, interminably and infinitely dearest —
I don't know how to end that ejaculation.
The use of kisses and caresses is, that
they supersede language, and express what
there are no words for. . , . Nothing else
is real, except the bond between thee
and me. I am myself but a shadow till
thou takest me in thy arms, and convertest
me into substance. Till thou comest back,
I do but walk in a dream.
During his years at the Salem
Custom House, his Consulship at
Liverpool, travel and residence in
Italy, then a return to his home in
Concord for four years before his
death in 1864, Hawthorne was the
idol of his household, spontaneously
loved by wife and children alike, and
deservedly so.
Of the seven selections from
Hawthorne in our text, only "The
Canal Boat," with its sharp record-
ing of everyday characters and
scenes, even roughly corresponds to
the definition of Hawthorne just
presented. The greatest, most mem-
orable writings of Hawthorne have
their origin elsewhere, in that "un-
violated sanctuary" of his nature
which his wife admitted never hav-
ing penetrated.
The Hidden Hawthorne
Mark Twain's statement in his
Puddmhend Wilson applies directly
to Hawthorne: "Every one is a
moon and has a dark side which he
never shows to anybody." Toward
the end of his Salem withdrawal,
Hawthorne wrote Longfellow: "I
have made a captive of myself and
put me into a dungeon; and now
I cannot find the key to let myself
out — and if the door were open, I
should be almost afraid to come
out." He disliked this darker self,
and rarely revealed it in his letters,
even more rarely in his Journal; it
is in his best writings that his imag-
ination gave it such memorable ex-
pression that therein Hawthorne
liberated this concealed self into
A most sensitive, intuitively wise,
self-distrusting person, Hawthorne
contained within himself a living
mesh of contradiction or paradoxes.
He professed to enjoy writing, yet
during long periods he wrote little
if any serious work, and during his
last four years he was so torn by an
unexplicable inner warfare that what
he wrote in agony was far from first-
rate. Both in his ''Celestial Rail-
road" and in ''Earth's Holocaust"
(text, page 340) he satirized reform-
ers, yet he himself joined the Brook
Farm communal enterprise and lost
$1,000 of his hard-earned money in
the venture. He convinced himself
and his wife that theirs was the
perfect marriage, yet nowhere dur-
ing his married life did he feel
permanently at home, and during
his last years could not throw off
the heavy feeling of being entirely
alone. At one time he would be
objectively cold and distant; later
he found himself impassioned and
sensuous. In politics and economics
he was alternately liberal and con-
The themes of his major works
are intensely personal, yet outward-
ly tiawthorne was modest and shy.
He seems to have created his tales
to be employed as mirrors which,
when contemplated at endless
length, exaggerated and intensified
his own self-defined sins as no other
device could do. For Hawthorne,
man's most withering sin is pride —
social, economic, scientific, and —
most of all — intellectual. (See
"Egotism" or the "Bosom Serpent,"
"Rappacini's Daughter," "Ethan
Brand" ) ; yet his honest, loving wife
saw in him "so absolute a modesty
joined to so lofty a self-respect." He
firmly believed that the individual
destroys his human value bv with-
drawing from society (see "Wake-
field," "Egotism," House of Seven
Gables), yet when his favorite
sister was drowned, he locked him-
self in his studv, and alwavs he was
plagued in some degree by feelings
of loneliness.
As his third major theme, he felt
that the oppressive past dominated
the present until it became almost
lifeless (see House oi Seven Gables,
"Goodman Brown"), vet he had
read widely in New England history,
laid most of his stories in this his-
toric past, and, himself, believed
more Puritan doctrine than he re-
pudiated. But everywhere in Haw-
thorne's writings, the most universal
theme is hypocrisy, or concealment
of sin; yet Hawthorne concealed his
inward self so successfully that
neither his wife nor children nor
friends e\'er felt that they knew him
By employing his smooth, dig-
nified style, his superb skill in sym-
bol, in building tone, he "told all,"
as few artists have ever done —
Hawthorne so shy and distrustful of
himself that Emerson recalled in his
Journal the day after Hawthorne's
He showed no egotism or self-assertion,
rather a humihty, and, at one time, a
fear that he had written himself out. One
day, when I found him on the top of
his hill, in the woods, he paced back the
path to his house and said, 'This path is
the only remembrance of me that will re-
The Brotherhood of Evil
For Hawthorne, man is a complex,
unpredictable mixture of good and
evil, often governed more power-
fully by his mysterious inner self
than by what he knows or believes.
He believed that moral and spiritual
growth are achieved through suffer-
ing and sin; that we are brothers to
the sinner by having dreamed in-
wardly of doing what the criminal
actually performs.
Understanding sympathy for the
sinner is another of Hawthorne's
great universal themes. Man's aware-
ness of his own sinful nature is
treated differently in two of his best
stories. In 'Toung Goodman
Brown" (text, page 306) a newly
wedded husband leaves behind for
an evening his lovely wife 'Taith"
to enter the dark forest guided by
the Devil and be baptized into the
league of evil, the real binding force
which binds all humankind together.
When he either sees or fancies he
sees his father, teacher, minister, and
finally "Faith" herself also present
at the evil rites, he cries out in
agony, the vision or reality vanishes,
and he returns to his home to die
of a broken, despairing heart.
"The Minister's Black \^eil" (text,
page 315) is a haunting tale of un-
selfish self-sacrifice. Reverend Hoop-
er, a mild, gentle preacher about to
be married, finally realizes that the
members of his congregation, indeed
all humanity — brother to brother,
husband to wife, man to his min-
ister and to his God — all remain
isolated and unable to communicate
because of the veil of unacknowl-
edged sin which separates each from
the other. Knowing man's tendency
to seek out and oppose sin in others
about him, even while prevented by
his own pride from defining any
specific sin within himself, the
young Reverend makes his congrega-
tion believe him crazed by appearing
in his pulpit one Sunday morning
with a black veil covering all his
face beneath his e3es. This he does,
symbolizing the sin each of them
bears, yet, refuses to acknowledge,
in the hope that he may repent and
thus begin his return along the road
to free communication with men
and with God. \The Reverend]
. . . face to face with his congregation,
except for the black veil. That mysterious
emblem was never once withdrawn. It
shook with his measured breath, as he
gave out the psalm; it threw its obscurity
between him and the holy page, as he read
the Scriptures; and while he prayed the
veil lay heavily on his uplifted counte-
nance. Did he seek to hide it from the
dread Being whom he was addressing?
Such was the effect of this simple piece
of crepe, that more than one woman of
delicate nerves was forced to lea\'e the
meetinghouse. Yet perhaps the pale-faced
congregation was almost as fearful a sight
to the minister, as his black veil to them.
Note in the preceding quotation,
as throughout the story and Haw-
thorne's best works, how the story
may be read at the same time on
two levels: the first, the story level
of incident which accumulates its
own powerful impact; the second.
in which the veil is symbol of man's
unacknowledged, separating sin. On
this level man's every breath acti-
vates his sin; it separates him from
the holy words which he reads, and
from his God to whom he prays.
Along with several others in the
text, this story deserves to be read
aloud in full to those who would
marvel at the meticulous craftsman-
ship, the penetrating symbolism, and
the grave moral earnestness of one
whose significance in America's lit-
erary tradition becomes even more
apparent with the passing years.
To sav that Hawthorne was ideal-
ly qualified to recreate life in Puritan
New England is to speak truly, nor
is it difficult to understand why he
was able to interpret the Puritan
mind and conscience — to restate
with true perspective, the issues with
which these early colonists were
concerned. In summary, let us
enumerate the reasons:
1. Hawthorne was steeped in the
traditions of his Puritan ancestors
and was haunted by their grim
reality; (2) he was familiar with the
memories which lingered with the
old port town of Salem, Massachu-
setts, where he was born and in
which he spent many years; (3) his
own sensitive and introspective na-
ture made him sympathetic with
the problems that beset his self-
righteous ancestors. He believed,
as they did, in the power of evil in
man's life, yet he resented their in-
tolerance of all who disagreed with
them theologically. Thus Haw-
thorne's own inner self became s»
much a part of this setting as t»
make his writing actually autobio-
graphical in nature.
To these qualities Hawthorne
added the ''gift of a luminous mind"
and distinguished writing craftsman-
Two years ago we studied the
Puritan and the way of life in the
Massachusetts Bay Colony, which
gives us an excellent background for
understanding Hawthorne and his
Now that we have been intro-
duced to Hawthorne, the man, and,
in this lesson, have briefly studied
at least one example of his art, we
anticipate with enthusiasm a second
lesson on him which will follow.
In that lesson we shall enjoy Haw-
thorne's first mature novel, 'The
Scarlet Letter" which is also his
Thoughts ioi Discussion
1. Explain the wide variance between
Hawthorne's personal and his artistic in-
ner life.
2. Recalling how Hawthorne feared the
throttling hold of the past upon the pres-
ent, do you feel that he lived more in the
past or in the future, inasmuch as most
of his best stories have settings in his-
torical New England?
3. Identify Puritanical, then non-Puri-
tanical elements in Hawthorne, the man;
in Hawthorne, the artist. (See text, pp.
Social &fmc^— Spiritual Living
in the Nuclear Age
Lesson 14 — Abundant Living for Our Day
Elder BJaine M. Porter
For Tuesday, May 23, 1961
Objective: To review the topics in this two-year series of lessons and emphasize
the role they can and should play in helping us live abundantly today.
The challenge of traveling the
spiritual road and living spiritually
in the Nuclear Age rests upon the
shoulders of each one of us, but it
need not rest as a heavy weight.
Rather it can provide one of the
most exciting and self-satisfying ex-
periences we may have in this life,
for the rewarding life does not con-
sist in finding the easy way, the
peace of mind which is achieved by
rationalizing, reinterpreting, and fail-
ing to face reality. Rather it comes
from meeting, resolving and con-
quering problems, overcoming diffi-
culties and hardships, and develop-
ing a sense of accomplishment from
having lived fully and having done
the best we could with what we had.
We have suggested that in order
for one to live creatively, and satis-
fyingly, and effectively in any time,
but particularly in the Nuclear Age,
one needs to possess a high degree
of emotional maturity. We made a
case for the necessitv of a high de-
gree of emotional maturity in order
to be capable of living the teachings
of Christ. The task of achieving
emotional maturitv was interpreted
not only as being a life-long endeav-
or, but an eternal process. We rec-
ognized that we do not become ma-
ture all at once, but that we grow
toward it with every step we take,
if we are actively seeking to increase
our maturity.
Importance of behaving in a ma-
ture fashion for our age and stage of
development was emphasized in
order for us to be able to set an
example of maturity with which our
children might identify. The sig-
nificance of achieving a high degree
of emotional maturity is important
not only in order to be able to live
the teachings of Christianity, but in
order for us to experience the per-
sonal growth which we believe is
inherently the right of each human
soul. It is a basic foundation for
achieving success in marriage and an
essential factor for competent par-
We explored the concept of re-
ligious maturity and endeavored to
suggest some criteria by which we
might evaluate it. Since religious
maturity is a concept which has re-
ceived little attention up to the
present time, it represents an area
in which we perhaps are far less suc-
cessful than in developing physical,
intellectual, social, and emotional
maturity. We, therefore, hope that
it was a rewarding experience to ex-
plore this area of thought, for the
true gospel of Christ is not a religion
consisting of juvenile formulations,
but rather a religion which encour-
Page 137
ages the individual to develop all
his characteristically human powers.
Once we have given some atten-
tion and focus to the concept of
religious maturity, it seems obvious
that successful accomplishment in
this undertaking is essential if we are
to experience the eternal growth
which we feel will allow us some-
day eventually to become like God.
However, a more immediate reward
for developing religious maturity is
the increased capacity to "follow in
his steps."
Abundant and creative living will
not only result in a more satisfying
type of life to each individual at
present, but should significantly con-
tribute toward helping to build a
world at peace, toward helping to
bring about a kind of world in
which man may live at harmony
with himself, may experience the
best in himself.
We hope we have widened our
religious horizons by carefully con-
sidering the concept which we have
of God. Gertainly, if we are able
to approach God in a spirit of love,
rather than fear of a God requiring
appeasement or appealing to a God
who is a magic helper, we will be
able to establish a more creative and
meaningful relationship.
The consideration of our concept
of man likewise should have helped
to expand our religious horizons.
Whether or not we approach man
as basically evil, neither good nor
evil, or basically good, significantly
influences our relationships with
him. The Latter-day Saint knowl-
edge that man is a child of God
with divinelike attributes in his hu-
man nature, develops the desire and
capacity within us to approach man
with acceptance and love and un-
derstanding. Upon such creative
and harmonious relationships can
the foundation of a world at peace
be built.
Closely related to both of these
was our consideration of man's re-
latedness to the world. Once again,
the Latter-day Saint doctrine of the
fatherhood of God, and the brother-
hood of man helps to widen our
religious horizons and helps us more
effectively to live spiritually in the
Nuclear Age.
Considering the various stages of
religious development may have
been a new experience for many of
us. If so, we hope that it will have
contributed to our understanding
and effectiveness as parents and
teachers in more appropriately tim-
ing the presentation of religious con-
cepts to our children. At the same
time, we hope we took a careful look
at our own stage of development to
see whether we really have reached
a mature level or whether or not our
development was arrested some-
where along the line in childhood
or adolescence.
Since values play such a major
role in our lives as well as in our
religious philosophy, we focused one
lesson on the growth and meaning
of values. Serious consideration of
this lesson, we hope, helped us care-
fully examine the values we have,
recognize our value conflicts, and
evaluate how adequately we have
internalized the values which we feel
are most important. Developing
and growing values both for our-
selves and for our children present
one of our greatest responsibilities.
Once again, as was true with matur-
ity, we recognized that values are
never completelv grown and the
process finished, but that we should
constantly be exploring, modifying,
and enlarging our values.
Our great responsibility in connec-
tion with values is the way in which
religious values may be grown with-
in the framework of the home
and family. Children's ''valuing" ex-
periences come primarily in early
childhood. The family as a charac-
ter-forming agent was acknowledged,
and the responsibility of the home
in this respect emphasized. We
recognized that in order for an indi-
vidual to develop permanent values
of high quality, he must first have
developed a value for himself and
the dignity of man. We hope, of
course, that as we develop our values
that this, too, will contribute to
broadening our horizons and build
into us a flexibility which will help
us meet the challenges of a complex
and rapidly changing world.
Because we are rearing our chil-
dren for tomorrow as well as for
today; because we realize that the
world is changing more rapidly than
ever before, and that the rate of
change seems to be increasing at an
unbelievable pace, our challenge is
all the more overwhelming. We see
the future when we look into the
faces of our children and if we take
our responsibilities seriously, we
realize that the future is in our
hands because we as parents are
bringing up the children who will
make it.
Abundant living is predicated up-
on a trust and confidence in one-
self, a feeling of worthiness, a sense
of one's ability to do the right thing,
the feeling that one is growing and
developing at a reasonable rate, and
although one always recognizes
room for improvement, a sense of
satisfaction that one is doing the
best he can with what he has.
It must also be based upon a sense
of trust in one's fellow man so that
he can approach him expecting him
to do the right thing, to do the best
he can at all times, considering his
present circumstances, his training,
his experiences.
And, finally, abundant living must
be built upon a trust in God, a feel-
ing of mutual love, a sense of part-
nership in helping to make this
world a better place in which to live,
in which one truly believes that one
is engaged in helping God to ''bring
to pass the immortality and eternal
life of man."
A genuine sense of inner-satis-
faction results from tangible evi-
dence that one is progressing, grow-
ing, developing, truly experiencing.
It does not truly result in the kind
of peace of mind in which one tries
mentally to discard all of his person-
al problems and those of the world
as he might try to dump his refuse
over the side of the ship into the
ocean, or by handing over the re-
sponsibilities of personal, commu-
nity, and national problems to other
people by saying, "Let George do
it." But rather inner-satisfaction
results in realizing that one is ac-
cepting his share of responsibility,
that he is exerting every possible
effort to prepare himself to meet the
challenges which confront him, par-
ticularly in the world of ideas.
Robert P. Crawford remarked,
"The tragedy of life is not lack of
brain power or education, but doing
so little with what we have." And
Roger Bacon's motto was, "Take
nothing for granted; use your own
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eyes and test all new theories with
your own hands."
Perhaps the concept of inner-satis-
faction is most adequately sum-
marized in the statement, "You may
have your peace of mind, I will take
my comfortable unrest."
Feeling at Home in the World
There are many who feel that
throughout the world today there
exists a profound unrest, growing
perhaps from a sense of rootlessness
in which the individual feels lost in
the universe of gigantic forces be-
yond his control. Is the space age
to mean nothing more to a child
than an exciting game or his form
of fiction? Does science exist just
to help us get ahead of other na-
tions? We must have a clear defini-
tion of man's role so that we may
more effectively transmit what we
believe and at the same time en-
courage the child to find his own
answer to man's fundamental ques-
tion, where do I take my stand?
The atom is potentially danger-
ous, to be sure. So are steam, elec-
tricity, and, for that matter, the
wrath, despair, and ignorance of hu-
man beings. What do we do about
potential dangers? Do we bury our
heads in the sand, hoping that they
will vanish like mirages or wishing
that we had never discovered their
existence, or do we blithelv disre-
gard their trend? We do neither.
We face dangers, try to learn as
much as possible about them so we
can make them subject to our
There is no way to give children
an absolute sense of security, but
there are ways of equipping them as
best we can for mastering them-
selves and learning to feel at home
in the world.
Genuine Concern and Love
foi Fellow Man
The great text for our times and
for our children is that the deepen-
ing of one's own rehgious faith
should lead to more, not less respect
for the religion of others. It is the
parents who mold the character of
their children. It is they who set
the example and demonstrate the
validity of the professed values. It
is necessary, then, for parents to
probe deeply themselves into their
own faith. Do they obey the com-
mandment given by the Savior
". . . Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself (Mt. 19:19)?
Have they opened their lives and
the lives of their children to new
and different experiences? Do they
feel that it is exciting to greet new-
comers and strangers, or do they
look them over cautiously and
suspiciously in order to discover
whether they are ''like us" or not.
True spiritual living and achieving
a world at peace, growing the truly
Christian values within us necessi-
tate a genuine concern and love for
our fellow men. Only by develop-
ing this quality can we experience
the potentialities of our Godlike
Working Philosophy oi Liie
If an individual will once begin
to think about the wonder of his life
and the links which connect him
with the life that fills the world, he
cannot help but develop a respect
and appreciation and reverence for
life. As a result of this, he may
experience deeper concern, greater
anxiety, more distress over unpleas-
ant elements in the world and in
the lives of many people, but, at the
same time, life will be richer, more
beautiful, and happier. It will be-
come, instead of mere living, a real
experience of life.
Living abundantly today and liv-
ing spiritually in the Nuclear Age
require a solid foundation of reli-
gious convictions. We need a convic-
tion of trust in God, a belief that
God has created us good and wants
each one of us to find and to cher-
ish his own goodness and the good-
ness in others. This truth will not
be found in mvsteries, or in someone
else taking responsibility for us, but
rather through our efforts of self-
realization and preparing ourselves
to live a religion of maturitv, love,
and understanding of God and his
Our goal is spiritual living in a
Nuclear Age. Our reward for success-
fully accomplishing this is abundant
living today and always. Our contri-
bution that of helping God achieve
the goals which he has established
for his children in this estate and in
this dispensation. As we conclude
this series of lessons and face with
renewed vigor the challenge upon
which we have focused, mav we keep
the following quotation from an un-
known author foremost in our
One life and one alone we have to live
upon this earth.
One life in which to learn so much — to
seek and find and prove our worth.
So many dreams there are to dream ... so
many things to know and do.
So many rosy peaks to climb ... so many
pathways to pursue.
So waste no time on fruitless quests that
get you nowhere in the end.
The God of Time is yours to squander or
with care to use and spend.
It's folly to postpone good deeds. To-
morrow never comes they sav.
The future times belong to God. Your
only chance is now . . . today.
Now is the time to plan your
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Page 142
iLote to a oLoved vyne
Mabel Jones Gahhott
So many, many moments, I have longed
To see you, share your talk, know your smile,
Since that warm day when angels thronged
Our home and took you for a little while.
I thought the sun would never more be gay,
The world would break its pace, but summer passed;
I moved along with life until that day
I saw your gold chrysanthemums massed
Against the wall; and now, again, tonight,
As needles click the scarlet wool in form.
Sharply, suddenly, a snowflake's flight
Recalls your pleasure in a first snowstorm.
There never seems an end to missing you,
But somehow you are nearer when I do.
I lew (btockings from (cyld (^ynes
Shirley Thulin
T TERE is a new twist to an age old art — a way to make "new" stockings from those
-■■ -'- too worn to be of any apparent use. Cut the heel out of the stocking in a sort of
triangle shape (Figure i), then turn the sock wrong side out and, pulling the edges of
the cut together, sew a seam on your machine (or if by hand, be sure to make small
stitches so as to catch the threads well).
When the stocking is turned right side out, the seam you just made becomes the
front of the stocking and hits the foot just across the front of the ankle (Figure 2)
while the front part of the sock, where all the good strong material is, becomes the heel,
ready to give a lot of good "mileage."
Figure 1 Figure 2
Page 143
Tflountain Ghild [Birthday^ (congratulations
Shirley N. Howard
Hold fast,
Mountain child,
To those green-filled
Crevasses of mind.
Rest from granite earth
In remembered meadows
Soft with grass.
Eyes that burn
From the ever sun
In light
And leaf filtered.
From the whine
Of the sand wind
And listen deep —
For there
The songs
Of long ago birds
Against high walls
Of parent stone
And feel renewed
To face
The thorn world.
Hold fast,
Mountain child.
For therein
Your strength.
Maude Rubin
Wind stalks the open mesa.
Scatters the leather leaves
Of scrub-oak in the canyon,
Yet this weathered pinion gives
Its richness of pitch and plenty
To the chill of my cabin night.
While the delicate logs of aspen
Bloom in a blue and white
Garden of winter lupin,
Smoke sweet as a clovered May. . . ,
So I close the door on winter,
Welcome summer in to stay.
'^age 144
Mrs. Caroline Brazier Cunnington
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Mary E. Coombs Draper
Fountain Green, Utah
Mrs. Zenia Rawson Chugg
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Mary Jane Smart Webster
Rexburg, Idaho
Rosetta Hunt Byington
Soda Springs, Idaho
Mrs. Mary Ann Batty Smith
Randolph, Utah
Mrs. Fanny M. Campbell Dawson
San Francisco, California
Mrs. Mary Evans Newman
St. John, Utah
Mrs. Matilda Tate
Pomona, California
Mrs. Cumorah Josephine Whitt
San Francisco, California
Mrs. Mary Caroline Mortensen
Manassa, Colorado
Mrs. Rachel Middleton Jensen
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Cecelia Jensen Mower
Magna, Utah
Mrs. Florence Jane Alexander Curtis
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Louisa Haag Abegg Done
Tucson, Arizona
Mrs. Rose Amelia Remington
Merrill Eaton
Vernal, Utah
Mrs. Edith Anderson Dahl
Mid\ale, Utah
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c/o the uieight
Alice Money Bmley
They were peaceful — those of Hovenweep —
Marauder-driven to the heights by war,
Those tenders of the corn, of herds of sheep,
The builders of pueblos, driven far
From much-loved plains, ancestral lands — the skills
Deflected by survival's desperate need —
To fortress-lookouts high among the hills
Where rocky soil repelled their garnered seed.
Since BabeFs time fear-ridden men have sought
Advantage gained by climbing to the height.
Escaping doom, eluding slavery's rod.
Each generation's bravest men have fought.
But few have learned the spirit's surest might,
The true supremacy of serving God.
The Cover: Canyon Lake, Arizona
Color transparency by Willard Luce
Frontispiece: Stronghold House, Hovenweep National Monument, Utah
Photograph by Willard Luce
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Qjrom I Lear and QJar
On behalf of all the sisters of this mis-
sion, thank you so much for "Tho. Reliei
Society Magazine. E\en those who can-
not read English enjoy the lovely covers
and illustrations, and the elders often tell
us they find some of the most inspiring
material in The Relief Society Magazine.
— Lois Gcniel Jensen
Uruguayan Mission
Relief Society
Montevideo, Uruguay
For some time I have intended writing
to tell you how much I enjoy reading
The Relief Society Magazine. I ha\'e re-
ceived the Magazine as a gift from Mrs.
R. B. Capps of Hartsville, South Carolina,
whose son Garn S. Capps was a mission-
ary here for some time. I like the lesson
department and also very much enjoyed
the articles on the restoration of the Bee
Hive House (by Helen S. Williams, July
and August ig6o). I look forward to
receiving the Magazine e^■ery month, and
my family and I are truly grateful to Sister
— Mrs. H. A. Hughes
Charters Towers, Australia
The Magazine for January ig6i has
arrived. I must comment on the cover
of this issue by Claire Noall. It is beauti-
ful! I do appreciate the coloring and
proportion of the picture.
— Mrs. Florence H. Hanson
Salt Lake City, Utah
We treasure the Magazine. It makes
us feel more a part of this great organiza-
tion to know what other Relief Societies
are doing all over the world.
— Pauline R. Stevens
Big Horn Stake Relief Society
Lovell, Wyoming
We are very thrilled and grateful for the
things to make that are found in the
Magazine each month.
— Dorothy Tobiasson
Ashland, Oregon
May we in the North British Mission
express our appreciation for the wonderful
Relief Society Magazine. It is the Maga-
zine that stays within my constant reach
for lo\ely talks, poems, and stories. The
beautiful, colorful co\'ers are so in\iting
to all of us. I know our Magazine sales
have greatly improved these past few
months. It is such a joy to open each
new issue and find articles written by those
whom you have loved and associated with.
— Nada R. Brockbank
North British Mission
Relief Society
Hale, Cheshire
The poetry in the Magazine is always
lo\'e]y, and the stories are becoming more
sensitive and real. I find spiritual enrich-
ment each month from the moment I
take the Afagazine from the mailbox and
^'ie\^' with charmed vision the beautiful
cover, to the moment I file it a\^'ay read
from co^■er to cover.
— Wanda F. Hilton
Walnut Creek, California
Thank you so very much for our won-
derful Magazine. The sweet spirit of the
gospel is expressed on every page, on the
cover, in pictures, poetry, and prose. How
I look forward to receiving it ever)'
month! What a power for good it would
be if it could be placed and read in every
home throughout the world.
— Miss Golda A. Thomas
Farmington, Missouri
May I say that some of the dearest and
most prized associations in my life have
been among the Relief Society members.
I love the organization and the Magazine,
and I could be listed among the young
mothers. I have seven children and have
been a teacher in Relief Society for the
past six years, I should say I have been
"a class leader."
— Esther H. Yeaman
Burley, Idaho
Page 146
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ------ - President
Marianne C. Sharp _ _ _ - - - First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen _ _ _ _ - Second Counselor
Hulda Parker - - _ _ . Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Fanny S. Kienitz
Edith S. Elliott Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Elizabeth B. Winters
Florence J. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron LaRue H. Resell
Leone G. Layton Charlotte A. Larsen Alton W. Hunt Jennie R. Scott
Blanche B. Stoddard Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Alice L. Wilkinson
Evon W. Peterson Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen LaPriel S. Bunker
Aleine M. Young Manwaring Elsa T. Peterson Marie C. Richards
Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Irene B. Woodford Irene W. Buehner
Editor .___---.-__ - Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor _--__--_-- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager «__-____-_ Belle S. Spafford
VOL 48 MARCH 1961 NO. 3
on tents
Pattern of Living Alberta H. Christensen 148
Temple Square in SaU Lake City — Part V Preston Nibley 155
The American Red Cross: Its Function in the Sixties Elisha Gray, II 170
Where Did They Find Their Smiles? Olive Sharp 175
Stranger at the Gate — Third Prize Story Kit J. Poole 150
Close to the Angels Norma A. Wrathall 158
Coffin Under the Bed llene H. Kingsbury 171
The Silent Sacrifice Betty Lou Martin 183
Love Is Enough — Chapter 3 Mabel Harmer 191
From Near and Far 146
Sixty Years Ago 162
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 163
Editorial; Sisters in the Gospel Louise W. Madsen 164
Notes to the Field: Index for 1960 Relief Society Magazine Available 166
Organizations and Reorganizations of Stake and Mission Relief Societies for 1960 166
Announcing the Special April Short Story Issue 169
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 197
Birthday Congratulations 208
A New Viewpoint Celia Larsen Luce 165
The Trouble Hole Wilma Boyle Bunker 176
Grandma Had a Parlor Helen S. Phillips 178
It's the Food You Eat That Counts Margaret Merkley 180
Recipes for Family Dinners Emma H. Hanks 188
Maren C. Jensen, Expert Quilter and Happy Seamstress 190
Mitten Marvels Shirley Thulin 204
To the Height — Frontispiece Alice Morrey Bailey 145
Little Girl Walking Grace Barker Wilson 154
Mystic Syllables Eva Willes Wangsgraard 157
No Robot Task Mabel Law Atkinson 165
Quilting Catherine B. Bowles 170
Humility Louise Morris Kelley 177
Not a Drum Was Heard Dorothy J. Roberts 179
Dark Come Late Maude Rubin 182
To You — With Love Christie Lund Coles 187
My Clinging Hand Gladys Hesser Burnham 190
After the Silent Year Mabel Jones Gabbott 196
Copyright 1961 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
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Page 147
Pattern of Living
Alberta H. Christensen
Member, General Board of Relief Society
[Address Delivered at the General Session of the Annual General Relief Society
Gonference, October 5, i960]
IN a recent group conversation, an quality of our lives by what we
acquaintance of mine said, "Now choose to do.
that my children are grown, time We believe and teach our chil-
hangs heavily; in fact, I am simply dren that there are certain obliga-
bored at times." tions which are basic to the gospel
Another woman made this state- plan and, therefore, should have
ment, "There are plenty of inter- first claim upon our time. These
esting, wonderful things to do, but obligations concern the home —
there is simply no time to do any tasks needful for the comfort and
of them." good of fathers, mothers, and chil-
Both attitudes are lamentable, dren — and service to the Church
especially in this age of enlighten- which will further the Lord's work,
ment and of crucial events. I com- There is always an element of
mented that women who are choice, but at certain periods of life,
mothers, grandmothers, and Relief these two major responsibilities may
Society workers, are indeed busy, and occupy most of a mother's time. Yet
that there is very little of what to most of us come periods of less
might be called leisure time. And required activity — when there are
yet as I look around me, I see wom- fewer boys' shirts to iron and less
en who not only do well what they fruit to be canned. In these inter-
are required to do, but who ac- vals of freer time, we may choose
complish much beyond the sched- our activities, and, by that choice,
uled tasks of the day. They seem we indicate our interests and the
to make maximum use of their time, quality of our thinking.
They are happy, gracious women. It is true that these intervals of
who radiate the goodness of life, leisure are brief — mere fragments
They are women who live con- of time — but days, months, and
structively and with purpose. We years are made of such fragments,
have no difficulty identifying them, One man has wisely said, ''There
for their abundant lives lift them are no fragments so precious as
above all that is mediocre. those of time, and none are so heed-
We ha\e been. taught as Latter- lessly lost by people who cannot
day Saints that we came to earth for make a moment — and yet can
a definite purpose and that we shall waste years."
be held responsible for the use we How, then, shall we use these
make of our time, which means, of brief intervals? Each woman must
course, what we make of our lives, decide for herself — must choose
For we indicate and develop the her own pattern of living, but if she
Page 148
is wise, she will heed wise counsel.
Perhaps it would be well for all of
us, as mothers and Relief Society
workers, to appraise our own activi-
ties carefully, and ask ourselves a
few questions. Are we frittering
away hours or partial hours? Are we
dissipating our energy rushing here
and there needlessly? Are we con-
stantly postponing activities, which
we honestly hope to accomplish
sometime, because we think we are
too busy? Goethe said, ''We
alwavs have time enough if we will
but use it right/' Are we engaging
in activities which bring neither
comfort and joy to our families nor
enrichment to ourselves?
A S mothers, we need also to keep
in mind that our children will
remember our pattern of activity
and that pattern may greatly influ-
ence, for good or ill, the homes
which they will e\'entually establish.
The memory of my mother's cheer-
ful, kindly services to others has
been for me as a lantern of glowing
light throughout my adult years.
What, then, are some of the
worthwhile activities which can be
accomplished in partial days, even
partial hours?
There are individual talents to be
developed or reacti\ated. The Lord
has counseled us in Section 60 of
The Doctrine and Covenants: 'Thou
shalt not idle away thy time, neither
shalt thou bury thy talent that it
may not be known" (verse 13). It
is evident that our Father in heaven
desires that we waste no time, and
that he would have us develop and
use our inherent abilities.
We are counseled to studv and to
learn — to become acquainted with
books that will vield us words of
wisdom. If we plan well, we can do
considerable reading w^hich will en-
rich our thinking and motivate us
to good action, even in short inter-
vals of time. We can be spiritually
refreshed and our understanding of
the gospel increased by consistent,
although short-period, reading of the
There are many lovely things for
women's hands to make that will
beautify the home and develop an
appreciation for the aesthetic. But in
this field we need to be selective and
develop discrimination.
We must not forget that most
enriching of all activities — the giv-
ing of oneself for the benefit of
others. All Relief Society women
know that in fragments of time,
comfort and aid can be given to a
neighbor who is ill. It does not re-
quire a day to welcome a newcomer
into the neighborhood. Kindness
to the homebound — extra services
to living loved ones, or for those
who have gone beyond this life, are
activities of enduring worth.
Such activities leave no time for
neighborhood gossip, discontent,
boredom, or petty jealousies.
I think these words of Thoreau
are significant, "As if we could kill
time without injuring eternity."
I pray that our Father in heaven
will help us to put high value upon
the priceless gift of time; and that
we will be wise and make use of
his guidance regarding it. I pray
that we may be able to distinguish
between the worthwhile and the
irrelevant; that we may live joyous,
abundant lives, and leave for our
children a pattern of wisdom and of
sweet remembrance. And I ask this
cJhird [Prize Storiji
Annual uieuef Society Short Storij (contest
Stranger at the (^ate
Kit J. Pook
I'LL not have another guest in
this inn tonight!" I cried out
harshly at the retreating fig-
ure of my husband, Benjamin. He
shouted back in the same harsh
tones, ''I told the man there was no
room in the inn, but he's persistent.
You take care of him."
Anger seethed helplessly within.
I was six months with child. Benja-
min seemed neither to notice or
care. I had worked since sunup pre-
paring linens and food for guests at
the inn. Every inn in Bethlehem
was crowded with the native-born
who were returning to register for
Caesar's decree of taxation. Ours
was filled beyond capacity. I won-
dered where Benjamin expected to
lodge these people. I knew that he
would demand full payment, even
if he gave them the stable. Some-
times it was difficult to believe that
this greedy malevolent man was the
gentle Benjamin whom I had mar-
I had hoped that the child to be
born would restore the close rela-
tionship which Benjamin and I had
once enjoyed. When I told him the
news he had only smiled grimly and,
without comment, returned to his
There had not always been this
anger and bitterness between us. In
the first years of our marriage Benja-
min had been kind and tender
toward me. The love that was be-
Page 150
tween us during those first years
made life a constant wonder and
delight. We had enough wealth be-
tween us that we had no worries
about the material things of life.
We had everything life could offer.
If Benjamin had a weakness it was
his love of possessions. He took
pride in his vineyards, fields, and our
estate. He loved to see me dressed
in rich gowns and finery and en-
joyed admiration for me in the eyes
of men. I was his possession, and
he displayed me with the same pride
he did his holdings.
A man, whom Benjamin had
every reason to trust, came to Ben-
jamin with a proposition which
promised to increase our fortune
many times. Benjamin investigated
every detail of the proposal and
found the venture to be safe in
every way. He invested not only
his own fortune but my inheritance
as well in the venture. The corrup-
tion of the man had been carefully
concealed. Benjamin discovered it
too late. When we finally faced the
loss of all our land and holdings,
Benjamin had become a bitter,
brooding man. All that was left of
our fortune was the inn. Benjamin
became innkeeper. It was difficult
for me to be an innkeeper's wife, but
the long hours in the inn, rough
hands, and weariness would have
been as nothing, if I had felt Benja-
min loved me.
He became a stranger to me. He
became calculating and cynical. He
dro\'c a hard bargain in the inn and
loved the clink of coins in the cash
box. He became involved in many
petty schemes to become rich. He
seemed to be in a constant fever to
restore our lost fortunes. He held
long conferences in the inn office
with grim-faced men. All of his
plans met with adversity. He seldom
glanced at me, and, if he did, his
eyes refused to meet mine. At times,
when I saw the look of despair in
his face, I tried to offer him words
of comfort, but he would shrug his
shoulders, mutter some word of
anger and stamp out. He had shut
me out of his life.
My beauty, which had captivated
him in the early years of our mar-
riage, was gone. Overwork and
worry had brought lines to my face,
and my hair was prematurely
sprinkled with gray. My hands were
rough and red. I was no longer the
Anna whom he had displayed and
admired. The knowledge that I was
unloved reduced me to a petulant
and complaining woman.
I heard the loud persistent pound-
ing at the gate and went out into
the courtyard. My cheeks were hot
and the cool night air refreshed me.
Unmindful of the clamor without,
I sat down. The sky was strangely
bright. The courtyard was illumined
with a lovely light from the heav-
ens. I observed one particular star
and marveled at its brightness and
beauty. A new one, surely. I
sighed softly. If only Benjamin
would enjoy this moment with me.
But I knew we would never share a
starlit evening again.
The man at the gate was becom-
ing more determined and I rose re-
luctantly and opened it with a loud
clang. I said in a cool, hard voice.
"We have no room in the inn." I
would have closed the gate but his
foot barred it.
"We must have shelter in your
inn tonight!" The desperation in
the man's voice made me look at
him more closel}-. I saw a darkly
handsome man with a noble bear-
ing and penetrating black eyes.
"I am Joseph of Galilee. We have
traveled many miles. My wife is
in no condition to travel further."
He kept his foot pressed firmly
against the gate.
"We have no room!" I said it
once more coldly. My voice trailed
off as I looked toward the roadway.
The bright stars illumined the fig-
ure of a pathetically thin donkey.
Seated upon it was a woman. But
as I looked closer, she seemed little
more than a child. I stepped to-
ward her and she raised her head
proucllv. She looked full into my
face. I was assailed with her beauty.
It was more than mere physical per-
fection. Dark curls tumbled about
her shoulders, and her skin was
translucent and flawless. She sat
silhouetted against the sky in a
golden glow of light. Her eyes were
large and luminous and contained
an almost unspeakable joy. She
brushed her hand wearily across her
forehead and sighed. ''Jo^^P^^^ we
must hasten . . . surely there must
be some place for us in Bethlehem."
I saw that she was big with child.
She sat bravely upon the donkey,
smiling gently, trying to hide her
pain. I could see that her time was
at hand. The man, Joseph, was
beside her now. His eyes were
raised to hers in such tenderness and
concern that I turned away. The
unloved can never bear the sight of
such naked devotion in the eyes of
The woman looked at me with
compassion in her eyes. Her hand
touched my shoulder. 'Tou, too,
are with child. How blessed we
are." It was like a benediction.
Benjamin was standing in the
shadows listening, and he said in a
strangely gentle voice, ''Every room
in the inn is filled, but our stable is
clean. I shall prepare a place for
you there."
I hurried to the inn and brought
back my own sweet-smelling linens.
I made a soft bed for them in the
hay. I worked swiftly. All weari-
ness was gone, and I felt only a
great surge of exhilaration.
"DENJAMIN spoke in hushed
tones to the man as he helped
prepare the stable for the night.
The hard lines of his face had re-
laxed, and he kept looking at the
couple in a puzzled, questioning
Finally, the stable was ready for
the night. The woman stood by
the window looking quietly into the
heavens. Her eyes were calm and
she seemed remote now. T he man,
Joseph, stood beside her. Thc\ did
not speak to one another, nor did
their fingers touch. There was
a communication between them
which was beyond the need of
speech or touch. A terrible sense
of loss seized me as I looked at
Benjamin stood hesitating in the
doorway with the same perplexed
expression upon his face. His lips
formed words, but he seemed unable
to voice them. Suddenly, he raised
his hand in salutation and was gone.
I felt that the woman would want
the assistance of another of her own
sex at such a time. Timidly, I of-
fered my help. She smiled sweetly
and shook her head. Her eyes \yere
clear and fearless and shone with an
ecstatic joy. She had no further
need of me. I felt myself an in-
truder before a shrine. Quietly, I
left the stable.
The night was strange. I slept fit-
fully. I arose once and went to the
doorway. Not even a night bird
called. There was a hushed expect-
ancy about the earth, as if it
waited for some great event. The
great star shone o\ er the stable. The
animals were quiet and still. Far
off on the hillside I saw sheep graz-
ing. In the distance I heard the
shepherd's horn calling the lost
sheep. Into the stillness of the
night, there came a sound. It was
indescribably sweet and brought
quick, joyful tears to my eyes. A
great tenderness enveloped me. It
was the first ery of the child born
in our stable. In my sleep it was
not a babv's first crv I heard, but a
triumphant shout. '*Unto us a ehild
is born . . . unto us a Son is given
.... Hallelujah. . . . Hallelujah. . . /'
The air about me seemed to quiver
with exquisite notes of music.
Toward morning I heard a loud
knocking at the gate. Men's voices
were hoarse with excitement. Ben-
jamin rose, grumbling. Later, I
heard him speak in odd, hushed
tones. "Shepherds have come from
the hills to see the newborn Babe."
I awakened in the morning to the
song of a bird outside my window.
It sang so exultantly that I was en-
veloped in a great tenderness. I
dressed quickly, thinking upon the
strange night. I hurried to the
stable, eager to see the newborn
OENJAIMIN had arrived before
me. He stood uncertainly in
the doorway. We entered the stable
together. There was an indefinable
change in the place. The rough
wood walls glowed warmly. The
animals were hushed and silent. The
air seemed distilled into a more re-
fined substance. The mother held
the Baby in her arms as though she
held a tiny bird who might escape
and fly hea\enward at anv moment.
Her fingers brushed against the rosy
cheeks and her lips formed tender
words of endearment. Her eyes
shone and looked into the distance
as though she shared a secret joy
with someone unseen. The Child
looked at me and smiled, and I felt
my soul would melt with the joy
of that moment. I felt my own
child stir within me. I turned to
Benjamin, wanting him to share this
experience with me. As I turned I
saw his gaze was full upon me. He
was looking at me as I had never
seen him look before. I trembled
before him.
''Anna . . . Anna . . ." was all he
said. Taking my hand, he led me
from the stable. We sat down on
a rough bench outside. His fingers
felt the rough texture of my hands.
''Anna,'' his eyes refused to meet
mine, "I want you to know, I'm
happy about this child."
I felt quick tears come to my eyes.
Not until this moment had he made
reference to the child who was to
be born. His voice was husky.
"When I saw you looking at the
Babe, I seemed to realize your con-
dition for the first time."
"You've been busy wath the inn,
"It was as though, in that minute,
the years dropped away and all the
bitterness was gone," he said.
"I felt it, too, Benjamin."
"Anna . . . this couple . . . they're
so poor. . . ."
"Yes, Benjamin?"
There was wonder in his voice.
"Somehow it doesn't seem import-
ant to them." He paused a moment,
resolving it in his mind. "It is as
though all else is unimportant, ex-
cept for what is between them . . .
the Child . . . their love."
"What else has meaning, Benja-
His fingers once more felt the
rough surface of my hands. "Anna,
I'xe despised myself for depriving
you of the wealth you were born to."
I could scarcely trust my voice.
"You've deprived me of nothing but
your love, Benjamin."
There was self-loathing in his
voice. 'Tve reduced you to a serv-
ing woman, an innkeeper's wife."
Suddenly he was up, pacing the hard
earth. 'Tve tried so hard, Anna . . .
I felt that if I could restore our for-
tune that things would be the same
between us, Anna."
My voice was trembling when I
spoke. ''Benjamin, love is not meas-
ured by the purse, but by the heart."
'1 never believed that, Anna . . .
not until . . . until this couple came
to our inn."
'They have so much Benjamin."
There was a new note in his voice.
"Anna . . . Anna . . . Fve been so
blind." His arms were around me
and he was holding me tight. "A
poor, roofless stranger at my gate
showed me a truth you have known
from the beginning."
I could hear the mother's voice
crooning to her Child in tones of
unearthly joy.
"No, Benjamin. Not poor. Rich!
The richest guests we've ever enter-
tained in our inn."
Kit J. PooJe, a newcomer to the pages of The Relief Society Magazine, is a native
of Canada. "I was born in Ottawa/' she tells us, "and was converted to the Church
there. At age nine years I won first place in a story contest and ha\e written ever
since. As a child, my stories and poems were published in the Ottawa Citizen. I was
introduced to the Church through writing three one-half hour radio plays for the
missionaries which were produced locally. I won a Nation-wide radio play writing
contest when I was seventeen. The play was produced on a national network. After
that I wrote and produced plays for a radio station. Since my marriage I have devoted
most of my time to rearing five children, teaching in Relief Society, and writing skits
and readings for the Young Women's Mutual Improvement Association. Some of my
work has been published in the ImpTovement Era. I am married to Dr. Leland A.
Poole, a member of the Ninth Ward bishopric in Long Beach, California."
JLittle (^irl vl/alking
Grace Barker Wilson
We walk along; she holds my hand
Until a bright leaf falls;
She rushes ahead to pick it up,
Then stops when a bird calls.
She loves the flowers and all the trees,
And pats them one by one;
She sights an airplane in the sky
As it reflects the sun.
Each day we share companionship.
The best of friends are we,
Though I am over seventy,
While she is only three.
Temple Square in Salt Lake City
Brief History of Its Growth and Development
Elder Preston NihJey
Assistant Church Historian
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
A bronze monument, entitled
"The Handcart Family," the
work of a Utah sculptor, Torlief
Knaphus, was unveiled on Temple
Square by President Heber J. Grant,
on September 25, 1926. Two aged
handcart pioneers, Alfred Burning-
ham of Bountiful, Utah, and Mich-
ael Jensen of Gunnison, ''white
haired and bowed," were present to
witness the ceremony.
The principal speaker of the oc-
casion was Elder Levi Edgar Young,
Professor of Western History at the
University of Utah, and one of the
General Authorities of the Church.
''Elder Young told in detail the
hardships encountered bv the Hand-
cart Pioneers in their trek across
the plains, noting that, approximate-
ly 3,000 people walked from the
Missouri River to Salt Lake \^allev,
pushing or pulling two-wheeled
carts, in which were their only
*'He explained that the reason
they attempted this tedious journey
was that they were too poor to pur-
Page 155
chase animals and wagons for the
trip, and undertook the journey by
foot, rather than wait for other
'Telhng of their sacrifices, he
commended the Handcart Pioneers
for their strong characters and un-
yielding courage. He said that they
came here to find their God, and
nothing could divert them from
their purpose. Their noble spirit
and lofty courage should be admired
by every son and daughter of Utah"
(Jomnal History, September 25,
npHE beautiful monument on
Temple Square, which memo-
rializes the appearance of John the
Baptist to Joseph Smith and Oliver
Cowdery, on May 15, 1829, when
that heavenly being conferred upon
the two young men the Aaron ic
Priesthood, is a work of art to be
seen and admired. Avard Fair-
banks was the sculptor of the monu-
At the unveiling of this monu-
ment, which took place on the
evening of October 10, 1958, Presi-
dent David O. McKay spoke to the
large group assembled as follows:
"This is not a monument to John
the Baptist, nor to Joseph Smith,
nor to Oliver Cowdery. . . . This is
really not a monument to an indi-
vidual. It is just what we say on
the program. It is a monument to
a great event, one of the greatest in
the history of the world, and asso-
ciated with it are eternal principles;
a monument to the bestowal of the
Aaronic Priesthood, and by a man
who had it by birth and by confer-
Couite^y Church Histoi-ian's Office
ring; who had it directly from the
source of all priesthood, God our
Father and his Son.''
AT the northeast corner of Tem-
ple Square, outside the wall
and on the sidewalk, is a small
monument erected to the memory
of Charles R. Saxage, founder of
Old Folks Day, as it is observed in
Utah. This monument was un-
veiled on July 23, 1936, by Mrs. Nan
Savage Richardson, eldest daughter
of Charles R. Savage. At the time
of the unveiling, Bishop Svlvestcr O.
Cannon said, 'The Old Folks Cen-
tral Committee presents this monu-
ment to the city, that it may stand
as a monument to the Old Folks
movement, and the founder, for
many decades to come." Mayor
E. B. Erwin accepted the monu-
ment in behalf of the city.
Former Mayor C. Clarence Nes-
len then paid a tribute to Charles
R. Savage, with whom he was well
acquainted. He stated that Mr.
Savage gave much attention to
community life, and that he was
an inspiration to young and old.
"Everyone in the neighborhood
loved him and sorrowed at his pass-
ing. It was because of his motto,
'Never forget old people' that led
him to promote the Old Folks move-
At the funeral of Charles R. Sav-
age, which was held in the Assembly
Hall on February 7, 1909, my father,
Bishop Charles W. Nibley, paid him
this tribute:
''His work with the aged was his
chief delight. He it was who origi-
nated the movement that has
blessed and comforted many thou-
sands of aged men and women. He
was the mainspring of the commit-
tee. The presence of this large
congregation is due to the love that
was in his heart. He loved all man-
kind and recognized in every man a
friend and brother. There was not
a selfish thought in him and he
Courtesy Church Historian's Office
sought the good of all. He will be
remembered and his place can
scarcely be filled. He exemplified the
message heralded by the angels:
Teacc on earth; good will to men' "
(Jounml History, February 7, 1909).
lliystic Si/t/ab/es
Eva WiUcs Waiigsgaard
Forsythia is first to raise
Soprano tones against the cold
Like a wing-spread, golden bird.
One moment frigid, then a maze
Of brilliance in small bells of gold.
Who can name the mystic word
Whereby fors\thia learned to sa\e
All these syllables of sun.
Translated now to glowing bloom,
From abundance summer gave?
See. The miracle is done
And summer's spirit fills the room.
Close to the Angels
Norma A. WrathalJ
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways
( Psalms 91:11).
LISA Britton's face was flushed fretted and cried, until at last Lisa
as she took the large round had taken her, crib and all, into the
lid from the sterilizer kettle, living room so Karl's sleep would
allowing a cloud of steam to billow not be disturbed. Little enough he
into the kitchen. Some of it drift- could sleep at best, with long hours
ed into the dinette and settled on at his job, and then night school,
the cold window pane, where five- and studying on top of that,
year-old Andrew was drawing with A frown of uneasiness gathered
his chubby forefinger. Lisa's thin Lisa's forehead. It didn't seem
arms tensed as she lifted out the natural for the baby to cry so much,
rack of nursing bottles, still trem- and yet she was not exactly sick,
bling from the heat. She placed the The day before, Lisa had called the
rack on the counter, and then laid doctor, and he suggested that she
the back of her wrist against her make the formula stronger. Maybe
moist forehead. the baby was hungry, he said. There
'Andrew, dear, tiptoe ever-so-soft- seemed to be nothing serious, from
ly into the hall, and listen if baby Lisa's explanation. She had been
sister is crying. Ever-so-softly, now.'' embarrassed, after she put down the
Andrew made a final swoop with phone. She didn't want him to
his finger, and stood back to survey think of her as just another fussy
his work. 'Took, Mama. It's an young mother. She had tried to
angel. It might even be a winter read and study as much as possible
angel. Should I make wings on it?" about child care. Certainly, she
'Andrew, walk softly, now." didn't intend to be one of those
"Mama! You didn't look." helpless women who run to the doc-
"Yes, dear. I am looking. It's tor with every little thing,
lovely. And now, will you be a good Later that same afternoon, Karl's
boy and. . . ." Aunt Ellie had stopped by. "My
"Sure, Mama." His short legs goodness, Lisa! There's nothing
moved with awkward care as he wrong with this young one. See
placed his feet. "See, Mama. I'm her fat roly-poly little tummy,
a tiger cat, with pillows on my feet." You've just spoiled her, that's what."
A smile stirred the corners of her Aunt Ellie had danced baby Janette
mouth. "Well, don't growl, tiger on her plump knees. "Babies have
cat." to cry a little, don't they, Dumplin'
Lisa had turned back to the stove, Darlin'?" and Aunt Ellie had con-
and was stirring the formula in the tinued rocking and bouncing,
double boiler. She did hope that Andrew appeared suddenly from
baby Janette would sleep a little behind the door. "I'm not a tiger
longer. All night, it seemed, she had cat any longer," he said in a loud
Page 158
whisper. ''She wasn't crying. And
I didn't go clear in, either. Just by
the door."
''Oh, that's good. You help Mama
so much."
Andrew went back to the win-
"Now I better finish my angel.
My Sunday School teacher says
angels don't have wings. But Fred-
die says they do. He goes to a dif-
ferent church, and he says all their
angels have wings. But if they don't
have wings, how can they come
where we are?"
"Well, Mama doesn't know about
that. Besides, the steam is nearly
all dried off the window. Why don't
you put on your wraps and go out-
doors for a while? You can make
a snowman."
Andrew chattered on as he strug-
gled into his snowsuit, and Lisa bent
to help with zippers and boots.
"Come on, now. Be careful
down these slippery steps."
The icy air cooled her hot cheeks.
Andrew tumbled into the soft snow,
and she thought that he looked like
a storybook elf, in his bright red
suit with its peaked cap. She saw
that Karl had swept paths around
the clotheslines.
As she returned to her work, Lisa
wished that she had not cut off
Andrew's questions. She could have
explained to him. But always she
had found it hard to put her
thoughts into words; always she held
back, embarrassed at the depth of
her own feelings.
Lisa tiptoed about the house,
gathering up the clothes that simply
must be washed. Sometimes she
was lonely, wanting to talk to an-
other woman. She had lived with
her grandparents, now aged and liv-
ing in a distant state. She and Karl
had moved recently into their new
home. "It's too good a buy to miss,
even if it is kind of far out. It will
be worth it, to have a place of our
own," Karl had said of the small
house on the acre lot. So they had
scraped together the necessary down
payment, and had moved just as
winter was setting in. There were
no close neighbors on the one-way
street, except some people who had
moved into the house on the corner.
npHAT morning, she had tried to
explain to Karl as he ate his
breakfast. "Karl, I think there must
be something wrong with the baby.
She cried nearly all night. Not a
hard cry. Just a weeping little
sound. Do you think I should call
the doctor?"
"Why, sure, hon, call him if you
want to. But she seems all right to
me." Karl poured milk over his
"Aunt Ellie said it might be her
teeth. But I'm not sure. . . ."
"That must be it. Aunt Ellie
should know. She's had six of her
own. . . . I've got to dash." He
kissed her, grabbed his lunch box,
and started toward the door, pulling
on his heavy jacket. "Don't forget,
this is my late night at school," he
Lisa followed him to the porch.
She half wanted to call him back.
But, of course, she could not. He
was mumbling under his breath as
he primed the cold motor, and then
the car sped down the driveway, and
she was alone again with the chil-
She called the doctor's office at
two o'clock, but the nurse's pleasant,
impersonal voice assured her that
Doctor Overly was too busy to come
to the phone. "What seems to be
your problem? ... I see ... no
fever? . . . Just a bit? Well, Fll ask
Dr. Overly to call you just as soon
as he can."
In the carlv afternoon, while An-
drew took his nap and the baby slept
fitfully, the quiet sounds of the
house awoke. The clock ticked on
the mantelpiece. Invisible feet
creaked across the floorboards.
Later, as she dressed the baby, her
fingers rubbed gently up the tiny
back and shoulders and neck. Ja-
nette cried again.
She put the baby into the crib in
the living room and glanced at the
clock. Office hours were nearly
over, and the doctor had not called
back. Andrew was building a farm
on the rug with his blocks.
*'See, Mama. I builded a farm.
This is the road with this big truck
going on it. The snow is deep, so
there's chains on the truck, big
elankety ones like that new lady
down on the corner has on her car."
''What new lady? Andrew, have
you been visiting again?"
''Just for a minute. While you
were washing."
Lisa dialed the phone. Again the
nurse's voice fell gently on her ear.
"Oh, I am sorry, Mrs. Britton. Doc-
tor hasn't had a minute to call you.
He's still very busy."
Lisa cut in sharply. "But I must
talk to him. Please. It's verv im-
portant." She drew in her breath,
and her heart pounded. (Please, she
thought, please help me to say the
right thing!)
"Well . . . hold on for just a
moment, please."
She could hear crying in the back-
ground, and subdued voices in con-
versation. She strained her ears to
hear what the nurse was saying.
''V/ES, Mrs. Britton. This is Doc-
tor Overly."
Lisa gave a little start. Her voice
was jerky as she gave the list of
"Now, Mrs. Britton, I know you
are concerned. But from what you
have told me, I don't believe it is
serious. Maybe you could bring her
in the first of the week. I'll ask my
nurse to give you an appointment."
She moistened her lips. "Doctor,
there is one other thing. I don't
know if it is important. Every time
I touch this place, she cries. It isn't
a swelling, exactly. . . ."
As she explained, he cut in, his
voice alert, and asked questions.
Then, "Well, maybe you'd better
bring her down tonight. I'll wait
here at my office. Can you come
right away?"
"Oh, yes. Thank you, Doctor.
I'll start immediately."
Then, as she replaced the phone,
she gave a little gasp, and said aloud.
"What can I be thinking of! There's
no car. And it's Karl's late night."
Andrew's voice was clear and un-
troubled. "You could ask that new
lady, Mama. She's got chains on
her car. Big elankety chains."
"Oh, I couldn't. I don't even
know her."
"That's all right, Mama. She
won't care if you don't know her."
The woman who answered her
knock was broad-faced, wide-bodied.
She was smoothing a clean apron
over her work clothes.
"Yes? Come in."
"I'm Lisa Britton. From down
the block. My baby is sick, and
needs to go to the doctor, but my
husband is away, he won't be home
until ten o'clock or later, and there
is no way I can get in touch with
him. I wondered if you, if you
could possibly. . . ."
The impassive face wrinkled into
a sudden smile. 'Ton hurry too
fast. Fm Anna Lansky. I wait for
my husband and my boy to come
home for supper. You come in, sit
down a minute, and tell me."
Lisa could never recall clearly the
happenings of the next few hours.
She remembered her own swift ex-
plantation, of hearing Anna Lansky
say, '1 just got old car here now, but
ril take you," and that she had
scribbled a note for her son and her
Then they were all bundled into
the car, riding over the snowy
streets, the windshield wiper squeak-
ing away at the sleet.
When they reached the doctor's
office, the nurse had left, so Liza
undressed the baby. Somehow, the
sight of Doctor Overly's pink bald
head, gleaming under the overhead
light, and his half-exasperated com-
ment, "For goodness' sake! Unwrap
that baby," comforted her.
CHE watched in silence as his
fingers examined the tiny form,
his intelligent eyes noting every
At last he looked up. ''It is very
fortunate that you thought to tell
me about this symptom over the
phone. Otherwise, I wouldn't have
asked you to bring her in so late,
and in another twenty-four hours,
we would have had a serious infec-
tion. As it is, I think we've caught
it in time."
He continued his instructions. As
she dressed the babv, Lisa's hands
had stopped trembling. But there
was this cold place at the pit of her
stomach, this feeling that was to
haunt her sleep for nights to come,
jerking her sharply awake. What if
she had not thought to tell him
about the soft little place that wasn't
a lump at all? What had sharp-
ened her awareness, so she had
known what to say?
At last they were home, and Lisa
had thanked Anna Lansky from a
tear-filled throat, and had heard her
say, her broad face wrinkled into its
unexpected smile, 'That's what
neighbors are for."
She sat by the kitchen table, as
Andrew dipped graham crackers into
his milk, a bedtime treat. She had
forgotten to draw the shades, and
as her glance wandered idly to the
frosted panes, she saw the outline
of Andrew's angel, now only a blur.
Her heart quickened, remembering
the words she had almost missed
saying. She thought of Anna Lan-
sky, a stranger who had helped her;
of Doctor Overly, who had waited
at his office after an arduous day;
of an old car that had taken them
over the slippery streets and back
again; of a child who had said, "But
Mama, ask that new lady; it doesn't
matter if you don't know her."
As if guessing her thoughts, An-
drew yawned, and said sleepily, "I
don't think Fll draw another angel
tomorrow. It's too hard. I'll make
one in the snow. But, Mama, if
you had a guardian angel, would it
ever tell you things?"
"Well, not exactly. But it might
help you know what to say, or to
think of the right thing to do."
Lisa smiled comfortingly as she pat-
ted his hand, and her eyes smiled
deeply into his.
Sixty LJears J/igo
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, March i, and March 15, 1901
**FoR THE Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
OF All Nations"
A WORD OF LOVE AND GREETING: ... we bear you our testimony that
the work we are engaged in is of God. That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints and the Rehef Society, which is a portion of that Church, were organized by the
Prophet of the Lord. That we knew Joseph Smith personally, and saw and heard him
many times speaking to the Saints when he was so filled with the Spirit of the
Lord that his countenance became transparent, and he looked and spoke hke a
heavenly being. . . . We desire to leave this testimony with you all, and to have you
understand and remember that the Prophet of the Lord organized our Relief Society
that we might have the glorious privilege of doing the same kind of work that our Lord
and Savior did when He was upon this earth ... in looking after the sick and the
afflicted, the poor and the needy . . . and all who are discouraged or in any way
troubled. . . .
— Zina D. IL Young, Jane S. Richards, Bathsheba W. Smith, Sarah J. Cannon
A WOMAN SUPERINTENDENT: Miss Estelle Reel, Superintendent of Indian
Education, has just issued her annual report, from which the following extracts are
made. Since her appointment 26 months ago. Miss Reel has been in the field 17
months, has inspected 49 schools, traveled 4,138 miles, of which 2,087 iriil^s were
covered by wagon, pack horse and on foot, over lofty mountains, through dense forests,
on remote frontiers and over rugged trails between precipitous cliffs.
— Notes and News
He presses on before the race,
And sings out of a silent place,
Like faint notes of a forest bird
On heights afar that voice is heard;
And the dim path he breaks today
Will some time be a trodden way. . . .
— Selected
HOW TO FORGIVE: ... We are all God's children, with all our faults and
failings, and very liable to yield to temptation. If we are not able to do a great work,
can we not do good in little things? always having leniency one with another, selecting
the good from a person's character and letting the bad alone; filling our lives with so
much good that the evil will have no place whatever. . . .
— R. A. S.
was a woman of generous impulses and gave much to the needy, and she was especially
charitable in her estimate of the character of others. It is said of her that she never
spoke evil of any one; silence was her habit when there was gossip . . . unless she
could refute what was being said. . . .
— E. B. W.
Page 162
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
LANCA PEREZ is one of the
rapidly growing middle-class
Colombian women (Sonth Ameri-
ca) who are becoming important to
the life of their country, and who
voted for the first time in the
i960 elections. Although Colombian
women were given the vote in 1954,
fear and a lack of understanding pre-
vented many from using this right.
The growth of a strong middle
class (between the wealthy citizens
and the very poor peons) is
strengthening all Latin American
countries, and women from this
group have become very active in
social betterment and educational
WELL, editor of Mademoiselle
magazine, has announced the selec-
tion of ten young women (under
thirty) who have received the i960
Merit Awards for distinctive achieve-
ment. The women are: Patricia
Bath, specialist in cancer research
at Hunter College; Lynn Seymour,
Canadian born, now a star in the
Royal Ballet (British); Jane Pow-
ell Rosenthal, museum curator and
field archeologist who specializes in
pre-Columbian American cultures;
Elizabeth Seal, English actress, now
playing on Broadway, New York;
Wilma Rudolph, American Olymp-
ic star, winner of three gold medals
recently in Rome; Susan Greenburg,
an expert photographer of ''elusive
moments," trained at Sarah Law-
rence College and at Yale; Lee Bon-
tecou, sculptress, American born,
studied in Italy, and is famous for
her bronze birds; Julie Isles, Ameri-
can designer of simple clothing for
women; Elaine May, political com-
mentator, educated at the Univer-
sity of Chicago; Llelen Jean Rogers,
former instructor in political theory
at Harvard, now a television pro-
ducer of special subjects represent-
ing world-wide people and events.
■p^ILEEN FARRELL, gifted
American soprano, will sing the
title role in Cluck's '"Alceste" at the
Metropolitan Opera House in New
York City this coming season. Two
of her recent recording albums are
classical in repertory and include art
songs of Schubert, Schumann, De-
bussy, and Poulenc, rendering each
of these masterworks with rare taste.
Critics have acclaimed her voice as
"rising to magnificent heights of
tonal beauty and dramatic power."
V\/'OMEN in journalism are be-
coming increasingly impor-
tant. Today, in the United States,
nearly half of the editors and report-
ers are women. Their specialty —
women's pages of newspapers and
magazines — now occupies a posi-
tion of prestige and importance.
Page 163
VOL 48
MARCH 1961
NO. 3
Sisters in the Gospel
''CISTERS in the gospel" is a
meaningful phrase to Latter-
day Saint women. These sisters,
united in one faith, closely asso-
ciated in ideals and goals, working
with religious and charitable pur-
pose, are bound in a great bond of
sisterhood. The bond is acclaimed
with love and sincerity from the far
reaches of the earth. There are no
boundaries to the companionship of
sisterhood. No sister is ever alone,
no matter how remote her habita-
tion, who desires to be one with the
sisterhood of Relief Society.
The spirit of urgency to teach the
gospel to every nation, kindred,
tongue, and people is the moving
force which is resulting in a vastly
increased corps of missionaries, the
opening of new missions, and the
establishing of new stakes far from
the headquarters of the Church.
With each new mission and each
new stake a Relief Society is organ-
ized to do the work assigned to the
women of the Church. ''All must
act in concert" the Prophet coun-
seled, so each new group of sisters
comes under the direction of those
appointed to lead. With each addi-
tion, the strength and influence of
Relief Society is enlarged, and oppor-
tunity comes to more sisters to join
in service.
It was never more apparent that
the Lord has important work for his
daughters to do, and never more
apparent that through Relief Society
Page 164
the work may be done. Helping to
bring about the kingdom of God,
saving souls, teaching the gospel, and
serving with love and compassion
are aspects of the work the sisters
are expected to perform. Service to
others is the underlying principle of
the brotherhood of man, President
David O. McKay has stated. The
effectiveness of this service is multi-
plied when given in unity with a _
world-wide sisterhood and the joy m
of shared work is heightened. A de- f
voted sisterhood, working under the
direction of the Priesthood, united
in the desire to serve, is a potent
force in this great latter-day effort to
spread the light of the gospel
throughout the earth. The leader-
ship of a great unified body of wom-
en is necessary to help combat the
godless philosophies of evil circu-
lated by those who would enslave
the world.
Sisters, open your eyes! Let your
vision be enlarged to the great work
to be done and the matchless oppor-
tunity you have to do it. Count as
one of the great blessings of your
lives that you are living to see the
prophesies concerning the growth of
the Church fulfilled. Sec beyond
the confines of your own circle and
reach out to encircle the sisters of
other nations who have sought and
found the truth and now need to
be led to new vistas of knowledge
and service. Seek those who have
not yet been taught. Work as the
Lord would have you work, under
the direction of Rehef Society,
which is guided by the Priesthood,
to bring solace, comfort and tender
care to those in need.
Sisters, open your hearts! Wel-
come with warmth and sustained
interest every new convert. Exer-
cise sisterlv kindness in all vour
relationships. Encourage those who
need encouragement. Seek under-
standing of the customs and tradi-
tions of the strangers in your midst.
Recognize the courage of those
whose acceptance of the gospel has
necessitated sacrifices. Feel the mo-
tivating power of testimony, and
bear your testimony that it may help
strengthen others. Live in exemplary
conformity to the teachings of the
Savior. Accept your responsibility
to do your part. Pray for one an-
other. Open your souls to the over-
whelming desire to be instruments
in the hands of the Lord to help
bring about his purposes.
Sisters evervwhere, be in very deed
-L. W. M.
//o uiobot cJask
Mabel Law Atkinson
The spirit of the land grew strong in him,
Became the very essence of his soul.
At seedtime and at harvest he would brim
With joy. He gently drove the mare with foal
Before the plough, one of his shining team.
Or pulling swaying loads of meadow hay.
Often he paused while driving through the stream
To let the thirsty horses drink. When day
Was gently closed by one clear killdeer note,
He viewed the stars above his fields of wheat —
God and the land were his, and from his throat
A song ascended through air country-sweet.
No robot task to dwarf his mind and limb —
The spirit of the land grew strong in him!
c/t I Lew Viewpoint
CeJia Laiscn Luce
\liTllEN we go on a trip we enjoy the scenery. We notice lovely trees against tall
• * mountains, or great, majestic sweeps of desert grandeur.
Often we come home over the same road. Do we tire of the scenery because we
just saw it? Not a bit. Coming home, we are looking at things from a different
direction. Trees and hills and plains look different and new when viewed from a new
Everyday living often palls because of its sameness. If I can only look at life
from a new direction, with a fresh smile or a song, the sameness disappears and life's
true beauty shines forth.
^ndex for iq6o Uxelief Societii 1 1 iagazine KyLvailable
/^OPIES of the i960 index of The Reliei Society Magazine are available
and may be ordered from the General Board of Relief Society, 76
North Main Street, Salt Lake City 11, Utah. The price is twent\ cents,
including postage.
Relief Society officers and members who wish to have their i960
issues of The Rehei Society Magazine bound may do so through The
Deseret News Press, 33 Richards Street, Salt Lake City 1, Utah. (See
advertisement on page 206.) The cost for binding the twelve issues in a
permanent cloth binding is $2.75, leather $4.20, including the index. It
is recommended that wards and stakes have one volume of the i960
Magazines bound for preservation in ward and stake Relief Society libraries.
\:yrganizations and LKeorganizations of StaAi
ana 1 1 iission iKelief Societies for ig6o
Formerly Part of
Ben Lomond South Ben Lomond Stake
Brigham Young Brigham Young Uni-
University Second versity Stake
Brigham Young Brigham Young Uni-
University Third
Cedar West
Hawkes Bay
Las Vegas North
versity Stake
Australian Mission
Cedar Stake
Western Canadian
Auckland Stake and
New Zealand
New Zealand
South Mission
Las Vegas Stake
British Mission
Southern Australian
Appointed President Date Appointed
Donna F. Michaelson November 13, i960
Lucille O. King April 17, 1960
Afton N. Porter April 17, i960
Enid M. Richards October 23, i960
Flora S. Perry December 5, i960
Melba R. McMullin November 25, i960
Grace R. Boyack
Rose Puriri
Vida H. Curry
Mary S, Woodruff
Mavis H. Cutts
November 13, i960
November 20, i960
November 6, i960
March 27, i960
October 30, i960
Page 166
New Jersey
Pikes Peak
Piigct Sound
Unixcrsity West
^^ 'inter Quarters
Eastern Atlantic
North British
\\'estern Mexiean
Ben Lomond
Ben Lomond
Brigham Young
Formerly Part of
Florida Mission
North Central States
Santa Rosa Stake
New York Stake and
Eastern States Mission
Central States Mission
California Mission
Eastern States
Western States
Tacoma Stake
Northern California
West Jordan Stake
Australian Mission
Lethbridge Stake and
Western Canadian
Canadian Mission
Central States Mission
Unix'crsity Stake
W^estern Canadian
Central States Mission
Appointed President
Marion H, Madsen
Harriet H. Martin
Dorothy S. Blaisdell
Dessie W. Thomas
Margaret L Gardner
Velma H. Peterson
Mar}' A. Porter
Betty B. Bean
Ethel B. Whiting
\^era A. Kirby
Evelyn C. Beckstead
Ethel N. Parton
Ida S. Wood
Janet Boucher
Virginia L. Jaeobsen
Annie M. Ballantyne
Myra D, Humphries
Beth Payne
Date Appointed
November 13, i960
November 29, i960
April 27, i960
February 28, i960
October 23, i960
November 6, i960
October 16, i960
September 11, i960
June 19, i960
December 14, i960
September 18, i960
April 3, i960
September 11, i960
August 14, i960
May 1, i960
February 7, i960
December 12, i960
December 11, i960
Formerly Part of
Northwestern States
Mission and
\\^estern Canadian
Eastern States
Southern States
Samoan Mission
Northern Mexican
Appointed President
Marie M. Weilenmann
Date Appointed
December 1, i960
Alice C. Smith
Thelma O. Hill
May J. Dyer
Edith K. Lyman
Nada R. Broekbank
Ruth R. Reeder
Ireta P. Turley
Released President
Virgie Mae Shuman
Gertrude Grant
Grace R. Boyack
Eleanor T. Nielsen
Donna F. Michaelson
Alice L. Wilkinson
Merna E. Marchant
President Appointed
Gladys C. Garner
Grace R. Boyack
Gloria M. Dil
Donna F. Michaelson
Marvel M. Young
Arta R. Ballif
LaVern D. Darring-
August 15, i960
October 12, i960
January 6, i960
October 25, i960
March 9, i960
October 12, i960
Date Appointed
July 16, i960
May 12, i960
November 6, i960
February 20, i960
December j, i960
April 17, i960
November 20, i960
Columbia River
East Cache
East Idaho Falls
El Paso
Monument Park
New York
North Rexburg
North Sevier
North Tooele
San Jose
San Mateo
Santa Monica
Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa
South Sanpete
Sugar House
Temple View
Valley View
West Jordan
Released President President Appointed Date Appointed
Helen B. Pitcher
Margaret Weaver
Mona H. Kirkham
Myrl B. Whiting
Anona O. Miles
Vera H. Peart
Bertha Hansen
Delia O. Taylor
Martha B. Richards
Mary E. Cutler
Ella P, Reunion
Ivy M. Brown
Genevieve F. Wright
Miriam W. Knapp
Luella T. Wilson
Winona U. Stevens
Verna A. Hunter
Ora Kidd
Reba O. Carling
Venice F. Anderson
Madge M. Christensen
Dessie W. Thomas
Mary G. Shirley
Ora C. Mason
Leona P. Boyce
Annabell W. Hart
Cleona W. Henden-
Vera N. Barber
Grace C. Gamble
Bertrude S. Mitchell
Julia N. Barg
Orah Van Wagoner
Barbara D. Howell
Beryl Warner
Elva D. Cusworth
Dorothy S. Blaisdell
LaVee L. Smith
Fern Horton
Leora G. Clawson
Beth V. Anderson
Eva L. dinger
Ludean H. Cox
Laura R. Millard
Elva F. Richins
Paula G. Wilson
Margaret M. Glad
Annie M. Ballantyne
Cassie D. Bailey
Afton Anderson
Mae C. Johnson
Virginia N. Myers
Hazel Kitch
Laura W, Jones
Mona K. Watson
Ora N. Holgate
Mildred H. Himes
Leah L. Clark
Lavinia B. Jackson
Rella B. White
Edna A. Beal
Jenna B. Holmberg
Wilma M. Croshaw
Neva E. Paul
Lois W, Ohsiek
Ethel O. Jensen
Theodora B. Nelson
Jane H. Schipaan-
Wilda N. Andrejcik
Henrietta H. Young
Euleda B. Cook
Gladys Wilson
Lyle N. Paine
Ada S. Sharp
Gladys O. Johnson
Geneal O. Stewart
Irene T. Ranker
Pearl G. Williams
Evelyn P. Henriksen
Lettie N. Condie
Violet W. Hulet
Dicie S. Godfrey
Hazel K. Petersen
Florence W. Jensen
Marcelle G. Ashby
Audra E. Emfield
LaVee L. Smith
Cullen S. Peterson
Jennie W. Murdoch
Phyllis Unbedacht
Madge G. Parks
Velma Risenmay
Vonda H. Christen-
Ruth B. Kimball
Alpha M. Richards
Verna V. Burke
Edna S. Hewlett
Evaletta G. Thomp-
Lenore C. Gunderson
Irene H. Baxter
Donna B. Williams
November 16, 1960
September 4, 1960
May 29, i960
March 13, i960
September 25, i960
March 27, i960
June 26, i960
February 21, i960
February 7, i960
June 5, i960
November 27, i960
September 11, i960
March 20, i960
September 11, i960
April 10, i960
Alay 15, i960
September 30, i960
August 17, i960
June 5, i960
January 17, i960
September 18, i960
February 28. i960
August 14, i960
August 21, i960
August 21, i960
July 9, i960
May 18, i960
November 29, i960
March 10, i960
November 13, i960
November 27, i960
August 7, i960
May 13, i960
July 7, i960
September 18, i960
May 19, i960
September 15, i960
October 2, i960
January 20, i960
August 7, i960
May 7, i960
June 19, i960
June 19, i960
July 18, i960
August 29, i960
June 26, i960
February 20, i960
April 7, i960
August 28, i960
September 18, i960
West Sharon
Zion Park
East Central
Great Lakes
North Central
Northern States
Northwestern States
Northwestern States
South African
South German
West Central States
W^est German
Western States
Released President President Appointed Date Appointed
Oda Rasmussen
Dorothy F. Bolander
Adele Willden
Margie D. Barker
Elsie B. Taylor
Vera P. Richards
Arda Mae H. Kirk-
Genevieve H. Gubler March 27, i960
March 13, i960
August 17, i960
May 15, i960
Released President President Appointed Date Appointed
Marilyn H. Pace
Lela L. Udall
Marie C. Richards
Ruth R. Reeder
Vonda H. Christen-
Lucy G. Sperry
Diana F. Child
Vera C. Stratford
Effie K. Driggs
Helen K. Richards
Holly W. Fisher
Verda C. Buehner
Anna C. Merrill
Minnie P. Burton
Daisy R. Romney
Lois H. Jensen
Edna Snelgrove
LaPriel S. Bunker
Delilah H. Brown
Gabrielle Lauz Young
Annie R. Gledhill
Fawn W. Volker
Joie M. Hilton
Mary S. Maycock
Helen K. Richards
Verna L. Wood
Hilda H. Alldredge
Katherine B. Cannon
Hazel Woolley
Ruby O. Richards
Ada A. Christiansen
Helen C. Fvans
February 2, i960
June 8, i960
January 6, i960
November 2, i960
January 7, i960
January 8, i960
April 29, i960
May 24, i960
January 1, i960
December 21, i960
May 25, i960
June 23, i960
October 12, i960
July 16, i960
December 1, i960
November 9, i960
Kyinnouncing the Special J/ipnl Short Story cJs
The April 1961 issue of The Relief Society Magazine will be the special
short story number, with four outstanding short stories being presented.
Look for these stories in April:
''Room for Jenny/' by Dorothy S. Romney
''Stranger in Their Midst/' by Jeanne J. Larson
"The Ogre on Alden Street/' by Barbara Williams
"Lm Sorry for Your Flowers/' by Iris W. Schow
cJhe Kytmencan LKed Cro55; SJ^ts of unction In the Sixties
Elisha Gray, 11
Volunteer National Co-Chairman for Members and Funds
npHE Red Cross is the humanitarian service organization most likely to
touch upon the personal lives of American citizens in one way or
another. . . . Let's briefly review just what these personal needs are and
how Red Cross strives to meet them.
First of all, despite technological advances of all types, you still have
nature, who gave such a resounding demonstration during Hurricane
Donna last autumn that she's here to stay and is quite beyond the influ-
ence of mere men. Disasters can happen anywhere at any time. Red
Cross provides help for the disaster-stricken.
Another sector of need is the continuation of enormous armed forces
stationed all over the world. As you know. Red Cross has a comprehen-
sive program of services for the armed forces.
In both of these activities, Red Cross not only carries out a philan-
thropic purpose, but also has an exact assignment from the Federal Govern-
ment to execute certain programs in connection with national disasters
and with serving the armed forces. These assignments are not a matter of
choice with us, even though they still do depend on charitable contribu-
But these are just two of the Red Cross services growing in importance.
With the dramatic increase in boating and water sports, it is vital that
Red Cross continue its safety programs in these fields, as well as its
essential first-aid training.
Lifesaving blood, home nursing training, international activities are
still other Red Cross services that meet vital needs. . . .
Yes, the need for support of Red Cross is greater in the '6o's than
ever before. Let me suggest, therefore, that all of us will feel a sense of
great reward if we help make it possible for Red Cross to meet its great
responsibilities in the days ahead.
Catherine B. Bowles
Sfitches even, smooth, and fine,
Tracing neatly the design
Around the border through the square
Fingers making patterns rare.
Each has a pattern of life to live,
Led by the gospel. To others give
The generous hand, a pleasant smile
To help the sorrowing walk their mile.
Page 170
Coffin Under the Bed
JJene H. Kingsbury
O ever heard of keeping thing untoward happened, pediaps
one's coffin under the bed? no one would ever know whether
That is exactly what each at long last the old gentleman
visitor kept asking himself, secretly, would be laid away in a coffin of his
of course. own make — the one reported to be
At eighty-eight, Samuel, a pioneer cached away under his bed these
to the Rockies in the year 1848, years and years,
was passing away. His long frame The youth-times of this venerable
became a bias on the off-sized bed pioneer kept reviewing themselves
on which he had lain these several before his dimming eyes. There
weeks. The reinforced bedstead were the days when, as a lad, he
was extra hea\T to accommodate a begged his father for a hammer to
giant of a man; and to most peo- follow along the New England farm
pie's eyes was too high from the buildings in the annual mending
floor for comfort. It rather remind- tasks which occupied the menfolks.
ed one of the new-fangled beds in The very feel of the tools, the heft,
the sleeping cars which tagged along the force it took to wield them, all
at the end of the new transconti- came so naturallv to Samuel, and
nental trains. They were not high his efforts were so completely satis-
enough to clear one's head, as a factory to his father, that from then
bunk bed style; not low enough to on there was no question about
sit upon. This one obviously had what his occupation was to be.
sheltered a trundle bed. This ac- By the time Samuel was seven-
counted for its peculiar height, teen he was an old hand at build-
Samuel's bed had a coverlet of ing the more simple outbuildings on
gigantic size which flowed round the farm, and in another year
the heavy posters and all but astonished his parents by announc-
touched the random boards of the ing that he had taken over the erect-
uncarpeted floor. ing of a house for a family over in
Aside from the numbers of lov- New York State, Kimball by name,
ing relatives who came to pay last And, as boys those days were men
respects to the man the whole in responsibility before they were
country called ' 'Father Samuel,'' out of their teens, little was said to
there were a few great-grandchildren discourage him. He built well,
and inquisiti\e folk who sat there Samuel saw that house after sixty
and wondered even now whether years of inclement winters and pro-
there was actually a coffin hidden nounced it weathertight and good
away beneath that straw tick, that for at least a century more,
rope spring, that immense cover. His tool chest, fashioned by him-
And as it was not considered polite self, soon came to house instru-
to stoop and peer under the shad- ments of great usefulness. Some were
ows of a sick man's bed, unless some- made by himself, forged in his
Page 171
father's blacksmith shop, and some came about when professional men
were received in trade for labor, tacked a shingle to their gates which
Each coveted handle or metal piece stated their mournful business,
aided him in his craft as a cabinet- Basin pioneers also called the bury-
maker and joiner. He carried that ing lot a graveyard. Cemetery was
chest thousands of miles on life's a fancier term used later on.
journey. First over the New Eng- Again, the young years crept to
land countryside, then packed away Samuel's mind. He almost felt his
for an Ohio River trip to the Miss- muscles bulging as he turned an elm
issippi shores — he was always sure log with ease in one of the few
of its whereabouts. At that point sports boys engaged in in those days,
he got it out for an assigned task Or he experienced again muscles of
on the temple in Nauvoo, Illinois, his whole body strain as he stood
Then he packed it away again, this with his back to the rear axle of a
time in a covered wagon which buckboard. With heels implanted in
rolled over the middle prairies of the sand and arms as half circles of
North America and across the Rock- living iron, and with hands whose
ies to a Great Basin valley. For grip could bend a crowbar, he picked
four temples more Samuel used up the end of the wagon and heaved
these same tools in the service of it over a boulder. At the same time
the Lord. His parental care of them he grunted a command to his team
became a constant pride to his to tug out of the ruts. Now, near
family, and each male descendant ninety, he could not believe that
actually wanted to inherit the set such strength had been his; just as
when the old man died. at twenty he could not believe that
Cr^vTCT-AXT-TTv i. ' j. 0^1 ouc futurc dav he would he
UNSIANILY returnmg to i i i -.i / .i . n
- , ^ helpless with no strength at all ex-
memory, as he wasted away on ^^ A ^^^^^
his great bed, was a thought that if
this were the end of his life, at least C AMUEL remembered a day
his coffin was ready. For sixty years when his name was read out
he had fashioned these boxes for in Church as one to complete the
the dead of several near communi- roster for a new settlement. Listed
ties. Large and small, fancy and among the artisans of the group, he
plain, lined with black silk or bare took his place beside two other
to the boards, long or short; coffins carpenters and three blacksmiths,
had left his shop ultimately to seek As the years flew by and he walked
the earth. Always, in urgency and the streets of the Southern Utah
emergency, bereft ones had come community he had helped to build,
to his door to hurry, measure a body, he sighted picket fences, out-
style a coffin — time was fleeting, houses, barns, gingerbread porches.
Only one day was allowed to lapse handrails to stairways, church spires,
between death and burial. The job wagon beds, carts, racing rigs, chil-
was generally a night one. dren's miniature furniture, milk cup-
Samuel had heard a States travel- boards, tables, and chairs . . . truly
er call the boxes caskets, but it was on and on he could have gone . . .
several decades before the term mostly the practical ... all made
gained the fashion in the Basin. It by his two wilhng hands.
But always, somehow, back to the last child from its outgrown trundle
coffins his memory drew him. It bed to the north room, where it
was his trade that had led quite would share a place with the next
naturally to helping as best he could, older child, and she remarked some-
without any thought of pay, in case thing about the fact that for the
death struck a household. His wife first time in eighteen years they
and two daughters helped to "lay would be alone in the bedroom at
away the dead,'' and as they were nights. After which statement she
the first to be notified of sorrow, he called to their oldest boy to please
was the next to be asked to do his carry the trundle to the attic, there
share — to provide a suitable coffin, to have it rest until grandchildren
Perhaps it had been one of those came along. Samuel sat watching
typhoid epidemics which struck this interesting event, and his
whole communities that led Samuel thoughts raced around and about
to plan for his own future. At any with a little plan of his own.
rate, at a particularly trying time, "Mother, what would you say to
after every resource of lumber had me using that space under the bed
been commandeered, when even a for something I have to store there?"
mother and child were buried to- She gave it a little consideration,
gether because of lack of material Samuel so seldom asked for any-
to make separate resting places, thing — always being on the giving
Samuel came to a great resolution, end, so to speak — that she nodded
At least, if he made a coffin for permission while already wondering
himself, and always had it on hand, ^^w she could get along without a
no one would have to work all night kittle one very near her m the night,
to make him comfortable in the
earth! This one would not be an TTOW startled she was then to
emergency affair, hard hit for time ^-^ find Samuel already out the
to finish off the edges, to choose door, and to sight him down the
the least knotted slabs, or skimp on p^th to his shop. Before she could
the lining. This one would be call to him, out he came lugging
ready for that unknown day when ^\^g^^ coffin of his.
his Maker would summon him to she just couldn't have foreseen
his reward. For that is how Sam- the result of a mere nod. Surelv he
uel looked upon death. Not a pun- vvouldn't consider for a minute keep-
ishment to be feared, but a reward ing that box under their bed! Not
for intentions, acts, kindnesses, all that sad reminder that days on earth
of which otherwise go unmentioned ^j-e numbered! Not that hulk of
or unnoticed in life. vvood to be shoved about to dust
So he made himself a coffin, after around!
first striking off his width and But bv this time Samuel was up-
length in the cabinet shop account ending it through the door, and
book. This was a custom built ^ith a delighted glance at her, got
article; a source of great pride. it through the kitchen, across the
But where to store it until that hall, and on into their bedroom,
fatal day, was the problem. At about With scarcely a pause for adjusting
that time his wife was moving their the weight of the thing, he eased it
down, and slid it under their bed!
It was only then that he raised up,
brushed off some sawdust from his
hands to his pants, and turned to
her with the greatest of satisfaction.
Of course this was unheard of;
naturally it was a reminder of sor-
row; truly it was unthinkable in any
household. But hadn't she given
him permission? Did she once say
anything against the plan? So there
it reposed, a permanent fixture, quite
ghostly in appearance, in an other-
wise plain and unimaginative house-
After the settlement of all diffi-
culties such as the most obvious one
that everyone could see it there and
he suggested a larger bedspread to
hide it, there it was, ready for his
use, while at the same time, freeing
him to make other such containers
for fellow townsmen, neighbors, and
relatives when occasion demanded.
CEASON followed season. One
would assume that other than
being periodically dusted, this con-
tainer for a corpse was not a prob-
lem or a source of disruption. But
seldom are such assumptions well
founded in fact. Victims of acci-
dents, epidemics, or dreary old age
— all were pro\ided for in the last
analysis by Samuel with proper cof-
fins — his personal coffin. Over a
twenty-year period, at least a dozen
of his personalh measured and mod-
eled coffins had been tugged from
under his straw tick and rope springs
of the now famous bed. Loving
hands had encased one after another
of his companions in the best the
times afforded. Those of the pio-
neer trail, the settlement of new
lands — those friends of his youth
were laid away in proper dignity
and style. These were men who,
with him, had built the community.
Indeed, each case seemingly justi-
fied such an intimate sacrifice. The
serene look of bereaved widows, as
he now remembered them, was
enough payment for letting go of
his prize craftsmanship.
On each occasion his good wife
had reminded him of a blessing re-
ceived under the hands of a certain
patriarch that long, long (he had
said the word twice) life would be
his, if he lived worthily. Thus
justified, Samuel would surely have
time to make another coffin for
himself. This, Samuel could not
gainsay, and once more graciously
gave a saddened family his last earth-
ly offering to the departed.
It is remembered by many that
Samuel's wife finally came to accept
with due resignation this state of
affairs. Indeed, it was just as well
that this was so, for to their golden
wedding day, and beyond, there
were few nights when she and Sam-
uel were not sleeping over his coffin.
His urgency to make another one
was somewhat of a joke among his
children, for they, too, believed the
story of his blessing. This absolute
guarantee of long life was some-
thing to be banked on; possibly one
of the few things they set belief
by. A ten-year rest would not have
hurt their father at all. This, he
argued was not the case, for who
knew when the Lord might change
his plans and purposes where Sam-
uel was concerned? They became
silent. He took down his measure-
ments again and fashioned another
box to fit his ample proportions.
We stated in the beginning that
at eighty-eight the last hours had
come to this veteran carpenter. But
the going was harder than anyone
could guess. For had the curious silk for a lining; and kind hands
dared peek under the folds of the were sewing for him so he would
coverlet, they would have seen only look just right for this momentous
a vast cavern of nothingness. occasion.
No comfortable coffin graced the Samuel's eyes yet glinted with
floor, no adequate housing was wisdom, humor, and good will, as
there for this man who had so lov- he said to his dear ones, "You can
ingly given a small lumber yard of get that new coffin ready if you want
coffins to his dear ones, both related to, but don't expect me to use it. I
and unrelated. The last offering will yet get out of this sick bed and
had been donated to the cause only make one for myself!"
a week ago. But the Lord did have other plans.
As the news of Samuel's illness at long last, for Samuel. His wife
spread, men hurried to the canyon wrote in her journal: 'Today, Sept.
mill for lumber. Already some young 24, 1874, we laid away the husband
apprentice at the cabinet shop was of my youth. For sixty- two years
copying the measurements of the old we have lived together through joy
patriarch from an ancient account and sorrow. Our children remain
book. Already a sister who would to comfort me. He was buried in a
lay him away was cutting some black coffin not of his own making."
yi/here Jjid cJhe^ QJind cJheir Smiles?
Olive Shaip
/^NE day last October I was sauntering past the Temple Square Hotel, in Salt Lake
^-^ City, Utah, when, looking up, I saw a large group of women entering the hotel.
They were chattering and gay. At first I wondered who they were and where they
were from, and then it dawned upon me that they were in Salt Lake to attend Relief
Society Conference and the Church conference.
Conference gathering is a wonderful affair. It stimulates the women for weeks
before time, planning and getting ready. Then the big time comes, and they are
really at conference, listening to great and inspiring sermons, meeting relatives and
friends and many strangers. No wonder they have so much to talk about during con-
ference week and for weeks thereafter. Their spirits are lifted up and they can go
home, really feeling like new persons. Tasks that were boring before now are no trouble,
and clouds have rolled away and life is more worth living,
I know, from living in Evanston, Wyoming, how my Mother would get inter-
ested in preparing dresses for herself and me and getting everything all spick and span
so we could go and stay one week with my Aunt Clara, to be able to attend con-
ference. After seeing those women, I knew how happy they were and where they
had found all of those wonderful smiles.
As a girl, I attended a Protestant church, but, after my marriage, I just floundered.
Then, one night, I had a very peculiar dream. It seemed that I was in a large forest,
lonely and lost. Then all of a sudden I saw a bonfire with many women arotmd it.
Others were gathering twigs and other materials to keep the fire burning. How I
wished I could be one of them, as they were enjoying themselves so much. I knew
that dream meant something to me, as I was very lonely and a stranger in the city.
Then I joined the Relief Societ}', and now I am doing what I can to keep that
fire burning, I have been a constant worker in that organization for over thirty years.
I find that I am gaining knowledge in many ways. It also helps me in a spiritual,
as well as in a temporal way, and makes me a better Christian and a better neighbor.
of he cJrouole criole
Wilina Boyle Bunker
il3 ECENTLY our family, my hus-
band and I and our three sons,
made a project of building a cabin
in the mountains. Even I bravely
helped to mix the cement for the
footings, dig the trench for the
water line, and nail on the knotty
'Tm just not cut out to be a
carpenter," I would wail to my hus-
band, as the lengths of pine would
invariably slip out of the groove at
the bottom, just as I got the top in
place ready to nail.
But httle by little our dream took
shape and the cabin became a
We haven't been able to decide
which time is more beautiful in the
canyon, the morning or the evening.
In the morning, just before sunrise,
the sky turns a salmon pink in the
^east, then changes to a brilliant
lorange-red. The cliffs in the dis-
tance are hazy and dim-outlined.
And then, suddenly, the sun blazes
feth in full glory, and everything
^ecomes edged with gold.
In the evening, the mountain
llines are sharp-edged and seem
^h closer. The sky in the east
s on an ethereal rose glow, and
^ that a light blue and then
As the sun sinks, the gray
envelops the blue and rose,
Anally, the color disappears
ely, and darkness descends.
"len there is the night. The
so close we feel we can
to touch them. There
i-made lights to detract,
the vastness of the uni-
isly spread out before
nd nothing can quite
compare with a full moon filtering
through the pines and aspens.
At the entrance to the canyon,
fairly close to the road, is a deep
ravine, too steep and too precarious
to scale. We have named it our
''trouble hole." As we drive by it
on our way to the cabin, we open
wide the windows of the car and
throw our troubles into the hole,
making very sure that we take none
with us as we drive away. Then, on
the way back, after our stay in the
canyon is over, we are equally as
sure that we don't pick them up
again. And, strange as it may seem,
after we have been away from our
worries and disappointments for a
short while, they don't seem nearly
so formidable, and, in many in-
stances, a solution has been found,
or they have just ceased to seem so
important to us.
Some who are a little cynical
might say that we aren't facing re-
ality when we attempt to by-pass
our troubles. Others might say that
precious time is wasted gazing at
sunrises and moonlit nights. Still
others might not find peace in a
crackling fire in a cabin fireplace
with a bowl of freshly popped corn
nearby, and the family gathered con-
tentedly around.
It doesn't take wealth or ianiS 6f
position or power to bring pe§&&
within us. If we but pause and \odk
around, peace can be found in the
rustle of aspen leaves, in the ex-
quisite workmanship of a wild
columbine, in the symphony of 1
mountain stream, and, yes, even in
a simple, little, symbolic ritual sifcli
as tossing worries into a deep and
irretrievable trouble hole.
Don Knight
Louise Morris Kelley
Grandeur? Sometimes. But give to me
The loveliness of minute things.
Thus intertwine my symphony
With solo parts for flute or strings.
When ocean lures, as flame the moth.
My soul to revel in its roar,
Let orphaned bubbles of sea froth
Remain — my treasures on the shore.
Let me recall as from the crest
Of mountains I survey this land:
Not only mountains has he blessed
But, too, this quartz grain in my hand.
Page 177
(grandma uiad a LParlor
Helen S. Phillips
A home with that ''hved-in"
look — what an apt descrip-
tion of most present day
households! Seldom does an inch
of space go to waste, so functional is
the modern home. Yet, surrounded
as we are by the miracles of push-
button living, it is difficult to resist
a twinge of envy when we consider
the household of Grandmother's
Grandma had a parlor.
Not for her that "lived-in" look,
at least not in that room! Grand-
mother's parlor was severely neat
and forever tidy. As a matter of
fact, she staked her housekeeping
reputation on the appearance of
that one room. Those were the
days, remember, when the front
parlor was kept closed off from the
rest of the house. It was considered
to be the family ''no man's land,"
regardless of how many — or how
few — other rooms there were in
the house. As part of the daily
cleaning routine, ''straightening up
the parlor" was always given first
priority. No flick of dust was per-
mitted to remain anywhere near the
doilies on the organ, or on any of
the rest of the furniture, for that
matter. No wayward scrolls of lint
ever dared to gather beneath the
horsehair sofa. And absolutely un-
heard of were assorted toys or build-
ing blocks cluttering up the center
of the room, or providing an ob-
stacle course for the doorway. No
indeed! Every day. Grandmother's
parlor was efficiently cleaned and
thoroughly polished. Then the door
was closed firmly, and kept closed in
Page 178
the event that someone might pay
an unexpected call. Perhaps the
Visiting Teachers might be making
their rounds. Here was a room that
could face any crisis!
Remember how fascinating it was
when, as a child, on special occasions
you were permitted to cross the
threshold of that inviting room? It
always seemed to take a minute or
two before your lungs could adjust
to the closed-in, airless atmosphere.
But after that, what fun it was to
explore! Remember what a joy it
was to admire the colorful bouquet
of dried strawflowers? It was years
before you discovered they weren't
real. How entertaining to leaf
through the family picture album
which shared space on the front
room table with the family Bible.
How fascinating to gaze at the
framed portraits of your ancestors,
some of whom even had real samples
of the owner's hair pressed behind
the glass! Remember how you
always held the giant seashell up to
your ear as you listened to the roar
of the ocean? Yes, and could any-
thing surpass your joy the day you
discovered you could read for your-
self all those witty, delightful mot-
toes which were stenciled on the stiff
sofa pillows? The colorful afghan,
the braided and hand-hooked rugs,
the crocheted table centerpieces —
all were made by Grandmother's
nimble fingers, yet in your youthful
eyes nothing was half so beautiful
as the decorative spray of wheat,
gilded with real gold.
Apart from the nostalgic mem-
ory of those visits to that fasci-
nating room, thinking of Grand-
mother's parlor arouses a pang of
envy for quite another reason. What
a perfect housekeeping aid it would
be if every present day mother
could have just such a room! A
real, old-fashioned parlor, not mere-
ly the family room which is cur-
rently in vogue. How comforting it
would be to know that unexpected
visitors could be entertained easily
in tidy, uncluttered surroundings. A
room where vou could relax and
chat pleasantly with guests, without
letting your eves stray guiltily to
sticky fingerprints on the piano, or
to the withered core of last night's
apple that your teen-ager parked on
the base of the floor lamp. How
uplifting to the ego it would be if
you could enter just one room in
the house, catch your breath at its
gleaming perfection, and feel that
perhaps you weren't the world's
worst homemaker after all! How
wonderful to have a quiet, peaceful
sanctuary where everything could be
kept in its proper place; a pleasant
room that would never be shaken
by teen-age tornadoes or pre-school
Well . . . families grow up, and
our responsibilities toward them
lessen. That's as true now as it was
in any of the "olden days." And
even though we know it is a blessing
to live in the most enlightened age
of all time, it is still difficult to re-
strain an envious twinge when
recalling the household of Grand-
mother's day.
Because Grandma had a parlor.
» ^ ■
I Lot a LOrufn Vi/as aieard
Dorothy /. Roberts
She passed in silence; not a drum was heard
Sounding for a medal pinned on braxety's breast.
For courage beyond duty, no drum flared.
She passed in quiet to the realms of rest.
She gave a hero's measure with a smile
On the rugged path of dwtv from her birth.
Now unacclaimed before a cheering crowd
She joins the unsung valiant of the earth.
No drum was heard for one surpassing deed;
Her days were hills she climbed without complaint.
Now emptiness is tall where she has stood,
Who reached the heights of hero and of saint.
cdt s the QJood Ljou ibat cJhat L^ounts
Dr. Margaret Merkley
Utah State University Nutrition Department
IT'S the food you eat that counts,
whether you are eight or eighty.
The number of food items in
today's markets may make your
choice confusing. Your daily food
guide is an aid in pointing out the
kinds of food to include in your
meals. The United States Depart-
Food Groups
I. Milk group
II. Bread-Cereal group
ment of Agriculture has developed
a food guide which w ill provide your
needs for vitamins, minerals, pro-
tein, and other nutrients. These
foods are grouped into four classes
according to their nutrient contribu-
tions :
Daily Amount for Adults
•^^— ^^— .— — •— ^^.^— ^— .— a^— ^^»rf
2 cups
4 or more ser\'ings
1 serving: i slice bread
1 oz. ready-to-eat cereal
Vi - % cup cooked cereal
4 or more servings
/2 cup
1 orange or apple
Vz grapefruit
(whole-grain, enriched,
or restored)
III. Vegetable-Fruit group
A citrus fruit or other fruit
or vegetable high in vitamin C
A dark-green or deep-yellow
vegetable for vitamin A — at
least every other day.
Other vegetables and fruits,
including potatoes.
IV. Meat group
Beef, veal, pork, lamb,
poultry, fish, eggs, and as
alternates, dry beans, dry
peas, nuts.
Add other foods as needed to complete meals and to pro\ide additional food
energy and other food values.
2 or more servings
Long life is getting to be a habit.
Many people can look forward to
living beyond ''three-score and ten."
But many, with the accumulation
of birthdays, are not as healthy and
happy as they could be if they were
wise eaters.
Indications of aging are not clear-
ly defined. An adult is not a young
person ''grown up." Aging begins
at conception and continues until
Page 180
the end of life. The fundamental
requirements for good nutrition are
basically the same throughout life,
but the aging process does produce
some changes. The food require-
ments for older people are not as
clearly understood as for children
and youth. During these periods
growth makes changes in nutritional
needs. Geriatric nutrition is con-
cerned not only with the aged^ but
with all in the process of aging.
More can be accomplished earlier
than for those already old. The years
from forty to sixty are most signifi-
cant, and even prior to this time,
general health and nutritional status
of maturity are established.
Nutrition involves diet, eating
balanced quantities of food, as well
as digestion, absorption, utilization,
and elimination of waste materials.
/^LDER people often have limited
functional capacities. Here we
see an accumulation of the scars of
living. The older you become the
more complex is your dietary his-
tory. No two people are alike or
subjected to the same stresses
and experiences. Some are old at
fifty, others are young at eighty.
Thus at no period in life should
nutritional requirements be more
individualized. Aging produces an
accumulation of injuries from many
sources, and cumulative effects of
poor nutrition may produce defects
of enormous proportions in later
years. Also, recovery capacity is
slower as you grow older.
Many factors affect an individual's
use of food. Some are not fortu-
nate enough to have good teeth at
a time in life when they need to
chew food more thoroughly. Be-
cause of this some of our best
sources of nutrients — fruits, vege-
tables, and meats — are often a
neglected part of the diet. This
leads to a lack of bulk in the diet
or, if these foods are eaten without
proper mastication, to diarrhea and
intestinal disturbances. Yet at no
other time in life is proper prepara-
tion of food more important — the
knife, kitchen shears, the strainer,
the chopper and blender, or a little
extra cooking, can make foods more
Food habits are passed on from
one generation to another. Over-
eating or food prejudices in some
families become dangerous habits
and can produce degenerative dis-
eases and stress in later life. One
hundred extra calories a day add up
to more than ten pounds increased
weight in a year.
Nutritional problems are usually
more difficult to handle in older
people, and any changes in dietary
habits should be gradual, not abrupt.
If the changes are too different from
the ordinary diet, they will not be
followed. The eating patterns of a
lifetime cannot be changed easily.
Economic factors affect food se-
lection. Since funds are often
limited, breads and sweets, which
are cheaper than milk, meat, cheese,
fruits, and vegetables are often eaten
in excess. Many older people living
alone are not sufficients interested
in eating to make the effort to pre-
pare adequate food. Dull appetites
and anxiety may lead to undcreating
or overeating. If the appetite is
poor, more small meals per day
might be better tolerated than two
or three large meals.
Total food needs decrease with
years. Factors that contribute to
the decreasing energy are: lowered
basal metabolic rate due to less
active body tissue, changes in cer-
tain endocrine glands, and lessened
physical activity. Body tissue chang-
es in composition to a greater
proportion of fat and less muscular
tissue. At age twenty-five an aver-
age person has 13.4 percent of body
fat as compared to 22.5 at forty-five.
A common problem to those whose
diets are low in energy is the lower-
ing of nutrient content. The diet processes of build-up and destruc-
must still supply energy, protein, tion proceed simultaneously. Osteo-
vitamin, and mineral foods. It is porosis, or deficient bone substance,
difficult to include all the essential is a major problem in the aged and
nutrients in a diet below 1200 cal- many factors are involved. Absorp-
ories. The energy value of the diet tion mechanism may be impaired,
is related to protein utilization, due to lowered salivary and gastric
Special care is needed in food selec- juices, endocrine unbalance, or to
tion when the calorie value is low. liver and pancreas damage.
Foods selected should carry nutri- Vitamins are essential in control
ents as well as calories. of body reactions and, if not pres-
Secretion of salivary and digestive ent, abnormal products accumulate
juices lessens with age and this in the body. If too limited a va-
causes foods to be less well utilized, riety of foods is chosen, vitamins,
particularly ascorbic acid (C), the
lyf INERALS perform important B vitamins, and vitamin A will like-
functions in the body. For ly be deficient in the diet. Too
example, calcium, in addition to many people buy food supplements
building bones and teeth, aids in they do not need when they might
transmission of nerve impulses; is get the nutrients from a more care-
part of enzyme systems; and aids in ful selection of food. The wider the
blood coagulation. Research has variety of foods eaten, the better
shown that aging brings about the chances of being well nourished,
changes in mineral metabolism. We The following principles are es-
know something of calcium, phos- sential to good nutrition: modera-
phorus, sodium, potassium, and tion, wide selection, balance in diet,
chlorine. More investigation is individualization, gradual change in
needed relative to these elements dietary habits, awareness of relation-
as well as in relation to the iron re- ships between nutrition and chronic
quircments. We know that opti- diseases which appear in later years,
mum hemoglobin content of the The main objective of an adequate
blood is desirable in later years. diet is the promotion of good health,
Bones are not static material. The not treatment of disorders.
'Jjark L^ome JLate
Maude Rubin
One time his small-boy face, like blue-eyed grass.
Looked up to see the helicopter pass ...
Gloried in lightning, loved the thunder shout,
The mountain's rumbling storm ... no slightest doubt
That day would be long for plaving, dark come late!
No^^^ tight as willow buds, his green hours wait.
While, like a pilot bee on a golden mission.
He helps unravel mysteries of fission.
The Silent Sacrifice
Betty Lou Martin
THE purple haze of the moun- features. She caught herself frown-
tains cast dark^ looming ing in the mirror and small lines
shadows upon the surround- appeared about her mouth and eyes.
ing land. Winter had turned the They were not happy, laughing lines,
green, then golden earth to a drab, Elaine thought back over the time
lifeless color. Elaine turned from when she had first come to the farm,
the kitchen window where she had She had been a pretty girl of twenty-
stood gazing out over the valley, one, with a lilting step and a warm.
With a sigh she went about her task bubbling laugh that made everyone
of preparing supper for her husband, that met her fond of her from the
George. beginning. The years of hard work
It was becoming increasingly dif- and skimping to make the money
ficult for her to go about her regular go around had changed her to a sad,
tasks that were typical of a farmer's quiet woman who lived in constant
wife. The mending that she usually fear of crop failure, and who wor-
kept up every week had waited in its ried about so many difficulties com-
basket for the past three weeks. She ing into their life that her husband
just had not been able to force her- had once remarked, ''Elaine, you
self to get it done. She thought cross your bridges before they are
back over the past few months and even built."
she realized that she had accom- She had saved diligently for a
plished very little. George had college education for their two chil-
seemed to sense her rebellion against dren, Randy and Steven. To Elaine's
their way of life; however, being an chagrin. Randy had chosen farming
understanding and thoughtful man, as his profession. Steven, who was
he had kept his feelings to himself, away at his first year at college, had
Elaine went to the refrigerator in not as yet chosen the field that he
an effort to find something substan- wanted to enter. Every time that
tial for George's supper. Her mind he came home for a visit, Elaine
was a complete blank as she looked would discourage him at every op-
at the nearly empty shelves. She portunity against farming,
had neglected to thaw any meat out George had known from the
for supper, but, fortunately, she had beginning that Elaine detested farm-
canned chicken in the basement that ing, but he had reasoned with him-
she could open. self that in due time she would grow
With supper finally underway, to love the good, clean earth just
Elaine took a few moments to fresh- as much as he. However, as the
en up. She combed her dark wavy years progressed, he knew that she
hair straight back, revealing a lovely would never feel the same way to-
oval-shaped face. Her eyes were a ward the land as he did. He accepted
deep green that made a striking con- this fact and stopped trying to con-
trast to her fair skin and delicate vince her that they were engaged
Poae 183.
in a rewarding and worthwhile ven-
Elaine heard George coming up
the walk from the barn. She went
to the kitchen and switched on the
light. Once again she frowned. The
kitchen was badly in need of re-
modeling. She had not been able
to find the right color of paint in
their small village that boasted one
general store. The material that
she wanted for new curtains was
out of the question, and they would
have to order their furniture from
the catalogue from which everyone
else in the valley ordered.
George was exceedingly quiet at
supper. When he had finished eat-
ing he slid his chair away from the
table and looked directly at Elaine.
There was a kind, gentle appear-
ance about George that had made
Elaine love him from the first day
that she met him. His clear blue
eyes twinkled, and his graying blond
hair was combed neatly away from
his tanned and rugged face.
/^EORGE cleared his throat and
then spoke. 'Tve been think-
ing, Elaine, I have a little more
money left over from the feed than
I thought I would have. Why
don't you go to the city and buy
you some new clothes, and what-
ever you want for the kitchen? I
think that we can afford it now."
Elaine was elated. ''Oh, George,
do you really think that we can
afford it? Fve been wanting to do
this kitchen over for so long. It
would be wonderful if we could."
''You could stay with your sister,
Carolyn, while you're there. I think
that you deserve a rest. It's been a
long time since you have been away
from the farm."
"Yes, it has, George," Elaine
agreed, remembering how disap-
pointed she was when she had had
to call her anticipated trip off be-
cause one of their best cows had
become sick and died. They had
had to take the money she planned
to use for the trip to buy another
cow. George had seemed just as
disappointed about the whole situa-
tion as she had been.
Elaine thought of her sister Caro-
lyn, with her lovely, red brick home
that stood overlooking the beautiful
city. At night the view from
Carolyn's large window was breath-
takingly beautiful, and Elaine always
felt as if she could sit and stare for
hours at the sight before her. She
could never feel that nostalgic about
the mountains and fields that spread
before her on their farm, even
though to George it was the most
wonderful sight in the world. Let's
face it, Elaine thought resentfully,
this is George's world.
Elaine lived each day with the
hope that some day when George
was unable to take care of the farm
any longer, they would be able to
move to the city. She had even
approached George with her plan,
and he had agreed that if it would
make her happy, then it would make
him happy, too.
The next few days were filled with
careful planning on the part of
Elaine. She managed to repair her
wardrobe so that in her opinion it
would be halfway presentable to
make the trip. Once in the city,
she reasoned to herself, I can buy
me some new clothes.
Elaine tried not to think of
George's obviously shabby suit hang-
ing in the closet, and she refused to
think about the new saddle that
George wanted for his favorite horse,
Rengo, which he intended to ride
in the annual riding club meet in
July. She told herself that it was
certainly time that she did have a
little enjoyment. She had sacrificed
time and time again for her sons,
and for the farm, and this time she
was going to have a little enjoy-
She wrote to her sister Carolyn,
and, as she wrote, she thought of
how lovely all of Carolyn's clothes
were and how well-groomed her sis-
ter always appeared. Elaine had
always been considered the more
attractive of the two girls, but she
knew that the years had changed
that fact considerably.
With renewed vigor, Elaine went
about her housework in order to
leave their home tidy. George was
even more silent than before, and
she wished that he were going with
her. When she asked him if he
wouldn't like to make the trip, he
merely shook his head, stating that
he had too much to do on the farm.
One thing Elaine prided herself
on was her sons. Even on this trip,
she thought that she would try to
find some clothes for Steven while
she was in the city. She wanted to
surprise him with them when he
came home for spring vacation.
T^HE time finally arrived for her
anticipated trip to the city, and
Elaine enthusiastically started to
pack. She went to the closet for
her suitcase, and, in the process, she
pulled out one of George's Sunday
shoes. As she reached down to pick
it up, she noticed something inside
the shoe. Upon further observance
she noted that it was a piece of card-
board cut neatly and tucked inside.
She stood looking at the object in
disbelief. She hadn't the faintest
idea that George's shoes were so
worn. How long, she wondered,
had he been wearing his shoes like
this in order to save a repair bill on
It wasn't that her husband was
careless, because he always kept his
shoes shining, and his suit was
always neatly brushed and pressed.
How long she wondered, had he
been sacrificing his own things in
order to give to his family?
For the first time in her married
life, Elaine stopped thinking of her-
self and her two sons, and turned
her thoughts to her husband. How
little he expressed a desire for new
clothes, a new car, even new ma-
chinery, and he had only casually
mentioned the saddle. He had
mentioned it more in praise than
in desire. How long had it been
since he had been away from the
farm? How long had it been since
he had had any relief from his daily
schedule? How lovingly and dili-
gently he planned everything for his
wife and sons, Elaine thought, and
how selfishly she and the boys had
reached out and taken all that he
It was drudgery for Elaine to fin-
ish her packing. All the happy
excitement that she had felt earlier
had vanished, and she felt only guilt.
She had known when she married
George that his life's interest was
farming, and now she was even plan-
ning to rob him of that. She knew
that he would never once complain,
for he had accepted her the way that
she was from the day that he had
married her thirty years before.
George was truly a good man.
Elaine realized she had never known
before what a really great man he
was. He knew the meaning of sac-
lifiee, and he practiced it every day
in his life. He knew the meaning
of hard work, and this he did every
day of his life, also. He knew the
value of the commandments that
the Lord had given. Especially did
he follow the one, ''It is more
blessed to give than to receive."
After a sleepless night, Elaine
arose the next morning to fix her
husband's breakfast.
The sun was shining and a soft
snow had fallen the night before,
making the mountains in the dis-
tance look as if they were a king's
crown graced with thousands of tiny
diamonds. Elaine breathed a sigh,
and for the first time in her life, she
saw what George had seen all these
years. This shimmering, bright
world was her husband's world, and
because it was his, it was to become
her world, too.
George finished his breakfast and
then went out to do his chores. As
he left the house he called, 'Til
be back in plenty of time to drive
you to the train station."
Elaine went to the desk in the
hallway where she kept her familiar
catalogue. The pages were tattered
from overuse. She skimmed over
the pages, planning as she went.
She could order enough material for
a new dress or two for her, and she
could order her paint for the kitch-
en. She would order a pale yellow
paint for the walls, and it would be
cheaper to make her own curtains.
It would be fun, as she had always
done sewing as a means of relaxing.
She planned each item carefully,
the paint, turquoise material for her
curtains, and then a rich brown
paint for her table and chairs. It
would improve them a hundred per
cent, and save the expense of buy-
ing a new kitchen set.
Then Elaine turned to the sec-
tion of the catalog that had the
men's clothing. They offered a nice
selection of dress shoes for men. She
thought that George would Hke to
pick those out. Steven really didn't
need any new clothes, and George
could certainly use the new saddle.
She figured the saddle with the rest
of the items that she planned to buy.
With a smile of satisfaction, she
leaned back in her chair. There
would be just enough money. In
fact, she smiled, there would be ten
dollars left over. The money that
she had planned to take for the trip
would be put to far better use,
especially now that the expense of
the train fare would be omitted.
The mailman arrived early that
morning, and Elaine found a letter
from Carolyn. Carolyn wrote that
she was delighted that Elaine
planned to visit her. ''It is so lone-
some here," Carolyn wrote, 'Ted
travels around a great deal, and I
have this big house all to myself all
day. I don't even do my own house
cleaning as Ted hires a maid to do
the work for me. How fortunate
you are, my dear sister, to have your
days so filled with worthwhile things
to accomplish. My, how I envy
T^HE sound of the clock in the
kitchen ticking away echoed
throughout the house. Elaine sat
before the table thinking about her
sister's letter. "All these years I have
envied her for her many comforts,
and now she is envying me. How
ironical life is."
The kitchen door opened, and
George stood looking at Elaine
questioningly. "Aren't you ready
to go yet? You'll miss the train."
'Tm not going, George/' Elaine
said firmly.
"But I thought you had your
heart set on it?" George was obvi-
ously puzzled.
"I did," Elaine remarked casually,
''but now I have my heart set on
staying here. You're not trying to
get rid of me, are you?"
"Goodness, no," George replied.
''Frankly, I don't understand you."
"I just decided that it would be
much better to take the money that
I would spend for the trip and put
it into other things, say, a beautiful,
new saddle for my husband, and a
new pair of shoes which he needs
so badly." Elaine spoke lightheart-
"Oh, now, Elaine, I don't really
need those things," George said sin-
cerely, "and I don't want you to
give up your trip just for me."
"George, I really don't want to go.
You see, I have finally realized that
I love this land just as much as you
do. I don't ever want to leave it,
especially not to live any place else."
Elaine's words clearly stunned her
husband. "You never have liked it
here before. Why have you sudden-
ly changed your mind?" George
could not hide the shock that he
felt, and he was frankly suspicious.
"I guess it's because you're here,
George, and because you love it so
much here." Elaine paused. "I
think I'll invite Carolyn here for a
visit, too. I've never wanted her to
come before, but I really think that
she would enjoy it."
"You know that we don't have
things fixed up as nice as Garolvn
does, Elaine," George answered.
"Are you certain that you want her
to come?"
"I've never been more certain.
Now go about your work. I have
work to do, too," Elaine teased her
"I guess that I'll never understand
you," George replied as he walked
to the door. He turned abruptly,
"Are you still serious about that
saddle, too?"
"I've never been more serious,
dear," Elaine grinned. "You certain-
ly deserve it."
George walked to his wife and
kissed her gently on the cheek.
"Welcome to the farm-home, dear,'^
he said.
cJo LJou — vi/ith cLove
Christie Lund Coles
You are the brook-cool drink
Wliich slaked my eager thirst;
You are the star I followed,
The brightest and the first;
You are the golden fruit
I reached for from the ground;
You are the dream of peace
I sought . . . and found.
IKectpes for QJatnily Ujinners
Emma A. Hanks
Papaya Whip
1/2 c. papaya pulp Yi c. sugar
juice of one lemon 2 egg whites
Combine papaya pulp, lemon juice, and sugar. Beat in 2 stiffly whipped egg
whites. Place in refrigerator until served.
Orange - Papaya Marmalade
2 c. papaya (ripe) 3 c. sugar
1 c. oranges
Wash oranges, squeeze out juice, remove seeds. Put orange skins through a good
food chopper. Add papaya, cut fine, to chopped orange skins. Cover with water. Boil
all together. Add sugar. Boil until thick, about Yz hour.
Papaya Pie
4 c. papaya cut in small pieces 1 tsp. cinnamon
1 medium-sized can crushed pineapple 2 drops almond extract
2 drops lemon extract
5 tbsp. flour
Cut papaya into small pieces. Drain all juice from pineapple. Mix all ingredients
together. Pour into 9 -inch unbaked pie crust. Dot with butter and co\'er with top
crust. Bake 15 min. at 350°, reduce heat to 325° for 45 minutes.
1 doz. tortillas 2 lbs. ground beef
3 medium-sized tomatoes 1 head lettuce
Make salad of lettuce and tomatoes. Boil beef in /4 cup salted water. Drain.
Fry folded tortilla in deep fat. Drain on absorbent paper. Place small amount of beef
and salad in tortilla. Season with hot sauce if desired.
Variations :
Combine beef with Spanish rice and place in tortilla. Combine plain cooked rice
with chili con carne and place in tortilla.
Meat Balls With Onions
1 beef heart 1 c. chopped onions
Yz lb. sweetbreads salt to taste (about 2 tsp.)
2 lbs. liver 1 tbsp. chili powder
1 lb. kidney % tsp. black pepper
54 tsp. grated garlic 4 tbsp. flour
Chop all meat into very small chunks. Flour and fry brown. Mix pepper, chili
powder, garlic, and onions and fry with meat about two minutes. Add flour to mixture
and brown slightly. Add 1 qt. and 1 pt. of water. Stir until it thickens into a thin
gravy. Let simmer at least 30 minutes so all flavors mix well. (Serves 12 people
Page 188
Spaghetti With Meat Sauce
14 c. olive oil
1 chopped garlic clove
1 chopped onion
Vi chopped green pepper
2 no. 2 can tomatoes
2 8 oz. cans tomato paste
2/4 c. water
1 Vi tsp. salt
Vi tsp. black pepper
Vi tsp. oregano
2 bay leaves
/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1 lb. spaghetti
1 Vi lb. ground meat
In large skillet saute garlic, onion, and green pepper about 5 minutes or until
tender in !4 cup of hot oil. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, and 2 Vi cups of water, 1 Vi
tsp. seasoned salt, pepper, oregano, cheese, and bay leaves. Simmer uncovered for 2
hours. In another skillet, brown ground meat, then put into sauce and let cook together.
Serve meat sauce o\cr drained spaghetti. Sprinkle with more Parmesan cheese, or serve
spaghetti, sauce, and cheese separately, and let each person help himself. Makes 6
Nut Loaf Cake
2 c. butter
4 c. flour
2 c. sugar
6 eggs
1 tsp. baking powder
% c. sweet milk
1 tsp. grated nutmeg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 c. pecans, chopped
1 lb. seeded raisins
Cream butter and sugar. Sift 3 Vi cups flour and baking powder together. Beat
eggs separately. Add flour, eggs, and milk, a little at a time to the butter and sugar
mixture. Add flavor and spice. Cut up raisins and chop pecans. Sift Vi cup flour
over pecans and raisins. Add to the batter. Bake at 350° until done.
Chocolate Pie
3 egg whites
6 heaping tbsp. sugar
pinch of cream of tartar
2 c. milk
5 tbsp. flour
3 tbsp. cocoa
3 egg volks
2 tbsp. butter
54 c. brown sugar
Vi c. white sugar
Vi tsp. salt
Heat milk, mix and add all ingredients to hot milk and cook until mixture thickens.
Pour into a baked pie shell and top \\ith the meringue. Bake in slow oven until
meringue browns.
2 oz. chili powder
3 c. water
salt to taste
1 lb. ground beef
Vi e. shortening
i4 c. flour
4 small garlic buttons, chopped
Brown the meat in fat. Blend in flour, garlic, and chih powder; slowly add water.
Simmer 30 minutes.
liLaren C Jensen,
ibxpert kluuter ana diappii Seamstress
"IV yfAREN C. Jensen, Orem, Utah, is gifted in the arts of handwork and sewing.
^ ^ Quilting is her specialty, and she has made hundreds of quilts for her family
and friends. It is her proud record that she has helped to quilt every quilt made in
the wards where she has resided. She knits rapidly and expertly, making mittens and
hose and many other articles of wearing apparel, as well as decorative pieces for her home.
Her crocheting is delicately beautiful, much of it made in original designs. A skilled
seamstress, she helped her sister run a dressmaking shop.
Now eighty-five years old, Maren C. Jensen was born in Termestrup, Denmark.
When very young she helped her mother support nine fatherless children. When she
heard the Latter-day Saint elders singing the gospel hymns, the words and the message
seemed familiar to her. She joined the Church and came to Utah in 1904, and that
same year married Jens C. Jensen, also a Danish convert. They are the parents of four
children, all holding positions of honor and responsibility in the Church and in the
community. For sixty years Sister Jensen has been a faithful visiting teacher and has
also served as a ward Relief Society president. Her busy hands and her happy heart
have been a blessing to her family, her community, and her many dexoted friends.
illy (flinging uland
Gladys Hesser Burnham
I never knew before today
How much you really meant to me,
Your judgment swayed my waking thoughts
I sought ad\ ice unceasingly.
The reason why you left me here
Could be that I must learn to stand
Alone, think independently,
And so you loosed my clinging hand.
Page 190
Love Is Enough
Chapter 3
Mabel Harmer
Synopsis: Geniel Whitworth, from Den-
ver, Colorado, becomes a sehoolteacher at
Blayney, Idaho, and lives at Mrs. Willett's
boarding house. She meets Christine
Lacy and Marva Eberhart, fellow school-
teachers, Mrs. Willett's nephew, Jeff Bur-
rows, a rancher, and Johnny Linford, who
is working for the forest service. Geniel
finds these new friends quite different
from Ernest Wood, her longtime friend
who has a shoe store in Denver.
ENIEL soon discovered that,
while her students were bet-
ter behaved than the average,
there were still many problems.
Christine gave her the answer to
some of them while walking home
from school one crisp November
'1 can't understand Tommy
Evans," said Geniel. ''He seems to
want to do his work, but he can't
resist playing every chance he gets."
''I can explain that one," said
Christine with a wry smile. ''His
grandmother lives with the family,
and she thinks that children should
be kept busy all of the time. He
has to practice the piano for two
hours a day, and if there is any time
left over he helps around the house.
She told me that he even hems dish-
towels if there is nothing else for
him to do. Now, do you blame him
for wanting to play in school?"
"I certainly don't. Maybe Fll
have to give him an extra recess.
L Jean Margetts is another one. She
H seems to be so listless all the time.
^ Tm wondering if she has enough to
do to keep her interested. I do wish
that we had a library here. The few
books we have, have been read to
"I've had that same longing for
years — as you may imagine. Fve
tried every once in awhile to inter-
est the school board or the mavor
in the project, but I guess that I
haven't been persistent enough.
Anyway, roads and plumbing always
came first. Any more problem
"Yes, the worst of all." GenieFs
forehead etched a frown. "It's little
Connie Roberts. My heart aches
for her. She is so shy and so shabby
and she can't read without stammer-
ing. Then someone is bound to
snicker. How can children be so
cruel? I hate to call on her, but I
can't just let her sit there. What
can I do?"
"I know the family," Christine
replied. "They've had a lot of bad
luck and are really quite poor. It's
probably Connie's feeling of infe-
riority that is at the root of her
stammering. If you could do some-
thing to give her more confidence,
you might overcome the speech
"I'll try. I know where I can
start. My sister has a little girl just
older. She's always outgrowing her
dresses. I'll see if she doesn't have
some dresses she can pass on."
Geniel sent off a letter that very
night, and within a week three pret-
ty dresses, a skirt, and two sweaters
had arrived. "You caught me just
as I was getting these ready to give
Page 191
away/' wrote Marcie. ''So Tm glad Those black and white ones, you
that you can use them/' know."
Geniel figured that her next 'That doesn't sound very thrill-
problem would be to give them to ing/' Marva declared. ''When I get
Mrs. Roberts without hurting her my ranch I shall raise Palomino
feelings, but she found that she horses and Merino sheep."
needn't have worried. The mother "I thought that you were going
was more than grateful for the to have a mushroom farm," Chris-
clothes, tine reminded her with a smile.
The next day Connie came to 'That was last week," replied
school in the plaid skirt with the Marva airily.
soft green sweater. Her hair had Mrs. Willet insisted that they go
been curled, and she seemed to feel rather early the next day, so that
much more at ease. She even she could help her sister prepare the
smiled at her schoolmates once in dinner. "Fm going to take out
awhile. the pumpkin pies," she said, "and
stuffing for the turkey. Nina ne\er
T^HE day before Thanksgiving did learn how to make good stuff-
Mrs. Willet announced, "We ing."
get a holiday all the way around They left shortly after ten, driv-
tomorrow. My sister Nina has in- ing out in Mrs. Willet's ancient
vited us all out to the ranch for Chevrolet. The weather was fairly
dinner." mild, but the day was gray and it
"How much of a family is there looked as if they might have either
besides Jeff?" asked Geniel. rain or snow before evening. Geniel
"Just his mother and father at the was glad to get away from the board-
ranch. But Nina will find some- ing house for the day. She still had
one else to bring in. She wouldn't twinges of homesickness on gray
think of cooking a Thanksgiving days, and this was her first Thanks-
dinner for just six or seven people, giving away from home. She was
Their home is down in Southern thinking nostalgically of her own
Utah and Nina would certainly like mother's dinners, and was grateful
to get back there again. They just that Mrs. Burrows liked to cook for
came up here to keep house for a big crowd.
Jeff after he graduated from that "We may have to borrow a sleigh
agricultural school back in Iowa, to come back in," announced Mrs.
and had to get himself a ranch to Willet cheerfully. "I don't have
try out what he'd learned. The any snow tires on Bertha here."
rest of the family are all married." "Or we could just stay on at the
"It sounds like fun," said Marva. ranch," commented Marva, "and all
"Maybe we'd better take some rid- become champion milkmaids."
ing clothes along. Does he have "Right now I'm doing my best to
riding horses?" learn how to balance two pumpkin
"A couple. But it will more than pies," said Christine. "It looks to
likely be too cold for riding. You'll me as if we were carrying enough
have to leave that until next spring, to feed the entire county."
Jeff goes mostly in for raising cattle. "Oh, there're just ten or twelve,"
said Mrs. Willet, swinging around
to a\oid a chuck hole in the road.
''I thought I might as well bake a
couple of extras to put in their
'Tou'd better make this a mighty
smooth ride, then/' said Geniel, ''or
the pies will end up in our laps in-
stead. We wouldn't look too well
if we all went in decorated with
pumpkin pie."
The ride was far from being
smooth, especially over the last half
mile, which \\as the private road up
to the ranch house, but the girls
managed to keep the pies on their
laps and not in them.
Geniel had been very much inter-
ested in seeing Jeff's home. She had
pictured a low rambling house in
the first-class ranch tradition. In-
stead it was a two-story house of the
style built in the early part of the
century w ith a one story addition to
the south that had obviously been
only recently added.
IF she had been somewhat disap-
pointed in the outside of the
house, she was pleasantly surprised
with the interior. The new part was
all living room with dining area at
one end. At the other end was an
enormous fireplace, filled now with
a great log.
Crisp, white ruffled curtains at
the windows, hooked rugs, and a fine
maple highboy had created an early
American room that could have
come out of a top magazine.
Geniel would have loved to sink
down into one of the chintz cush-
ioned rockers in front of the fire-
place and simply luxuriate in the
warmth and comfort, but Marva had
other ideas. On learning that Jeff
was out working in the yard, she
said, ''Let's go out. Maybe we can
pitch hay or get corn out of the
"It sounds too utterly fascinat-
ing," said Christine, "but I'm de-
clining, just the same. Maybe they'll
give me a job in the kitchen instead.
That's more my type."
Geniel had exactly the same senti-
ments, but she didn't say so. She
wasn't going to let Jeff — or anyone
else, think that she couldn't match
Marva in youthful enthusiasm.
"You'll need galoshes," said Mrs.
Burrows. "I'll get mine for one
of you."
"And mine are out in the car,"
said Mrs. Willet. "I always keep
them on hand. I never know when
I'll have to get out and hoist Bertha
from a mud hole."
Marva slipped into Mrs. Burrow's
galoshes, and they happened to fit
fairly well. Geniel put on her wraps
and went out to the car. The boots
were far too large, but at least they
offered protection. Marva was al-
ready out to the corral railing by
the time she had put them on. She
followed without taking time to snap
the fasteners.
"Hi there, dudes!" called Jeff.
"Come on over and help me mend
this fence. That is, if you know a
saw from a hammer."
"Anything you can do, we can do
better," sang Marva. "We can do
anything better than you."
"No, you can't," came a bass
"Yes, we can, yes, we can, yes,
we can."
"All right, Annie Oakley. Let's
see you get on the business end of
this hammer. Or maybe you'd rather
just hand me the nails."
Geniel had been stepping with
more and more difficulty across the
corral where a combination of recent
rains and the hooves of cattle had
made a sticky mud. Now she found,
to her horror, that her boots were
stuck fast. If she pulled out of
them she would be ankle deep in
mire. She stood there absolutely
When Jeff finally noticed her
plight, he grinned. She knew that
nobody under the sun could have
helped seeing it as funny, but she
was furious just the same.
''Hold it," he called, most un-
necessarily. 'I'll come over and
rescue you.''
He strode over and lifted her up
in his arms. Then he carried her
over to the fence and set her down
on the dry ground. "Now, lady,"
he said seriously, "let that be a
lesson to you. Never try to squeeze
your number six shoes into number
ten boots. Or, if you do, rivet them
"Or stay out of mud holes," she
JEFF went back and pulled the
boots free. "I'll turn the hose
on these," he said. "You walk
around the fence. It's longer but
much drier."
Geniel would have much pre-
ferred going back into the house at
once, but she wasn't going to retreat
in disgrace. Assuming a noncha-
lance that she was far from feeling,
she walked around and joined
Marva at the far side of the corral.
A few minutes later when Mrs.
Burrows called from the porch,
"Jeff, where are those carrots you
were going to bring me?" Geniel
said, "Let me take them up."
"Sure," he replied easily and went
into the barn for a small bag of car-
She took them and hurried back,
leaving Marva to hand out nails,
banter, and whatever else seemed
best suited to the occasion.
Another automobile load of guests
had arrived, and there were intro-
ductions to the Robertson family,
much chatter and gaiety.
Geniel glanced into the kitchen
to see if she might be of any help
there, but it was already over-
crowded, so she went back to the
living room. She sank down onto
the divan which commanded a view
both of the blazing hearth and the
snow-capped mountains in the dis-
She loved the nearness of these
Idaho mountains. In Denver they
had seemed somewhat out of reach.
Soon her glance caught another
view — Jeff and Marva coming back
into the house, laughing hugely at
some shared joke. For an anguished
moment she wondered if she were
the central character in that joke.
What a ridiculous figure she must
have cut! No wonder they were
laughing at her.
They came on into the house, and
as soon as Marva had shed her wraps
she joined Geniel on the divan.
"Jeff was just telling me the fun-
niest story," she began. "There's
an Irishman who lives down the
road and. . . ."
Geniel almost sighed aloud in her
relief. Never in all of her life had
she so enjoyed a story about an Irish-
Marva had just finished telling
how he made sweaters for his pig-
lets, when Mrs. Burrows summoned
them to dinner. There were twelve
in all, and Geniel couldn't help feel-
ing a glow of satisfaction when Jeff
took the trouble of seating her first.
The annoyance and chagrin she
had felt faded in the warmth of this
friendly group. The dinner was
sumptuous with the traditional roast
turkev, cranberries, candied vams,
and Mrs. Willct's super stuffing.
They even finished off four of the
pumpkin pies— much to GenieFs
The dishes were cleared away and
left — at Mrs. Burrows insistence —
until after the guests had gone.
*Ta and I can do them later/' she
said. "It's one of our best times to
talk things over." So they all gath-
ered back in the living room where
con\ersation and music kept up a
happy theme.
Geniel couldn't remember when
she had been with a more congenial
group of people. Even the Robert-
son family, who had been total
strangers, seemed like old friends
and chatted as such.
Just before dusk Jeff excused him-
self to go out and do the chores.
'The cows and pigs just don't rea-
lize that this is a holiday," he com-
"But the turkevs sure found out,"
shouted little Tommy Robertson.
"And we sure do."
JEFF and his father had just gone
out to do the chores when the
phone rang. Much to her surprise,
the call was for Geniel. "I gave
central the number here," explained
Mrs. Willet. "I was pretty sure
that someone would be calling."
It was the folks at home. As she
returned to the living room, smil-
ing, Christine said, "I know who
that was. You look so happy it
must have been your young man in
Geniel colored as she replied,
"No, you're quite wrong. That was
my mother and dad."
She had never for one minute
expected Ernest to call — for no bet-
ter reason than she was sure it would
never occur to him that the day or
the occasion called for it. At any
rate she was glad it had been her
own folks. It made just one more
happy experience in a lovely day.
The men returned from doing the
chores soon after dark, and all too
soon it was time for them to leave.
"I have only one light on the car,"
announced Mrs. Willet comfort-
ably. "But then, we don't run into
many people out this way. Especial-
ly on a holidav."
"Just take care that vou don't run
into anybody. Auntie dear," cau-
tioned Jeff. "You don't want to
start a schoolteacher shortage around
here — not to mention a shortage
of desirable boarders."
"Other than that, it would be of
no great moment," observed Marva
"None whatever," agreed Jeff.
Just the same he insisted that they
wait until he had supplied the miss-
ing light.
They said their thanks and good-
byes and went out to the old car for
the ride home. "I'd like to live on
a farm," said Marva as they jolted
"Not I," said Mrs. Willet. "You
work early and late. You clear the
snow off your own road out to the
highway when it storms. If a crop
fails you're broke for a whole year.
I'd a lot rather live in town and cook
for twenty boarders."
"Oh, but look at the fun you can
have on a farm/' Marva persisted.
"What fun?'' Mrs. Willet wanted
to know.
"Well, maybe satisfaction is a
better word. You can make things
grow — you have freedom. . . !'
"Like having to milk cows regard-
less of whether it's Christmas or
Thanksgiving, or if you're almost
too sick to move."
Marva laughed. "Oh, come now.
Wouldn't vou rather have been out
there to dinner today than in any
hotel in the country?"
"Sure. There are lots of good
things, along with the bad. But I
grew up on a farm, and I know what
I'm talking about. You really have
to love the land to be happy on
"Or be with people you love,"
was Christine's comment.
"So — maybe I love the land,"
Marva conceded. ''How about you,
Geniel? Wouldn't you like to live
on a farm?"
"I don't know. I hadn't really
thought about it. It might be all
right if I could learn to keep out of
mudholes. I think that you could
be happy anywhere, Marva."
They hadn't been home ten min-
utes before Johnny came dashing
in, bringing some large apples, a
bowl of carmcl corn — and a turkey
"I knew you'd be hungry after
spending all day out in the coun-
try," he said, "so I gathered a few
items together. Or mavbe you'd
rather come over and hold a wake
with the remains of the turkey."
"I'd rather not even think about
food," said Christine.
"I'll take carmel corn," said Mar-
va. "There's something wonderful
about popcorn. No matter how
much you eat vou never get filled
"Speak for yourself," said Geniel.
"Personally, I'll settle for a chance
at the wishbone."
Johnny held it out and with great
solemnity they made their wishes
and pulled. "You won," he said
with an air of resignation.
"Yes," replied Geniel. But to
herself she said, "No, you won,
Johnny. My wish was for you."
{To be continued)
^fter the Silent Ljear
Mabel /ones Gdhhott
Today, we met, after the silent year,
And took the same path, oxer the hill;
We said, ''Remember this," and "it was here . . ."
There were memories enough to fill
Each shadow's length. We found the willow tree,
And crossed the brook reminiscently.
"The same," we said; and waited for such speech
As often flowed, freely, deep and wide.
Between us; waited — but no word could reach
Beyond the shallow froth, the rushing tide
Of inconsequential, over -washed debris.
We found that we had only memory.
General Secretary-Treasurer Hulda Parker
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations go\erning the submittal of
material for ''Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Relief Society Hdudhook of Instructions.
photograph submitted by Geneel Stewart
Front row, seated, left to right: Delpha Hall, Secretary-Treasurer; Ruth Bird, First
Counselor; Leona Boyce, President; Florence Johnson, Second Counselor.
Back row, standing, board members, left to right: Virginia Alsop, Martina Duf-
fin, Mary McKcllar, Cecil Barrus, Edna Turner, Geraldine Sagers, Mable Bryan.
Geneel Stewart, President, North Tooele Stake Rehef Society, reports: "A large
crowd attended the lo\ely party arranged in honor of these fine women, who ga\e so
much in their many years of devoted ser\ice to Relief Society. Gorgeous satin quilts
(shown in the background of the picture) done in blue and gold, with the seal of
Relief Society quilted in the center, were presented to the presidency and the secretary.
The quilts were the work of the members of the seven wards in the stake. Board
members were presented lo\ely gold necklaces bearing the seal of Relief Society. A
group of Singing Mothers singing the beautiful number 'Lovely Women,' highlighted
the w ell-planned program. Refreshments w ere served by the new prcsidenc}- and board
Page 197
Photograph submitted by Ardella H. Stevens
Standing in the front row: Hazel Kartehner, organist, Mount Ogden Stake Relief
Society; Mathel Ridges, chorister.
Ardella H. Ste\ens, President, Mount Ogden Stake Relief Society, reports that a
chorus of ninety-two Singing Mothers sang for two sessions of stake conference, Novem-
ber 13, i960. Four beautiful numbers were rendered by these busy mothers under
the vcr^• efficient leadership of the stake music department. They sang: "Lord, God of
Our Fathers." "I'he Old Refrain," "Oh, Lovely Land, America," and "Abide With Me."
T\ventv-sc\en of the women in this group sang in the chorus that furnished the music
for the Frida\- sessions of the General Church Conference in October, and also for the
Wcdnesda\- afternoon session of the Annual General Relief Society Conference.
Photograph submitted by Pauline R. Stevens
Seated, front row, left to right: Bishop Scott Welch, son of Ora M. Welch;
Ora M. Welch, chorister. Big Horn Stake Relief Society; Pauline R. Stevens, President,
Big Horn Stake Relief Society; William M. Stevens, husband of Pauline R. Stevens.
Second row, seated, left to right: Mary Helen Giles and Louise Hawley, Counselors,
Big Horn Stake Relief Society; Carma B. Johnson, composer of the song "Promise for
America"; Glenn E. Neilson, President, Big Horn Stake.
Seated at the organ: Alexander Schrciner, Tabernacle organist.
Sister Stevens reports: "The 176 members made the 1,000 mile trip by private
cars. Under the direction of Ora M. W^clch, with Alexander Schrciner at the organ,
they sang 'Beside Still Waters' by Ilamblin and an original composition 'Promise for
America' by Carma B. Johnson. This number was one of many entries in a creative
writing project sponsored by the Big Horn Stake Relief Society Board under the direc-
tion of President Pauline R. Stevens, with Counselors Louise Hawley and Mary Helen
Giles. This project was climaxed with the publication of a book Gems to Treasure,
containing prose, poetry, vocal, and instrumental music. The book was enthusiastically
received and is now in its second edition. Publication co-chairmen were Hazel Welch
and Olive W. Nielson.
"The chorus members enjoyed a luncheon in the historic Lion House during their
stay in Salt Lake City. It was really a thrill for all of them to attend conference. This
is something they will remember all of their li\cs."
Photograph submitted by Nina Beth G. Cunningham
Front row, seated, left to right: Abbie Anderson; Elaine Pugmire; Clara Collier;
Rose K. Dille; Ethel Boyer; Marjorie Prescott; Eula Olsen, chorister.
Second row, seated, left to right: Nina Beth G. Cunningham, President, Gooding
Stake Relief Society; Nettie Moves; Virgie Packer; Lennie Baum; Lucile A. Gibbs;
Helen Barlow; Emily Williams; Joyce Ford, organist.
Back row, standing, left to right: Elda Haycock; Thelma Olsen; Twila Bingham;
Venice Prince; Mary Lancaster; Maxine Willard; Madehne T. Hopkin.
Sister Cunningham reports: "This group of Singing Mothers rendered beautiful
music, 'When Mothers Sing,' at our 1960 Visiting Teachers Convention. The film
'Unto the Least of These' was shown in addition to a demonstration of a proper visiting
teacher report meeting. Stake Relief Society President Nina G. Cunningham, stake
Secretary Eva Johnson, and stake visiting teacher message leader Mary Lancaster, with
visiting teachers from each of the nine wards, were in the demonstration. A beautiful
Quaker lace tablecloth was presented to the Jerome First Ward Relief Society for hav-
ing the highest per cent of visiting teachers in attendance. President Twila Bingham
accepted the gift. After all those in attendance were greeted by the entire stake board,
refreshments were served by the daughters of the stake board members."
Photograph submitted by Esther Moulton
Esther Moulton, President, West Utah Stake Rehef Society, reports: ''Relief So-
ciety pro\ecl to be very interesting and profitable at this work meeting in the Rivergrove
First Ward. The morning was spent unselfishly by the sisters rendering service for the
benefit of Relief Society by participating in quilting, embroidering, tearing and sewing
of rags. In the afternoon, a demonstration on the preparation of sweet rolls and breads
was gi\en. Each sister received a pamphlet of recipes and instructions prepared by the
ward presidency. The ward presidency, consisting of Mary A. Hendricksen, President^
Lela Carter and Zella Johnson, Counselors, and Mildred Clark, Secretary-Treasurer,
along with the work meeting leader, Ruth Skinner, felt that the day was not only
profitable to the Relief Society organization, but also beneficial and enjoyable to the
sisters in attendance."
Photograph submitted by Kathleen R. Carpenter
Seated at the right, left to right: Orleans Tinnell, Work Director Counselor, Cen-
tral States Mission Relief Society; Marcella Meador; Gladys Drummond, First Coun-
selor, Central States Mission Relief Society; Kathleen R. Carpenter, President.
Seated at the piano: Beth Hill, organist; standing back of Sister Hill: Lorena Utley,
chorister; Ann Glover.
Front row, standing, left to right: Mary Jane Simmons; Hazel Gordon; Helen
Green; Pauline Moffet; Gertrude Morgan, President Webb City Branch Relief Society;
Grace Nickle, District Magazine representative; Lucie Cahill; Leota Amlin; Mar}' Gor-
don; Betty Lou Powers; Myrtle Hughes; Elizabeth T. Barcroft, Work Director Coun-
selor, Southwest Missouri District; Mildred Alderman.
Second row, standing, left to right: Lucille Abernathy; Wanda Larson, President,
Neosho Branch Relief Society; Mary Murray; Ola Montague; Jessie Dugger; Nina Beag-
ley; Clara Mitchell, President, Cross Timbers Branch Relief Society; Ada Gates; Ruth
S. Olson, President, Southwest Missouri District Relief Society; Gertie Ohler, First
Counselor, Southwest Missouri District Relief Society.
Inset: Dorothy Clay, Secretary-Treasurer, Central States Mission Relief Society.
Sister Carpenter reports that this group of faithful sisters sang as a group for the
first time at the District Conference in Springfield, Missouri.
Photograph submitted by Lois Geniel Jensen
At the right: Typical "Gaucho" and China Dolls made by the sisters of the
Uruguayan Mission Relief Society.
At the left: Lois Geniel Jensen, President, Urugua^'an Mission Relief Society,
demonstrating a "before" and "after" example of the new personality acquired by the
familiar "mate" gourd.
Sister Jensen reports: "The famihar 'mate' gourds typical of Uruguay, Argentina,
Paraguay, and Brazil, have acquired new and interesting personalities by being con\erted
into 'gaucho' and 'china' dolls by the Relief Societies of the Uruguayan Mission. Papier
mache is used oxer the gourds to form the features. The bodies are constructed of
papier and old sheets, and adhesive tape is used to make the specially constructed joints
flexible and strong.
"In a special project to proxide the interior branches with sewing machines and
materials, these typical dolls were made by the sisters of the Capital District and sold
at a subsequent 'fiesta criolla' in Montevideo.
"Since this no\el idea \\as introduced, other interesting things ha\e ])ccn pro-
duced from this common household article which is sold in e\ery store and market
place for but a few pennies. Specially decorated candleholders, planters, and hand
puppets are now among the many things made from the 'mate' which add interest
and luster to the Relief Society bazaars in the Uruguayan Mission."
Photograph submitted by Ida A. Gallagher
PARTY, November 18, i960
Front row, seated, left to right: Grace Jensen, representing Sweden; Marie Dansie,
Mexico; Teresa Johansen, Norway; Gwen Lang and daughter, Carol (standing), Scot-
Back row, standing, left to right: Elizabeth Wohler, Holland; Caroleen May,
New Zealand; Dorothy Hughes, England; Sheila Watts and daughter. Norma, Peru;
Gloria Hughes, England; Louise Barthell, Switzerland; Luise Widmar and granddaugh-
ter Susan, Germany; Nel Sares, Holland; Joyce Naylor, Australia; Helen Hoopiani,
Ida A. Gallagher, President, Murray Stake Relief Society, reports: "An unusual
and colorful program was presented November 18, 1960, in the afternoon at the Murray
Stake Center by the Relief Society stake board, following their regular monthly leadership
meeting, for Relief Society officers and class leaders of the wards in the stake.
"Many people have come from various countries to live within the boundaries of
Murray Stake. Each of these countries has its own customs and manner of celebrating
the Christmas season, and these treasures were shared with those attending the social.
Tables \^e^e placed about the recreation hall, and these tables were decorated and dis-
plays arranged by women representing the countries in which they had lived or had
some connection or relationship. In addition to many articles and objects of interest
displayed, each woman had prepared a special delicacy typical of the Christmas season
in her homeland. Most of the women were in authentic costumes.
"As refreshments were served, each woman was introduced and special Christmas
music, representative of her country, was presented. Special numbers were given by
Helen Hoopiani, who played the ukulele and sang two Hawaiian songs; a vocal duet by
Holland hostesses Elizabeth Wohler and Nel Sares; and Swiss music boxes by Louise
Barthell. Impromptu numbers were given by Fritz Barthell who sang two Swiss songs,
and Teresa Johansen and Ida Gallagher who danced a Norwegian polka. After the pro-
gram, the guests were invited to inspect the display tables and were treated to samples
of the various foods prepared. The program was under the direction of Edith North,
work meeting leader."
Photograph submitted by Ruth O. Stapley
November 2, i960
Seated, left to right, ward Magazine representatives: Elnora Shupe, Kathleen Ellis,
Lorna Mortenson, Ann Pomeroy, Ohve Brandon, Cleora Colvin, Alma Potter.
Back row, standing, left to right: Jessie Gilliland, Counselor, Phoenix Stake Relief
Society; Ruth O. Stapley, President; Zona Waldie, Counselor; Marie Heywood, stake
Magazine representative; Loretta Morris, Secretary -Treasurer; ward presidents: Loarene
McDowell; Vernice Ilaumont; Beulah Wright; Edna Battie; Fan Thompson; Phyllis
Smith; \\^anda Svob.
President Stapley reports: 'The floral decorations portrayed our Magazine theme
'0\er the Top.' A large blue and yellow top can be seen centered among large and
small yellow chrysanthemums, with blue ribbon bows. A small Magazine was attached
to the tallest chrysanthemum.
"Indi\idual favors made up of small blue tops placed on a yellow base surrounded
by yellow and blue flowers, with a tiny Relief Society Magazine attached to the
flowers, were given to each guest.
"Posters were displayed and presented to the ward Magazine representatives for
display in their wards.
"During the luncheon a contest was held for the best verse concerning the Magazine
"A very interesting feature of the luncheon was a large cake decorated in the exact
likeness of the cover of the July i960 issue of The Relief Society Magazine — a most
beautiful creation made and decorated by Wanda Strebech, one of our ward \isiting
teacher message leaders.
"An increased interest in a desire to go '0\'er the Top' has been manifested by
our ward presidents. Testimonies of Magazine representatives have grown. They have
become acquainted with new members of the Church, and have been instrumental
in interesting inactive members to attend Relief Society. They have interested non-
members in the Relief Society program, and have been instrumental in sending mis-
sionaries into many homes. They ha\'e placed Magazines in doctors' and dentists'
offices. This year the stake Magazine subscriptions have increased from 84 per cent to
129 per cent."
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ALBUM-Asper 2.50
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TORIES-Nordman 1.50
ALLEN ORGAN-Wildman .... 1.25
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Shirley Thulin
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'- ^ tens"? Gloves and mittens have
a habit of disappearing.
What to do? Take a look at the old
sweaters that have collected in drawers or
closets and pick out one with a nice close
You can make two or three pairs of
mittens from one sweater if you wish.
For one small pair, use the cuffs of the
sleeves as the cuffs of the mittens, and for
larger pairs, use the bottom of the sweater
for the mitten cuff.
Have the child place his hand, with his
fingers close together, and his thumb
slightly apart, on a piece of paper. Trace
around his hand and about two inches
down his wrist, leaving about one inch all
around for the seam. (See illustration.)
Place the paper pattern with the wrist
part on the cuff of the sweater and cut
around the pattern.
Put the two right sides together to sew
and make nice straight seams.
If you can adjust the stitches on your
machine, make them as small as possible
to insure against unraveling.
Page 204
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A sure way of keeping alive the valuable instruc-
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Mail or bring the editions you wish bound to the
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Page 206
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*Also see ad in March ERA.
Page 207
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Los Angeles, California
Mrs. Ellen K. Lyman
Logandale, Nevada
Mrs. Suzzanaii Wagstaff McGhie
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Catherine Heggie Griffiths
Clarkston, Utah
Mrs. Lettie Austin Southwick
Lehi, Utah
Mrs. Louisa Hunt Jacobson
St. George, Utah
Mrs. Elizabeth O. Rawlins
Paradise, Utah
Mrs. Eliza Fackrell
Blackfoot, Idaho
Mrs. Ellen Miller
Blackfoot, Idaho
Mrs. Sophia Elizabeth Cramm
St. Paul, Minnesota
Mrs. Mary Hawkins Mitton
Berkeley, California
Mrs. Anena Simonsen Petty
Emery, Utah
Mrs. Ella Larson Brown
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Edith Anderson Dahl
Midvale, Utah
Mrs. Sarah Arthur Nelson
La Mesa, California
Mrs. Julia Angell Knudson
Provo, Utah
Mrs. Catherine Hutchinson Harris
Salt Lake City, Utah
Page 208
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VOL 48 NO. 4
APRIL 1961
Special Short Story Issue
cJoo S\s?ift the Lyurve
Eva WilJes Wangsgaard
New April rides again the curve of light;
Gay crocuses tip cups of last year's sun.
Ground-peeping green of blade has pierced the height
Of maple's apex, mottling winter's dun;
Old diligence has found the new bee's wing.
Voice comes again to air, a higher reach
Re-blues the sky, sharp urgencies of spring
Curve eager leaf and petal each to each.
The annual ferris wheel is on the turn.
Quince, lilac, almond seek the upward thrill
To touch the arc of hunger's highest burn.
Indifferent to hidden downward chill.
Forever circling, April round to March —
Too swift the curve, white ice beneath the arch.
The Cover: Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah
Color Transparency by Hal Riimel
Frontispiece: Mount Timpanogos, Utah, in Springtime
Photograph by Ansel Nohr
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
CJrom I Lear and c/c
I appreciate very much the fine address
of Elder Marion G. Romney in the Feb-
ruary issue of The Relief Socitty Maga-
zine 'The Rewards of Welfare Service."
I think Mabel Harmer's continued story
"Love Is Enough" is most interesting and
so well written. The story ''My Own
Stove, My Own Table," by Sarah O. Moss
is tender, indeed. Of course, I read the
entire Magazine and enjoyed it over and
— Frances C. Yost
Bancroft, Idaho
Yesterday I received my copy of the
January Magazine, and the first thing I
did was to read the first prize story
("Grafted" by Hope M. Williams). . . .
It brought tears to my eyes to read such
a touching story.
— Margene Stringham
Logan, Utah
It thrilled me to the heart to read "My
Third Grandma" (by Ilene H. Kingsbur}')
in the September, October, and Novem-
ber i960 issues of The Relief Society
Magazine, because it is the story of my own
dear Grandma Morgan. Older people
than I here in Beaver have recalled that
the author must be Ilene Hanks Kings-
bury who lived next door to Grandma
— Erma White Kerksiek
Beaver, Utah
I loved the Magazine cover for Janu-
ary by Claire Noall. The Magazine is my
— Ida Isaacson
Salt Lake City, Utah
I like our Keliei Society Magazine very
much. It is a very lovely periodical. The
stories and the poems are all good reading
and of the highest quality. Then there
are the religious parts of the Magazine,
and they are all for the benefit of making
Latter-day Saints live better and help us
to remember the promises we made when
we became members of the Church.
— Susannah Sharp Crashaw
Hermosa Beach, California
Page 210
I just love your beautiful Magazine with
such wonderful colors and scenes for the
covers, also the poems and short stories
and cooking hints. I enjoy every minute
of reading this Magazine. I bless the day
that my sister-in-law Gladys Wray had the
wonderful thought of sending the Maga-
zine to me. I am not a member of your
wonderful Church, but I do know you
have wonderful people \\ho belong.
— O. M. \\ ra\
Mold, Flintshire
North ^^'ales
British Isles
I must write and tell vou how much I
love the covers in color on the Magazine.
They are so beautiful. The October i960
cover is especially dazzling. It makes me
feel as if I were reallv standing on a hill
looking at the scene m\'self.
—Nora O. Cnkhvell
Grantsville, Utah
Being recentlv con\erted to this won-
derful faith, I \\ould like to tell you of
my luck. While reading one of The Re-
hef Society Magazines. I noted that no
back numbers could be obtained. Well,
I was fortunate to receixe twenty-two
Magazines from Sister E\'e England, and
her daughter has sent me a Christmas gift
of a year's subscription. I have enjoyed
reading these books and very much like
the recipes. The lessons are an inspira-
tion, and there is so much that a new
member can learn about the Church. The
covers are beautiful.
—Mrs. C. Nell
South Africa
Yesterday I came across the December
Relief Society Magazine. It was coverless,
for I had removed the beautiful painting
of the Madonna, to keep, but I saw again
the frontispiece poem with its haunting
lines, and I remembered how I had en-
joyed it, and the Frances Yost story
"Grandma's Surprise Packages," and the
other nice things in the Magazine.
— Dorothy J. Roberts
Salt Lake Cit^/, Utah- •
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford -._-_. . President
Marianne C. Sharp ----- - First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen ----- Second Counselor
Hulda Parker . . . . . Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Fanny S. Kienitz
Edith S. Elliott Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Elizabeth B. Winters
Florence J. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron LaRue H. Rosell
Leone G. Layton Charlotte A. Larsen Afton W. Hunt Jennie R. Scott
Blanche B. Stoddard Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Alice L. Wilkinson
Evon W. Peterson Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen LaPriel S. Bunker
Aleine M. Young Manwaring Elsa T. Peterson Irene W. Buehner
Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Irene B. Woodford
Editor -_--------- - Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor ---------- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ---------- Belle S. Spafford
VOL. 48 APRIL 1961 NO. 4
y^on tents
Search for Knowledge and Understanding Joseph Fielding Smith 212
Cancer Is Everybody's Business Wallace W. Tudor 241
The Locust Tree Shall Bloom Again Pauline L. Jensen 242
Room for Jenny Dorothy S. Romney 217
Stranger in Their Midst Jeanne J. Larson 224
"I'm Soiry for Your Flowers" Iris W. Schow 230
The Ogre on Alden Street Barbara Williams 245
The Cellar Jerry Barlow 253
The Best-Laid Plans Maude Proctor 257
Love Is Enough — Chapter 4 Mabel Harmer 261
From Near and Far 210
Sixty Years Ago 236
Woman s Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 23'7
Editorial; "All Things Shall Be Restored" Vesta P. Crawford 238
Marie Curtis Richards Released From the General Board 239
National Library Week 240
Notes to the Field: Lesson Previews to Appear in the June Issue
of The Relief Society Magazine 240
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 267
Birthday Congratulations 280
"Hath the Rain a Father?" LaVerda Bullock White 244
Elvina J. Homer's Hobby Is Family History and Genealogical Work 251
Life Is Fissionable Leona Fetzer Wintch 252
Something Different for Dinner 256
Pioneer Kitchen Alice R. Rich 273
Kicking the Rock Celia Luce 274
Rejuvenation Cleo J. Johnson 275
The Antidote Cynthia M. Trunnell 276
On Second Thought Stella Hatch 278
Too Swift the Curve Eva Willes Wangsgaard 209
Lost Beauty, by Mabel Law Atkinson, 216; Except for the Daisies, by Mabel Jones Gabbott, 222;
Forever the Fragile Lily, by Blanche Kendall McKey, 223; Spring Day, by Christie Lund Coles,
229; Almond Blossoms, by Annie Atkin Tanner, 241; Mountain Springtime, by Rowena Jensen
Bills, 243- Tired Warrior, by Margery S. Stewart, 250; Follow a Star, by Grace Barker Wilson,
252; A Daughter's Prayer, by Billie Sue Nickle Coffin, 260; Prayer of a Second Wife, Vesta
Nickerscn Fairbairn, 266; The Big and the Little by Maude Rubin, 274; Morning Promise, by
Leah W. Kimball 279; For April's Sake, by Ida Elaine James, 280.
Copyright 1961 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
Subscriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
20c a copy ; payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8. 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 21 1
Search for Knowledge and
President Joseph Fielding Smith
Of the Council of the Twehe
[Address delivered nt the Annual General Relief Society Conference, October 5, i960]
want to say a word of apprecia-
tion and thanks to these good
sisters who came all the way
from the Big Horn to sing to us. It
is lovely and I want them to know
that we appreciate it. I would like
to say, too, that Sister Smith and I
have been guests in the home of Mr.
Ilamblin, the author of this wonder-
ful anthem. He has written some
of the best sacred music of anybody
that I have any knowledge of. I wish
we could get him in the Church.
Now, contrary to what I usually
do, I have chosen a text that I am
going to read to you. It is from the
19th Psalm:
The law of the Lord is perfect, convert-
ing the soul: the testimony of the Lord is
sure, making wise the simple.
The statutes of the Lord are right, re-
joicing the heart: the commandment of
the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring
for ever: the judgments of the Lord are
true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gokl,
yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also
than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant
warned: and in keeping of them there is
great reward.
Who can understand his errors?
cleanse thou me from secret faults.
Keep back thy servant also from pre-
sumptuous sins; let them not have domin-
ion over me: then shall I be upright, and
I shall be innocent from the great trans-
Page 212
Let the words of niv mouth, and the
meditation of mv lieart, be acceptable in
thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my
redeemer (Psalms 19:7-14).
That is one of the most beautiful
psalms in all the psalms that have
been written, that have come down
to us. The people today, I think
many of them at least, have varied,
incorrect ideas about these old
prophets. They were poets and they
had inspiration, and how the spirit
of the Lord had touched their souls
has come down to us in these words
that have been preserved. How
grateful we ought to be that some of
these very choice instructions,
prayers uttered from the sincerity of
the hearts of men who believed in
God, have come down to us. I
wonder how much we appreciate
Now these men that wrote were
prophets. Many of the psalms were
written by David. David was a good
man at heart. He made one very
serious error that will stand against
him even unto the judgment day.
But in deep humility, he sorely re-
pented, so in sincerity of his humil-
ity and when I read these words,
I can't help but feel the greatest
sympathy for this great man.
But what I want to talk to you
about is not the fact that these
ancient prophets had the inspira-
tion and poured out their souls in
prayer, but I want to call attention teachers, I can understand how they
to the counsels that they gave to us. so frequently became careless and
Now when this psalm was written, indifferent and forgot the command-
there was no Bible. The Israelites ments of the Lord. And so the
had copies of the Five Books of Lord had to send his prophets
Moses, and they had some few other among them every little while to stir
writings, but they were not dis- them up to remembrance of the
tributed generally. They were in covenants they had made,
manuscript form and mostly in the You know when they had come
hands of the priests. out of Egypt and had crossed the
Jordan, Joshua had them build the
T^HE members of the Church were monument of stone in memory of
not fortunate enough to have their deliverance and their coming
copies of the scriptures in their pos- into the promised land — the land
session. They listened to the in- that had been given to /Kbraham
structions that were given to them, as an eternal possession — and so to
They were taught to be humble and build the monument to keep the
faithful before the Lord, to pray, to people reminded of their great bless-
worship properly, but they did not ings and of their deliverance, they all
have the opportunity to sit down took a covenant that they would
at their tent doors or their porches teach the words of the Lord. They
and pick up the scriptures and read would be true to his covenants and
them. Those privileges were denied remember them, but it was not long
them because they were not to be after this that they began to forget,
had. I can see a little more occasion for
There came a time when there them forgetting than there is for us
was a period that no scripture was in our da v. In fact, I see no occa-
had among them. The scriptures sion for us to forget. How greatly
had become lost, and then one day blessed we are!
in the cleaning of the temple, the
scriptures were found and were "IV OW, it isn't necessary for us to
brought to the king. They had a -^^ go to meeting to hear the word
righteous king on the throne at that of the Lord, to hear somebodv read
time, and he rejoiced and called his from the scriptures. We are not
people together and reiterated to depending upon the elders and the
them the commandments that the priests of the Church to instruct us.
Lord had given him, because they Now, the Israelites were, more or
were forgetting them, and so they less, more than less, because they
made new covenants. did not have these meetings at hand,
When I read these beautiful say- and when I think of them turning
ings that have come down to us away and forgetting, then, there
and think of the circumstances un- comes into my mind a little feeling
der which they were written, and of sympathy for those poor people.
the scarcity of copies and the need Our memories are more or less short,
of the people at large to depend if we do not keep ever^'thing in
upon the teachings that came to mind at all times. And when thev
them through their scribes and only heard the word of the Lord
occasionally, they could not sit down
in their homes and open the scrip-
tures and read the commandments
of the Lord. Mavbe I ought to be
a little more charitable to them for
their disobedience.
Now it is different with us. There
is not a home in any part of the
world where the Bible should not
be found. There is not a home
where The Book of Mormon should
not be found. I am speaking of the
Latter-day Saint families. There is
no home where The Doctrine and
Covenants and The Pearl of Great
Price should not be. Not necessarily
on the shelves or in the cupboard,
but opened where they can be easily
reached, and the members of the
family might find access to them
and sit down and read and study the
principles of the gospel for them-
seh'cs. Now it is possible with us
anywhere, in any stake or ward or
branch of this Church, and yet, my
good brothers and sisters, I am
indeed sorrowful in mv thinking
because of the lack on the part of
the members of this Church to
search for knowledge and under-
standing. While all these things
are before us, we can have them.
There isn't anybody in the
Church who could not have in
printed form the revelations of the
Lord, the history of Israel, the
words of our Redeemer as recorded
in the four gospels, the writings of
the apostles of old, as far as they
have come to us. Thev are acces-
sible and they ought to be in every
home, and they ought to be avail-
able where we can find them, where
we could sit down when we have a
few minutes to spare and read a
chapter and a few verses and keep
ourselves posted.
Now, why am I talking like this?
I am going to tell you why. Fool-
ishly, maybe, I accepted a re-
sponsibility of answering ques-
tions and having them pub-
lished, many of them. Well, I don't
publish all that I get by any means.
In fact, I don't answer them all be-
cause I can't, there are too many
of them. But what is astonishing
to me is the nature of some of the
questions that some of the members
of the Church write to me about,
which, if thev would turn to their
Standard Works and spend just a
little time studying them, they
would not have to ask the questions,
because they are all answered, and
the Lord has given them to us. Yet,
I will have the same question com-
ing to me over and over again, even
after it has been published as an
answer to a question.
I feel that the Latter-day Saints
— our sisters as well as our brethren,
many of them, are under condem-
nation before the Lord because he
has given us so much pertaining to
our present needs and our salvation,
and yet the great majority of us, if I
have the right understanding of us,
we don't study, and we don't hunt
for these things and we don't know
about them, and so we are in danger
— danger of being led astray.
A BOVE all else, we ought to live
the truth. That is, the truth of
the gospel of Jesus Christ. That
ought to be the choicest thing in all
of the world, and why not? These
words are so beautiful here:
More to be desired are they than gold,
yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also
than honey and the honeycomb (Psalms
How many of us feel that way?
Are they sweet to us hke that? Well,
sisters, if they are not, we have no-
body to blame but ourselves. In the
Lord's preface to The Doctrine and
Covenants — his own preface, one
that he dictated, speaking of those
revelations — we find in The Doc-
trine and Covenants he says:
"Search these commandments, for
they are true and faithful, and the
prophecies and promises which are
in them shall be fulfilled") D & C
1:37). Well, I get so many ques-
tions sent to me that are simple
and that are answered completely
in those revelations which we are
commanded to search, and as I say,
I answer them and they are pub-
lished and here within a week, a
month, after they are published,
this question comes back again.
Now, you think I am complaining
don't you? I am not complaining.
I am only calling attention to one of
our responsibilities as mothers and
fathers and as children.
Now I will ask you this question,
and you can answer it to yourself,
who should have a better under-
standing of the fundamental prin-
ciples of the gospel than the mother
in the home? Well, I don't know
of anybody. Why? Because she is
with those little children of hers
more than the father, if she is doing
her duty she is, and they come to
her with their questions. They
come to her knee, and that is why
she ought to instruct them. She
would make a far better job of it
than the father can, and I am not
excusing the father. It is as much
his responsibility to see that the
children are raised in light and
truth as the Lord has said. The Lord
has placed that responsibility upon
us. He has made it so definite, and
he also gave us a warning that it
is the fathers and mothers of chil-
dren who will have to answer if their
children go wrong, if they have neg-
lected those responsibilities.
I am not finding fault with any
of you good sisters here, and what
I am saying maybe doesn't apply to
a single one of you, because you are
the women who are active. You
are the women who arc teaching and
directing. I am not talking to vou
particularly, but to the sisters of all
of the Church and to the fathers of
all of the Church, for that matter.
When you go into the homes to
visit, can't you do something to en-
courage the mothers to teach their
children, to read the scriptures to
them, and bring them up as the
Lord has said in light and truth.
I am going to read another pas-
sage to you. The Lord said in the
last days he was going to make a
covenant with Israel. He has made
it, but I want to read these verses to
Behold, the clays come, saith the Lord,
that I will make a new covenant with the
house of Israel, and with the house of
Not according to the covenant that I
made with their fathers in the day that
I took them by the hand to bring them
out of the land of Egvpt; which my co\e-
nant they brake, although I was an hus-
band unto them, saith the Lord:
But this shall be the coxenant that I
will make with the house of Israel; After
those days, saith the Lord, I will put my
law in their inward parts, and write it in
their hearts; and will be their God, and
they shall be my people.
And they shall teach no more e\ery
man his neighbour, and c\ery man his
brother, saying. Know the Lord: for they
shall all know me, from the least of them
unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord:
for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will
remember their sin no more (Jeremiah
"IVrOW, I am just foolish enough,
maybe, to behcve the Lord has
given us the covenant that he
2)romised. Where do we get it? In
the House of the Lord, but we don't
want you going into the House of
the Lord, or anybody going there
to reeeive a covenant, unless he in-
tends to keep it. Now, I don't be-
lieve I quite finished that, did I?
Well, that is enough anyway. The
Lord has given us the covenant and
we are not to break it. We are to
keep the covenants, so the time will
come when it will not be necessary
for anyone to teach his neighbor.
For as the Lord says, '*. . . they
shall all know me, from the least of
them to the greatest of them. . . J*
Oh, if we could just get to that
Sister Smith went with me to a
stake conference. The president of
that stake put his people under a
covenant that they would read The
Book of Mormon. They are going
to do it piecemeal. That is — so
many chapters a quarter, and then
during that quarter they were to
write to him and tell him that they
had finished the assignment, and
then he would give them another
one until they had finished The
Book of Mormon through the year.
Sister Smith took that covenant,
along with the others, not because
she had to read The Book of Mor-
mon, because I happen to know that
she has read it and had been reading
it constantly, but she took that cove-
nant, and she is carrying it through
and reporting to that stake presi-
dent, and she is right up on her
lessons, going through The Book of
Mormon again.
Now, you sisters, when you go
home, teach your good sisters in the
stakes to have a little more interest
in revelations the Lord has given us
pertaining to our exaltation. Now
forgive me for taking all this time.
The Lord bless you in the name of
Jesus Christ, Amen.
JLost Ujeautii
Mabel Law Atkinson
Yearning to seale far mountain heights,
Idly I dreamed. . . . Now with regrets
I think of hills I might have climbed —
Near hills, with violets.
Room for Jenny
Dorothy S. Roniney
HOW beautiful it is here on the
hilltop, Laura thought, sus-
pended between the blue of
the lake and the blue of the sky.
She felt completely detached, as
though she belonged to neither sea
nor sky nor troubled world.
She knew that in a matter of
moments she would have to leave
her retreat and return to the house
by the side of the lake and face her
problems. She fervently hoped that
today she would find strength, so
that Tom could look upon her with
pride when he returned home to-
morrow night.
She could hear the chug-chug of
the launch, and realized that it was
later than she had supposed. She
gathered up her sun hat and the
book she had brought to read, and
then had left untouched.
As she made her way down the
uneven path, she thought wryly,
how much easier life would be if I
could leave my memories here on
the hilltop in the bright sunlight,
where they could fly away as swiftly
as the huge golden butterfly now
taking wing. No, that isn't quite
what I want either, she quickly de-
cided, only to live with them in
She could see over the tops of the
shrubbery growing beside the path
that Lafe had already tied the
launch to the pier. She stopped and
watched as he turned to help Tom's
new handyman from the boat. She
knew from the letter he had writ-
ten in answer to the ad, that he
was an older man than Tom had
wanted, but with the small wage
Tom could afford to pay, it had
been the best he could do.
Then Laura saw Lafe assist a
third person from the boat. She
pressed her handkerchief to her eyes
and looked again! Her heart stood
still. It was a little girl. She could
see in the bright sunlight that the
child had red hair, braided in two
pigtails that hung down over her
shoulders. Even from that distance,
Laura could see that the girl was too
pale and too thin — and, oh, yes,
she noted, with a catch in her throat,
she had a brace on her left leg.
Laura's first reaction was to sit
down right where she was and weep,
and then she remembered her vow
to conduct herself with courage.
Who is this forlorn looking child?
she asked herself. She thought of
her own Cherie, with golden curls
and rosv checks, and then remem-
bered the emptv room, the bed
made up with a bright counterpane,
dolls in their appointed places, sun-
ny yellow ruffled curtains making
the windows bright. A room that
Cherie would ne\er see again.
Probably someone Lafe has
brought o\er for the day to \'isit his
girls, she reasoned, as she continued
on her wav.
The child was smiling as she
walked slightly ahead of the two
men, her left foot dragging ever so
little o\'er the une\cn path.
'Taura, this is Mr. Peters, vour
new man," Lafe said, as soon as
they were within speaking distance.
*'IIow do, JMa'am," Mr. Peters
Page 217
said, putting down one of his bags,
and extending his hand.
"\\'elcome, Mr. Peters." Laura
tried to make her voice sound cheer-
ful. "We need you around here."
CHE waited for Lafe to explain the
presence of the child, but he did
Finally, Mr. Peters turned to the
little girl. ''And this here is Jenny,
my granddaughter, Ma'am," he
said. "The lady who had her care
took sick yesterday. Fm her only
kin," he stated flatly.
Laura stood very still for a mo-
ment. "I suppose she has come for
a visit," she said.
"No, Ma'am," Mr. Peters replied
in a quiet but determined voice,
"Jenny will have to live here, or I
can't take the job."
If only Tom were here, thought
Laura, desperately, and then remem-
bered that it was time she started
making her own decisions again.
She had leaned on Tom's strength
long enough.
Both men were waiting for her
to speak. The smile had left Jen-
ny's face, and she looked frightened.
"Come into the house, all of you,"
said Laura, "and Fll fix some
"Fll have to be getting along,"
Lafe told her. "Got some post-
holes to dig."
"Thanks, Lafe, for taking time
off — I know how busy you are,"
Laura said. "Tell Nora to walk
over later, if she has time."
"You're welcome, Laura," Lafe
answered gently. "Call me any time
that Tom is away." He turned and
started along the path toward home,
then stopped and waved his hand.
^I'll tell Nora," he called back.
"Come along," said Laura, and led
the way to the house, thinking as
she went how patient Nora and Lafe
had been with her in her grief.
They were the onlv neighbors
here on the "point of land." Tom,
as head of the section's forest con-
servation, spent much of his time
in the mountains. Laura needed
the friendship and understanding of
her neighbors.
She stopped when she came to
Mr. Peter's quarters, a bedroom and
bath, detached from the main
"You go right in and wash up,"
she told him. "Then come into the
kitchen. Fll have lunch readv."
She didn't offer to take Jennv's
bag into the house. Her thoughts
were in a turmoil. The onlv pos-
sible place in the house where they
could put a child was in Cherie's
room, and Laura's mind refused to
accept this.
As soon as they entered the kitch-
en, the little girl dropped down on
a low stool. Laura heard a faint
sigh. She walked to the refrig-
erator and poured a glass of milk and
handed it to Jenny, who took it in
both hands and sipped it slowlv.
Mr. Peters knocked on the kitch-
en door before entering. He looked
anxiouslv at Jenny.
"Fler leg gets tired," he stated
"Yes, I suppose it does," Laura
said. "Sit down. Lunch will be
ready in a minute."
CHE took the empty glass from
Jenny's hand and led her into
the bathroom, where she washed
the child's face and hands. Jenny
watched her silently, her eyes large.
The meal was pleasant enough.
Mr. Peters seemed eager to please,
asking Laura all about his work. She
explained that his job would be to
keep the buildings in repair. He
would also cultivate a small garden
that supplied their fresh vegetables,
and make an occasional trip into the
mountains beyond when Tom need-
ed an assistant.
Jenny ate little, and kept her eyes
on Laura's face throughout the meal.
''About Jenny," Mr. Peters said,
when he had excused himself and
risen from the table. "Does she
Laura nodded. 'Tor the present,"
she said, ''but Til have to speak to
Tom, my husband, about any perma-
nent arrangement."
Mr. Peters looked crestfallen, and
Laura immediately regretted the re-
mark. Besides, she had only this
morning promised herself she
would no longer lean on Tom's
strength. It had been almost a year
since Cherie's death from rheu-
matic fever, a tragedy as inevitable
on the mainland as here on the
island, the doctor had told them.
"Lll bring Jenny's bag, and then
get right to work," Mr. Peters said.
npHAT evening shortly after din-
ner, Laura was faced with the
ordeal of putting Jenny to bed.
During the past lonely, empty
months she had studiouslv avoided
children, refusing to walk to the
Jackson place, pointedly inviting
Nora to come alone when she vis-
ited. The two families had tra\'eled
to Church meetings together form-
erly, a short trip of half an hour
in Tom's fast launch, making a hap-
py group. Now Tom and Laura
went alone.
Laura reluctantly led Jenny into
Cherie's bedroom. Its walls were
pale green, Cherie's favorite color.
Low white shelves held the tovs and
picture books, with the dolls seated
in a prim row on top of the shelf.
"You will sleep here," Laura said,
carefully folding the counterpane,
and going to the closet for a hca\y
blanket. "But, remember, it's not
\ov\x room, and you mustn't touch
anything." Laura's words were
scarcely audible.
Jenny nodded. Her eyes grew e\cn
more saucerlike at the sight of the
"But who lives here?" she asked,
in a whisper.
"It belongs to my own little girl.
She — she's not here any more."
"Are those her pretty clothes,
too?" Jenny asked, looking into the
open closet.
"Yes," said Laura.
The brace stayed on, Jennv in-
formed her, and Laura helped the
child into bed and tucked her in
warmly. Jenny immediateh' closed
her eyes, and as Laura looked down
on her a feeling of tenderness swept
over her. She closed the door soft-
ly, leaned against it and wept. It
was the first time in months that
she had been able to cry.
T^HE next day was a hard one for
Laura. Jenny, she decided, was
the most silent child she had e\'cr
seen — so unlike Cherie, \\"ho had
been constantly chattering. She
longed for the close of dav that
would bring Tom home.
The little girl seemed content to
sit quietly in the sun. Laura staved
inside and went about her house-
work. Shortlv after lunch she heard
Nora's voice on the patio.
"IIcllo. You're Jenny, aren't
''Yes," the child answered.
"Do vou hke to sit in the sun?"
asked Nora.
"Yes, Ma'am," said Jenny.
Nora came into the kitchen, then,
tapping Hghtly on the screen door
and calHng out a greeting before
entering. She sat down at the
kitchen table.
"The poor little thing," she said.
"She looks half starved — and lone-
"She'll be well fed — as long as
she is here," Laura said, and saw her
neighbor raise a questioning eyebrow
in her direction, as if to say, "But
how long will that be?"
They talked of other things for
awhile, then Nora said, "I must go,
Laura. Why don't you let Jenny
come home with me and play with
Lila and Sue? I have the truck and
ril bring her back after dinner to-
Laura con-
"She might as well.
sented, relief sho\^ing in her voice.
"Fll look through her suitcase and
sec if I can find something more
suitable for her to wear."
Nora's girls always looked so fresh
and pretty, Laura reminded herself.
It \^ould be a shame to have Jenny
go in that dark, ill-fitting cotton
But she found nothing. The child
seemed possessed of only the barest
of \\ardrobes. Laura, after a hasty
decision, walked to the closet. She
chose a dress — one that Cherie
hadn't liked too well. She called
Jenny and buttoned her into it.
Jenny looked down at the soft
blue material of the dress, smoothed
her fingers over the skirt, and said
earnestly, "Fll be very careful with
it, Ma'am."
Laura nodded, her heart too full
to venture a reply. I wish she
wouldn't call me "Ma'am," she
thought, it sounds so unfriendly.
Then she remembered that she had
gi\'en Jenny no reason to think her
anything but unfriendly.
She waved at Jenny and Nora
from the patio, as Lafe's old truck
disappeared around the first curve
in the road.
JENNY was fast asleep and her
grandfather already in his quar-
ters, when Tom reached home. He
looked tired as he came through the
kitchen door. Laura told him that
his new handyman had arrived, and
also that he had brought his grand-
daughter with him.
"Fll be glad to have some help
tomorrow," he commented.
He took a bath, then ate the din-
ner Laura set before him, and re-
tired early.
"It's wonderful to be home again
where I can sleep in a bed," he told
The next morning when Laura
awoke, the sun was well up in the
sky. It had been a long time since
she had slept so late.
Tom was gone. Laura caught up
a housecoat, put it on, and went
into the kitchen.
Tom was seated at the breakfast
table, a hearty meal before him.
Across from him sat Jenny, her hair
neatly combed and iDraidcd in the
customary pigtails, wearing the same
ill-fitting, dark gingham dress of
yesterday morning. There was a
difference, however, Laura noted
with quickened heartbeat — a big
difference. Jenny was actually chat-
tcring, and Tom was listening with
both ears, and chuckUng every once
in awhile.
Laura stood still, not daring to
Just then Jenny looked up and
saw her. The chattering ceased,
and Jenny's eves grew saucer round.
"Tom, you're up," said Laura,
then turned to Jenny. ''Good morn-
ing, Jenny.''
"Good morning. Ma'am," the
child answered.
"Jenny and I cooked breakfast for
her grandfather," Tom told Laura,
and smiled at Jenny as he said it.
But there was no smile in return.
Jenny cast down her eyes, picked up
her fork, and slowly started eating
her omelet.
In the days that followed, Laura
found that Tom had completely
lost his heart to Jenny. She would
find them chatting and laughing on
the patio, or at the breakfast table
"You know, Laura," he said to
her one day, after the child had
gone down to the boat landing with
her grandfather, "we could take
Jenny into the city this fall and have
a doctor look at that leg. It isn't
too late to do something about it."
"That isn't our responsibilitv,"
she answered, "and besides, she
won't be here this fall."
Tom gave her a long look, and
Laura found herself coloring under
his gaze. "I'm sure her grandfather
wouldn't object," he said, quietly.
"He is very much concerned over
her future."
Laura had made one concession,
however. She \\as letting Jenny
wear Chcrie's dresses, all but the
very special ones.
But there were other problems
confronting her. She had often seen
Jenny look longingly at the toys in
Cherie's room. She supposed she
should store them away, but she
couldn't as yet bring herself to do
this, nor could she tell Jenny they
were hers to play with as she wished.
One afternoon, shortly after Tom
and Mr. Peters had left on a two-
dav mountain trip, Jenny was
taking her nap when Laura felt
loneliness closing in on her.
She was reading in front of the
big picture window in the living
room, and noted that it had sudden-
Iv grown darker. Yes, the sky was
full of rain clouds.
She'd ha\e to hurry and close the
window in Chcrie's room or the
curtains would be ruined. She
walked down the hall, opened the
bedroom door quietly. The bed had
not been slept on. Jenny was not
there, and neither was the prettiest
of Chcrie's dolls.
"She promised not to touch any-
thing," Laura cried angrily. "Chcr-
ie's favorite doll. . . ." She was
remembering her daughter's head of
golden curls bent lovingly over the
cradle as she put the doll to bed
each night.
She heard a patter of rain on the
roof. "Where can the child be?"
she asked herself softly. Pain stabbed
at her heart — if Jenny should get
wet and get pneumonia. . . .
She hurriedly took a raincoat for
herself and a heavier coat for Jennv
from the hall closet. She walked
rapidly around the house calling,
"Jenny, Jenny." She looked in Mr.
Peters' quarters. Jenny was not
"Oh, where can she be?" Laura
cried again.
She could get a clear view of the
surrounding territory from the hill-
top. Her footsteps rushed up the
But there were no signs of move-
ment in either direction. She tried
to see if the launch was tied to its
pier, but the heavy rain obscured
her view.
Could Jenny have untied the boat
and be out on the lake? Laura's
feet fairly flew along the path.
Halfway to the boat house she
caught a glimpse of pink near the
water's edge. Jenny had been wear-
ing a pink dress when she went in
for her nap. Swiftly Laura covered
the remaining ground.
Jenny was there all right, standing
forlornly in the rain, clutching the
doll tightly. Her once fluffy skirt
clung damply to her thin figure.
"What are you doing here?"
Laura cried.
Jenny looked up, but said noth-
''What are you doing here?"
Laura repeated.
She walked over, took the sodden
doll from Jenny's arms, and draped
the coat around her shoulders.
'Ton promised not to touch any-
thing," Laura accused.
Jenny was beginning to cry. 'Tm
sorry. Ma'am," she said. "The doll
was lonesome without anyone to
play with. I was taking her to find
your little girl."
T AURA was on her knees, oblivi-
ous of the dampness, her arms
closed about Jenny. Her tormented
face lay against the child's, their
tears mingling with the rain.
"Oh, Jenny, Jenny," Laura mur-
mured. "You're safe. I was so
frightened — so afraid something
had happened to you."
She gave Jenny a tight little hug.
How good it felt to hold a child in
her arms again. No one could ever
take Cherie's place in her heart, but
she had just discovered that there
was room for Jenny, too.
After a moment, Laura said, her
voice breaking, "You won't let the
dolls get lonesome again will you?
Cherie would like you to take care
of them, I know."
Jenny nodded, understandingly.
"Fll be very good to them. Ma'am,"
she said. And for the first time
Laura could remember, Jenny
smiled at her.
"And could you please, please
quit calling me 'Ma'am?' Suppose
you call me Aunt Laura."
"Could I maybe call you Mom-
mie?" the child whispered, her eyes
downcast again.
"Oh, darling, would you?" Laura
looked down at the brace on the
little girl's leg. "Tom is right, it
isn't too late to have something
done about that leg. It isn't too
late, at all."
The rain had stopped as sudden-
ly as it had begun. The once dull,
leaden sky became immediately
shafted with gold. Laura looked
about her. I'he shadows were
swiftly fading away. How wonder-
ful to see the world looking so
bright and new. She looked dowai
at Jennv. Ller face was radiant.
"Let's go home, darling," she
Hand in hand, they walked to-
ward the house.
the cyrague
Blanche Kendall McKey
Josef Muench
The epochs and the dynasties have passed away.
And yet you are as fresh this Easter day
As any hly that has held the morning dew.
The proud procession of the years,
The yearning hearts, the boisterous cheers,
Are gone; and httle in their shadowed splendor
Is more fair than your recurrent rendezvous.
So brief your hour and yet you live forevermore,
With vour perfume and your whiteness and your youth'.!
I feel the cyclic rhythm of the truth
That though you cannot stay.
You will come again when skies are blue.
For many, and yet many, an April day!
Why should one mourn lost life, lost history,
Wlien you transcend death's solemn mystery?
Page 223
Stranger in Their Midst
Jeanne J. Larson
THE kitchen was warm and over in Wyoming, his desires and
cozy, the yellow checked cur- ambitions, and, at the end, his love
tains in the breakfast nook for Margaretta.
picked up the glow of the noonday Not by word or deed had he re-
sun. The satisfying aroma of fresh vealed it before. Could she possi-
bread pervaded the air. bly feel the same about him? he
'Tou're getting to be a fine cook/' wondered. Could she? Could she?
Bob said, as he buttered another hot She had fairly bubbled over upon
roll. "Fm proud of you." reading the letter. It was the same
Margaretta felt herself blushing glow she felt now as he patted her
at the unaccustomed praise from her arm and complimented her cooking,
reticent, unemotional husband. She As the phone rang, she struggled
felt almost like a bride again. * out of her narrow window seat. Bob
She looked at Bob with pride and continued his meal, eating witli rcl-
love, this big farm boy with the ish, but hurriedly, in order to finish
auburn hair who had captured her plowing the one remaining field
interest the first time he tracted at before dark.
her large home on the outskirts of ''Who was it?" He looked up as
Curityba, the prosperous German Margaretta returned to the kitchen,
community in southern Brazil. He 'It was Betty. She wanted us to
had captured her parents' interest, go to their house tonight for dessert
also, because of his sincerity and his and an evening with the ex-mission-
dedication to his missionary work, aries."
Because of the message which he "Swell," he said with enthusiasm
brought them, one by one, the as he stood up and strode toward
Mueller family had been converted, the back door. "What time?"
first by Bob Hillman, and then by Margaretta hesitated. "About
subsequent missionaries who took seven," she said. How should she
his place. tell him? "I . . ." she hesitated
There had been a special meet- again. "I told her you would go,
ing and farewell for Bob and three but that I didn't feel much like
other missionaries in the Sao Paulo going out any more and \\ ould prob-
Mission home upon completion of ably remain at home."
their service for the Church, but "What!" Bob paused with his
Margaretta and her family had lived hand on the knob. "Don't be silly,
too far away to attend. Those girls have all had babies.
It was three weeks later that she You're not unique." His voice was
received a letter postmarked from a gruff, and then suddenly he strode
little town she had never heard of over to her at the sink and put his
in Wyoming. Bob had written the arms around her. "You're the
letter with care, mentioning his re- prettiest expectant mother I've ever
turn home, the farm he was taking seen. You put on your best bib and
Poge 224
tucker and we're going to Betty's."
He tipped up her chin to force her
to look at him. ''Okay?"
''Well. . . ."
"No 'wells' about it. Promise,"
he said. Then he kissed her and
was gone.
CHE filled the dishpan with hot
suds. Bob loved her, she knew,
and his gruflPncss had been because
he was hurt at her not wanting to
go with him. Perhaps she was
wrong in not telling him how she
felt, letting him think that it was
because of her condition, when ac-
tually it was because she was a
stranger in their midst. She
couldn't bring herself to tell him
how alone she felt at the parties,
abandoned the minute they walked
in the door. The men, who had so
much in common besides their mis-
sionary years together, always con-
gregated at one end of the living
room and the women immediately
gravitated toward the kitchen, chat-
tering about problems of their chil-
dren, music lessons, P.T.A., Cub
Scouts, and Little League. Marga-
rctta had nothing to contribute to
such topics; so she sat alone, alone
in the kitchen while the women
chatted, alone because she was too
shv to enter into their conversations,
or alone in the li\ing room as the
men's group reminisced in Portu-
guese of their rewarding missionary
As Margaretta wiped the drain-
board clean and gave each cupboard
door a final tap to close it securely,
she felt the loneliness welling up
inside her, longing for her family
and friends in Curityba, never once
in those days ha\ ing visualized the
bleakness and vast stretches of
Wyoming prairie which would one
day be her home. She missed the
tall Parana pines, the rolling hills,
and Curityba itself with its narrow
streets, its leisurely life. More than
that, however, she felt a desire to be
home with her familv. She saw
them all sitting down to lunch in
the elegant dining room, the
starched maids serving quietly and
efficiently one course after another.
She recalled the relaxed ^ic^iTu hour
after lunch before the boys and her
father returned to the bank, when
the family discussed together busi-
ness, excursions, or the dance she
and her sisters were planning to
With the kitchen sparkling and
ready for the next meal, Margaretta
walked through the hall toward the
nursery, smiling to herself at her
last thought. Dance, indeed! Dances
were for young girls, and she was a
married woman about to have her
first baby. She caught sight of
herself in the hall mirror and
leaned closer to it, studying her
heavy golden hair pulled in braids
atop her head. She looked steadily
into the blue eyes which stared back
at her from the cold glass. She
tentatively smiled and the mirror
smiled back with a dimple. I should
be ashamed, she thought, to be
having such ideas. I'm lucky to
have a lovely home and a fine hus-
band and to be waiting for our baby.
Her gaze traveled down, how could
Bob call her pretty? How could he?
She opened the door into the
small blue and white nursery and
almost reverentlv followed her dailv
routine of opening each drawer in
the new dresser bright with animal
decals. As she handled the precious
garments within, her heart quick-
ened at the thought of having a baby
to care for, and she wondered how
she could wait the additional time.
If only she could talk to someone
about it, though, ask all the silly
questions which she knew were
ridiculous but which needed answer-
ing. She looked around her — at
the blue and white dotted curtains
— at the new crib ready for occu-
pancy — and she felt the tears
crowding into her eyes again as they
had so often the last weeks. She
loved Bob and the home which he
had so proudly constructed, and life
without him was unthinkable, but
Hfe without friends was hard, too.
And without family. Her ways were
so different from the other wives.
If only the chapel were closer so
that she could attend more of the
meetings, but the sixty-mile round
trip to town was time consuming
and she and Bob, although faithful
on Sundays, found it difficult to
make other meetings. Only in
meeting, where everything was the
same as it had been in the mission
field, did she feci truly at ease with
the people around her. She wished
that someone would drop in on an
afternoon as had her sisters and
brothers' wives at home, but dis-
tances between farms were too
great, and then the question came
to her mind whether the women
would drop in if they could. Why
should they call on her, a foreigner?
"p\ESPITE her mood of depres-
sion, Margaretta had dressed
with care for the party, wearing the
blue dress which was Bob's favorite
because it matched her eyes. But
now, sitting in a chair between
Betty's dining room and living room,
neither a part of one group nor an-
other, Margaretta wondered why she
had bothered.
She recalled with bitterness the
first missionary reunion afterVtheir
marriage. Margaretta and Bob
had walked in the door, he had been
immediately swallo\^cd up by the
group of men, and she had been
introduced to the other wives who
exchanged superficial pleasantries at
first and then gradually dropped
back to familiar conversational
ground, and Margaretta had been
alone in the group.
'Tired?" Tall, vi\acious Jane sat
on the arm of her chair for ;a mo-
ment and broke into her thoughts.
Margaretta nodded her head. Jane
had always seemed to go out of her
way to be nice and Margaretta was
grateful. :;:
''I always get tired, too," Jane,
mother of five, continued in her
friendly tone as she ran her slender
fingers through her short black hair.
''Especially toward the last. Time
drags so, but then all of a sudden
there it is, the end of the waiting.
And you know, it's quite a feeling,
that of accomplishment, of, fulfill-
ment, the joy that you've shared in
bringing something so unbelievably
tiny and perfect into the world.
Listen to us philosophizing, though.
Let's go out in the kitchen." She
stood and put her hand under Mar-
garetta's elbow to help her up.
"Betty," she called, "Margaretta
and I are coming out."
The sudden pleasure which Mar-
garetta had experienced in talking
to Jane was chilled. Why was it
necessary to give the women in the
kitchen warning about her entrance,
unless they were talking about her?
Several were sitting about the big
kitchen table, a couple were leaning
on Ae drainboard. She could see
no signs of the preparations they
had said they were making when she
had arrived and Betty had suggested
she sit in the hving room where she
could be more comfortable.
''Margarctta and I were philos-
ophizing about the joys of mother-
hood/' Jane said to the group.
As though on cue, several of the
women began talking at once about
their experiences and Margaretta
didn't know whether to be appre-
hensive or at ease from the things
they related.
She became aware that several of
the women had quietly slipped away
from the group and gone into the
dining room. The feeling that they
did not like her welled inside her
again and she had a desperate desire
to go home.
Then she o\erheard Betty saying
to Jane, ''You tell me what to do.
Fve tried e\ery type of window
cleaner imaginable and the hard
water from the sprinkler still leaves
spots on that front window."
Margaretta listened to the discus-
sion about window cleaning, won-
dering if she should offer her solu-
tion, but afraid to intrude.
Jane, nodding in agreement with
Betty's problem, said, "We have the
same trouble, then. I can't find a
window cleaner that doesn't streak
some either. I suppose in soft water
areas they all remove spots from the
windows, but this hard water is im-
possible. I've got so I hate to
sprinkle the flower beds for fear
some water will splash on the win-
dows and give me trouble at the
next cleaning."
Suddenly Margaretta said, ''If I
could suggest something." She
hesitated, feeling shy and uncom-
fortable. She had never before
volunteered a thing during the con-
versations of the women. She wished
she had not spoken now, because
they were all looking at her, waiting
for her to continue, probably think-
ing her strange.
"It's just that," she hesitated
again, "I use the method we use in
Brazil. Not fancy, but it works,
and. . . ."
"I've noticed that your windows
are always sparkling." Jane was en-
couraging her to speak.
"Well, we use plain water with a
few teaspoons of vinegar in it, and
then instead of cloths, newspapers."
"Newspapers?" Several of the
women spoke at once.
"Yes, newspapers. I don't know
the theory, but it works. It's so
easy." She could have bitten her
tongue over the last words. No need
to sound smug about something so
simple. Was it possible the women
were looking at her differently,
with genuine interest, and — was it
friendliness? Was it? She won-
dered momentarily if they were her
friends, after all. Had they been
waiting for her to make a move?
Had she been wrong about them?
''pOME on," Betty said. "Des-
sert's on." She motioned to-
ward Margaretta. "You first."
Margaretta hung back, shy.
"Someone else. I don't like to go
"I'll go with you to the slaugh-
ter," Jane said laughingly. She took
Margaretta's arm and propelled her
to the dining room.
"Surprise!" everyone chorused as
she reached the door. Before her
was a beautifully set table. In the
center was a small parasol covered
with white tissue paper from which
streamed blue and pink ribbons and
beneath it were heaped dehcately
wrapped packages,
''Surprise!" everyone said again.
The men had moved in from the
Hving room and they all took places
at the table. Bob sat beside Mar-
She felt tense. Tears crowded to
her eyes. She bit her lip and looked
down at her plate. Embarrassment
overwhelmed her as she realized that
the women had left the kitchen not
because of their dislike of her as she
had imagined, but because they were
busy preparing the shower for her.
She felt Bob's strong hand on her
arm under the table. 'They're look-
ing at you, honey. Say something."
She looked up, first at Bob, and
then slowly around the table at
each one. 'l don't know how to
say it," she said, a catch in her voice.
And then, without thinking, the
words slipped out, words which
came more easily for her than the
language which she had adopted
two short vears before. "Muito
obrigada, muito obrigada. You give
me — how do you say it?" She
turned toward Bob. ''Muita feJici-
He smiled at her and tightened
his grip on her arm. Looking to-
ward the rest, he said, 'The fellows
understand; most of you wives
don't. She said. . . ."
Jane interrupted. ''Of course, we
understand. Not necessarily the
words but the look and the tone of
voice. We know. No one could
say 'thank you' more eloquently.
But, come on everyone, let's eat.
We've package unwrapping to take
care of, and tomorrow is another
plowing day."
Throughout the festivities, Mar-
garetta's thoughts skipped from her
earlier melancholy to wishing her
family could be with her to enjoy
the happiness she felt. Suddenly
she realized that she was truly hap-
py, not because of the lovely gifts
she was receiving, but because these
were her friends. They had been
trying to be friendlv all along, she
realized, as she thought back on the
times that Jane had gone out of
her way to speak to her, that Betty
had invited her and Bob over, and
that the others, too, had been more
than kind. But in feeling herself
a stranger she had not given them
the benefit of the doubt.
Under cover of the gay talk about
the table she said to Bob, "Could
we invite the families to a cliurrasco
next Saturday?" She saw his sur-
prised expression and hastened to
explain, "We could use some of the
beef in the locker, couldn't we?"
His face broke into a wide grin.
"Of course," he said. "It would be
I T was late when they carried their
load of gifts to the car, calling
back as they went, "Be sure to come
early Saturday for the barbecue."
The sky was ali\'e with stars and
the moon shone upon neatly plowed
fields, mile after mile of them, as the
car skimmed along the road.
"It's beautiful." she said, looking
out the car window.
"I didn't think you thought so,"
Bob said. "You've been so home-
sick, I wondered if you would ever
like it here." His voice sounded
tender but sad.
"You've known, then." She stated
the fact quietly.
"Of course," he answered. "It
shows. You couldn't hide it from
me, and I doubt that you've hidden
it from the others."
She sat for several minutes with-
out speaking, the hurt which she
had caused others paining her
much more than had the homesick-
ness. In the distance she could see
a faint glow, the light from the liv-
ing room lamp which they always
left on when they went out. It was
home, her home, hers and Bob's.
His friends were her friends, but it
was up to her to meet them halfway.
That she had not done. She had
been wrong, living physically in
Wyoming and spiritually in Brazil.
She knew that now.
They drew closer to the light and
its glow shone more brightly. ''Bob,"
she said, *Tm sorry. I've been fool-
ish and selfish."
He reached out and rested his
calloused hand on the nape of her
neck. ''Not foolish, honey. Not
selfish. Many of us missionaries
were homesick the same wav when
we went to Brazil. Until we de-
cided that underneath your customs
and different way of doing things
you were all very much like us, with
the same desires, hopes, frustra-
tions. . . ."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
'1 couldn't have told you. It's
something each of us finds out for
''Bob, Bob," she said, shaking her
head, trying to rid herself of the
thoughts she had had just that
afternoon. "Bob, don't let me for-
get it." ^
"I don't believe you will," he said.
He stopped the car and went
around to her side to help her out.
"You go on in. I'll bring the gifts."
She walked into the living room
and not only saw the glow of the
light but also felt its warmth.
Spring 'Jjayi
Christie Lund Coles
The world is moving toward the sun,
A lengthening shadow lingers
Upon the hillside, on the lawn,
And traces with slim fingers
The fragile, moving willow tree
So near to early leafing;
While small birds carol forth a hope
Beyond the winter's grieving.
The world is moving toward the sun,
Its brief, bright promise proving
In candle-gold forsythias,
And God has willed its moving.
t 'T>
Fm Sorry for
Your Flowers"
Ins W. Schow
Ward Linton
'M right sorry for your flowers,
Beth!" Those words had
often nettled Beth Akers a
httle. when she had first come to
hve next door to Sister Loomis,
though they were the prehide to
timely advice, kindly intended. They
had meant that her gladioli needed
digging and storing, or her nastur-
tiums had been planted too deep,
or her peonies needed dividing and
resetting, or her evergreens had red
spiders. Beth had soon found that,
though the often-repeated remark
might annoy her a little, the advice
was invariably correct. She was
sensible enough to learn from the
elderly expert, whose knowledge had
been gained through a lifetime spent
in the school of experience.
Now the thought of her gladioli,
boxed and waiting to be set out,
flashed through Beth's mind, as she
folded Saturday's and Sunday's
newspapers into two neat piles and
laid them ready for Ivor to read
after church. The remembered
Page 230
words, 'Tm sorry for your flowers,"
held only nostalgia for Beth, be-
cause Sister Loomis would never say
them to her again. Sister Loomis
was dead and gone, as Cleo, the
Akers' youngest daughter, had said
in that whimsical little poem she
had been working on for her college
English class, last week when she
was home for Easter. Flow did it
go? Beth thought, as she pro-
ceeded mechanically to collect her
hat, handbag, gloves, and Gospel
EssentmJs class textbook, and lay
them on the bed, ready to seize the
moment Ivor drove down from
Priesthood meeting to take her to
Sunday School.
Sister Loomis is dead and gone,
Who lo\ ed the corner her house stood on
So inordinately
That sometimes we
Used to say facetiously,
''If that house isn't haunted, it goes to
That no one is ever allowed to go
Around haunting houses. . . ."
Maybe Cleo shouldn't say quite
so much facetiously, but since it was
only to be used as an English assign-
ment in a college class a hundred
miles away, Beth guessed it was all
right. Anyway, Sister Loomis
would feel like haunting her house,
if she could see how the numerous
Wilsons darted around it, or observe
the second Wilson boy, Randy,
plunging this minute through the
opening she and Beth had always
kept in the bridal wreath hedge so
they could take a short cut between
their two houses. She would have
to get Ivor to plant a sturdy bush in
that gap, she thought, as she glanced
at the clock and discovered that it
was time to get ready for Sunday
School. She must have a bath and
do up her long hair, in which the
gray locks were beginning to pre-
dominate over the brown.
\717HILE preparing for Sunday
School, Beth allowed herself
to relive the blossoming of her
friendship with Sister Loomis. At
first, she had been disappointed to
find that her neighbor on the cor-
ner was an elderly widow, while on
the other side lived a couple whose
only children were twin boys, almost
grown. No one for her tots to play
with in the back yards. No one to
talk with about her sewing, or to go
to P T A with when Ivor could
not go with her.
Then she had started to plan and
plant her flower beds. ''Vm sorry
for your evergreens," Sister Loomis
would say, stepping through the
newly set out bridal wreath hedge.
'"They like elbow room, and you
aren't giving them much. They will
end up scraping the paint right off
your house."
Or, "Fm sorry for your dahlias,
Beth. They love sunshine, and
you're setting them right where it
will always be shady."
There had been moments, too,
when Sister Loomis was generous
with things other than advice.
''Here's a start of my iris, Beth. It's
from the start my son brought back
from his mission. It came from the
cemetery at Winter Quarters. Now
it should grow fine, if you set it
right here."
Or, "Come and taste my red cur-
rant jelly, Beth. We made some
corn meal muffins. We should have
some kind of refreshment break
Beth had expected her sons to
dash to the post office or grocery
store for the older woman. They
were proud of what they had done
for Sister Loomis, after Beth had
urged them into doing it. They
liked, now, to have their wives told
that they had been the kind of boys
who helped old ladies.
There had been sad, agonizing
times, though, with the phone shrill-
ing out in the night, and the aging
voice, made harsh with pain, ''Beth,
I've got a terrible gallstone colic.
Can you come over and be with
me? Beth, I'm. . . ."
Of course Beth could. Through
the gap in the hedge she would go,
while Ivor watched at the window
a bit protestingly, and then went
back to bed.
Applying the electric pad and hot
water bottle, praying with Sister
Loomis, resting on the dining room
couch at last, just before morning,
Beth had come to love and need the
older woman, as one comes to love
and need those one serves. And
when Sister Loomis finally consent-
ed to have an operation, Beth had Rick, the five-year-old Wilson, all
been in and out of the house on the dressed for Sunday School, held out
corner, first in anxiety, finally with his arms to the puppy, calling,
gratitude. ''Here, Prince! Here, Prince!" The
She remembered other phone unco-operative puppy gamboled mer-
calls. "Come over, Beth. I've learned rily off in the opposite direction,
the best sherbet. It's all fruit. It Scampering after him, Rick scooped
could never hurt the touchiest liver." him up. The puppy promptly be-
Happy years, until Sister Loomis was gan pawing Rick's best clothes,
really very old. 'This old age busi- while Cherry Ann, though only
ness, Beth," she would say with a three, called out urgently, "He'll
chuckle. dirty your Sunday School coat!"
Beth's colorful shag rugs from the
IVTOW, with Sister Loomis gone, bedrooms were still on the lines,
Beth had found time to sense she suddenly remembered. She had
that all of the original neighbors had washed them yesterday and left
either moved away or died, until she them hanging out to dry overnight,
and Ivor, who had been the young- Anything hanging on a clothesline
est couple for so long, were the very was always so much bait for an un-
oldest. All the newcomers were trained puppy. Besides, she did hate
extremely busy and bustling. They to see things hanging on a clothes-
did not need Beth or even seem to line on Sunday,
have time to notice that she was Could she just step quietly out
there. and snatch them in now without
The change on the corner was the attracting 'Trince" to snag her best
most noticeable of all, with four nylons? If Rick would only keep
youngsters often playing dolls in the holding him for a few moments,
little grape arbor that Sister Loomis Buttoning her housecoat clear down,
had always cherished with an almost Beth went out through the back
comical zeal, and Randy sometimes porch and sped quietly to the
e\ en walking his bike through the clotheslines. She could feel a short
gap in the hedge. end from her coil of hair switching
Beth had coiled her long hair about, but it was no time to worry
neatly and was just beginning to con- about that. She was reaching for the
ccal hairpins deftly in its soft waves, last rug, when Mrs. Wilson's voice
when she became conscious of a came from a back window, "Put
yapping on the corner. She half Prince down. Rick! Right now,
remembered a vague sense of hear- Rick!"
ing the same sound in the night. The yapping began again as Beth
Not a puppy! She would just step snatched the last rug and started for
o\'er and part the bedroom cur- the house. Remembering her fa-
tains to see. Oh, but it was, and ther's long-ago coaching, "Never run
an Airdale, at that! Beth had always from a dog," she walked, anything
suffered from an unreasonable fear but calmly, toward the porch,
of dogs, especially Airdalcs. They
were so disturbinglv active! She I N spite of her prudence, the pup-
looked on in mounting dismay, as py observed her. Through the
hedge he frisked. He snatched at
the ends of the rugs dangHng from
her left arm. Forgetting all rules,
Beth stamped her foot at him. She
shooed at him with the last-grabbed
rug, which was still clutched in her
light hand. A wild dash brought
her to the screen door. She snatched
it so violently that the hook flipped
up and descended into the loop, all
in one second.
Locked out of her own house,
Beth shooed with the rug again.
The puppy had become a leaping
bundle of active muscles. Both chil-
dren were scampering through the
hedge, shouting, ''Here, Prince,"
and, "Here, boy," in a confusing
Then Prince was scooped up for
a second opportunity to paw little
Rick's best coat. Erma Wilson
emerged through the hedge, com-
pleting the zipping up of her pink
duster, and calling, ''Rick, take that
puppy to Cathy and tell her to shut
him in the basement. Then tell her
to brush and straighten your coat
for vou."
"Sister Akers," Erma went on
compassionately, "you're deathly
white. Sit down on the step, and
ril get you a glass of water."
As Erma reached for the screen
door, Beth said shakily, "It's hooked.
The hook flipped on when I tried to
Beth could not help laughing at
the ridiculousness of being so afraid
of a little puppy that a child of five
could almost manage. "I'll go
around to the front door, Sister Wil-
son," she said, starting around the
house. Then, noticing the concern
in Erma Wilson's blue eyes, she
added, "I'm all right. I don't have
heart trouble or anything. I just
got panicky when I couldn't get in.
It's silly to be so afraid of a little
"Oh, everyone's afraid of some-
thing," said Erma, accompanying
her. "Don't ever show mc any
pretty beetles you catch. They
make me shudder all over."
The front door was still locked.
Ivor had not released it when he
picked up the morning paper, and
he had left through the back door.
"I'll get in when mv husband
comes for me. He carries a key,"
Beth stated. "You'd better go fin-
ish getting readv for Sunday School.
Time's passing by."
"But then you won't be ready,"
protested Erma.
"We can miss Sundav School, if
we have to, and get there in time
for fast meeting," said Beth. "I
must be a comical sight, with this
misplaced pony-tail on the side of
my head." She attempted to put
her hair back into a coil with the
few hairpins remaining on her head.
"Now, you run along," she urged.
"But it's Prince's fault," Erma
"It's my fault for being such a
scare baby," said Beth.
Y/LTHILE they returned mechani-
cally to the back screen door,
they were joined by Erma's five
youngsters, who followed along as
interested spectators.
"Cathy could go down to the
church on the bike after the key,"
mused Erma, "but I'd hate to dis-
turb Brother Akers in Priesthood
meeting. He'd think something
serious had happened, and so would
everyone else. Besides, Priesthood
meeting would be almost over be-
fore she could get back."
"Maybe if you pulled the door
just the same way you did when the
hook flew on, it would fly off/' sug-
gested Cathy.
Beth tried it. But maybe she
could not pull just the same way
with the door hooked, or maybe she
needed stimulation from Prince, to
do it just the same way. At least,
the hook did not yield.
"It's a very good hook," remarked
"It's a very bad hook," said Cher-
ry Ann.
rj^RMA tried giving the screen
door a quick jerk. Cathy, Nedra,
and Sue each tried it. The hook did
not yield.
''I could push an ice pick through
the screen wire and flip it off," said
Erma, ''but that would leave a hole
big enough for insects to get
''Maybe one of us could get in
through a window," suggested Sue.
"I keep the screens hooked," said
Beth. "Still, I did wash windows
yesterday, and I might have forgot-
ten to hook one. Really, Sister Wil-
son, those who aren't readv for Sun-
day School had better go home. The
rest could come along and watch me
try the screens. That would help
them stay ready for Sunday School."
But the whole group persisted in
following along. Not one screen
budged until they reached the rather
high window of the bathroom. That
screen swung out easily. Raising the
window was another matter.
"I don't believe it's locked,
though," speculated Erma. "Cathy,
you get the littlest stepladder. Ned-
ra, get Danny's thinnest screwdriver.
Sue, bring that wooden box of
Randy's from the basement. And
don't let Prince out. Rick, you stay
right here! I believe I can get the
screwdriver under, and raise it just
a little, then get it up and get in."
"It's awkward inside," said Beth.
"The bathtub is right under the
window, and that short window
doesn't open very wide. I don't
know whether one of us could get
in through it. And I don't know
whether one should try to get in
head first or feet first. It's so high,
it will be hard to crawl into."
By this time the girls were back.
Erma's efforts moved the window a
little. Then Beth held the screw-
driver in place while Erma and
Cathy got their fingers under and
lifted the sash. The opening was
not wide, however.
"Now, Cathy, you take Sue home
and see that both of you are ready,"
directed Erma. "The rest of you
may stay here and watch."
"Oh, Mommie," protested Sue,
but she followed Cathy docilely
It was apparent that only a small
child could be wedged through the
narrow opening.
"Here, Rick, let's take off your
coat," said Erma. "Sister Akers,
can you stand on the box and reach
to hold the window open?"
"I can hold his Sunday School
coat for him," volunteered Cherry
"You'd better turn him on his
stomach and put his feet in first,"
suggested Beth.
"That's right," said Erma.
CTANDING on the ladder, she
put Rick's feet through the win-
dow, and held onto him while he
wriggled his pudgy body through
the small opening.
''Hold onto his armpit with one
hand, Sister Akers. Nedra, you
reach up and hold his hands until I
can get to hold him by them," di-
rected Erma.
What a struggle! How glad Beth
was that the window had just been
washed, and the sill was not all
dusty against everyone's clean skin
and good clothes!
While Erma slowly lowered Rick,
Beth thought, Fll never forget
those half-frightened round eyes of
his. But neither would she ever
forget his warm, triumphant smile
when his feet found footing in the
tub. ''Now, when you climb out,
just go to the front door and open
it, and we'll all be on the front
porch," she said.
Everything seemed right to Beth,
as they let down the window, and
all trooped around the house. These
were wonderful neighbors. She had
just been resisting change and the
passage of time. Wliy, she was the
Sister Loomis of this neighborhood,
now! And Erma Wilson was step-
ping into her old place. New faces
appeared in the different roles, and
the patterns changed a bit, but the
same wholesome dramas in the little
neighborhood were reenacted. Beth
had been like the little girls who all
want to play they're the mother.
But you can't have the part of the
mother all of the time, sometime
you must take your turn at being the
little old lady, Beth decided.
As if reading her thoughts, Erma
said, "Sister Akers, I know how vou
must miss Sister Loomis. I've been
told what friends you were to each
other. I guess we sometimes seem
like a tribe of aborigines, overrun-
ning her neat little corner." She
laid her hand on Beth's arm. "But
we'll try to be good neighbors.
Enjoy us. We're a lot of fun."
"I know," said Beth softly.
Her door was thrown open, and
Rick almost duplicated his former
triumphant grin.
"There's our fast offering bov,
starting at the other end of the
block," said Erma. "You sit here
on Sister Akers' porch, Nedra, and
tell him both families will ha\x to
pay our fast offerings at church to-
day. Tell him we're all just about
late for Sunday School, and we ha\e
to finish getting ready."
Yes, Erma Wilson is just like I
was, thought Beth. Well, if I'm the
Sister Loomis of this neighborhood,
so be it.
Erma's chrysanthemums did need
dividing and resetting. As the Wil-
sons began to leave, Beth drew her-
self up. "When there's time, Lll
have to talk to you," she said, sum-
moning what she hoped was her
friendliest tone of voice. "I'm right
sorrv for your chrysanthemums,
Sixty LJears J^go
Excerpts From the Womdn's Exponent, March i, and March 15, 1901
*ToR THE Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
OF All Nations"
A CHILD OF NATURE: A child of nature! . . . The new-born babe is the
fairest, sweetest flower of Paradise, and when the mother clasps it to her breast it is
the supreme moment of her existence. No other earthly joy can possibly compare with
the ecstacv of motherhood. . . . We behold the child! Who is it? What is it?
It is curiously and wonderfullv made; it surpasses our understanding. There are no
\\ords to convey the idea of the mother-love. It is God's child still, and it is its
mother's; the spirit of the Eternal animates it, and it is endowed from on high with
understanding in embryo; it smiles, it cries, it opens its eyes upon the new world into
^^hich it has come, and, perchance, it wonders why — we none of us know, not even
the mother who has borne it, and who claims it by a sort of divine right. . . . But Joseph
Smith, the prophet of this dispensation, has told us that we consented to come, to leave
the glorious mansions on high and take upon us mortality. . . .
The beaut\' of the little babe bespoke
The harmonies which to the soul belong.
And all the higher, finer senses woke
To the divinest melody of song. . . .
—Mrs. E. B. Wells
W^OMAN WEATHER FORECASTER: Mrs. L. H. Greenwald, of York, Pa.,
is said to be the only woman weather forecaster in the country'. She has been employed
by the government in that capacity for twelve years, and has been commended for
exceptional accuracy, and is an ackno\^'ledged authority on climatology and meteorology.
Mrs. Greenwald is also president of a woman's organization interested in scientific
research — The National Science Club.
— News Note
"Through the mercies of our Ileaxenly Father we meet again in our conference to be
fed the bread of life. . . . We meet together to encourage one another and to listen to
the instructions that will be given us. We are a blessed people in being privileged to
li\ e on the earth in these last days . . . and the greatest of these blessings is the privilege
we have of embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ. . . .
— Elizabeth Williams, Cor. See.
^^^^ight Sewall, who represents the United States on the International Peace Commission
of women, it is expected the women of Utah will arrange for meetings on Peace and
Arbitration on Saturday, May iS. Certainly our sisters throughout the state are in
fa\or of creating a sentiment for peace. . . .
— Editorial Notes
O, solemn thought, the Savior's slain!
But here we'll testify of Him,
Till He shall come to earth again,
To reign as Zion's Mighty King.
— Lydia D. Alder
Page 236
Woman's Sphere
Ramona W. Cannon
|R. JANET TRA\^ELL has been
appointed personal physieian
to President John F. Kennedy, the
first woman in history to oeeupy
that post and the first nonmihtary
physieian to hold it since 1885. ^^•
Travell is fifty-nine and has long
specialized in sources of pain, par-
ticularly those caused by muscular
spasms. She has two talented
daughters, one an artist and one an
opera singer, and is a grandmother.
ARGO WALTERS, eighteen-
year-old skier from Sandy,
Utah, in the Sun Valley open
slalom, tied Linda Meyers, a mem-
ber of the United States Olympic
squad last year. In the giant slalom
she finished only one second behind
Anne Heggtveit, the Olympic slalom
champion from Canada. She is ex-
pected to be the next United States
star in international skiing competi-
nrOYOKO YAMAZAKI, daughter
of a kobu ( seaweed ) merchant,
is one of Japan's most prominent
writers. Her novel Noren, in 1957,
won the annual Naoki literary award
for the best novel by a promising
young writer, and was followed in
rapid succession bv four other nov-
els. Her journalistic experience has
included three vears on the staff of
one of Japan's foremost newspapers,
the Mainichi of Osaka.
formerly Democratic National
Committee Woman from Califor-
nia, is the new United States
pSTHER (Mrs. Oliver) PETER-
SON, born in Provo, Utah, to
a pioneer Latter-day-Saint family, is
the new director of the Women's
Bureau of the Department of Labor
in Washington, D.C. Mother of
four grown children, she feels pri-
marily concerned with the prob-
lems of the eight million working
mothers with children under eigh-
teen years of age.
NER, a Latter-day Saint, has
been named a staff member of the
National Science Teachers Associa-
tion of the Education Association
in Washington, D. C. Residing in
the capital with her husband. Dr.
Paul Gardner, and their two daugh-
ters, she will co-ordinate the writing
and direct the publication of a
series of books on specific areas of
science such as physiology, bio-
chemistry, and oceanography.
married commoner Johan Mar-
tin Ferner in January. Her sister also
married a commoner; thus both
ha\'e lost their rights of succession
to the throne.
Page 237
VOL. 48
APRIL 1961
NO. 4
Jrill cJ kings Shall ijDe LKestored
WHicrcfore, mny God raise you from death by the power of the resurreetion, and
into tlie eternal kingdom of God ... (2 Ncphi 10:25).
TpIIE return of the spring season
brings the reahzation that grass
will be green again, after the eover-
ing of snow, that branches once gray
and barren, will become radiant with
blossoms. And everlasting truth is
made apparent to those who have
faith in the scriptures, in the prom-
ises of the prophets, and in the liv-
ing words of the Savior. Eternal
truth is made manifest, as in olden
time, when Job rejoiced in the
promise of the resurrection, ''For I
know that my redeemer liveth, and
that he shall stand at the latter day
upon the earth: and though . . .
worms destroy this body, yet in my
flesh shall I see God."
These \^'ords have comforted the
generations, and many have said in
their hearts, "Knowest thou not
this of old," that an eternal pattern
has been gi\'en to the inheritors of
earth, and that their days of mortal
life are only one phase of the exist-
ence of the immortal soul. It is
natural and in harmony with our
everlasting life that we should love
our earth home, and that we should
express gratitude for mountain and
sea, for the desert and for the
meadow, for we have the promise
that the earth itself will be renewed
when Jesus, the Lord of this world,
comes to reign personally. We know
that "God so lo\ed the world, that
Page 238
he gave his only begotten Son, that
whosoever believeth in him shall
not perish. . . ."
Yet, even to those of great faith,
and to those partakers of the ever-
lasting promises, the death of loved
ones brings an all-per\ading loneli-
ness and a desolation of the soul,
and there will ever be, in times of
separation, those like Rachel of old,
weeping for her children, and will
not be comforted until after the
length of davs when healing may be
It is for the healing of such sad-
ness that our promised destinies
must be remembered, and the great
blessings of our eternal home must
be considered. Such faith is found
expressed by many people in vari-
ous circumstances. Words of com-
fort and encouragement may be
heard from the lips of children,
from those young in vears, and from
men and women in the seasoned
wisdom of age. The learned mav
speak words of compassion, and
humble people, from the surety of
their beliefs, may speak with the
eloquence of sincerity.
A woman whose small son died
during the pioneer journey across
the desolate plains could still express
gratitude to her Heavenly Father
for the precious years of companion-
ship the boy had gi\"cn her^ and for
the privilege of hearing the precious
word ''Mother" spoken by her loved
one. And in that time of grief, the
husband comforted his wife by say-
ing, 'It is true that he will not re-
turn to us, but most assuredly we
shall go to him."
A widow was able to accept the
passing of her husband with a meas-
ure of reconciliation when she
voiced her thankfulness that a good
man had been given her as a com-
panion for many years, and she knew
that, through their covenants, there
would be a joyful reunion for
eternity. A young child left mother-
less found comfort in trying to do
those things which the mother had
taught as being worthy of a child of
promise. In a small town during a
funeral service a bishop stood with
the Bible open before him and read
from John 14:18: ''I will not leave
you comfortless, I will come to you.''
How blessed are we in our herit-
age of faith, for we accepted with
rejoicing the gift of earth life, and
we have been given knowledge of
the responsibilities and the rewards
of this part of our progression. We
have been given unmeasurable re-
sources of spirit. The Savior's words
still stand through the years and for-
ever: ''I will come again, and receive
you unto myself; that where I am,
there ye may be also. And whither
I go, ye know, and the way ye
know" (John 14:3-4).
-V. P. C.
1 1 Lane L^urtis uiichards U\e leased QJrom the
eneral ujoara
T T is with regret that the General Board of Relief Society announces the
retirement of Marie Curtis Richards from the General Board as of
February 15, 1961. This release has been occasioned by the call of Sister
Richards to accompany her husband, M. Ross Richards, who has been
named as President of the Gulf States Mission. Sister Richards had only
recently returned from presiding over the Relief Society of the East
Central States Mission for five years when she was called to the General
Board on June 1, i960.
Sister Richards brought to the General Board an understanding of
Relief Society work as it is carried on in the missions and has used this
knowledge, combined with her rich personal endowments, in forwarding
the work of the General Board. She has served on the literature com-
mittee, special committees, and participated in stake conventions and at
a General Relief Society Conference during her service.
Her cheerfulness and the energy and devotion she gives to any call are
attributes which have endeared her to the members of the General Board.
She leaves with their love and prayers as she undertakes her responsible
new assignment. As she presides over the sisters of her mission, she will
bring to them an awareness of the inestimable values and blessings which
will come to them in individual development and through the giving of
service and the saving of souls through Relief Society.
Hational JLibrary^ Vl/eek
April 16-22
A PRIL 16-22 is National Library Week. The purpose is to encourage a
greater interest in reading, in harmony with the slogan: "For a
Richer — Fuller Life — Read!" Homes, schools, and public libraries are
urged to emphasize the important and far-reaching educational advantages
which may be obtained through the reading and studying of well-selected
books. A special appeal should be made to children who are in the habit-
forming stage, so that good books may become their lasting companions
throughout life, that they may be better read, better informed, and there-
fore more able to become useful, participating members of their communi-
ties. At home, and wherever we go away from home, books may be taken
with us, to open wide the doors of knowledge and increase our understand-
ing of people, places, events, and the great and ennobling thoughts which
have enriched the generations and may enrich our lives and times. Relief
Society, particularly, by means of the literature lessons, fosters apprecia-
tion for literature, the building of home libraries, and developing in chil-
dren an appreciation for the companionship and value of good books.
JLesson [jPrevievcs to appear in the ^une Sdssue
Of of he Uxehef Soaetif If iagazine
T^HE previews for the 1961-62 lessons will appear in the June issue of
The Relief Society Magazine, and the lessons for October will be in
the July 1961 issue. In order to obtain the June issue of the Magazine,
it will be necessary for renewals and new subscriptions to reach the general
offices by the first of May 1961. It is suggested that Magazine representa-
tives check their lists immediately so that all Relief Society members will
receive all of the issues containing the lessons. Ward presidents, also,
should make this announcement in the April meetings.
Page 240
Lyancer o/s ibveriibodii s Ujusiness
Wallace W. Tudoi, Chairman, 1961 National Crusade
I N April, proclaimed by Congress as Cancer Control Month, the Ameri-
can Cancer Society will launch its 1961 Educational and Fund-raising
Crusade. Two million volunteers are working in the three phases of the
Society's program — Research, Education, and Service. These crusaders
are from all walks of life — doctors, housewives, teachers, businessmen,
Industrialists, Government officials, labor and religious leaders — all lend-
ing their diversified and proven abilities to the great fight against cancer.
You might ask, ''What concern is cancer to me?" Looking into the
facts soon brings to light that cancer is an indiscriminate killer that might
strike any one of us . . . that will, indeed, at some time strike one in four
of us. This means that the staggering total of forty-five million Ameri-
cans, now living, will eventually develop the disease, if the present rate
When we realize that there is no way of knowing whom cancer will
strike, one fact becomes crystal clear. The fight against cancer is not a
fight by the few. It is everybody's fight. We are all involved. We must
fight with all the energy and time we can command.
How can we fight cancer? As individuals our best defense is an
annual health checkup, learning Cancer's Seven Danger Signals, and acting
at once if any of the symptoms should appear. We can volunteer to
spread the Society's life-saving information and help to prevent needless
suffering and death. We can volunteer in the many other facets of the
Society's broad program.
We can "Fight Cancer With a Checkup and a Check." The health
checkup will provide the earliest possible detection. The check will help
hasten the day when research finds the final cause for cancer.
Think what it would mean to you, to your loved ones, to all mankind
when the menace of cancer is removed once and for all!
x/Llmond 1d/(
Annie AtJcin Tanner
Pink as shells thrown by rebellious waves
On white and pebbled sands,
Perfumed as spices from far eastern lands;
Graceful as birds, singing as they fly.
Then disappear in a sea-gull speckled sky.
Fragile as blown-glass rainbows.
Soft as soothing winds of May,
Precious as memories that come
Of home and friends of another day.
Page 241
cJhe JLocust ofree Shall ioloofn J\gain
Pauline L. Jensen
T^HE locust tree meant many things. To Mama it was a reminder of her
childhood home in the sleepy, gentle Southern town where she had
played beneath the boughs of another locust tree, which, too, had spread
its protective arms above the kitchen roof. When Mama had come to the
prairies as a bride, the lonely stretches of the land, bereft of friendly trees,
had filled her with a poignant loneliness.
Then, on one of her infrequent trips back to her old home. Mama
had, on her return, brought a locust sapling. She had planted it within
reach of the kitchen stoop, tended it with loving care, and it had returned
that care by growing straight and strong, and lifting up its boughs as
though to thwart the molten sun and bitter winds that blew across the
prairies. And Mama, unaccustomed to this harsh, demanding land, felt,
in the locust tree, a link between the old life and the new one.
To Papa, the tree was a source of comfort, for he could sit within its
shade when he returned from work and see the prairie sights and hear the
prairie sounds he loved. At noon it gave him cooling shelter. At night
the wind that blew unceasingly was tempered by the boughs into a gentle
To the children, the tree meant a dedicated place of play. Here they
had their swing and hammock, and here they built their cities in the sand,
and made mud pies. And here their collie burrowed close against the
house and watched them at their play. And every year a pair of robins
nested in the leafy branches of the tree and fretted at the children down
And still the locust tree had yet another meaning, a deeper one by
far. For it was a harbinger of spring, both of the land and of the spirit.
For with the blooming of the tree, the meadow larks were heard to sing,
and fields of winter wheat began to green. And long before the bloom-
ing. Mama watched with eager eyes for signs of the tree's awakening. When
it came, she would say with lilting voice, ''Our Father is good. He has
wrought another spring, and now the locust tree will bloom agairu"
Then one day in late winter, death stalked the small community, and
Mama's firstborn son, young and handsome, was taken from her. Mama's
heart was frozen, and her face wore a still and quiet look. She did not
cry, but neither did she smile. She brushed aside the clumsy efforts Papa
made to comfort her, and walked the days as though alone, uncaring.
That spring the locust tree bloomed gloriously, but Mama did not
notice. The children gathered handfuls of the fragrant blossoms and
brought them to her, but she only stared at them in silence. All through
the summer the children brought her offerings; the newest kittens, which
she stroked mechanically, but did not cuddle as had been her wont.
And when, in fall, they gathered armloads of the prairie goldenrod, she
only turned unseeing eyes upon it.
Page 242
Y^HEN winter settled down upon the land, Mama did not read aloud
to the children the Bible stories that they loved. When they asked
for them, she turned a bitter look upon them, and shook her head. And
it was Papa, now, who heard the prayers at night, instead of Mama.
Mama's face was set and cold, her thoughts remote, withdrawn.
Then spring once more cast its spell upon the land. There came
an April evening of mauve and gold skies, and undulating green across the
prairie floor. The children played beneath the tree, and Papa rested on
the kitchen stoop. They all looked up in surprise as Mama stepped out-
side. In her hands she held the worn and much-used Bible she had
brought with her as a bride. Her hands caressed it lovingly. Her eyes
were red from weeping, and her face, though still, had a different look;
a washed and tranquil look, just like the earth after a quick and cleansing
She paused and looked around her, as if she saw all for the first
time after a long absence. Papa stared at her, and in his eyes a light
began to glow. He reached out for her hand, and took it tenderly. She
smiled at him and took a deep breath of the fresh, clean air. Then she
raised her face unto the locust tree and spoke in wondering tones, ''Our
Father is good! He has wrought another spring, and now the locust tree
will bloom again."
Iliountaufi Springtime
Rowena Jensen Bills
I could not wait for sun-filled days
To take my mountain climb,
For April spoke of greening glades
And blossoming columbine.
I did not pause by frozen streams,
But hurried forth to high,
Unsheltered, weathered, small plateaus
Beneath a warming sky —
And there was glorious mountain gold,
Its roots buried in half -frozen soil,
Erect and sturdy as a planted flower
Emerging from a gardener's toil;
The sego lily and yellow bell,
Indian paintbrush and phlox.
Growing in colorful profusion
Among the timeworn rocks.
(jiath the Lfiain a cfather?
LaVerda Bullock White
ttj TATH the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops ot dew?" (Job 38:28)
The rain has, I am sure, a father — the same father as the sunhght, the
firefly, the lush vegetation of our good earth, the cool summer's breeze, and the coo of
the turtle dove. Just as each of these is created by our Heavenly Father, so is the rain
his creation. Perhaps this is why it has always evoked such lofty emotions in my
To me it is inconceivable that anyone could dislike the rain.
A rainy spring morning defies description of its beauty. The birds, chirping their
gratitude for worms uncovered by the moisture, define my exuberant appreciation more
clearly than I am able. Just to lie in bed and listen to the gentle rhythm of rain on
the roof or against the window panes is an interval to be treasured. Here is opportunity
for meditation, for reflection, for evaluation of goals, for the solution of problems. As
the life's blood of the earth descends, sleeping vegetation springs to life, giving new
impetus to our half-sleeping spirits.
I write as a Kentuckian who has seen the exquisite majesty of blue-grass-covered
meadows, clear, rippling streams, and verdant, rolling hills — all brought about by
the lovely rain. Whether it falls gently and steadily for hours, or fiercely and sporadi-
cally for moments, matters little to me. The rain has never found a way to displease
such an ardent fan as I.
In the summer, when the lawns are parched and the heat and humidity are so
intense as to be almost unbearable, one can feel a divine blessing in the cooling, re-
juvenating rain. It always brings a personal message to me from my Heavenly Father —
a message of love and care and peace.
These are but a few of the reasons why I like the rain. Considering just these and
no others, however, is it possible that anyone can look on this manna from heaven
as a necessary evil to be endured but not endeared? If such a one exists, try this
experiment. Put on a raincoat, take an umbrella, and walk in a gentle summer rain.
As the birds hop around in glee, and the flowers nod their thirsty heads in gratitude,
can you honestly claim that neither joy nor thanksgiving abounds in your breast
as well?
Page 244
The Ogre on Alden Street
Barbara Williams
AT the foot of the iron raihnged
steps of 116 Alden Street,
where an old cardboard sign
in the window said 'Tiano Instruc-
tion/' Randolph hesitated for just a
minute, shifted Hanon and Schmitt
and Bach and ''Favorite Piano Selec-
tions" from under his left arm to
his right, and sighed. Before every
gas chamber or electric chair or gal-
lows or whatever it was — along
every 'last mile" — there was prob-
ably a place where every condemned
man hesitated and sighed. But if he
had any fight left in him, he likely
kicked his rebellion as Randolph
now kicked the lowest rise of 116
Alden Street.
The toes of Randolph's brown Ox-
fords indicated many and hard-
fought rebellions, but none had
waged so bitterly as the one over
old Salt-and-Pepper. Nearly two
years it had waged. Nearly two
years ago he had first called upon
Miss Lucy Pepper and learned that
the tips of his fingers were birds
and must sail down to hit the keys
squarely. But Randolph was not
one to judge unfairly or in haste.
It was not until the second lesson
he had decided that Miss Lucy Pep-
per was a female ogre whose life
was dedicated to the torture of boys
generally and Randolph particularly,
with smiles — always smiles — and
that sissy stuff about birds sailing
down squarely on the tips.
Yet last week there had been
something heartening in Mom's,
"Now, Randolph, I don't want to
discuss that again until summer."
Usually Mom ignored him — it was
impossible to argue with someone
who wouldn't argue back — but last
week she had heard him and even
answered when he asked for the
umpty-millionth time if he couldn't
pul-ease switch to Mr. Jordan.
Randolph's Dad, if he were alive,
would have understood about Mr.
Jordan. "Why do you want to
change teachers?" his Dad would
have asked, the way he'd say it to
a grownup, because he wanted to
know the answer. "Why do you
want to learn popular, anyway?
Want to play for the high school
dances?" His Dad had always
known what he was thinking before
he did, almost.
Randolph kicked the step again
and looked at his watch. Eleven
minutes after ten. Fifteen minutes
late was all he dared, but to go in
only eleven minutes late was not
only defeatist, but unnecessary. He
sat on his music — it had been
raining — and untied and then tied
first his left shoelace and then his
right. That took forty-five seconds.
For another thirty he just sat. Then
he stood up, picked up his music,
and with his free hand grasped the
railing and pulled himself up the
first step. There he stopped and
looked down over the railing to a
scraggly gray alley cat at the side of
the porch. Randolph worked up
some spittle and with bomb-sight
precision dropped it on the enemy.
Bull's-eye! What if he could spit
fire like the dragons in King Arthur!
Or how would it be to spit poison?
You could sure win a fight if you
could spit poison!
Page 245
"Hello, Randolph;* Old Salt-and-
Pepper was standing in the open
doorway with a blue shawl over her
shoulders. "Let's go in, shall we?"
TT was real dungeony inside —
dark, dreary, and cold. Randolph
started to remove his coat, but Miss
Pepper put her hand on his shoul-
der. "Maybe you better leave it on.
It's cold in here today.''
"I'm not cold," said Randolph,
jerking quickly to one side.
She smiled. "My, you're such a
big boy."
Such a big boy, she said. Talking
to him like a kindergartner or some-
thing. Well, he would fix her. "I'm
going to junior high next fall," he
said, hanging up his coat.
"Tut, tut," she clucked, smiling.
The old hen! She thought anyone
who didn't go around with a cane
still believed in Santa Glaus, prob-
ably. Randolph walked to the
adjustable stool and twirled it, tried
it, and twirled it again. Miss Pepper
was going through his music.
"Why, Randolph, where's Tlay-
Although the principle behind
*Tlaytime" was pretty hard— trans-
posing the piece into other keys —
Randolph didn't like the kids to see
him carrying that sissy book with all
those dopey songs. Besides, it was
a kind of active defiance against old
Salt-and-Pepper to leave 'Tlaytime"
home every once in awhile.
"Let's be more careful about
Tlaytime,' Randolph," she said,
with a smile.
If only she weren't such an old
smiley. If only she'd get tough
once in awhile. Mr. Jordan would
get tough.
"Why, I don't think you've had a
gold star for Tlaytime' since last
Those sissy stars! It was like that
time his little sister Betsy came
home from kindergarten with a red
star on her forehead. Like kinder-
"Well," said Miss Pepper, "let's
try Schmitt."
"Schmitt may not be so good."
He ducked his head under the key-
board to find the pedal.
"Well, let's try it, anyway. Oh,
we don't use the pedal for exercises,
do we?"
We. Always we. "I do," he
"Oh, we never use the pedal for
exercises." She put Schmitt on the
piano for him and picked up her
stick to tap out the rhythm. "One
and two and three and four and . . .
Tips, Randolph, tips. Again now.
No, Randolph, you have to keep
your wrists up." She put down her
stick and played the exercise for
him with yellow, gnarly hands. "See
how I hold my wrists? Now, let's
try it again."
Randolph tried it, briefly. "My
fingers don't move so good. It's cold
in here."
"Oh," said Miss Pepper, cough-
ing nervously and swallowing so her
Adam's apple jiggled. "They turned
— that is, I had the furnace turned
off. I'll get your coat."
"No, I don't want it." Treating
him like a kindergartner!
"I don't want you to be cold."
Miss Pepper scurried to the fireplace
where she busied herself with some
kindling and a newspaper.
"That won't do any good. You
need a log."
"I— I'm sorry." She tugged at her
blue shawl, and Randolph felt all
empty inside. He wished he hadn't
said the kindhng wasn't any good.
He wasn't really so cold. He'd just
wanted to get out of Schmitt. '*Oh,
you don't need a log, I guess. I feel
better now."
^'Do you?"
"Uh huh."
'Well, let's try Schmitt again."
Schmitt was grand, just grand,
and she gave him a red star. She
put it on an extended little finger
to lick with a long, pointed tongue.
Randolph had to turn away.
''Now let's try Hanon, shall we?"
She opened the music and set it on
the piano. "One and two and three
and "
Randolph felt something on the
under sides of his wrists. They had
fallen again, and she was jacking
them up with her stick. He gave
her a look that was scorn and dis-
dain and hate. But she obviously
didn't comprehend it. She smiled
Smile at him, would she? Well,
just let her put her old stick under
his wrists again. Just let her try it.
''Again now, Randolph. One and
two and three and four. . . ."
There was something on the
under sides of Randolph's wrists.
"You old biddy!"
Miss Pepper stopped smiling. In
fact, for an instant Miss Pepper
stopped breathing. "You're tired,
aren't you, Randolph?" she said
after a good swallow that jiggled
her Adam's apple. Well, if she
thought he was going to apologize,
she had another think coming. But
what if she called up Randolph's
mother and told her about it? Then
he never would be able to take pop-
ular from Mr. Jordan. Oh, all right,
thought Randolph, all right.
"I guess you're not a biddy. But
I don't like that old stick poking
"Of course you don't. I'm sorry
I poked you, Randolph." She
jumped up nervously and got a dish
from the table. "Here, have a jelly
No thank you, he started to say.
He didn't want to eat salt in the
home of his enemy — or whatever
it was in the Arabian Nights — but
after all, a jelly bean was a jelly bean.
"Okay." He burrowed for a licorice,
but there weren't any, so he took
red. He flipped the candy into his
mouth and curled the sides of his
tongue around it. He felt its coat-
ing melt away as the sweet juice ran
"Here, have some more. Put
some in your pocket to take home
with you."
He picked out all the red ones.
"Oh, those red ones muss so.
Here's a tissue. Let me wrap them.
There. Why don't you rest for a
minute, and I'll play for you for a
IV/f ISS Pepper slipped quietly to
the stool Randolph vacated,
rubbed her hands together, and
gently but confidently began to play.
For a moment Randolph watched
her softly swaying head and certain
fingers until an uneasy feeling of
familiarity overtook him, and he
closed his eyes to listen. Where
did it come from, that music? Not
from the piano or Miss Pepper or
anything outside him, for with his
eyes closed he felt darkly, coldly,
completely alone.
"Well, let's get back to our les-
son." Miss Pepper was smiling her
tiresome smile. ''Where were we? that piece you wanted to play at the
Hanon?" last recital — because maybe we
Oh, Hanon was fine. And the could. . . ." She shivered and broke
Bach etude was coming along just off. ''When did you say you were
grand. g^^^^^ to start with Mr. Jordan?"
Grand this grand that. Ran- Randolph watched his heel mash
dolph ^ylshed she would stop saying -^^^ ^^^ ^..^^ I ^^-^^j^ ^^
grand. He wished he hadn t tak- ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^-^^ ^^ ^^^^ j^ ^^3^.^
en any jelly beans. He wished he d ^j^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ a lie - a white lie,
said, Only kids eat jelly beans. ^^^^ _ ^^t it was something bigger
He wished he hadn t acted sorry for ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^,^ -^^ 3^^^ ^^ ^^^^^_
calling her an old biddy because ^^^^^ He'd made Miss Pepper cry,
*^!V^T^^ ^^' ~ ^"^ and he'd never seen her do any-
old biddy. ^1^-j^ ^gfQj^ 1^^^ 3j^-jg r^^^^^ 3^g
Finally, it was oyer - for another ^^^ shivering and crying, and she
week, anyway. Miss Pepper bus- ^-^^.^ ^^^^ |^^^^ ^ I f^^ ^^^ ^^^
tied over to where his coat was hang- .g^^ ^ . ^ ^-^^^^ ^-^^^^ g^^
ing and got it down. Randolph, ^-^^ ^^ ^^^- ^^^^ . ^1^^^ ^^^
she began quietly. ^^^^^1^^^ ^-^ j^^^ l^^t week Mom
had said Betsy couldn't take lessons
TIE looked at her, and all he could for another year or two. Randolph
think of was to hurt her — to would have to talk to Mom.
hurt her as she had been hurting him ^iss Pepper handed Randolph his
every Saturday morning at ten ^^^^ ^^^ell your mother Fm anx-
o'clock for the past two years. He ^^^^ ^^ ^-^^^^ Betsy."
wished he really could spit poison. ^^ ^^
"Randolph, Fve been wondering ''Yeah, I will,
if you don't have any little friends Randolph jumped down the iron-
who might like to take music les- railinged steps, then started to run
sons." — up Alden, left at Danbury. Mom
Well, he'd show her! He stood just had to let Betsy take lessons,
up tall. "All my friends take pop- He crossed catty-corner to Juniper
ular. All my friends take from Mr. where his breath gave out and he
Jordan." For the last recital Ran- stopped long enough to see that the
dolph had begged old Salt-and-Pep- leaves weren't out on Penrose's cher-
per to let him play "Manhattan ry tree. Randolph reached into his
Serenade," which wasn't even jazzy, pocket and pulled out a piece of
really. But she had gasped and said tissue wadded around five red jelly
what would people think. "In fact, beans. The candy was stuck to the
I'm going to take from Mr. Jordan paper, and he didn't want it any
myself pretty soon now." more. He tossed the paper to the
"You're going . . ." she said street for a mail truck to splash con-
softly, and her eyes started watering, tempt after indifference. Miss Pep-
and Randolph could actually see the per couldn't have bought those jelly
tears getting ready to fall. "Oh," beans instead of a log, could she?
she said, and it sounded more like Randolph stared at the gooey red
a choke than a word. "Oh, I'm tissue for a moment and then picked
sorry, Randolph. Is it because of it up and put it back in his pocket.
r_JIS mother was at her sewing
machine with tissue patterns
and pieces of bhie material strewn
about. "Mom/' he began, panting,
and sat in the easy chair.
"Don't sit there. You'll muss
that material. How was the les-
"Mom, you've got to let Betsy
take lessons from Miss Pepper right
awav. She wants to so bad."
"Now, Randolph. . . ."
"And she and Miss Pepper would
get along swell. She'd love the stars
Miss Pepper gives you when you
plav good."
"Play well, Randolph."
"Well. Please, Mom, youVe
got to."
"Now, Randolph, you were right
there when I went through that with
Betsy last week."
"Seven's pretty old, Mom. Lots
of kids take when they're only
seven." Randolph's mother only
took some pins out of some cloth
and put them in her mouth. He
spoke softly. "Mom, Miss Pepper's
He waited while she put the pins
back into the cloth.
"Miss Pepper's real poor. Mom."
"We're not exactly rich, you
"She didn't even have a log for
the fire."
"Now, Randolph, that doesn't
prove she was too poor to buy one."
She turned around, and the sewing
machine went zig-zag-zigging across
the blue cloth.
Randolph wanted to pull that
plug from the wall. Didn't his
mother care that someone was poor?
Randolph's Dad would have cared.
Randolph's Dad would have seen
that Betsy just had to take lessons
so it wouldn't matter when Ran-
dolph switched to Mr. Jordan.
Zig-a-zig-a-zig-a-zig-a-zig. . . .
Randolph jerked a leaf off Mom's
African violet on his way out to the
front porch. He sat on the top
step, making green scratches on the
cement in rhythm as he whistled.
He stopped. He was whistling the
music Miss Pepper had played —
the music that had overtaken him
and his Dad in quiet death on a
winter's night in Symphony Hall.
Listening that night to the music,
lifted and transported by it, he had
forgotten who and where he was
until he heard Dad's moan— throaty,
startled, and so close it was almost
Randolph's own.
"Home!" Dad had grasped him
with a clammy hand.
Clammy and shaking were hands
once strong and sure, and Randolph
had stumbled out of the row for
help. The doctor he located could
only explain, for Dad was already
dead, huddled in his seat with dank
hair held tight to his forehead.
Later, much later, Randolph had
cried — when there \\ere baseball
games to be attended or model air-
planes to be assembled or decisions
to be made. For a boy has many
decisions — though none as diffi-
cult as what to do about Betsy and
Miss Pepper.
jD ANDOLPH sighed and took a
soggy, red-stained tissue from
his pocket. He pulled most of the
paper from one jelly bean and
flipped it in his mouth. Well, he
thought, as he curled his tongue
around the candy, what if old Salt-
and-Pepper didn't have a log. He
had tried to help Betsy take lessons.
hadn't he? But it would be his
fault if he quit. If he quit, maybe
she wouldn't ha\e a log or any food,
either. Well, why should he care?
He hated her. He hated her and
her bird stuff and sissy stars.
''Hi, Randy!" Rod Ashton's bi-
cycle skidded to a stop.
''H'lo." Randolph wished Rod
would go away. Rod never stopped
by unless he had something to
show off.
"Guess what!"
"Your dog had kittens."
"Oh, don't be a dope. Guess."
"I'm too tired to guess."
"Mr. Jordan's going to help me
and some kids get up a band!"
Randolph swallowed before he
spoke. "Oh, what do you want a
band for? All that extra practicing!"
"Say, I thought you. ... I was
going to ask you to be in it. Dad's
going to get me a trumpet, and I
thought you could be piano. You're
going to take from Mr. Jordan next
summer, aren't vou?"
Well, he was, wasn't he? He'd
even told old Salt-and-Pepper. Yes,
he'd told her and watched the tears
form in her eyes. She'd sat there
with that blue shawl over her shoul-
ders and tears in her eyes. Oh, darn
Rod, anyway! Why didn't he go
"Well?" Rod insisted.
"No. I changed my mind. I don't
want to any more."
"I bet your Mom said you
couldn't! I bet you have to go on
taking from that old fish face on
Alden Street."
"She did not. I just changed my
mind, that's all. Popular's a waste
of time."
"Well, okay! If that's the way
you feel, okay!" Rod turned quickly
on his bike. "Tell old fish face
hello for me!"
"Oh, go soak your head!" Ran-
dolph called. "Go soak it for a
month! Yeah, and Mr. Jordan,
cJired vi/i
Margery S. Stewart
This is a day for apple juice and spice
And one orange simmering on a gentle fire,
A day to rest and dream and watch the fog
Come like a misty neighbor from the sea.
This is a day to hear the rains repeat
The fragile rhythms of the wind's desire.
This is a day to think in love of faces
That years and space have taken far from me.
So hang the armor up, the battered shield,
And close the door on yesterday's lost field.
sbivina y. uioiner s uiobbii 0/5 CJamuLj (fiistofy
ana (genealogical vi/ork
TT^LVINA }. Homer, Sandy, Utah, has written a detailed and authentic historv of
^-^ her family, beginning with early recollections of her o\\"n childhood in Den-
mark. She also collects and preser\es, for her family, histories of her ancestors and of
her husband's people. Although she has more than i 50 descendants, she knows each
one of them so intimately that she can, without a moment's hesitation, give the cor-
rect dates for births and marriages. She keeps records and scrapbooks filled with
accounts of the achie\ements of her family, pictures, and scores of interesting me-
Sister Homer is an expert quilter and seamstress, and does lovelv crochet work.
She also makes useful and decorative rugs. Although she has been a \\ido\\- and self-
supporting for more than ten years, she remembers her descendants w ith gifts at Christ-
mas. These treasures include tiny doll quilts, doll clothes, crocheted doilies, potholdcrs,
pillow slips, handkerchiefs with crocheted edges, aprons, and man\ other items. Birth-
days are remembered \^•ith a card or a small gift, and each ne^^"h■ married couple is
presented with a lovelv handmade quilt. Sister Homer always keeps a few small
quilts and a box of bootees on hand for new arrivals.
Sister Homer (Ehina Josephine Pehrson) w-as born in Aarhus, Denmark, and
after coming to Utah she was married to Willard George Homer in the Salt Lake
Temple. There were born ten children, nine still living. Fift\-sevcn grandchildren
and sixty-seven great-grandchildren are numbered among the posterity of I'.Kina J.
Homer. In the picture with Sister Homer are three of her great grandchildren
and a granddaughter.
Therefore . . . seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers,
and the hearts of the fathers to the children ... (D & C 98: 16).
Page 251
JLife c/s QJissionable
Leona Fetzer Wintch
A famous man recently summed up his life's efforts by saying that he had given so
-^*' much away that he had only a little of himself left to die. He forgot that the
bookkeeping on life's ledger shows that the more a man gives of his lo\e and of him-
self, the more he has. There are no limits to which the soul can extend itself, and
this boundless dominion is immeasurablv increased by the very act of sharing. Hoard-
ing is deteriorative, but giving is \ ital to living.
Dying begins when we fail to compound fissionable mental fuel with an open,
truth-seeking mind, and when wc ^^■ithhold the bounties of our heart and spirit. Then
the fundamental urges to know and to share become static. In the same measure that
we cease to enlarge ourselves and communicate our growth, we die.
Wliat to do? Deliberately set out to better ourselves, then share, share, share!
We must first recognize that our minds are often cluttered with ideas that do not pay
their lodging. This is a form of the spiritual and intellectual povertv that has always
exceeded physical prixation, and it reminds us again that our present worldly affluence
cannot satisfy our deepest needs.
The almost forgotten joys that will enrich our lives are without number. A
random handful follow: Let us taste the fruit of the centuries by studying the scrip-
tures, so that we can drink at the well of living water, feel the heartbeat of the ages,
and view the limitless dimensions of life; listen to the organ's booming diapason, but
play some gay spiccato, too. There is heaxen all about us, so let us gather a little
starlight and open our eyes to the oxerwhelming magnificence of Andromede's con-
stellation, the sister to the Milky Way; have courage not only to play with ideas, but
wrestle with them and include them in our conversations so that they will not dry
in our minds; best of all, let us understand our associates so that we can sense their
leanings and needs.
We can inspire ourselves and others out of the cubicles of mediocrity that bring
death in life by increasing and intensifying our interests. How can our lives be any-
thing but full to oxerflowing \x'hen we share ourselves, friends, books, interests, and
vigorous ideas that fission on and on? Of a surety, the more we have and share the
more vitallv alive we become, and the less we consent to die.
CJo/low a Star
Grace Barker Wilson
Oh, never sav it is of no avail
To follow star-lined paths where comets trail
Their fiery hair.
The xisions and the inspirations found
Within the heavens lead to higher ground
\Mien life seems bare.
Oppressed when earth things overwhelm the soul.
Look up! The stars' eternal rhythms roll
Like answered prayer.
Page 252
The Cellar
Jerry Barlow
MARY planted a kiss amidst Field mice, wary of their intruder,
the tousled curls as she had darted about in aimless con-
lifted two-year-old Roby in- fusion. Even the black beetles that
to bed. Tenderly, she pulled the usually made her laugh with their
blanket up to his chin and tucked its impudence, looked grotesquely
warmth about his body. As she strange standing on their heads,
closed the bedroom door behind And, when the sleek, evil-looking
her, the gong of the living room rat flicked his snake-like tail against
clock became a persistent reminder her bare legs, she had bolted up the
of the approaching lunch hour. stairs and into the arms of her fa-
Ten — at noon Mark would be in ther. From that day nothing had
from the fields, ravenous from the induced her to enter a potato cellar,
work of the long morning hours. but now she thought of Mark. She
Mary grabbed an empty bucket thought of how hard he worked,
from the kitchen floor and hurried Mark was a meat-and-potatoes man,
to the back porch. Mark kept a and often he had said it was only
supply of potatoes there so that his her good cooking that kept him
petite wife might be spared the going.
chore of fetching them. He knew. Hesitantly, Mary picked up the
too, that she was afraid. bucket, forced herself through the
Mary stooped and thrust her arm front gate and down the road a short
deep inside the burlap bag. Rising, distance. She was glad Jep, Roby's
she shook the limp gunny sack, black puppy, was frolicking along
gently at first, then sharp and vig- beside her.
orously. Old fears revived to haunt A tremor shook her slight body as
her, and Mary resented Mark's for- she pushed the crude latch from its
getfulness for causing her this metal tongs. With a persuasive
moment of fright and indecision, pull, the wooden door opened.
Daughter of a local farmer, Mary Mary stood at the top of the crude-
had grown up lo\ing the multitudin- ly made steps squinting to try and
ous acres that surrounded her; but see far inside. Jep, spying a sea gull,
the potato cellars that rose like land- scampered off across the field un-
marks made her anxious and afraid, hindered by Mary's desire for his
Once, when Mary was five, she company,
had ventured inside one of those She could see that the cellar, once
eerie caverns. She hadn't liked the filled to capacity, now sheltered only
peculiar smell of mellowing pota- a few potatoes that lay bagged or
toes and musty earth. Traceries of scattered deep inside the earthen
cobwebs, some boasting ominous pit.
looking spiders, had hung every- Reluctantly, Marv picked up the
where, and the gloominess seemed bucket and forced her unwilling
a mockery of the feeble light that legs forward. In her haste, she for-
shone through the narrow door, got the rock that Mark alwavs used
Page 253
to prop against the door as assur-
ance against the whims of the freak-
ish wind.
ARY tried not to hear or think
as she flung potatoes into the
bucket. It was half filled when a
sudden swishing sound preceded an
alarming bang, followed by the even
more menacing clatter of the latch
falling into place. Terrified, Mary
dashed up the stairs and flung her-
self against the wooden door.
Furiously, she beat upon it and
screamed out protesting her entomb-
ment. Then she sank down wearily
on the top step. She sat there feel-
ing nothing, for a time immune to
the rustlings and the darkness. Then
a scurrying, too close by, abruptly
started the ghastly marathon of
thought again. Deliberately, she
swiveled her neck from side to side,
trying to see past the frightful
images conjured up by her imagina-
tion; but the minute ray of light
shining from a crack beneath the
door betrayed nothing. Shivering,
Mary hunched her knees against her
chest. Lest the accumulative fears
of childhood overwhelm her, she
forced herself to think outside the
potato cellar.
For the first time she became
aware of the hum of fleeting cars
that swept along the transconti-
nental highway. She realized that
people were passing by, only a few
yards away, not knowing of her pre-
Mary viewed her life in retro-
spect, but was brought sharply
up-to-date by the joyful ''Here, Yep-
py." Instantly she was on her feet.
Roby had climbed from his crib.
In her hurried fear, she had forgot-
ten to shut the kitchen door or close
the front gate. Now she visualized
the stretch of highwa^ that bordered
their farm, all of it straight except
for the dip that rose from its sway
directly in front of the potato cel-
lar. Here a tiny boy might not be
seen in time.
Renewed ]Danic, different and
more terrible, engulfed her. Franti-
cally she hammered at the unyield-
ing door and kicked at its opposing
force. Through the wooden struc-
ture, she pleaded and threatened in
her endeavor to keep her baby with-
in the bounds of safety.
''Roby, come over to the door and
talk to mama."
"Mama," he repeated.
"Let's play a game," Mary
coaxed. "Fll knock on the door like
this, and then vou knock back."
Roby laughed as he imitated his
mother, and the}- talked and
knocked back and forth. Then the
inquisitive sniffing of Jep told Mary
that the puppy had joined them.
Roby and the dog romped hap-
pily and tumbled over one another
in gleeful abandon. The frisky pup-
py darted back and forth, each time
luring Roby farther away.
"Roby," Mary screamed. "Rob)^^
come back here." In desperation
she began to claw at the dirt walls
seeking some way of escape. The
firm ground vielded only slightly,
but Mary dug on, oblivious to the
pain of her bleeding hands.
'T^HE blare of a horn and the whine
of tires preceded the crash. Ex-
cited voices grew to a clamor as
more cars braked to a stop. Above
the din, a man's voice rose, angry
and shaken. "What's he doing in
the middle of the road anyway?"
''Someone had better get his
mother/' a woman cried.
The cellar tilted at a crazy angle
as Mary slumped helplessly against
the wall. Her knees buckled and
her head hit the edge of the bucket
as she fell. . . .
Slowly Mary began her struggle
back. Mark was sitting beside their
bed and, occasionally, leaned for-
ward to soothe away her desultory
cries. Jep's persistent whining at
the cellar door had led to her dis-
covery. Mark felt a tug of sympathy
as his eyes centered on the sterile
bandages that covered Mary's head
and hands.
Beneath the warmth of the wool-
en blankets, Mary stirred, then
jerked upright. ''Roby," she
screamed, ''get out of the road."
A hand pushed her back against
the pillows and a voice, oddly fa-
miliar, kept trying to tell her some-
thing. Now she recognized Dr.
Nuncie, and he was saying some-
thing about an accident. Accident!
The word jarred Mary back to real-
ity and she became acutely aware of
Mark. She flung herself at him
sobbing hysterically.
''Oh, Mark, it's my fault" — mum-
bled w^ords fell against Mark's chest
and he gently cradled her head in
his hand.
"Roby's all right, sweetheart."
"No — he's not, Mark. I heard
the crash and the people talking."
"I know, dear, but Roby wasn't
hit. A tourist hit a fence post. He
saw Roby in the road and swerved
to miss him. He was shaken up a
bit, but nothing serious."
Mary, incredulous, raised her tear-
stained face from Mark's shoulder,
as he gently lowered her back to
the bed.
It was a miracle — only Mary
could not believe it and she pro-
tested its untruth.
A nod from Dr. Nuncie soon
produced their neighbor holding a
squirming youngster in her arms.
Spying his mother, Roby wriggled
free and hoisted himself onto the
bed. Fierce relief made Mary un-
consciously rough as she hugged him
to her. Roby giggled, urging his
mother to repeat the violent caress.
Mary obliged, luxuriating in the
boy's delight.
The pain of her head and hands
had eased, and she gave up Roby
reluctantly. Dr. Nuncie took his
departure, leaving Mark alone beside
the bed.
Sleepily, Mary opened her eyes
and managed a loving smile. "To-
morrow I'll take Roby with me
when I go to the potato cellar."
"Tomorrow," Mark gave notice,
"you'll stay in bed. I'll get the po-
tatoes." Then the corners of his
mouth curled impishly and his eyes
sparkled in the way that Mary
loved. "Gee, honey," he laughed,
"I couldn't take another day like
this one."
Something ^jOifferent for {Dinner
Fluffy Chicken Casserole
Maren Hardy
One 5 to 6 lb. hen. Cook until tender. Remove from bones and cut into small
pieces. Grind skin, gizzard, etc., and add to other chicken.
1 c. flour 1 c. broth
1 c. fat from chicken 6 eggs
3 c. milk
Combine flonr and fat. Add milk and broth. Cook in double boiler until mix-
ture begins to thicken. Add eggs beaten until frothy and continue cooking until mix-
ture is thick and fluffy.
1 c. diced celery 4 eggs
1 c. diced onion 1 loaf of bread crumbled
3 tbsp. butter or bacon fat salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. baking powder
Mix celery, onion, and fat. Mix into crumbled bread and add remainder of
broth from chicken, or barely moisten mixture. Sprinkle with baking powder. Beat
the eggs until frothy and fold into dressing.
Place dressing in bottom of two (approximately 7 !4 by 12V2) baking dishes.
Cover with small amount of sauce. Spread chicken over this and add remamder of
sauce. Top with bread crumbs. Bake 1 hour in 325 degrees oven. Cut in squares
to serve. This souffle can stand without falling. Serves 20 to 24.
Carrot Cake
Edna B. Lang
3 egg yolks 1 /4 c. sugar
1 c. cooking oil 3 tbsp. hot \\ater
Mix well in large mixing bowl, then add:
1V4 c. flour (sifted) Vi tsp. cinnamon
Vi tsp. soda Vi tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. baking powder 1 c. grated carrots
Vi tsp. salt 1 c. chopped nuts
3 egg whites (beaten)
Mix well, beat egg whites and fold in last. Bake in a tube pan for one hour and
fifteen minutes at 325°. Serve with whipped cream.
Poge 256
cyhe [uest'JLaid [Plans
Maude Proctor
IF I had known the anguish that feci confident that this problem
telephone call the other morning could be handled easily,
was going to cause, I think I ''Well, it's pretty messed up with
would have turned over in bed, mud from yesterday's rain, so it will
pulled a pillow over my head, and take a few hours of rather heavy
stayed dead to the world while the work by some of you fine sisters."
bell jangled on. I try to keep in mind that I must
But it is the duty of a Relief be an example to all and a 'Very
Society president to be available in present help" to our hard-working
case of calamity or catastrophe be- bishop whom the whole ward justly
falling any member of the ward, so loves and appreciates.
I sighed and sleepily fumbled my "I wonder why we were elected,"
way over to the noisy phone, hoping I mused meekly,
that no one would be stirring that "Why, Sister Jones, the stake
early to gaze through the open win- president knows I can depend on
dow at my night-gowned, barefooted you sisters getting things done well
progress. and quickly."
"Hello?" I asked hopefully, but I "All right. Bishop," I said more
might just as well not have hoped, brightly, "Fll ask some of the young-
"Good morning. Sister Jones!" er sisters to go over, and it will be
came the particular tone of voice taken care of at once."
our bishop uses when he has some- "I knew I could count on you!"
thing difficult that he wants the came in a relieved tone, "thank
Relief Society to do. you."
Oh, what? I wondered, thinking I hung up and planned whom to
of the huge ironing waiting, the call as I dressed quickly. When I
apricots ready to be canned, and of had the bacon and eggs in front of
mv upset house to be straightened the family, I made out my list and
before an overdue visit of some called my First Counselor, who is
relatives. my right hand, my moral support,
"Well," our good bishop said, and my best friend.
"Fve had a call from the stake presi- "Sure, we can do it. Nothing to
dent saying that two of the Brethren it," she said, soothing and smooth-
are arriving from Salt Lake, and they ing the way before me as she always
want to see our Stake Center. A lot does,
of talking has been done about the
planning and selection of kitchen I hummed contentedly as I cleared
equipment, and President Steele away the breakfast things and
feels that he simply cannot let the prepared to start the canning. Just
Brethren see the place in its present get this fruit out of the way, I
condition." planned, and then Fll try to go over
"And what is the condition?" I and help,
asked, more cheerfully, beginning to Drat that phone! I thought as I
Page 257
reached for it with one hand, while
I turned down the gas with the
other. It was Sister Pratt, one of
the lovehest women I know, and our
stake Rehef Society president.
''Sister Jones," she said, '1 have
something that has to be done at
once, and you know I always think
of your ward when Vm really on a
spot." Words like that are usually
music in my ears.
It's nice to be appreciated, but
today we are busy! I protested to
myself, while I assured President
Pratt that we were at her service.
''We have to have ten large bags
of rags for rugs all cut, sewed, and
delivered tonight. Think you can
do it?" she asked.
"Oh, certainly," I tossed off air-
ily as I thought of several of the
older sisters of the ward who had
been our dependable stand-bys for
years, and who were now being
called on mainly for the less ener-
getic sit-down jobs.
They will be glad to do this and
I can get the group organized and
forget them, was my line of
Forget them? Fll never, never
forget them!
As I moved toward the stove,
someone pounded on the back
screen, and almost simultaneously
there came a series of impatient
blasts from a car horn in front of
the house.
"Just a typical day!" I observed
aloud and called, "wait a minute"
to the back door and hurried to the
front. My next-door neighbor
called after me, "Say, your daugh-
ter's been trying to get you, but
your line has been busy. Her
husband left this morning for the
cattle range, and she guesses she had
better be on the wav to the hos-
Wouldn't it just happen that
way? Mrs. Miller shook out the
dampened clothes for me, while I
took the apricots to the basement.
"Honey," she said, "I'd take them
home and iron them for you, if I
hadn't promised Don I'd go with
him to pick up feed this afternoon."
"Don't dream of it," I told her
"Fll be back sometime tomorrow,
and everything will \^ait. Just tell
Tom where I've gone and I won't
even have to write him a note. He
has been expecting this and knows
exactly what to do."
"Oh, dear!" Suddenlv I remem-
bered the car at the front. At that
moment Mary, my First Counselor,
came in.
"What goes on in here? I didn't
have time to come in. Thought
you'd at least stick vour head out
the door so I could tell you that
you'll have to do this telephoning.
I'm on my way to mother's. She
has had another spell with her heart,
and I'll have to stay with her for a
few days."
I motioned for Mrs. Miller to
keep still. I'd have to figure out
a way to get both groups of women
called without Marv worrving about
it. Her mother reallv needed her.
We waved goodbye and turned and
looked at each other. Mrs. Miller
threw up her hands and sat down.
I felt like it, too, but my poor
daughter was depending on me to
get her to the hospital.
I knew by the drawn blinds across
the way that my Secretary was hav-
ing one of her migraine headaches,
so it would be no use to ask her to
do any telephoning. My Second
Counselor was away. Who' else?
Mmmm! So I decided to risk call-
ing Louise, our literature class lead-
er, to do the telephoning for me.
She is rather absent-minded and
seems to live in the realm of books.
Sometimes their characters seem
more alive to her than the people
around her. On my way to my
daughter's, though, I stopped at
Louise's and gave her the two lists
with careful instructions as to just
what to say to each one, and she
promised to begin telephoning im-
''Don't worry," she said, "V\\ get
Grandma Wilkins to help call the
older group, and Eileen will help
with the others. They will all be
working in no time."
'That's a good idea!" I told her
and dwvc away, feeling that I could
put Relief Society right out of my
T^HE next day as I dro\'e back into
to\A n. Brother Stone hailed me
from the curb. He smiled, waving
a negligent hand, and said, "Those
old women surely made the place
shine over at the Stake Center!"
''Old women!" I echoed blankly.
A couple of hours later, I uneasily
decided ma\bc I'd better check on
what had happened. Louise was all
sweetness and light.
"The bishop was real pleased at
how nice the Stake Center looked,
and Sister Pratt was to pick up the
rug rags last night about six."
71ie uneasv feeling persisted, so
at last I called Sister Pratt.
"Everything was just fine," she
assured me, "at what age do the
sisters over your way start to get old,
Well, I thought as I hung up,
Grandma Wilkins must have been
feeling pretty chipper over those rug
rags yesterday.
I was all set for a very restful
evening when Tom came home.
"The stake president was all
steamed up about our ward sending
some eighty-year-old women over to
the Stake Center yesterday to scrub
floors," was the bombshell he
dropped. I was aghast! Louise
must have mixed up the lists!
I w^orried all through dinner. Tom
got all out of patience at me because
I didn't call someone to see just
what the situation was, but I
couldn't bear the thought of those
poor old ladies with lame backs,
stiff knees, and probably worse. Oh,
goodness! Every one of those young
women who had been called to
tear rug rags would be so insulted
we'd never get them to Relief So-
ciety again all winter.
If there had been any graceful
way of getting out of going to Sun-
day School that morning, I wouldn't
have gone. In plain truth, I didn't
want to face either group of sisters
who had worked the other day.
There was sure to be lots of ex-
plaining and apologizing to do. I
was ashamed of myself, too. I
should have had the backbone to go
to see each of those lovely old
ladies who had been asked to do
work that was surely beyond their
strength. I wasn't quite so worried
about the younger group. Time
would help smooth their ruffled feel-
ings, but I felt I just couldn't face
those old ladies.
Old ladies! Well! I only hope
I'm that young when I'm that old,
if vou know what I mean!
Down the steps Fern Lehigh
came sailing right for me.
"Hi!" she said, "Grandma Wilk-
ins is sure looking for you."
Every step into Sunday School
was torture. I didn't see Grandma
Wilkins until she was standing be-
side me. I looked up slowly, and
there she was, positively beaming
at me.
"Sister Jones, you are a genius!
How do you do it?" She didn't give
me time to answer, which was a
good thing. "I just don't see how
you always manage to do the right
thing at the right time!"
I was standing with my mouth
"My granddaughter Nell," she
went on, "was completely done in,
in fact she was thinking of going
up to her sister's for a few days to
get a good rest when she got the
call from Louise. If she had been
asked to clean the Stake Center she
would have consented, of course,
but it would have put her right in
bed, I know. Here vou asked her
to go and sit in a quiet room and
visit with a few of her best friends,
and it was as good as a doctor's
I was walking away in a daze,
when she stopped me with a gentle
touch. "Sister Jones, you just don't
know what vesterdav meant to us
old-timers you sent over to the Stake
Center. My back has been kind of
stiff, but it made my heart sing to
think that with something impor-
tant, like fixing things nice for the
Brethren, you needed some of us
old hands who really know how."
Tears came to my eyes, and I
hugged her and said, "Yes, we love
you and will ah\ays need you very
Well, they always say "AlFs well
that ends well," but I feel ten
years older!
x/L ^Jjaughter s Lrrayer
BiWie Sue Nickle Coffin
In spring he showed me where wild flowers bloomed.
Taught me the song of winging bird.
In summer — oh, delight to ford the rushing streams.
To talk where only nature heard.
When winter came, and trees were stark against the sky.
We walked through woodlands cold — Father and I.
And now, he takes my own child in his arms,
Teaches her the lilting call of whippoorwill.
She learns to love the smell of evergreen.
To wade a brook and skip a rock, to climb a hill.
When springtime comes and trees are bright against the sky,
God, grant we'll walk the woods again — Father and I.
Love Is Enough
Chapter 4
MabeJ Harmer
Synopsis: Geniel Whitworth, a school-
teacher from Denver, Colorado, takes a
position at Blayney, Idaho, and lives at
Mrs. Willett's boarding house. She meets
Christine Lacy and Marva Eberhart, fellow
schoolteachers, Mrs. Willett's nephew,
Jeff Burrows, a rancher, and Johnny Lin-
ford, who is working for the forest service.
Geniel finds these friends quite different
from Ernest Wood, her friend in Denver.
The schoolteachers and Mrs. Willett
spend Thanksgiving at Jeff's ranch.
THE Thanksgiving holidays
were no sooner over and
school days resumed than
almost everyone began dropping re-
marks about the pageant.
''Wliat pageant?" asked Geniel at
the dinner table.
''Ha/' Marva intoned ominously,
"you'll find out."
''It sounds pretty bad," said
Geniel, drawing her sweater closer
together. "When and how do I
find out?"
"It isn't bad at all," said Ghris-
tine with a smile. "But it does
mean a lot of work for all of us.
Miss Blayney. . . ."
"Whom you will remember as the
patron saint of the Central School,"
interrupted Marva.
"Miss Blayney," Christine re-
peated, "writes a pageant every year.
Our school has the honor of produc-
ing it."
"Under her eagle and uncom-
promising eye," Marva continued.
"Well, naturally, she wants to be
sure that everything goes well. I
suppose that any author feels the
same towards her brain child. The
youngsters really all look forward
to it every year. The mothers make
costumes, and the various acts and
scenes are divided up among all the
classes, so that none of us has too
much to do. Not enough to make
it a burden, anyway."
"Correct," agreed Marva. "And
if we could do it in our own way,
or even all work together under one
capable director, it would be fine.
But we struggle along for fear Miss
Blayney will decide we are all
wrong, or that even she herself has
erred slightly, and change the act,
change the cast, change the scen-
ery. . . ."
"Oh, I know it can't be as bad as
you say," laughed Geniel. "You're
just trying to scare me."
"Hm, just you wait," replied
Marva darkly.
"I know one thing," Geniel com-
mented, "after the brush I had with
her last fall when I missed her big
dinner, I better not make any mis-
takes on this affair."
"You or anyone else," agreed
Marva, "although why we are all so
scared of her, Vm not too sure. I
doubt if she could do more than
get us fired — and schoolmarms arc
hard to come by these da}S."
IN another few days copies of the
pageant were handed out to the
teachers. It was titled "The First
"It gets various titles," said Chris-
tine, "but it's usually about the
same thing."
"Which any eighth grader could
Page 261
have written/' added Marva, ''but
it's up to us to make a shining per-
Gcniel was gi\en the episode of
the herald angels appearing to the
shepherds. Since there were only a
few lines to be spoken by the shep-
herds and one song for the angels, it
didn't seem a \'ery formidable as-
"We have quite a stock of cos-
tumes from other vears," Mr.
Layton, the principal, told her,
"especially of angels and shepherds,
so \ou won't ha\e to worry on that
\Mien Geniel asked the members
of her class which ones would like
to be shepherds, the hands of every
boy in the room went up — sixteen
in all. She knew before asking that
everv girl would want to be an angel.
The script called for six shepherds
and a chorus of eight angels. Be-
sides, there were costumes for only
six of each.
"I can manage to get a dozen
angels on the stage," she decided,
"by putting them close together.
And white nightgowns, or wornout
sheets will do for costumes. But
how to manage almost triple the
number of shepherds is something
else again. And how to costume
them is another problem. Fm grate-
ful that I don't have to bring out
the three kings of the Orient. I'm
sure that I couldn't get by with a
dozen or so extra there."
"You could choose them by tak-
ing the six with the highest spelling
grades," Marva suggested. "Hardly
anyone gets rewarded for being a
good speller these days."
"I'd be sure to end up with the
six who had the least stage presence
— if there is such a thing in the
third grade. No, I'm going to get
them all in the act by fair means
or foul. They were so eager — bless
their hearts."
"Good luck to you," said Marva.
"But let me warn you that when
Miss Blayney puts six shepherds in
her act, six is what she wants and
not sixteen."
"As long as the stage will hold
them, I'll figure it out," said Geniel
T^HE rehearsals went forward with
a dozen angels singing beauti-
fully, and sixteen shepherds posed
over and over again on the stage
until they took up the least possible
Geniel pondered over the prob-
lem of additional costumes and
finally decided that she would have
to go and see several of the mothers.
She was afraid that merely sending
word home by the children would
not bring the desired results.
In this project she had to call on
Johnny for help one Saturday morn-
ing. "In the interests of the annual
Christmas pageant, to be presented
by the Central School, you'd be
glad to chauffeur me around for a
couple of hours, wouldn't you?" she
asked sweetly.
"With the greatest of pleasure,''
he replied. "It's the least I can do
for the cause. Although, in 3/ears
gone by I've been everything from
Kris Kringle to a lame beggar. I
nearly always had a star part of
some kind."
"What refreshing modesty!"
exclaimed Geniel. "About the
costumes — we only have to get
ten. There are six on hand in the
school collection."
She had expected that the trip
would be something of a chore,
but instead it turned out to be a
dehghtful afternoon. Several of the
mothers she met for the first time.
It was not surprising that Johnny
knew them all. Nor was it too sur-
J)rising that they not only knew him
but obviously liked him very mueh.
Before they had started out, he
said, ''When we're through with the
collecting we'll go for a toboggan
ride. All work and no play makes
Jane a you-know-what."
He had chartered their course to
make the circuit as quickly as pos-
sible, but it was soon clear that they
wouldn't get through in time for any
tobogganing — at least, not that
The first stop was at the home of
Chris Humphreys. ''One of my les-
ser lights," she explained. "His
chief talent is for drawing. He never
gets half the answers right on his
arithmetic, but the decorations are
absolutely fascinating."
Mrs. Humphreys welcomed them
with exuberant hospitality. She
served them hot cider and dough-
nuts, showed them the stuffed cloth
animals she had made for various
nieces and nephews and at least two
dozen samples of Chris' art work.
It was with some difficultv that Ge-
niel got around to the subject of
"Bath robes, no indeed!" Mrs.
Humphreys replied scornfully. "I
have a striped blanket from Mexico.
It will make a beautiful robe. And
I also have just the thing for the
top. This purple silk I am going to
make into a blouse. But not before
Christmas. It will make a fine head-
When they were finally able to
tear themselves away, Johnny said
cheerfully, "Well, one down and
just nine more to go. Mrs. Rossiter
is next on the list. Does Fred draw?"
"No. Fred drawls. Let's hope
that his mother doesn't. I must get
through this afternoon or I'll have
to make the rest of the costumes
Mrs. Rossiter was so shy that she
was obviously relieved to get the
visit over with as quicklv as possible.
The balance of the calls took the
rest of the afternoon, but Gcnicl
ended up with a plentiful supplv of
costumes. "It's been worth while
to get better acquainted with the
parents in their own homes, too,"
she said. "I guess this spree takes
the place of the toboggan partv."
"Not at all," declared Johnnv.
"We'll scare up another couple or
two and go sliding by moonlight.
It's even more fun that way — and
"It does sound like fun," she
agreed. "I'm sure that Marva
would like to go. And, maybe we
can get Jeff."
"Sure. It would do him good to
get out of the barnyard for a change.
I never did see a guy so wrapped up
in his cows."
"That's elegantly put," smiled
Geniel. "But rather correctly, I'm
afraid. Anyway, it won't hurt to
TV/fARVA was delighted to go. She
was always ready for a party
of anv kind, anvwherc.
"Jeff says it's okay with him,"
Johnnv reported after phoning.
"He'll be through with his milking
by seven. He says that we can come
to his place for chili afterwards, too."
"Good!" cried Geniel. "This be-
gins to sound like a grand affair."
She was cspccialh' glad that Jeff was
going and was hoping that this time
she would be able to maintain some
semblance of dignity. At any rate,
she couldn't make herself ridiculous
by getting stuck in the mud.
'Til pick you up right after din-
ner," said Johnny. "And be sure to
put on your boots and snowsuit.
Nobody has swept a path on those
hills, or installed a ski lift."
He was right about the ski lift
and wrong about the path. Several
other parties were on the hill and
the snow was packed down hard.
It had been vears since Geniel had
been on a toboggan. ''It's just too
far away to get to a real hill in
Denver," she said. ''About the best
we could manage were a few gentle
slopes for coasting."
"It all goes to show there's just
no place like Idaho," declared Jeff.
"The best in spuds, mountains,
scenery, snow. . . ."
"Men," added Johnny.
"Granted," agreed Marva easily,
as she slipped down on the tobog-
gan. Johnny sat in front to guide.
Geniel was just behind Marva and
Jeff at the back to give the necessary
IT was a thrilling ride. Geniel
thought that no plane trip could
possibly compare with it. The moon-
light sparkled on the white snow,
untouched by city smoke. There
were whoops of joy from each pass-
ing crowd, either going up or down
the hill.
Once, when they hit a bump and
all bounded up in the air, Geniel
was caught by Jeff's strong arms.
His touch was almost like an elec-
tric shock, and she caught herself
wishing that they would hit another
It's nothing more than the excite-
ment of the evening, she tried to
tell herself. But it seemed that
only a part of her was listening; the
other self was hoping to be held
again by those same arms.
It seemed as if they had been
there only a matter of minutes when
Johnny said, "My appetite is getting
to the unbearable stage. Do you
suppose that chili is hot yet?"
"Sure." replied Jeff. "It was when
I left. So is the cider and so forth."
The other three started towards
the car but Geniel hesitated. Would
she ever again capture the magic of
this night? She felt as if she would
give anything for just one more ride.
"Are you coming?" demanded
Johnny. "Or do you want your face
washed in the snow first?"
"Yes, I'm coming. I don't want
to see you starve before my very
eyes," she answered reluctantly.
They drove over to Jeff's house
where they enjoyed the hot food
before the big fireplace with its blaz-
ing logs.
"This makes all of my troubles
seem vague and far away," said
Geniel, stretching her feet towards
the fire.
"Troubles, such as . . .?" inquired
"Such as sixteen shepherds, when
there should be only eight, and
twice too many angels. Each and
every one in the third grade wants
to get into the act, and I didn't have
the heart to refuse even the lowliest
one. If it was anybody's play but
Miss Blayney's, I wouldn't worry.
And perhaps I needn't anyway. May-
be she won't say a word."
"It's much more likely that she
will/' comforted Marva grimly. "I
remember last year when we tried
to have a golden-haired Madonna,
because we wanted to use Margaret
Stapley in the tableau. She'd had
polio and couldn't do a walking part.
We had to rig up a dark wig in the
twenty minutes between the first
curtain and the tableau. This thing
has to be perfect, Tm telling you.
It's a tradition."
"But all the boys want to be
shepherds/' Geniel insisted. ''Be-
sides, Johnny and I gathered up
almost a dozen elegant costumes this
''Could you possibly rotate them?"
suggested Jeff. "You know — you
might have some of them move
slowly across the stage as others
come on. Follow the star, in other
"Oh, that sounds perfectly won-
derful!" cried Geniel. "I knew there
must be a way out, somehow or
other. It certainly must be perfect-
ly logical that they would follow the
"Let us hope that Miss Blayney
!will think so," said Marva, still high-
lly skeptical.
When it came time to go home,
[Geniel was almost as loath to leave
the coziness of the grate fire as she
had been to leave the magic of the
[snowy hillside. I guess it's just that
!l don't want to return to the old
I routine at all, she decided. It's so
much fun just to relax and play.
lY^/^HEN they were back at the
I boarding house, Marva re-
marked lightly, "You know, Johnny
is right about the Idaho men. They
are rather special. At least, these
Itwo are."
"Is either one any more special
than the other?" Geniel asked with
a smile.
Marva only shrugged. The gesture
told Geniel nothing.
She looked forward eagerly now
to the Monday rehearsal. Every-
thing seemed to be working out
wonderfully well. She had an
ample supply of costumes and, with
Jeff's help, she had figured out a
way to put sixteen shepherds on
the stage in place of a mere six.
"Thank goodness, the stage will
be in semi-darkness, so it shouldn't
be too noticeable anyway/' she said
happily. The main problem now
was to teach them to mo\c slowly
and spend as much time as possible
gazing up at the star.
She also trained the angels to
stand partly sidewards so that the
chorus would take up no more room
than half a dozen would have done.
At least, not very much more.
Just the same Geniel practically
held her breath at the final rehears-
al, for Miss Blayney was sitting close
up to the front and had offered very
liberal criticisms during each of the
preceding scenes.
Geniel had taken her charges
through the act so many times that
it went off without a mistake or
hitch of any kind. When it was
over. Miss Blayney said nothing
whatsoever. Geniel breathed a deep
sigh of relief. She didn't expect or
even hope for praise. All she wanted
was to get each and every member
of the third grade onto the stage, if
only for a brief moment.
For the final performance on Fri-
day night she was not greatly wor-
ried, even when she remembered
that a blonde had to be transformed
in twenty minutes the previous year.
She figured that it would be too late
for Miss Blayney, or anyone else to
make any drastic changes.
Anyway, it developed that the
ladv had more serious worries. The
three live lambs, which she had in-
sisted upon having in the stable,
were neither used to being on the
stage nor to night life. True to
their nature, thev went astrav back
into the scenery, knocking over one
Each of the three kings of the
Orient came in dark makeup, be-
cause the teacher had mentioned
that one of them could be dark. Two
of them had to be scrubbed at the
last minute. Miss Blayney failed to
see anything amusing in either in-
When the spotlight fell upon the
angel chorus, Geniel was telling her-
self, well, nothing can go wrong with
this part, anyway. But she had
reckoned without the children in
the audience. A small brother of
Connie's shrieked at the top of his
lungs, "Look Mommie! Connie's an
For a moment Geniel feared that
the shy Connie might turn and run
or drop from sight, but they were
all standing so closely together that
she couldn't do either, and the crisis
She was very pleased when it was
over to see Jeff waiting in the audi-
ence. '*I just thought I'd come and
see if you got away with it/' he
'Tes, thanks to you," she smiled
back. "Thanks from all of the third
grade, their mothers — and their
little brothers."
"I suppose you're going home for
the holidays?" It was a casual ques-
tion, but Geniel had a notion that
he half hoped she would say "no."
Unaccountably she half wished so
herself. Instead she replied, "Yes,
I'm leaving first thing in the morn-
ing. It's a long way around by
"But worth all the trouble, I'm
sure. I hope that certain parties
appreciate their good fortune."
"Oh, my folks will be glad to have
me home, of course," she answered
quickly. "I've never missed a
Christmas at home yet. None of us
has, in fact."
Jeff only smiled and said, "Have
a merry one."
(To be continued)
[Prater of a Second vi/ife
Vesta Nickerson Fairbairii
Dear understanding God, help me be wise
To sense the past and present interlacing,
To know the moment to be self-effacing.
To feel when love unveiled should fill my eyes.
My heart needs time to learn, to recognize
The subtle changing moods of one replacing
Old designs with new, while still embracing
Sacred memories. Help me be wise!
General Secretary-Treasurer HuJda Parker
All material submitted for publication in this department should be sent through
stake and mission Relief Society presidents. See regulations governing the submittal of
material for "Notes From the Field" in the Magazine for January 1958, page 47, and
in the Relief Society Handbook: of Instructions.
Photograph submitted by Hazel M. Brinson
August 3, i960
Front row, at the left, left to right: Marguerite O'Niones, work meeting leader;
Lena Morton, First Counselor; Hazel M. Brinson, President; Beverly MeAdam, Second
Front row, at the right, left to right: Anne Kreitzer, acting chorister; Bethea Dale,
acting organist; C. Lowell Iledrick of the High Council, representing the stake presi-
Second row, at the left: Barbara Jordan, literature class leader; at the right: Be\erly
Ferguson, theology class leader.
Sister Brinson reports that their first Visiting Teacher Convention was a great
success. A well-planned and supervised nursery was conducted bv Shirley Goodman
and Katherine Barney during the convention. The film "Unto the Least of 'I'hese"
was shown twice between the opening session of the convention and the luncheon, and
women attending the convention were divided into two groups by birthday months for
the showing of the film. While the film was in progress, the alternating group inspect-
ed the display tables and saw the demonstrations given there. A demonstration on
home freezing was gi\en bv Mrs. Vander Griff, county home demonstration agent, and
a fashion show was presented b\- the Connersville Branch Relief Society. The delight-
ful luncheon was planned and prepared by the Indianapolis Second Ward sisters and
was served by the stake Relief Society board.
Page 267
s^-W'^^svic^cSfr.VW''*- V. »•
Photograph siihmittcd hy Ruby A. Robbins
FALL SOCIAL, September 28, i960
Front ro\\', seated, left to right: Geneva Johnson, Pearl Saunders, Ellen Cederlof,
Maude jVTclvillc, Mae Bates.
Back row, standmg, left to right: Emma Simpson, Alida Larsen, Dorothy Painter,
Brita Johanson. Elizabeth Grav, Nora Walton, Effie McDonald.
Rnb\ A. Robbins, President, Bonneville Stake Rehcf Society, reports: "The North
Thirt\-third \\^ard honored thirty fine sisters at their fall social, September 28, i960.
The twelve sisters shown in the picture were especially honored for their long years of
ser\ice, one sister, Elizabeth Gra}', being eighty-nine years old. To show them of our
lo^'c and esteem, indi\idual citations were read, then President Grace B. Larsen pre-
sented each sister with a Relief Society pin. These chosen twehe members are our
'gold pin' members. Four new members were added this year and truly feel it an honor
to belong to this group. Twenty-five other visiting teachers were each presented with
a corsage. To honor all our visiting teachers, the song 'Our Life Can Touch So Many
Lives' was very beautifully sung by Lois Nichols. Refreshments, served by our youngest
visiting teachers, completed a most satisfying event."
Photograph submitted by Fawn W. Volker
Front row, seated, left to right: Einilic Wolthers, Second Counselor, Netherlands
Mission Relief Societ}- Board; Johanna Frolich. First Counselor; Fawn W. X^olker, Presi-
dent, Netherlands Mission Relief Society; Wilhelmina A. Linneman, Secretary-Treasurer.
Sister Volker reports: ''We, the sisters of the Netherlands, are very happy with
the results of a eon\ention held at the Hague chapel for the supervisors and officers of
the various branches. The purpose was to impart instruction, exchange ideas, and create
enthusiasm for the new eight months of work ahead. The morning session was dcNoted
to reviewing handbook instructions and thorough preparation of the lessons and acti\i-
tics of the society. The sisters of the Hague Branch decorated the luncheon tables
and served the lunch. Vases of the beautiful golden dahlias of Holland were placed
in the chapel and on the display table. For the display table, each branch brought
samples of beautiful and interesting articles made for their bazaars. The afternoon
speakers used the different lessons for their subjects. Punch was served at the close of
the convention, as most of the sisters had a long way to go. It took some three to four
hours to reach home. There was a marvelous spirit throughout the day and an eager-
ness for the instructions given.
"Affairs such as this are \cry rewarding. They bring together the \arious branches
in delightful association and comradeship, and it was apparent that a spiritual uplift
was brushed off on to all. These are wonderful sisters, and their contribution in time
and effort is like the work of mothers in the home, who keep the family together."
Photograph submitted by Pearl H. Haddock
DISPLAY, August 21, i960
Left to right: Ahira Larson, First Counselor; Benta Wheeler, President; Inez
Sorcnson, work meeting leader; Elmira Brou n. Second Counselor; Selma Lcnhart, Secre-
tary-Treasurer; Ruin- Hawkins, a work meeting chairman; Ada Jensen, quilting chairman.
Pearl R. Haddock, President, Cache Stake Rehef Society, reports that this display
of outstanding handwork was presented in connection with a fashion show in which
members of the Relief Socict\- and their children modeled clothing which had been
made by Relief Society women. Ada Jensen made the rugs shown in the picture and
designed the patterns for the quilts. Amy Ewer, absent when the picture was taken,
made the afghan. Numerous aprons and household articles, in addition to those
illustrated in the picture, were made for the occasion and were attractively displayed.
Photogiaph submitted by Eva N. Dalton
MANY YEARS OF SERVICE, October 29, i960
Front row, seated, left to right: Edrie W. Norton, Second Counselor; Eva N.
Dalton, President; Vera K. Anderson, First Counselor; Elizabeth T. Smith, Secretary-
Back row, standing, left to right: Lois W. Haycock, Nina H. Steele, Hope W.
Goulding, Nellie H. Fullmer, Beth R. Tebbs, Myrtle Slack, Thelda H. Thompson,
Iletta D. Reid.
Eva N. Dalton, President, Panguitch Stake Relief Society, reports: "The mem-
bers of the Panguitch Stake Relief Society Board enjoyed a very special evening on
October 29, i960. The feature of the evening was the presentation of the Church
service record of each of the sisters. These board members ha\e held positions in both
ward and stake Relief Society and have served as officers and teachers in all of the ward
and stake women's auxiliary positions. The list of officers held by this board will
attest to the versatility of the sisters of our Stake."
photograph submitted by LaPriel S. Bimker
September 17, i960
Third row, standing at the right: President Bryan L. Bunker of the Cahfornia
Mission; at the right of President Bunker: Wilham F. Jackson, First Counselor, Cah-
fornia Mission; standing, eleventh from the left (back of the sister holding the book):
Crcssa llunsaker. President, San Gorgon io District Relief Society.
Front row, at the right: LaPriel S. Bunker, President, California Mission Relief
Second row, kneeling: sixth from the left (in dark dress), Velma II. Peterson,
Proiident South Coast district (District recently organized into Palomar Stake, with
Sister Peterson as the first president); ninth from the left, Phylhs Averett, President,
Mt. Whitney District.
President LaPriel S. Bunker reports: "A temple excursion to the Los Angeles
temple was a beautiful spiritual prelude to our convention. The spirit carried over
into our general meeting and departments which were led by our verv humble and
efficient district leaders. We were grateful to have the Priesthood leaders of districts
and branches as our guests. They caught the spirit of the Relief Society program and
the opportunities the sisters enjoy spiritually, intellectually, and compassionately. The
Singing Mothers from one of our districts furnished lo^'ely music. Following the meet-
ing, we were ser\ ed a luncheon in the patio of the Cahfornia Mission home, with very
clever decorations of the first Relief Society sisters as dolls at each place setting. It was
all a glorious experience and enjoyed by all."
Photograph submitted by Harriet W. Capps
CONVENTION, November 19, i960
Ffojit. row, seated, left to right: Malcolm B. Fagan, Work Director Counselor;
Harriet (Hattie) W. Capps, President, South Carolina Stake Relief Society; Belle S.
Spafford, General President of Relief Society; Marianne C. Sharp, First Counselor, Gen-
eral Presidencv of Relief Society; Lottie P. Joyner, Education Counselor; Phodia W.
Guest; Steretary-Treasurer.
Back row, standing, left to right: Mildred G. Jensen, literature class leader; Nellie
B. Opie, organist; Beulah T. W^atson, visiting teacher message leader; Florence W.
Watkins, Magazine representative; Louise H. Laffidy, literature class leader; Thelma W.
Flowers, work meeting leader; Ethel S. Moody, chorister; Alice B. Voyles, social science
class leader.
President Harriet W. Capps reports: 'The convention was a great success. It was
well attended, with around 175 present, many traveling distances of 150 miles. The
spirit was wonderful, and the inspiration the visiting teachers received will be a great
help to us. Greetings were extended by Sister Capps, with talks by Minnie Ricke, one
of the first visiting teachers in South Ciirolina, President Benjamin W. Wilkerson,
Counselor Sharp, and President Spafford. Musie was furnished by tlie Columbia Ward
and Columbia Seeond Ward Singing Mothers. A luncheon and social hour was held
following the convention, honoring all visiting teachers. The receiving line was made
up of Sister Spafford and Sister Sharp and the stake Relief Society presidency. This
gave each visiting teacher a chance to meet our General President and her Counselor.
"Ihe decorations were lovely, with floral arrangements of fall flowers and fruit.
Luncheon was served buffet style, with Mildred G. Jensen pouring punch from a
beautiful silver bowl. Later in the afternoon, the stake board honored Sisters Spafford
and Sharp in the home of Alice B. Voylcs, which was beautifully decorated with fall
flowers. An informal afternoon was spent in discussing everyday problems that arise
in Relief Society. A delicious dinner was enjoyed, which climaxed a highly successful
and inspirational meeting."
Photograph submitted, by Evelyn P. Brown
Front row, left to right: Dorothy Lamkin, literature class leader; La Rae Matheson,
social science class leader; Kathrj'n Wegman, President; Leona Jensen, Education
Second row, left to right: Clara Gold, chorister; Edith Allaback, visiting teacher
message leader; Phyllis Richardson, instructor of work meeting course, "Caring for the
Sick in the Home"; Etmo Zellmer, Magazine representatix c.
Back row, left to right: Marilyn Johnson, organist; Gloria Moser, theology class
Evelyn P. Brown, President, North Hollywood Stake Relief Society, reports this
unique and loAely occasion: "Each board member presented a different 'jewel' of truth
for the Relief Societ}' 'Treasure Chest,' explaining the symbol of each jewel as related
to this year's courses of study and activities. The crown was presented as a climax,
embodying all of the truths to be found in Relief Society activity. The program was
also presented at the October leadership meeting in Burbank Stake."
[Pioneer Jxitchen
Alice R. Rich
nnilE word toq^etherness has a deeper meaning for me than the dictionary definition.
'- The sound of it invites me to travel a childhood trail back to my mother's pioneer
kitchen, the big family workshop. That room knew the true meaning of the word.
A burning pine back log in the wide fireplace warmed and helped make light the
work space. All the family from parents to the young children shared in the prepara-
tion of almost everything the big family ate or wore.
The farm, garden, orchard, and range land, with hand labor, produced the bread,
milk, meat, butter, cheese, chickens, eggs, fruit, vegetables, honey, molasses, wool, and
e\en boots and shoes. These last were made from oil-tanned hides made into leather
at a local tannery.
Ours was a typical pioneer kitchen. It had wide pine-board floors, whitewashed
walls, iron cooksto\c, woodbox, wash bench, water buckets and wash basin, roller
towel, mirror, comb case, sewing machine, almanac, and wood chairs. In the middle of
the room was the big fall-leaf table, and around it much of the work of togetherness
On that sturd\' oilcloth-covered table many hands worked in various activities.
There the year's supplv of farm-fattened, dressed hogs were trimmed; the hams, bacon,
lard, headcheese, spareribs, tenderloin, and sausages were readied for table use for the
present time and for the months ahead. On that table top were prepared the orchard
and garden grown \iands for preserves, jellies, mincemeat, chowchow, chili sauce, sweet
pickled peaches, and relishes. On its oilcloth cover were rolled and shaped pie paste,
cookies, fried cakes, cinnamon buns, and the tender soda biscuits. Fresh from the
oven the great tins of homemade bread came to cool, always so crusty and tempting.
The weekly ironings were always done on the same table top, and there were
pinned dress and suit patterns for the family sewing. Above its top hung the coal-oil
lamp that lighted it for an eating board, and for evening reading. Around it, as an
altar, we knelt for morning and evening prayer.
Within the radius of the lighted fireplace's warmth and light, through the long
winter evenings, we sewed carpet rags, pieced quilt blocks and did the family knitting
while we listened to '*once-upon-a-time" stories and ate pine nuts we had gathered from
the nearby hills.
Pioneer life had its problems, its struggles, and hard work, but it had its compensa-
tions in the togetherness that \\c shared and in the lovely memories that are ours —
memories that for all of us, persist as an interlude, rich and deep in homely joys, an
interlude of gracious living.
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Jxicking the LKocn
Celia. Luce
TF a child stumbles against a rock and
■■■ hurts himself, he often blames the rock
for his troubles. He may punish the rock
by kicking it or hitting it with a stick.
I often act like that child without real-
izing it. Something goes wrong and I
start looking around for something to
blame. I tell myself that I didn't have
the same chance as others. I Imd bad
luck. Or, it was someone else's fault. I
can brood and blame without helping
things at all.
If I really want to set things right, my
thinking must be clearer than that. I
must stop kicking the rock and be ready
to accept the blame I deserve. Only then
can I see what must be done to set things
right again and a\oid trouble in the future.
cJhe Hjig and the JLittie
Maude Rubin
The Chinese do\e and the hummingbird
Sit here together on one bough
Of the braided willow which has not heard
Of their different size or status, though
The dove is a plutocrat, plump and rich.
Big is his name, with a guttural coo;
The other, a small irridescence which
Gleams feather-lightning, nor cares who
Sits on the willow bough and moans. . . .
Regardless of size or spread of wing,
He slices the blue air-wa\ es and owns
A ruby:
But the common linnet sings
Better than either the Little or Big,
As they sit here preening on summer's twig.
Page 274
LKeju venation
Cleo /. Johnson
SITUATED in a sheltered spot by the side of the main road in the dn' farm seetion
of southeast Idaho, stands a httle, vveatherbeaten, now ramshaekle, brown house.
When hfe seems to close in on me, when I feel I must get away from it all, that is
where I like to go.
I've taken my family there. They peer through the windows into the empty
rooms, and fight mosquitoes down by the creek while eating lunch. I have led them
up the path that reaches the top of the cliff behind the house where the waving grain
fields can be seen. But soon it's, **Come on. Mom. Let's go." "Gee, it's hot." 'Tm
tired!" "Haven't you seen enough?" The last time I went there, I left them home.
You see, this house is part of me. The property belongs to someone else now,
but this is the place where I was born, and as such, will always be mine. I look
through those dust}- windo\\s and I hardly see the cracks in the wall or the litter on
the floor. I see it as it used to be with its big black stove and the woodbox in the
corner, tlie rust-colored \ehet portiere that hung in the doorway, with rows of photo-
graphs and pictures lining the wall, and the green plaid steamer rug covering the
day bed.
I walk down by the creek and, instead of a muddy, hoof-marked watering hole for
cattle, I see it clear and sparkling, crystal-cool straight from the mountain, with water-
cress growing, and a box-like cooler where milk and butter were kept in tin pails.
I climb that path, not even caring that my best slippers are ankle-deep in dust.
The shimmering of the quaking aspen trees, the smell of the haw berries and the hum
of the insects gixe me a feeling of peace. And once again as I stand on that hilltop,
with the wind blowing through my hair, it is as if I were a child at my father's side.
I watch the golden grain ripple.
Then I go home again, and life seems sweeter and dearer than it was.
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Page 275
Leaving the last of May.
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Salt Lake City 3, Utah
Phones: EM 3-5229 - EL 9-8051
New Classes Begin Soon
Adult classes for Relief Society and gene-
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Individual help and instruction by pro-
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cJhe j/intidote
Cynthia M, Trunnell
T 7^7'E have a yard in which the grass
grows green and strong because of
good seed, good soil, fertihzer, and water.
Here and there are also growing dandelions
and other weeds, \ igorous and hardy from
the same soil and fertilizer and water that
benefit the grass. They spread out their
uneven patterns irregularly across the
lawn, marring the smooth green effect we
are trying to achiexe. This morning \\q
sprayed the grass and the weeds with a
poison mixed with water. The weeds will
die because of this spraying, but the grass
will not be damaged, will receive only the
benefit of the water in the mixture. If we
were to spray the vegetable garden, how-
ever, the \egetables would die with the
weeds. I wonder what protects the grass.
Is it some built-in immunity?
I know that with the good influences
that are sprayed across my children's
minds from tele\ision. movies, radio, and
magazines, are mixed some poisons. The
strength and appeal of these poisons I can-
not judge. Their specific potency I can
only guess. My children are not like the
weeds, unplanted, untended, unwanted,
untaught, but what if they are like the
vegetables, lacking immunit}^ to the
poisons of life from which they cannot
be completely shielded? How can I guard
them by building into them some uni-
versal immunity to protect them as the
grass is protected, from within?
The only such means of immunity I
know is the gospel of Jesus Christ, taught
to them with love and conviction, rein-
forced consistently by daily example. I
believe and pray they will obey the gospel
and be immune to poisons from which I
cannot shield them.
Page 276
The spocieui new hcodquorleri
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Page 277
(y/2 Second cJhought
Stdh Hatch
IN this tension-filled whirl we live in, I've found an oasis. It is second thought.
I cannot tell exactly when I discovered it, but it has saved me untold anxiety.
I can truthfully say it has gi\en me peace of mind.
Take for example — money. I used to spend it when I had it and hardly knew
where it went, or \\hether it would reach or not. Now I plan for it. Then, on second
thought, I replan it and it reaches, because I find things there that I can very well do
without. It is a big relief when I do. When my children must have this or that
luxury, I very firmly give it my second thought and let the children work for the
monc}'. They appreciate it more.
Just last week I planned an evening at the movie for me and the children, then,
on second thought, I bought ice cream cones for us and our new neighbor's children,
and we spent two wonderful hours getting acquainted.
I ha\e been accomplishing my work by doing certain things on certain days and
have been nervous and upset when anything interfered. On second thought, I sat
down and made a list of the things I just had to do to keep a moderately clean house,
a well-fed family, and presentable washings and ironings. Then I listed all the extras
I have been tearing my heart out about and put each one down on a separate recipe card.
Now, I take one of them out every day and v^'ork on it for ninety minutes, then I have
the rest of the day to live and love more than I have ever done. I am accomplishing
more, I'm not worrying about what hasn't been done, because I know that someday
soon the card will pop up, and I enjoy my family so much more. Of course, they are
wondering what has happened to me, but I just smile and squeeze my file box.
When traveling I choose a route. On second thought, I consider what I shall
miss by going that way, so I reroute to have more pleasure for the same amount of gas.
I have been upset many times in disciplining the children, even punishing the
wrong one. Now, on second thought, I am beginning to use more reason and much
prayer. My children are slowly responding to my change of attitude. I have found
myself becoming more patient.
My husband and I have been happier together, because when I have become
annoyed about something, I give it a second thought, of what tomorrow would be like
if he were taken from me. I try to greet him with a smile and appreciate the wonder-
ful man he is. The petty things just seem to fade out. Try second thought. It is
Page 278
1 1 iorning LPromise
Leah W. KimbaJ]
Even as branches bare
Against a somber sky,
May I add beauty to my world
As stark night passes by.
Soon morning sun, though hid from view,
Will penetrate the gray.
Pink-tint the clouds and, through the mist,
Find heaven's blue for day —
A promise of the light to come,
Of solace for the soul,
Of warmth and joys yet undreamed.
Clear vision of the goal!
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Page 279
iuirthdaii (congratulations
Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Russell Day
Hunter, Utah
!Mrs. Elizabeth Mohr Felix
Logan, Utah
Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson Young
Sanford, Colorado
Mrs. Maria Peterson Thompson
Ephraim, Utah
Mrs. Minetta Parmelia Brown
Manti, Utah
Mrs. Alice Ann De La Mare Gowans
Tooele, Utah
Ninety -three
Mrs. Emily Jane Dunster Siddoway
Vernal, Utah
Mrs. Sarah H. Critchlow Ballantyne
Ogden, Utah
Mrs. Laura Furniss Kelley
Roy, Utah
Mrs. Amalia Olsen Berg
Castle Dale, Utah
Mrs. 1\L\rgaret Ellen Black Rowley
Castle Dale, Utah
Mrs. Rhoda Alice Hales Tanner
San Diego, California
Mrs. Sarah Fitch Whyte
Lethbridge, Alberta
Mrs. Clara Louise Crismon Johnson
Ceres, California
Mrs. Clara Young Speirs
Los Angeles, California
Mrs. Minnie Candus Allen Thomas
Long Beach, California
Mrs. Eva Unsworth Hansen
Mar Vista, California
Page 280
Mrs. Annie Glade Vine
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Eliza Denio
Bell Gardens, California
Mrs. Mary Alice Wisehart Parkhurst
Menlo Park, California
Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Curtis Walker
Aogusta, Georgia
Mrs. Elizabeth Emma Slade Carroll
Mancos, Colorado
Mrs. Jane Angus Banks
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Marie Yorgensen Carling
Shelley, Idaho
Mrs. Ann Giles Cummings
Salt Lake City, Utah
Mrs. Sarah Ella Spencer
Greensboro, North Carolina
Mrs. Mary Berg Beckstead
Nibley, Utah
Mrs. Elizabeth Hamp Willmore
Pocatello, Idaho
of or Aprils Sake
Ida Elaine James
Now consummates the root
In pale anemone
When humbly underfoot
Blooms pink fragility;
Now through the lyric air
Of spring, reluctant snow
Of petals drifts down April's stair
As cherry blossoms go.
As a thrush's wing whirs
Upon inviting wind.
Softly old magic stirs
To ruffle the mind.
On mornings sweetly blue
Memories awake
And softly sing of you
For April's sake.
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their income for a Beneficial Life Planned Futures
program. As your Beneficial Life man will
quickly point out, it isn't really spending at all,
it's an investment in your own future.
One-half billion dollars of life insurance in force
Salt Lake City, Utah
Virgil H. Smith, Pres.
SS A ® A S S K
I ;
VOL/ 48 NO. 5
MAY 1961
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Ljear of the {Jjutterfly^
KosGmond Purviance
The Chinese have a way, it seems to me.
Of marking time that offers pure delight.
This is the year of the dog, they say,
Or the dragon or the swine.
This has been the year for us of the butterfly. . . .
From the dry cocoon on the early day
The black caterpillar spun
And hung from the top of the prismed jar
Where children's hands had thrust
A twisting, fuzzy body
In a bed of twigs and grass.
Gently! Gently!
Caterpillars squirm and childish fingers
Are unskilled in tenderness.
Thus comes the need for dying
And to know makes quick tears
When the knowing of the need
Exceeds the small circumference of a world
Surrounded by an unpierced infant wall. . . .
The question rises and the answer falls
And comfort swells and fills the in-between
To give to dying meaning
That to die is but to live.
But tears dry quickly when the heart is young,
And summer days hold magic for the eyes.
The frosty brown container splits and curls
And now the jar grows smaller — much too small
To quite contain the beauty that comes forth . . .
And jet and gold, and tipped with silver-white.
The lid is lifted,
And Pandora's eyes were never bright
To witness such as this.
It rises, flutters free
And settles down,
Pulsating softly,
On a yellow head.
The year of the butterfly is gone.
I wait.
Anticipating with an anxious joy
Another time of learning
Children's years.
The Cover: Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
Photograph by Duncan Edwards, Free Lance Photographers Guild
Frontispiece: Delaware Canal, Pennsylvania
Photograph by Don Knight
Cover Design by Evan Jensen
Cover Lithographed in Full Color by Deseret News Press
Qjrom it
ear an
a 3fc
I love The Relief Society Magazine. The
lessons are helpful and so are the wonder-
ful, inspiring stories and poems. Every
word helps to strengthen my testimony,
and my heart is full of thankfulness for
the Magazine. No one reading this won-
derful Magazine could deny the truth and
words of wisdom it contains. I pray that,
as one of the Magazine representatives,
I may be the means of others obtaining
and enjoying our Relief Society Magazine.
— Sarah Potts
Ripley, Derbyshire, England
I was Relief Society president for two
years here in Cookeville. I now teach the
social science class, and enjoy all the les-
sons which are given in the Magazine.
The stories and poems are just wonderful,
and the covers so lifelike. My children
and I were discussing the March cover and
remembering our trip to Canyon Lake
(near Phoenix, Arizona) in 1955, when
we were living in Phoenix. It is wonder-
ful to see it on the Magazine in color.
— Mrs. Elsie Lee Hickey
Cookeville, Tennessee
I think The Relief Society Magazine is
simply splendid. I have taken it since
1926. I sent a copy to a cousin of mine
in England (nonmember) and she wrote
thanking me for the nice httle book.
— Helen McQuarrie
Salt Lake City, Utah
I would like to tell you how much I
appreciate our wonderful Magazine. It
helps me spiritually and materially in my
home. I just can't be without it. For
me The Relief Society Magazine is a treas-
ure of knowledge.
— Mrs. Clemencia P. Golithon
Redondo Beach, California
I enjoy our Magazine very well. I have
twenty-five bound volumes and treasure
them. I also enjoy the Birthday Con-
gratulations to our dear sisters.
— Annie E. Nielsen
Spanish Fork, Utah
I enjoy The Relief Society Magazine
very much. Two of the recent stories
have been particularly moving: "Grafted"
(First Prize Story, by Hope M. Williams,
in the January issue); and "The Happety
Road" (Second Prize Story, by Hazel K.
Todd, in the February issue ) . I am glad
the articles on Temple Square (by Preston
Nibley, October and November i960,
and January, February, and March 1961)
have been included in the Magazine. My
children enjoy these bits of history as
much as I.
— Mrs. Merrill Holyoak
American Falls, Idaho
I can't begin to tell you how much I
appreciate our wonderful Magazine, and
what it means to me. Inside the beauti-
ful covers lie a college education, the won-
derful lessons, stories, recipes, and poems.
The contents of the Magazine are always
outstanding. I have enjoyed twelve years
on the stake board, in two different stakes,
as Magazine representative and have loved
every minute of it. I have also served as
a ward president in the same two stakes.
Truly, I have learned the value of the
— Mrs. Alligee L. Anderson
Nephi, Utah
The Relief Society Magazine is an in-
spiration to all of us here in Waco, Texas,
We especially enjoy the ideas for work
meeting. Our homebound members sure-
ly enjoy the Magazine. We hope you will
never discontinue the handwork features
in our favorite Magazine.
— Mrs. Florence Hoppie
Waco, Texas
Just a note of thanks for the beautiful
editorial "And Tell of Time" in the Janu-
ary Magazine (by Vesta P. Crawford).
Truly, I feel that it was penned par-
ticularly for me. I have always loved that
passage from Ecclesiastes around which the
message was built.
— Evelyn Anderson Lee
Linthicum Heights, Maryland
Page 282
Monthly Publication of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Belle S. Spafford ._--.- . President
Marianne C. Sharp ----- - First Counselor
Louise W. Madsen ----- Second Counselor
Hulda Parker . - - - - Secretary-Treasurer
Anna B. Hart Christine H. Robinson Annie M. Ellsworth Fanny S. Kienitz
Edith S. Elliott Alberta H. Christensen Mary R. Young Elizabeth B. Winters
Florence J. Madsen Mildred B. Eyring Mary V. Cameron LaRue H. Resell
Leone G. Layton Charlotte A. Larsen Afton W. Hunt Jennie R. Scott
Blanche B. Stoddard Edith P. Backman Wealtha S. Mendenhall Alice L. Wilkinson
Evon W. Peterson Winniefred S. Pearle M. Olsen LaPriel S. Bunker
Aleine M. Young Manwaring Elsa T. Peterson Irene W. Buehner
Josie B. Bay Elna P. Haymond Irene B. Woodford
Editor ..---_..--- - Marianne C. Sharp
Associate Editor -------- -- Vesta P. Crawford
General Manager ---------- Belle S. Spafford
VOL. 48 MAY 1961 NO. 5
International Singing Mothers Concert Tour Belle S. Spafford 284
Contest Announcements — 1961 293
Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest 293
Relief Society Short Story Contest 294
Magazine Honor Roll for 1960 Marianne C. Sharp 320
"Men Are What Their Mothers Make Them" Mabel Law Atkinson 296
Lovingly Remembered Frances C. Yost 299
Love Is Enough — Chapter 5 Mabel Harmer 312
From Near and Far 282
Sixty Years Ago 302
Woman's Sphere Ramona W. Cannon 303
Editorial: Train Up a Child As an Individual Marianne C. Sharp 304
Notes From the Field: Relief Society Activities Hulda Parker 330
Birthday Congratulations 344
The Evening Star Cleo Jones Johnson 298
Spring Housecleaning Hattie B. Maughan 306
Buffet to Remember Alice Morrey Bailey 308
Animal Aprons Shirley Thulin 310
Martha Wilcox Hacking, Mistress of Many Hobbies 319
The Recipe Marion Ellison 319
Beauty Arlene D. Cloward 337
The Hard Way Celia Luce 338
To Be a Grandmother Harriet De Spain 339
The Year of the Butterfly — Frontispiece Rosemond Purviance 281
Sunflowers on a Hill Eva Willes Wangsgaard 292
Set Your Kindred Free Clara Lewis Jennings 295
Suburbs Christie Lund Coles 305
Inside the Locket Lorena A. White 307
Earth House in May Caroline Eyring Miner 318
Woman's Choice Lula Walker 337
Jesus Texas A. Gladden 338
Twin Seas Ethel Jacobson 340
Hearts Rowena Jensen Bills 340
Except for the Daisies Mabel Jones Gabbott 342
So Beautiful, Beloved Grace Barker Wilson 342
Copyright 1961 by General Board of Relief Society of The Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Editorial and Business Offices: 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah: Phone EMpire 4-2511;
Subscriptions 246; Editorial Dept. 245. Subscription Price: $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.00 a year;
20c a copy ; payable in advance. The Magazine is not sent after subscription expires. No back
numbers can be supplied. Renew promptly so that no copies will be missed. Report change of
address at once, giving old and new address.
Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the Post Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, under
the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in
section 1103, Act of October 8, 1917, authorized June 29, 1918. Manuscripts will not be returned
unless return postage is enclosed. Rejected manuscripts will be retained for six months only.
The Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 283
International Singing Mothers
Concert Tour
President Belle S. Spaffoid
4 4T ET Not Your Song End
I With Its Singing" was the
concluding number of each
one of a series of concerts presented
in seven large centers of the United
Kingdom by a Relief Society Inter-
national Singing Mothers Chorus
composed of 250 singers represent-
ing five countries — United States,
England, Scotland, Ireland, and
As this glorious song rang out
through the great concert halls of
Great Britain, one felt the prophetic
nature of its message. The superb-
ly beautiful music of these sweet-
spirited mothers will not end in the
concert halls, but will go on in the
homes, in branches and missions, in
wards and stakes of two continents,
to sustain and bless our Father's
children and to further his work.
In a revelation given in July 1830
to the Prophet Joseph Smith and
directed to his wife, Emma, who
twelve years later became the first
President of Relief Society, the Lord
said: 'Tor my soul delighteth in the
song of the heart; yea, the song of
the righteous is a prayer unto me,
and it shall be answered with a bless-
ing upon their heads'* (D & C
Throughout its 119 years of his-
tory, during which time Relief So-
ciety has spread to the far corners
of the earth. Relief Society mothers
have been singing mothers. They
have sung with heart and voice. Yet,
in all the long history of the Society,
Page 284
it was not until now that Rehef
Society members residing in more
than one country had been brought
together in one choral group. The
recent concert tour of Great Britain,
history making in its conception and
accomplishments and promising for
the future of the Singing Mothers
program of Relief Society and for
Relief Society itself, bears testimony
of the blessings of the Lord to his
daughters, of the power of music,
and of the importance of the Re-
lief Society in the advancement of
the work of the Church.
The first International Chorus of
Singing Mothers, formed at the
direction of the First Presidency,
was blessed in having as its conduc-
tor Dr. Florence Jepperson Madsen,
member of the General Board of
Relief Society and eminent Ameri-
can conductor. Dr. Madsen has had
a long and distinguished career in
the field of music as soloist, com-
poser, teacher, and conductor. It
was not a new experience for her to
bring together into one large choral
group singers selected from many
local Relief Society choruses. For
a number of years she has conducted
such choruses at the Annual Gen-
eral Relief Society Conference and
at sessions of the General Church
Conferences. The thousands of
Latter-day Saints attending these
conferences have been inspired and
edified by the deeply moving music
of these choruses.
Outstanding as have been her past
Courtesy Fox Photos, Ltd.
performances, Dr. Madsen's great
talents seemed to have reached a
perfection peak in the training and
conducting of the International
Chorus. Sensitive to the effects de-
sired by the composers, she devel-
oped, in a comparatively few
rehearsals, the abilitv on the part of
the singers to perform beautifully
and artistically. The charm of her
personality, her ready wit, the sin-
cerity and apparent ease with which
she achieved emotional and spiritual
depth in her conducting, will mark
her ever as a superb interpreter of
song and as one of the great choral
conductors of the Church. In all of
Florence Madsen's activities in
working with the American and
British singers, she had the full
support and assistance of her hus-
band, Dr. Franklin Madsen, himself
an accomplished musician and con-
The International Singing Moth-
ers Chorus was fortunate, also, in
having Dr. Frank W. Asper, one of
America's most distinguished organ-
ists, for the organ accompaniments
and for the concert organ solos. Dr.
Asper has been playing the Salt Lake
Tabernacle organ for more than
thirty years. The dedicatory serv-
ice for the organ in the new Hyde
Park Chapel featured Dr. Asper.
The Singing Mothers participated in
that service.
IT was not an easy undertaking to
bring together for several weeks
of rehearsal fiftv-seven women from
stakes in Utah extending from Pro-
vo through Ogden; also to assemble
for sectional rehearsals two hundred
Courtesy J. Walter Thompson, Ltd.
British women; then to transport
the 250 American and British sisters
to London and from this center to
Manchester, to Nottingham, to
Cardiff, to Newcastle, to Glasgow,
and to Belfast for concerts, and
then on back to Liverpool and from
thence to their respective homes.
The organizational genius of the
undertaking was reflected in the
smoothness with which the tour
moved from place to place. Planned
under the competent direction of
President Bowring Woodbury of
the British Mission and his wife.
Sister Beulah Woodbury, with the
full support and co-operation of
other mission presidents of Great
Britain, the Manchester Stake presi-
dency, the missionaries, local Priest-
hood and Relief Society leaders, as
well as the General Presidency of
Relief Society, the tour was con-
ducted with the efficiency and pre-
cision of a well-oiled machine.
Travel arrangements for the
American sisters to and from Eng-
land were made by President Frank-
lin Murdock, who, together with
Sister Clare Murdock, accompanied
Courtesy Fox Photos, Ltd.
Photograph taken in England
February 1961
American composers represented.
Some of Dr. Madsen's own composi-
tions were included. Each number
was recognized as being among the
finest in choral music. Though dif-
ficult to learn, the sisters memorized
the songs and presented them with
artistry under the masterful conduct-
ing of Dr. Florence Jepperson Mad-
sen. The organist, Dr. Frank Asper,
the pianist, Zesta T. Geisler, the
soloists, Annette Richardson Din-
woodey, Jean Taverner, and Jewell
E. Cutler, the violinists, Reva Blair
and Blanche Wilson, all lent great
talents to impressive and soul-stir-
ring concerts.
As the chorus moved from city
to city on its memorable tour, recep-
tive and appreciative audiences
greeted the singers. Enthusiastic
applause and high praise for the
the singers throughout the entire
tour. The tour manager was Elder
Maurice Barnes of the British Mis-
sion. Elder Barnes was assisted by
Sister Myrtle Wentworth and Sister
Coleen Hamilton, of the British
Mission, while Sister Evon W. Pet-
erson represented the General Board.
All of these brothers and sisters re-
mained with the singers throughout
the entire tour, as did President
Spafford. President Bowring Wood-
bury and Sister Beulah Woodbury
also traveled with the chorus a por-
tion of the time. Every requirement
of responsible assignments was met
pleasantly and capably by those
assigned to direct and assist with the
tour, making the extensive traveling
a happy and comfortable experience
for the singers.
The music repertoire consisted of
twenty-three sacred and secular
numbers, with both British and
Courtesy J. Walter Thompson, Ltd.
of the General Board of Relief Society
Director of the International Singing
Mothers Chorus
Courtesy Fox Photos, Ltd.
Seated in the front row, left to right: Sister Brown, Sister McKay, President David
O. McKay, Elder Hugh B. Brown, President Alvin O. Dyer.
quality of the singing and the
uniqueness of the undertaking were
forthcoming on every hand.
Warm welcomes were extended
by Lord Ma^^ors in a number of the
cities where concerts were given.
Some of these distinguished civic
leaders honored the Church by at-
tending the concerts held in their
respective cities. Other distin-
guished persons were also present at
the various concerts.
Everywhere the press was gener-
ous in reporting the event. The
Newcastle press reported the con-
cert as follows, under the heading
The Singing Mothers Excel:
In the City Hall, Newcastle, last night
the International Chorus of Singing Moth-
ers of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints gave a concert of sacred
and secular music. This was one of a
series of concerts which this body of
singers is giving in seven centers in the
United Kingdom. The whole concept is
remarkable — 50 American singers who
have come over specially for these events
joined with 200 British singers, who have
for some time been rehearsing sectionally,
and they have formed a choir whose per-
formance was an absolute object lesson in
choral singing. Apart from the obvious fact
that every member was thoroughly cog-
nizant of the music — the whole exacting
programme was sung without reference to
copies — credit must be given to the
expert training and inspiring conducting
of Dr. Florence Jepperson Madsen. . . .
The programme consisted of a ^'aried se-
lection of three and four-part choral items,
solos by Jewel Cutler (soprano), and
Annette Richardson Dinwoodey (contral-
to), a violin solo by Blanche Wilson and
two organ solos. Some of the accompani-
ments were played on the organ by Dr.
Frank W. Asper, who provided adequate
support without ever being too loud, in
spite of the temptation of the large organ,
the power of which he rather de\astatingly
demonstrated in his solos. The rest were
in the hands of the pianist, Zesta T.
Geisler, whose playing was excellent. Her
accurate accompaniments were helpful to
choir and soloists alike.
Of the contribution of the choir to the
programme one can only speak in the
highest terms.
Helped by the absence of copies, there
was absolute unanimity in everything they
did, with constant attention centered on
their conductor, whose clear and mean-
ingful leadership ensured splendid preci-
sion. They sang with artistic expression
and never lost vitality, whether in vigorous
and strenuous passages or in the quietest
parts. But while praising highly their tone
and the general interpretation of the
music, it was that rare quality in singing,
splendid enunciation, which struck me
most. Such clarity, such care with ade-
quate stresses, left the audience in no
doubt about the words.
Classical, English, and American com-
posers were represented. Only to mention
a few — Handel's ''Come Unto Him" was
beautifully sung, as was Elgar's "The
Snow." We were given an unaccustomed
staccato rendering of a Bach chorus, but
it was effective. An Irish song, "I Have a
Bonnet Trimmed With Blue" was very
taking, and Landon Ronald's "A Southern
Song" was given an interpretation which
warranted the repetition demanded.
Dr. Madsen, the conductor, had one
composition and two arrangements in the
programme, all bearing the stamp of expert
musicianship, and her "Come, Ye Blessed"
was given a sincere and moving rendering.
A remarkable achievement of Dr.
Florence Madsen, and one
which received considerable atten-
tion and commendation, was the
perfect blending of the English,
Scotch, Irish, Welsh, and Western
American accents into an harmoni-
ous oneness. This, however, was
not the only blending. The lives of
the sisters were blended as one.
From the hour when the Queen
Mary docked at Southampton bear-
ing the American group until fare-
wells were spoken at Liverpool, a
spirit of love and sisterhood pre-
vailed. The welcoming song, ''Come,
Come, Ye Saints," sung by sixty
British singers, came ringing across
the water as the ship docked and
was promptly answered by ''Now
Courtesy Fox Photos, Ltd.
Courtesy J. Walter Thompson, Ltd.
Exhibition Road, Kensington, London
Let Us Rejoice in the Day of Salva-
tion, No Longer As Strangers on
Earth Need We Roam." This
glorious and heartfelt singing formed
a favorable beginning for loving
The most impressive and mem-
orable of the many long-to-be-re-
membered occasions in which the
chorus took part, was, without
doubt, the dedication service of the
Hyde Park Chapel in London, on
Sunday, February 26, 1961, at ten
The building features many new
advancements in chapel design. The
spacious and attractive chapel hous-
es a concert organ of 2,545 pip^s,
forty-three stops, and three manuals
of sixty-one keys each. A large rec-
reational room with a stage adjoins
the chapel and may be opened to
accommodate overflow congrega-
tions attending meetings in the
chapel. There is a large and beau-
tifully decorated Relief Society
room, a spacious kitchen with
modern kitchen equipment, and
twenty classrooms. The building
also has a baptismal font. Of great
convenience is a basement garage
designed to hold forty cars. The out-
side of the building is equally as
beautiful as the interior. A ninety-
foot tower capped by a gold leaf
covered spire, rising an additional
forty feet to place the spire top 130
feet above the street level, and with
a narrow panel of colored glass run-
ning vertically up the tower face, is
illuminated at night. It may be
seen long distances, an eye-catching
and inspiring sight on the London
With the entrance of President
and Sister McKay for the dedicatory
service, accompanied by Elder and
Sister Hugh B. Brown and Elder and
Sister Nathan Eldon Tanner, the
great gathering of saints and friends
who had assembled early for the
service, rose as one and stood in
silent and reverent respect until our
distinguished Prophet and President
and his beloved and honored wife
were seated. The joy of the sisters in
having Sister McKay present when
the women of the Church were
being honored by having Relief So-
ciety Singing Mothers provide music
for this auspicious occasion, was
apparent in their faces as Sister
McKay entered the building.
T^HE chorus sang with sweetness,
clarity of tone, and a soul
quality that were deeply moving,
the following anthems:
"The Morning Breaks, the Shadows
Flee," by P. P. Pratt and George Careless.
"Send Forth Thy Spirit," by Schuetky,
arranged by Frederic F. Smith.
"Peace I Leave With You," by Roberts.
"Thy Blessing on This House, Dear
Lord," words by Alberta H. Christensen
and music by Florence Jepperson Madsen.
The impressive address of Presi-
dent David O. McKay, and the
inspired dedicatory prayer pro-
nounced by him, will live on in the
hearts of the listeners. President
McKay outlined the indispensable
conditions to the attainment of
peace. ''Only by adherence to the
fundamental principles of righteous-
ness can peace come to individuals
or nations," he said. He told the
listeners that 'The mission of the
Church is to establish peace — peace
in individual hearts, peace and har-
mony in the home, cessation of war
and discord among nations." He
said that peace cannot be found in
external things, it always comes from
The following words spoken by
President McKay in behalf of Relief
Society as he referred to the
Relief Society room, made a deep
impress upon the hearts of the Re-
lief Society sisters there assembled:
We dedicate the Relief Society rooms
and kitchen and all that pertains thereto.
Bless the Relief Society and the service
they are rendering, the significance of
which is now becoming more clearly under-
stood by the people of the world. Holy
Father, guide the members and keep close
to them, and may all the people realize
what it means to have our mothers render-
ing service, not only to their loved ones
and children at home, but through their
ability as leaders of the women of the
The organization of the London
Stake at the Sunday afternoon ses-
sion, during which the Singing
Mothers again sang, was a second
glorious occasion of this Sabbath
The tour of the International
Singing Mothers Chorus seemed
appropriately concluded with a
special temple session at the Lon-
don Temple arranged by President
and Sister Selvoy Boyer. A spirit of
peace and well-being pervaded the
soul of everyone and seemed as a
benediction upon the momentous
There were mixed emotions the
morning of March 8, when sisters of
five different countries who had
lived together and sung together for
a fortnight said their adieus. The
sorrows of parting were alleviated
only by the joys of returning to
home and loved ones, enriched by
the experiences and strengthened
by the blessings that had attended
the sisters throughout the tour.
These sisters of different nationali-
ties, but with the same ideals, stand-
ards, beliefs, and eternal goals, had
formed deep and abiding friend-
Cunard Line Photograph
Aboard the "Queen Mary" on their way to
England for the Singing Mothers Tour
ships. In the heart of each was
sincere gratitude to the Lord for the
opportunity that had come to her
to be a part of this unique mission-
ary endeavor. In the heart of each
was a deepened appreciation for the
gospel of Jesus Christ as restored
through the Prophet Joseph Smith,
and an increased determination to
further the work of the Church.
There was a firm resolve in the heart
of each sister to rear her children
in the love of the truth. There was
an awakened desire to further de-
velop her talents and to use them
in building strong and ever-growing
Relief Societies. There was a great-
er understanding of the true mean-
ing of sisterhood.
To attempt at this time to meas-
ure the values that will accrue from
this international Singing Mothers
activity, entered into by invitation
of the First Presidency, would be
fruitless. Many values alreadv shine
out with crystal clearness. Others
remain yet to be identified. The full
measure of the value of the under-
taking must be determined by time
and eternity. That the Lord looked
with favor upon the undertaking is
attested by the abundance of the
blessings which he showered upon
the sisters as they traveled from
place to place on their mission of
love and song.
The General Presidency expresses
deep felt appreciation to the First
Presidency for the glorious oppor-
tunity afforded Relief Society Sing-
ing Mothers, and prays that Relief
Society sisters may ever be found
worthy of the trusts placed in them
by the Church.
owers on
a (jiill
Eva \ViJ]es Wangsgaard
May upon the hillside
Wakes ten thousand suns
Looking up the airways
Where true sunlight runs.
Not a cool wing shadow,
Not a tree limb's shade
Interrupts this glowing
Light and petal made.
Where but gleaming sunlight
Fills the dazzled eye
Gold has need of purple.
Low the shadows lie.
Underneath each flower,
Dark behind each leaf.
Sun-shape, leaf-shape, stencil
Time's pre-written brief.
Contest Announcements — 1961
THE Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest and the Relief Society Short Story
Contest are conducted annually by the General Board of Relief So-
ciety to stimulate creative writing among Latter-day Saint women
and to encourage high standards of work. Latter-day Saint women who
qualify under the rules of the respective contests are invited to enter their
work in either or both contests.
The General Board would be pleased to receive entries from the out-
lying stakes and missions of the Church as well as from those in and near
Utah. Since the two contests are entirely separate, requiring different writ-
ing skills, the winning of an award in one of them in no way precludes
winning in the other.
ibliza LK. Snow LPoern (contest
'T^HE Eliza R. Snow Poem Contest
opens with this announcement
and closes August 15, 1961. Prizes
will be awarded as follows :
First prize $40
Second prize $30
Third prize $20
Prize poems will be published in
the January 1962 issue of The Re-
lief Society Magazine (the birth-
month of Eliza R. Snow).
Prize-winning poems become the
property of the Relief Society Gen-
eral Board, and may not be pub-
lished by others except upon writ-
ten permission from the General
Board. The General Board reserves
the right to publish any of the other
poems submitted, paying for them
at the time of publication at the
regular Magazine rates.
Rules for the contest:
1. This contest is open to all Latter-day
Saint women, exclusive of members of the
Relief Society General Board and em-
ployees of the Relief Society General
2. Only one poem may be submitted by
each contestant.
3. The poem must not exceed fifty
lines and should be typewritten, if pos-
sible; where this cannot be done, it
should be legibly written. Only one side
of the paper is to be used. (A duplicate
copy of the poem should be retained by
contestants to insure against loss.)
4. The sheet on which the poem is
written is to be without signature or other
identifying marks.
5. No explanatory material or picture
is to accompany a poem.
6. Each poem is to be accompanied by
a stamped envelope on which is written
the contestant's name and address. Nom
de plumes are not to be used.
7. A signed statement is to accompany
the poem submitted, ceitifying:
a. That the author is a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
b. That the poem (state title) is the
contestant's original work.
c. That it has never been published.
d. That it is not in the hands of an
editor or other person with a view
to publication.
Page 293
e. That it will not be published nor
submitted elsewhere for publication
until the contest is decided.
8. A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must wait
two years before she is again eligible to
enter the contest,
9. The judges shall consist of one mem-
ber of the General Board, one person from
the English department of an educational
institution, and one person who is a
recognized writer. In case of complete dis-
agreement among judges, all poems select-
ed for a place by the various judges will be
submitted to a specially selected commit-
tee for final decision.
In evaluating the poems, consideration
will be given to the following points:
a. Message or theme
b. Form and pattern
c. Rhythm and meter
d. Accomplishment of the pur-
pose of the poem
e. Climax
10. Entries must be postmarked not
later than August 15, 1961.
11. All entries are to be addressed to
Relief Society Ehza R. Snow Poem Con-
test, 76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11,
uielief Societii Short Storyi L^ontest
Short Story
opens with
'yHE Rehef Society
Contest for 1961
this announcement and closes Aug
ust 15, 1961.
The prizes this year will be as
follows :
First prize $75
Second prize $60
Third prize $50
The three prize-winning stories
will be published consecutively in
the first three issues of The Relief
Society Magazine for 1962. Prize-
winning stories become the property
of the Relief Society General Board
and may not be published by others
except upon written permission
from the General Board. The Gen-
eral Board reserves the right to pub-
lish any of the other stories entered
in the contest, paying for them at
the time of publication at the regu-
lar Magazine rates.
Rules for the contest:
1. This contest is open to Latter-day
Saint women — exclusive of members of
the Relief Society General Board and em-
ployees of the General Board — who have
had at least one literary composition pub-
lished or accepted for publication.
2. Only one story may be submitted by
each contestant.
3. The story must not exceed 3,000
words in length and must be typewritten.
The number of the words must appear
on the first page of the manuscript. (All
words should be counted, including one
and two-letter words.) A duplicate copy
of the story should be retained by con-
testants to insure against loss.
4. The contestant's name is not to ap-
pear anywhere on the manuscript, but a
stamped envelope on which is written
the contestant's name and address is to be
enclosed with the story. Nom de plumes
are not to be used.
5. A signed statement is to accompany
the stoiy submitted certifying:
a. That the author is a member of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
b. That the author has had at least one
literary composition published or ac-
cepted for publication. (This state-
ment must give name and date of
pubhcation in which the contest-
ant's work has appeared or, if not
yet published, evidence of accept-
ance for publication.)
c. That the story submitted (state the
title and number of words) is the
contestant's original work.
d. That it has never been pubHshed,
that it is not in the hands of an
editor or other person with a view
to pubhcation, and that it will not
be published nor submitted else
where for publication until the con-
test is decided.
6. No explanatory material or picture is
to accompany the story,
7. A writer who has received the first
prize for two consecutive years must wait
for two years before she is again eligible
to enter the contest.
8. The judges shall consist of one mem-
ber of the General Board, one person from
the English department of an educational
institution, and one person who is a rec-
ognized writer. In case of complete dis-
agreements among the judges, all stories
selected for a place by the various judges
will be submitted to a specially selected
committee for final decision.
In evaluating the stories, consideration
will be given to the following points :
a. Characters and their presentation
b. Plot development
c. Message of the story
d. Writing style
9. Entries must be postmarked not later
than August 15, 1961.
10. All entries are to be addressed to
Relief Society Short Story Contest,
76 North Main, Salt Lake City 11, Utah.
Set ijour Jxifidred cjree
Chia Lewis Jennings
Must I, behind locked doors, forever wait.
While you, who are on earth, procrastinate
Work which would set me free?
Must I cry out, unheard, forevermore.
And wait, in vain, behind this bleak, barred door
Because you would not see?
Must I, who once held loved ones tenderly.
Stretch out my arms through all eternity
While others move ahead?
Must I not know the joy of being sealed,
By this great power God has now revealed,
Because you failed your dead?
When I dwelt on the earth as mortal man.
The Lord had not revealed his gospel plan,
Which I accept as true!
I would have done my own work had I known.
And would not now be waiting here alone,
Depending so on you!
Please hear my voice before it is too late.
For you, and yours, will one day share my fate.
If you heed not my plea.
For God has spoken in this latter day,
Commanding you to open up the way,
To set your kindred free.
For in your day, the Lord has plainly said
That no man can be saved without his dead.
And so, I call once more;
As I must look to my posterity,
So must they also have the need of me.
llien KjLre VUhat cJheir ifiothers 1 1 Lake cJhem
Mabel Law Atkinson
IT was Saturday morning. Mrs.
Ormon sat on her porch in the
warmth of the May sunshine
watching her husband plant their
vegetable garden. Suddenly a great
longing to see the boy who had
helped him the year before came
over her. But she knew that could
not be, for he was finishing his first
year at a college some distance away
and would not be home till the first
week in June. Even Mother's Day
could not stretch their budget for
an extra trip home.
She was roused from her thoughts
by the mailman whistling the strains
of "Mother McCree."
"That is worth paying for, your
whistling, I mean," she called to
him as he was putting her mail in
their box by the side of the road.
"For that compliment, I'll bring
your letter and give it to you my-
self. Sure and its from that big
handsome son of yours away at col-
lege. It's mighty proud of him you
should be."
"Thank you, Mr. McDougal, I am
proud, but a little lonely, too, this
"The letter will cheer you up.
I'll be going along so you can read
With a smile Mrs. Ormon opened
her letter and began reading:
Dear Mother: Wish I could be
talking to you instead of writing, but
that cannot be, but someday. Moth-
er, I'll be so successful — I hope —
that I can come home everv Moth-
er's Day. But this time this letter
and the small remembrance I am
sending must suffice.
Page 296
Now, Mother, don't say, "You
shouldn't have" about the gift. I
couldn't think of getting a corsage
for Barbara to wear last night and
not remember my favorite girl on
her special day.
"And who is Barbara?" I hear you
ask. You would like her, Mother.
She invited me to go with her to a
party given by one of her sorority
friends. She's beautiful, easy to talk
with, and a good dancer. It was a
formal affair, and Barbara looked
like a million in her dress, but it
was modest. Mother, which is more
than I can say for some of the cre-
ations the girls wore.
You should have seen me in a
Tuxedo, the first I've worn. No,
dear little Mother, I didn't have to
rent one so I'm not low on cash as
a result. My roommate had one
and he was generous enough to let
me wear it. It fit perfectly. Strange
how the wearing of a tuxedo made
me feel important and dignified and
sophisticated. If I do say so,
Barbara and I made a handsome
I enjoyed the dancing, every mo-
ment of it, but when we were seated
for a midnight banquet and pretty
little waitresses began filling the
small crystal goblets with wine or
champagne — I'm not familiar with
such drinks, as you know, so can't
say for sure — I knew a few mo-
ments of panic. It was as if hot
fingers were clutching at my throat.
I knew what I should do. Mother,
for the Word of Wisdom has always
been lived in our home. But could
I be diReient and face the conse-
quences. Would it really matter
to do as the rest just this once and
be recognized as one of the crowd
and belonging? I looked at Barbara
and read a challenge in her eyes.
The smiling waitress was but a few
plates away. Indecision seemed
choking me.
CUDDENLY I was a boy again:
It was the morning of my
twelfth birthday, a bright, sunny
morning, the day I arrived at the
important age when I could be or-
dained a deacon and begin scouting.
The scout oath passed through my
mind and I remembered you had
given me the scout handbook to
study a few months before so I
would be all ready to be a real
scout when I was twelve. Again I
saw my birthday cake with its roses
and candles and ''Happy Birthday,
Richard!" Once more my eyes rest-
ed on your gift, a book, A Young
Folks Histoiy of The Church, in
which you had written, 'Tou will
receive the Priesthood today. Mag-
nify it." Again I was holding a
sealed letter I found in the book.
On the outside of the envelope you
had written, 'To be opened on your
twenty-first birthday, and telling the
kind of man I think you will be
It was as though a clean canyon
breeze blew across my soul. My
mind cleared. I turned to the little
waitress about to fill my glass,
smiled, and said, ''No, thank you."
Then I turned to meet the scoffing
rebuke I expected to see in Bar-
bara's eyes. Instead, I saw them
light with the gladness of relief, and
smiling, she, too, said to the wait-
ress, "No, thank you." To my
astonishment, several others at the
table refused, and some of the filled
goblets were never raised to the lips
of those who had lacked the courage
to say no.
When I said goodnight to
Barbara at her door, her eyes were
shining as she said, "Thanks, Rich-
ard. I'm so grateful to you and
proud of you. I have never tasted
liquor of any kind, and now I am
sure I shall be able to keep my
record clean. I had decided to do
whatever you did."
Thanks, Mother, for all you have
taught me, and thank Dad for me.
Had it not been for your teachings
in many different ways, I would not
have been able to say no. And,
Mother, I still have two more years
before I can open your letter. I
shall try to live so I can read it
unashamed and with no regrets.
Good night. Mother, and all my
love. Your son, Richard
'T'EARS were running gently down
Mrs. Ormon's face as she fin-
ished the letter. Thankfulness welled
up in her heart. She knew the sweet-
ness of humility as she breathed a
prayer of gratitude.
"Why the tears, my dear?" It
was her husband who spoke. "Not
tears of sorrow, I am sure, for there
is a radiance in your eyes. You
are beautiful. Mother, 'smiling
through!' Here, let me dry your
eyes." He did so, then kissed her
tenderly. "Now tell me all about
For answer she handed him her
letter. When he finished reading
and turned to her there were tears
in his eyes, also, and he said softly,
"Emerson was right: 'Men are what
their mothers make them.' "
She looked in her husband's eyes
for a long moment. There was ten-
derness in her voice and love and
gratitude as she answered gently, *'I
believe you are right, my dear." She
paused briefly then continued,
*'What a wonderful mother you
must have had."
The sacred moment was broken
by the click of the gate. The boy
from the florist's handed her a long
slender box, received her 'Thank
you" and went on his way.
With eager, trembling fingers she
removed the wrappings, opened the
box, and saw one long-stemmed
perfect white rose. On the card was
written: ''The white rose of purity.
Love, Richard."
cJhe ibvening Star
Cleo Jones Johnson
T termed it a bad day. Nothing went right. A late start to begin with,
trouble with the old washer, telephone interruptions one after another,
a child's broken arm, help needed on his paper route, supper unprepared,
and, in addition, the anxiety of a left-too-late assignment for the meeting
that night!
At the approach of evening as I stood shivering with aching cold while
my fingers pried at the frozen garments on the clothesline, and my spirit
was downtrodden by the pressures of the day, my glances caught the sparkle
of the evening star. Its brightness all of a sudden hung there, although
the sun was not quite hidden beyond the distant mountains. I stood
transfixed by its beauty and the wonder of its purpose. A pale silver moon
floated nearby. The strain and worry of the day, even the cold, were, for
the moment, forgotten.
My eyes followed the slope of sky to the western horizon where sheets
of crimson and orange flamed, edged by soft gold, by blue and purple,
announcing the departure of the great ruler light of the day. The colors
brought beauty to the cold, bare branches of a tree that grew as if to frame
for me a great painting.
Then, as if the magic of this moment might seem incomplete, there
appeared from out of nowhere a thin white line traveling slowly between
the two — the glory of the sun and the sparkle of the night. It was the
vapor trail of a manmade jet, another wonder of creation, leaving in its
wake a series of puffs like a dot and dash message, as if to remind me
that every da5r has its brightness; trials and troubles should bring out the
best of what is in us; God is good; and life is the best of what we make it.
I thanked God for that evening star.
Lovingly Remembered
Frances C. Yost
CAROL Vickers could hardly three years. He had hired a house-
wait for Stan to come home keeper for the first year or two, then
from work. She knew it was he had put Sherrie in a day nursery,
childish of her, but it was Valen- She was a dear, loving, unspoiled
tine's Day and she knew he would child. Stan could be proud of her
bring something special for her. and Carol was proud of her. As
Stan was one man in a dozen, oh, much as if she were her very own.
maybe one in a hundred, or even Well, she was her own, for Sherrie
a million! Because Stan didn't for- had called her ''Mommie" since the
get important days, he had a way of day she had come to this house, as
making every day important. Stan Vickers' wife, two years ago.
Only this morning Stan had ''I love you, Mommie." Sherrie
slipped a package on her chair at looked up at Carol with affection,
the breakfast table. She had seen ''I love you, too, darling." Carol
him doing it while she was serving curled a tendril of her blonde hair
the ham and eggs. It was a huge, around her finger into a ringlet,
heart-shaped box of chocolates. That 'Tell me again, Mommie, how
alone would have been more than you and Daddy met."
enough for a Valentine's present. ''Honey, you've heard it a dozen
But Stan always did things in a big times."
way, in an appreciative way. It was "But it's my favorite story. Please
this being remembered that counted, tell it again."
Yes, Carol knew that when Stan "Well, I was a new girl in town,
walked up the driveway, he would and my girl friend with whom I
be carrying something . . . some- shared an apartment while I was
thing very special for her. The working as a secretary, asked me to
warmth of expectancy, mingled with go to a special interest party with
love, filled her heart. Stan was a her. I went, and who do you think
dream man, if there ever was one. was at the party?" Carol smiled her
Sherrie, aged five, rushed into the loveliest at little Sherrie and winked
room and said, "Mommie, let's look a little as she waited for her answer,
out the window together and watch "My Daddy."
for Daddy." "You are so right."
Carol took Sherrie by the hand, ''And then what happened?"
and together they walked to the win- Sherrie giggled,
dow and sat down on the window "Well, it's a long story. There
seat. She loved this dear little girl were introductions, and dances, and
as if she were her own flesh and punch and cookies and getting ac-
blood. Sherrie's mother, Stan's first quainted talk. Then followed
wife, Marie, had died when Sherrie church on Sundays, and dates to the
was born. Stan had done an excel- movies and the concerts and more
lent job of rearing Sherrie those first dances. Then one day a picnic with
Page 299
you. And at the picnic your Daddy
said: 'Carol, will you marry me, and
be little Sherrie's Mommie. We
both love you/ And so I did, and
here I am." Carol laughed.
*Tou are a good Mommie." Sher-
rie hugged her with both little
arms. Then, as if remembering they
were sitting at the window, Sherrie
looked out and shouted: ''Here's
Daddy!" She ran to swing the door
open for him.
/^AROL followed her to the door
to greet Stan. This welcoming
home was a lovely part of each day
for all three of them.
After kissing tiny Sherrie and
Carol, Stan handed her a green
package from the florist. ''A little
Valentine gift, special for my darling
"Stan, the box of chocolates was
enough, really it was."
"Not nearly enough."
Carol turned back the oiled
papers, and there they lay a dozen
lovely red roses. "Oh, Stan, they're
lovely, just perfectly lovely." Carol
held them close to her heart, and
inhaled their fragrance. "Roses are
my favorite flower."
Together, they placed the roses in
a tall vase and put it on a table in
the living room to enjoy, then sat
down to visit.
"Daddy, you were a little late
coming home. Mommie and I
waited and waited. Where were
you so long?" Sherrie asked, climb-
ing on his knees.
"Sherrie, dear. Daddy stopped by
to put a dozen roses on Mother's
Carol felt something freeze inside
her. Abruptly the sunshine of the
day disappeared. She leaned back
against the sofa pillows. She must
control herself. Of course it was
good that Sherrie knew about her
real mother. She and Sherrie talked
about it freely between themselves,
but now she was dead, did she have
to come in on flowers equal with
Carol's on every important occasion?
Well, she had so far, that was for
sure. Would she forever? Carol
analyzed her feelings. It was as if
she were sparring with a ghost, for
Stan's love. The love he had for
Marie should be dead. Dead as she
was dead.
Carol fought for control of her
emotions. Stan held Sherrie, and
together they laughed gayly. "I'll
go put the supper on the table,"
Carol said. As she busied herself
in the kitchen, Carol congratulated
herself on being a good actor.
Neither Stan nor little Sherrie had
even noticed that her heart was
breaking. She whispered a tiny in-
ward prayer: "Dear Father, I have
a perfect husband. Help me to be
big enough to live with his mem-
CHERRIE tore off the February,
March, and April calendars.
Then suddenly it was May. Lady
Spring was reigning in all her glory.
Warm golden sunlight poured over
their valley like butter and honey.
But the Vickers house on Walnut
Street was rather quiet. Stan Vick-
ers was out of town on business, and
wouldn't be back until the latter
part of the month.
It had been their plan that Carol
and Sherrie accompany him on the
trip, but the day before they were
to leave Sherrie became ill. Stan
suggested they get Mrs. Kelly, who
had tended Sherrie while a baby, but
Carol said it was her place to be
with her, and she wouldn't feel right
leaving her behind.
Stan sighed with relief. ''Well,
I must admit Fll feel a lot better
knowing you are with Sherrie." He
kissed her goodby and took his leave.
With patient care, Sherrie soon
was well again, and her dear, sweet
self. Then it was Sunday morning
May fourteen, and the doorbell rang.
Carol hurried to answer it. ''Oh,"
she exclaimed, as a special delivery
boy handed her a big box.
"It was just flown in on the plane,
Mam. It looks as if it could be
"Oh." Carol said it the way you
do when something has been per-
fect and wonderful. "Thank you,
thank you very much."
Carol closed the door. "What is
it, Mommie?" Sherrie was bubbling
with excitement.
"It's a dear little arrangement of
pink roses, and a card which reads:
'The mother who is reading this
loving note today is just about the
sweetest and best in every way. She's
very dear and thoughtful, so under-
standing, too, and to her happy
family she's a blessing all year
through.' "
"Why, Mommie, you're crying.
Daddy wouldn't want you to cry.
He sends flowers to make you
happy, not to make you cry."
"It's just that I miss our Daddy,
Sherrie. Hurry, darling, and put
your Sunday dress on. We have an
errand to do before Sunday School."
CHERRIE marked the days off on
the May calendar. Then suddenly
the day she had waited for arrived.
Daddy was coming home! She and
Carol dressed sort of special and
Carol backed the car out of the
garage, and together they drove to
the station.
Seeing a train pull in at the station
had always been a thrill to Carol.
She remembered when she was a
little girl, and the big black coal-
fueled engines puffed and puffed.
She had felt especially sad one day
because the nice engineer invited
her to go home with him on the big
train, and her mother wouldn't let
her go.
Today, when the big diesel train
made its way to the station, and
stopped, her heart was simply
throbbing with excitement. And
then there he was stepping off the
train, and looking both ways ex-
"Here we are, Daddy!" Sherrie
called and waved her hanky.
Stan was tall and handsome. His
brown tweed jacket and flannel
slacks hung neatly. He has such
good shoulders, Carol thought. He
took off his hat when he saw
them, and his thick brown hair was
touched softly with gray at the
temples. He was hers, and she
loved him very, very much. She took
Sherrie's hand and they ran to meet
It was while they were riding
home that Sherrie started relating
the events of interest that had tran-
spired in his absence. She ended by
saying: "And, Daddy, Mommie put
pink roses on Mother's grave on
Mother's Day."
The look of tenderness Stan gave
Carol was priceless. She knew that
should she die, she would always
be lovingly remembered.
Sixtyi Ljears J^go
Excerpts From the Woman's Exponent, May i, and May 15, 1901
"For the Rights of the Women of Zion and the Rights of the Women
OF All Nations"
THE WOMAN'S EXPONENT: The agents of the Exponent and those inter-
ested in the work of the women of the Church, and in higher education and elevation
of women along all the many lines that tend to the uplifting of the human race,
should feel it a privilege to help maintain a paper that has done and is doing what
the Exponent has for the benefit of womankind. ... it has entered into every work and
enterprise undertaken by women, not only here at home, the centre of women's
organizations of the Church, but it has reached out all over the civilized world, and
sought to bring before its readers the best work being done by women the world
over. . . .
— Editorial
RELIEF SOCIETY IN MARICOPA STAKE: The Relief Society quarterly
conference was held in the Stake Tabernacle . . . President Mabel A. Hakes presiding.
All the stake officers were present, except our treasurer who has had the misfortune
to fall and break her arm. Five out of six wards were well represented with both
officers and members. A good spirit prevailed, all seemed ready and willing to lend a
helping hand with their means to help the poor and needy, also to assist those placed
over them in rolling on this great work. Though last year was very d